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1、 .wd.期末质量调研初三英语练习卷 总分值:150 分, 考试时间: 150分钟考生注意: 本卷有7大题。 共94 小题。 试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary(第二局部 语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer( 选择最恰当的答案) : (共20分)26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?A. method B. enemy C. mem

2、ory D. recent27. The main purpose of international laws of war is to protect _ innocent.A. a B. an C . the D. /28. Sues still very angry _ me for forgetting her birthday.A. for B. to C. with D. by 29. The worlds smallest lizard has been discovered _ a small Caribbean island.A. on B. in C. for D. at

3、30. At night, its _ on the farm than it is in the city.A. dark B. darker C. darkest D. the darkest31. Did Professor Li give you some _ about the exam?A. skill B. point C. opinion D. advice32. You _ tired. You should get some rest.A. hear B. sound C. listen D. listen to 33. Volunteers help with resea

4、rch and animal rescue, and they teach _ about sea life.A. other B. others C. the other D. another 34. -_ the Shanghai World Financial Center? -It is 492 meters.A. How long B. How far C. What size D. How tall 35. If I _ too much coffee, I have to run to the bathroom all day long.A. drink B. am drinki

5、ng C. drank D. will drink36. Dont forget the user name and password _you wont be able to sign in.A. or B. but C. and D. so 37. The suspects friend denies _him destroy evidence.A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help 38. The government made a promise _ medical care and social security strong.A. keep

6、B. to keep C. keeping D. to keeping 39. Big TVs arent popular today _ most people watch shows on their phones.A. even if B. so that C. because D. as long a s40. A woman who fell 10 meters from High Peak _ to safety by a helicopter.A. lifted B. is lifted C. was lifting D. was lifted 41. We shouldnt p

7、ut metal in the microwave. It _ start a fire.A. can B. should C. must D. need42. By the time I found the website, they _ all the tickets.A. are selling B. have sold C. had sold D. will sell 43. This method is rarely used in modern laboratories,_?A. is it B. isnt it C. did it D. didnt it 44. Im sorry

8、 I was at a meeting all morning. I just didnt have time to write the report. - _ But I need it this week.A. How terrible B. Thats OKC. Im not sure D. Im sorry to hear that 45. I think its a good idea to volunteer somewhere before college. -_. Its a great experience.A. Not at present B. Are you kiddi

9、ng?C. I dont think so D. I suppose youre rightIII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.(将以下单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或者词组只能填一次)A. disappointed B. turned out C. confident D. available E. articles As a child, I used to dream about li

10、fe in the 21st century. I often read science fiction stories _46_on popular science. I loved watching everything on television that had anything to do with future. But the reality of life in the 21st century _47_ to be quite different from my imagination. People still dont live on other planets, spa

11、ce travel is not _48_ to everyone, and you still have to go to school where you are taught by human teachers, not computers or robots. Im not _49_, thought. Some things are better in real life than in my dreams.A. tiny B. provide C. ordinary D. packs E. connect In the science fiction stories I read,

12、 _50_ people didnt have computers. Computers were always enormous machines that needed experts to work with them .Often, only the government had access to them. In one story by Issac Asimov, the computer, Multivac is so huge and complicated that they have to _51_ it with a special building. In reali

13、ty , however, many people now own computers in their homes. And Im not just talking about their PCs or Macs, but _52_ specialized computers, microprocessors, in their washing machines or in their cars, for example. And these machines are getting smaller and smaller as the years go by. I am convinced

14、 that an up-to-date laptop computer these days _53._ more computing power than Asimovs Multivac. And you most certainly dont have to build a house to find some space for it.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成以下句子,每空格限填一词):共8分54. My name is Katherine

15、 but my friends all call _ Kitty.(I)55. There have been 16_ of damage to cars in the area so far.(case)56. There are many animals with dangerous bites in the world, but which one is the _?(bad)57. I was very _ when I saw huge spider on my bed.(frighten)58. Although there may have been other factors

16、, the dinosaurs died _ of disease.(main)59. Were supposed to do all this work by tomorrow, but its _.(possible )60. The total _ of the completed subway line 17 is 2016 kilometers.(long )61. The detective studied the scene and tried to _ every detail to look back on later.( memory)V. Rewrite the foll

