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3、利用系统的日常考勤功能实施矿工考勤管理。一、RFID技术简介 射频识别是一种非接触式自动识别技术进行排序.可以自动识别的无线电频率信号的目标.迅速跟踪货物和交换数据。身份查验工作无须人工操作.并能在各种严峻的环境下工作。RFID技术可识别高速对象和多个标签同时识别.操作简单快捷。RFID技术是产生于第二次世界大战.它是在继承传统的编码技术.其主要的核心部分是电子标签.识别系统可以读取电子标签存储通过无线电波的资料排放的读者从几厘米到数米的作家.并确定货物的身份.人民和电子标签代表的对象。1.1 RFID的系统组成 射频识别系统见图1通常由电子标签.读写器和计算机通讯网络组成。1.1.1电子标签

4、电子标签存储相关信息确定的对象.它通常是在确定的目标付诸表决.并通过它储存的信息可以读取和射频读写器写入通过非接触模式。1.1.2读写器 读写器是一个可以用来读取和写入射频技术的电子标签信息的设备。标签上的信息的读写器读取都可以处理.由计算机网络系统传输。1.1.3计算机通信网络 在RFID系统.计算机通信网络一般是用来管理数据和完整的通信传输功能。该读写器可以通过连接标准接口的计算机通信网络.实现通讯和数据传输。1.2 RFID的工作原理系统 RFID技术是一种非接触式信息传递的通过空间耦合交变磁场或电磁场射频信号实现方式排序.并通过传输的信息确定的目标。它的工作原理可描述如下:在一个区域读

5、写器发出的能量.形成电磁场.以及区域的大小取决于工作频率和天线尺寸.当电子标签通过此区域.系统检查了读写器和存储电磁波由读写器发出的信号能量是由标记电能需要.和标记的内部信息传递给读者.作家的对无线电波的形式.读者.作家接受了电子标签的数据.编码并实施故障检查判断数据的有效性.并传送数据.为数据处理计算机通信网络。标签进入磁场后.接收解读器发出的射频信号.凭借感应电流所获得的能量发送出存储在芯片中的产品信息Passive Tag.无源标签或被动标签.或者主动发送某一频率的信号Active Tag.有源标签或主动标签;解读器读取信息并解码后.送至中央信息系统进行有关数据处理。一套完整的RFID系

6、统, 是由阅读器与电子标签也就是所谓的应答器及应用软件系统三个部份所组成, 其工作原理是Reader发射一特定频率的无线电波能量给Transponder, 用以驱动 Transponder电路将内部的数据送出.此时 Reader便依序接收解读数据, 送给应用程序做相应的处理。以RFID卡片阅读器及电子标签之间的通讯及能量感应方式来看大致上可以分成, 感应偶合 及后向散射偶合两种, 一般低频的RFID大都采用第一种式, 而较高频大多采用第二种方式。阅读器根据使用的结构和技术不同可以是读或读/写装置.是RFID系统信息控制和处理中心。阅读器通常由耦合模块、收发模块、控制模块和接口单元组成。阅读器和

7、应答器之间一般采用半双工通信方式进行信息交换.同时阅读器通过耦合给无源应答器提供能量和时序。 在实际应用中.可进一步通过Ethernet或WLAN等实现对物体识别信息的采集、处理及远程传送等管理功能。应答器是RFID系统的信息载体.目前应答器大多是由耦合原件线圈、微带天线等和微芯片组成无源单元。1.3 RFID的技术特点1.3.1数据读取和写入 RFID读取器可以读取数据到数据库中没有接触.一旦和处理多个标签.并写入了下一阶段物流处理标签的物流处理的状态。1.3.2小型化和多样化的形式 RFID将不会受到大小或形式时.它读取数据有限.因此无须使用固定大小的文件或打印质量以适应精度。此外.电子标

8、签的RFID可以应用在不同产品体积小.所以我们可以更灵活地控制生产线产品的生产.特别是应用程序。1.3.3反污染 RFID技术具有强大的抗水.污染性质.石油或毒品。而在黑暗或污染环境.RFID还可以读取数据。1.3.4重复使用 由于RFID是电子数据.可重复写入.所以标签可以重复使用。1.3.5渗透性 如果RFID是由纸张.木材.塑料或非金属或非透明材料覆盖.它可以进行交流.除了为这些铁杆或其他金属材料。1.3.6数据存储容量大 数据容量将扩大与记忆力的开发.以及由所运货物的材料质量越大.该卷的容量的要求.标签也增加.RDID不会受到限制。1.3.7系统安全该系统由中央计算机存储的数据.工件将