17、owing sentences as required (根据所给要求, 改写以下句子。 62-67 题, 每空格限填一词。 68 题注意句首大写):共14分62. You need a mouse for your laptop.(改为否认句) You _ _ a mouse for your laptop.63. Eric goes to the movie three times a week.(对划线局部提问) _ _ does Eric go to the movies?64. The weather affected our plans.( 保持句意 根本不变) The weath

18、er had an _ _ our plans.65. Mrs Church said to me, “ I m surprised that you progressed so rapidly.(保持句意 根本不变) Mrs. Church didnt _me _ progress so rapidly.66. The first mobile phone was the size of a shoe box.(保持句意 根本不变) The first mobile phone was _ _ as a shoe box.67. Last year the company put three

19、 recycling bins in our school cafeteria.(改为被动语态) Last year three recycling bins _ _ in our school cafeteria by the company.68. me, briefly explain, to , the touch pad, how, let, use(连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三局部 读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):共50 分 A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当

20、的答案:共12分 Youve probably never seen a movie quite like this one. Loving Vincent is the first animated film in the world to be made entirely with paintings. Every scene was creating using oil paint on canvas(画布). Twelve paintings were needed just to show one second of the film . It took more than 100

21、artists seven years to complete it. The movie has gotten good reviews since it came out on the Chinese mainland on Dec. 8. Its box office (票房) earnings have reached over $20 million(132.43 million yuan) worldwide, according to Variety. The film tells the story of the final moths of famous Dutch arti

22、st Vincent van Goph(1853-1890). The story is told through his paintings and the characters in them. It shows his death as being part of a murder mystery, as Hollywood Reporter said. A young man named Armand Roulin servers as both detective and storyteller. A year after the death of Vincent van Gogh,

23、 Armand is instructed by his father , Postman Joseph Roulin, to personally deliver a letter to Vincents brother, Theo. Armed isnt fond of Van Gogh, but to please his father he agrees to give the letter, traveling across Europe to the town where Vincent spent his final moths. When he finds that Theo

24、has died of a disease shortly after his brother, he visits several important people in Van Goghs life to find out the truth behind his death. He talks with Van Goghs friend, a doctor, and the owner of the hotel he lived in. But each person tells a different story. There are many examples of the exam

25、ples of the artists work in the movie. It shows over 120 of his paintings, such as The Night Caf, Wheatfield With Crows, and The Starry Night. Its no wonder Empire Magazine called it “ one of the most beautiful films of 2017. The real-life letters that Van Gogh wrote to his brother are shown as well

26、. The movie lets you see the real Vincent van Gogh in a different way.69. Loving Vincent is _.A. the worlds first animated film B. a 3D movie full of adventure.C. a fully oil-painted feature film D. a move introducing Vincents paintings70. _ frames were painted for the 90-minute movie.A. 12 B. 120 C

27、. About 20,000 D. About 65,00071. The story is told from _ point of view.A. Vincents B. Armands C. Theos D. Josephs72. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the events?a. Armed was asked to send a letter to Therob. Vincent van Gogh died in a small townc. Theo died of a diseased. Arman

28、d interviewed several important peoplee. Armand travelled across EuropeA. b-e-a-c-d B. e-c-b-d-aC.e-a-d-b-c D.b-c-a-e-d73. What is not mentioned about the movie?A. Director B. Plot C. Release date D. Box office74. Which of the following might be the review of the film?A. The film explores what it is

29、 to follow your dreams, respect your family and that seeing is not always believingB. Should I go out to a movie tonight, or visit the art museum? The film is the closest you can get to doing both .C. Im rather surprised at the number of people saying its too violent or scary. Even if some scenes ar

30、e a bit scary, the humour of it gives it a balance.D. It is funny , well acted. well animated and stays true to the original comic strip . This is a great kids movie that I am sure adults who watched this as a kid will love it too.B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passageHow many t