9、在很大程度上提高系统的安全。数据安全 结帐方式或循环冗余校验方法将被用于确保数据的准确性在无线电频率标签储存。二、总的设计和工作原理监测系统2.1系统设计 除履行的功能需求.设计项目应充分考虑稳定性.可靠性.抗干扰能力.容错能力和异常保护.因此该系统的总设计应体现在以下几个方面。1设计可以有效地识别和监测地下人员.实现人性化.信息化和自动化。2设计可以有效地提供人员的传递和输出.出勤和监测及相关管理信息.一旦事故发生.设计可确保救援的正常实施。3该系统的设计可具有本质安全.维护和扩展。4设计可以有效地测试了有害气体的浓度.并迅速作出反应。2.2系统工作原理 地铁站设备发射的加密信息到外部的天线

10、.形成一定的信号发射区。这种RFID卡由工人将被激活时.将进入发射区.并与目标识别加密携带的信息是由发射模块发射和变电站设备将接收这些信号.抽象的目标识别代码.发送代码到地面计算机系统完成系统的功能。当有害气体的浓度达到一定值时.对变电站设备的气体传感器的信息传输到A / D转换器.转换后的信息.他们传送到监测网络.实现了测试和监测。三、该系统的组成和结构 安全监测系统包括地面部分和地下部分见图2。 该系统采用了SAP的产品挂设计.以确保为13小时后正常.在不断的恶劣环境并提供电源系统运行断电。地下部分和地上部分采用了RS - 485串行接口标准的通信与RS - 232标准的串行交互连接与传输

11、网络。数据转换接口.主要是由组成的电源板.信号转换板和安全螺栓.它是在矿井口的人选.而主要是用来确保监测点之间的地下和地面监测信息交流中心.因此系统并不需要RFID技术和A / D转换器。图3是与地面和地下的通信信号交流。3.1地下部分 地下部分是监测系统的核心部分.它包括现场总线和一组用于监测和控制人员变电站系列。现场总线是变电站网络的连接和传递信息。一些变电站是用于定位的地下工作者和设备的实时性。人事定位模式和设备是信号强度监测方法.当电子标签由一个工人站附近进行一定的定位是.通过该站获得的信号是强烈的.所以我们可以判断标签的位置.而当电子标签中的两站叠加区域.两站的信号强度会有所不同.我

12、们可以通过比较判断信号的强度.标记的位置。其他变电站主要组成由传感器.A / D转换器.微控制器和RFID模块.它们可以监视有害气体的实时性和获取信息的传输.当有害气体浓度超过安全值.在当地的工作平台和地下固定监测点同时发出警报。在地下部分变电站采用有线通信.串行接口与RS - 232串行数据接口标准.传输总线和串行接口是为将来扩展系统的功能使用。3.2地面部分 地面部分主要包括管理运作体系.它是整个安全监测系统的基础.其主要职能是完成信息获取.实时处理和检查点存储。从地下不仅包括对有害气体的浓度.但对地下的人员和设备的信息.而这些大尺寸的数据都存储在数据库中通过诸如监测和控制基地的压缩信息。

13、四、结论 在这篇文章中.我们应用在煤炭开采管理的RFID技术.并设立了一个地下的安全与完整性监测系统.实时性和灵活性.这可能发生危险时自动报警.提高了搜索和救援效率。该系统可以管理的危害气体浓度.规划安排的工人.为进出巷道工程通过访问控制.巷道支护人员和工人的数据分布.实现信息化和可视化管理的地下.并在很大程度上提高采矿生产管理水平和矿井安全生产水平。安全监测系统是基于对煤矿安全生产.以及RFID模块是主要的设备.以及有线通信网络是韧带.以及监测中心PC计算机为中心的计算机管理系统。该系统可以改善矿工的安全机制.降低管理成本.该技术将是采矿安全生产监管的新趋势。参考资料Guo, Yanli.

14、. Mine Application Example of South Africa Mining Industry. Automatic Identification Technology &Application. No. 5.Klaus Finkenzeller. . RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards andIdentification . John wiley & Sons, 2003.Liu, Lili & Yao, Meng. . Coal Mine Security In

15、telligent Control System Based on RFID. Global ElectronicsChina. No.9. P.22-25.Nadeem Raza, Viv Bradshaw, Matthew Hague, et al. . Application of Technology. The Institution of ElectricalEngineer, 1999.Qiu, Like. . The Principle of Staff Positioning System for Those Working in Underground Coalmine an