31、imes have you seen someone on TV or in a crowd and had that nagging feeling that youve seen them somewhere before but can quite place them? This seems to be quite a(n) _75_ experience and it raises questions about exactly how we recognize faces. Whats going on in our brains when we see a face?Scient

32、ists have recently carried out tests on volunteers to find out which areas in the brain are involved in face recognition. The tests must have been a lot of fun to take part in! The volunteers were _76_ a photograph of a famous person on a computer and then the face gradually changed into another fam

33、ous persons. For example a picture of the 1950s film star Marilyn Monroe _77_ changed into a picture of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher! Obviously, Marilyns beautiful curly blonde hair became greyer, her nose became sharper and longer, and her face developed wrinkles and lines around th

34、e mouth. As they watched the person change, complicated equipment scanned the volunteers brains to see which parts of the brain were lighting up.The _78_ showed that we use three main areas of the brain to identify peoples faces. While one section of the brain looks at the physical features such as

35、size and shape of eyes, another part identifies the face as known or unknown. _79_, a third part of the brain is checking out the name or other information about the face in our memory. It sounds _80_ but it seems that human beings can store as many as 10,000 faces in their memories and most of us c

36、an recognize about ninety per cent of our classmates up to thirty five years after we last saw them!75.A. badB. commonC. unusualD. exciting76.A. shownB. takenC. printedD. exchanged77.A. immediatelyB. finallyC. slowlyD. suddenly78.A. surveyB. situationC. changesD. results79.A. Whats moreB. For the ti

37、me beingC. As a resultD. At the same time80.A. sillyB. amazingC. seriousD. familiarC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsAvoid being a crime victimVisiting a new city can be exciting, but every big city has crime. Nevertheless, that shouldnt stop you from having a great time. H

38、ere are some tips so that you dont become a victim. Lets start with the obvious. Day or night, dont hang out in areas that dont seem safe. And remember: Its always better to be with other people than to be a _81_. We all want to look our best, but its not a good idea to wear an e_82_ watch or valuab

39、le jewelry in public. Carry those in a pocket or bag where no one can see them. Dont act like youre from out of town. Walk like you live there! Pay attention to your “personal space, and know what the people a_83_ you are doing. Headphones are cool, but lets face it, you cant pay attention to others

40、 while youre listening to music. Always bring your phone with you, but dont make it easy for the bad guys to s_84_ it from you. Wait to call or text u_85_ youre inside a restaurant or some other safe place. Before you take any photos, be aware of whos nearby. Be e_86_ careful if you use an ATM or ca

41、sh machine at a bank or when youre buying souvenirs or tickets. Dont let other people see your money.There are millions of people who visit cities all over the world every day. S_87_ somewhere will probably become the victim of a crime. But it doesnt have to be you!D. Answer the questions根据短文内容答复以下问

42、题 Jack arrived at the SOCScottish Outdoor Challengecentre and went to the hall where Mr Riley, the leader of the SOCC Centre, was speaking.“This is a two-day course about being a leader,Mr Riley said.“There are two challenges挑战. Try to finish them but remember the rules. One: work as a team. Two: do

43、nt do anything dangerous. And three: use your intelligence.For the first challenge, Mr Riley took groups to a forest, about three miles from the SOC Centre.“Its half past three. Ive given you a map and a compass. You must find your way back to the SOC centre. The first team back is the winner. Good

44、luck!Jack was in a team with Lisa, Edward and Kim.“Hi,Jack said.“We havent met before but Im usually the leader at school. Shall I be the leader of our group?“Why dont we just work as a team?Lisa asked.“Its better if Im the leader,Jack said. He kept the map and the compass.Half an hour later, Jack a

45、nd his team were lost.“Why dont I read the map?Lisa said.“Good idea,Edward said.“Ive hurt my ankle so lets get back.“Ive got a getter idea,Jack replied.“Theres a house over there. Im going to ask for a ride.“Are you crazy?Lisa said.“Its against the rules.“Which rules?Jack asked.“Edward has hurt his ankle and Mr Riley saidUse your intelligence. Come on, lets go. Twenty minutes later, Jack, Lisa, Kim and Edward arrived back at the centre in a car. They walked into the centre where Mr Riley was working on his computer.“Congratulations!sai


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