16、d ItsApplication in Xinglongzhuang Coalmine. Coal Mine Modernization. No.1. P.28-29.Simson Garfinekel, Beth Rosenberg. . RFID, Applications, Security and Privacy. Addison-wesley, 2005.Tan, Min & Liu, Yu. . RFID Technical System Engineering and Application Directory. Beijing: China MachinePress. Apri

17、l of 2007.Zhou, Xiaoguang & Wang, Xiaohua. . Technical Principle and Application Example of RFID. Beijing: Posts &Telecom Press. Dec. of 2006.附录BStudy on the Technology of the Coal Mining Safety Monitoring SystemZhi Chang, Zhangeng Sun & Junbao GuSchool of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Tian

18、jin Polytechnic UniversityTianjin 300160, ChinaAbstractNew development and application of the wireless radio frequency make the application of the RFID technology become more and more extensively, and combining the characteristics of RFID technologywith the mine, we established an underground safety

19、 monitoring system with integrality, real-time and flexibility, whichcould automatically alarm when dangers happen and enhance the search and rescue efficiency. The system couldmanage the harm-gas concentration, planning arrangement of workers, access control for the works passing in and outlaneway,

20、 distribution of laneway personnel and workers data, realize the informationization and visualization of theunderground management, and enhance the mining production management level and the work safety level of the mine.Keywords: RFID, Safety monitoring system, E-tag, Reader-writerMining accidents

21、often happened in China in recent years, and except for mine owners weak safety and legalconsciousness, the lagged safety establishments and the imperfect managements of the mining personnel andequipments were the important causes. Through analyzing several extra serious accidents in the near period

22、, followingcommon problems generally existed , the information communication between the groundpersonnel and the underground was not timely, ground personnel could not dynamically grasp the undergroundpersonnels distribution and operation situation, and could not exactly position underground personn

23、el, once themine accident happened, the efficiency of rescue was low, and the effect was worse. Therefore, it is very important andurgent to exactly and quickly carry out the coal mining safety monitoring function ,effectively manage the miners, and ensure the high-efficiency operation of the rescue

24、.The coal mining personnel and vehicle safety monitoring system proposed in the article can track, monitor and positionthe harmful gases, personnel and vehicles in the mine real time, and offer dynamic information about the mine lanewaynetwork, personal position, vehicle position, dangerous region a

25、nd corresponding clews for ground personnel. If theaccident happens, the system also can inquire about the personnel distribution, the personnel quantity, the personnelwithdrawal line to offer scientific references for the accident rescue from the monitoring computer. At the same time,the mangers ca

26、n utilize the daily attendance function in the system to implement attendance management for miners.1. Introduction of the RFID technologyRFID is a sort of non-contact automatic identification technology, and it canautomatically identify the objective by the radio frequency signals, quickly track th

27、e goods and exchange data. Theidentification work needs not human operation, and can work under various severe environments. RFID technology canidentify high-speed objects and identify multiple tags simultaneously, and the operation is quick and simple. RFIDtechnology was generated in the Second Wor

28、ld War, and it is the successor of the traditional code technology, and itsmajor core part is the E-tag, and the identification system could read the information stored in the E-tag through theradio waves emitted by the reader-writer from a few centimeters to a few meters, and identify the identity

29、of the goods,people and objects represented by the E-tag.1.1 Composing of RFID systemRFID system is generally composed by E-tag, reader-writer and computer communication network.1.1.1 E-tagE-tag stores correlative information of the identified objects, and it is usually put on the identified objects

30、, and theinformation stored by it can be read and written by the radio frequency reader-writer through the non-contact mode.1.1.2 Reader-writerThe reader-writer is the equipment which can be used to read and write the information of the E-tag by the radiofrequency technology. The tag information rea

31、d by the reader-writer can be managed and transmitted by the computernetwork system.1.1.3 Computer communication networkIn the RFID system, the computer communication network is generally used to manage the data and complete thefunction of communication transmission. The reader-writer can connect wi

32、th the computer communication network bythe standard interface to realize the communication and data transmission.1.2 Work principle of RFID systemRFID technology is a sort of non-contact information transfer mode realized by the radio frequency signals throughspace coupling , and it identifies the

33、objective through thetransferred information. Its work principle can be described as follows : reader-writeremitsenergy in one region, form the electromagnetic field, and the size of the region is decided by the work frequency andantenna size, and when the E-tag passes this region, the system checks

34、 the signal of the reader-writer and stores theelectromagnetic wave energies emitted by the reader-writer to be the electric energy needed by the tag, and the tagtransmits the interior information to the reader-writer by the form of the radio wave, and the reader-writer accepts thedata of the E-tag,

35、 encodes and implement fault check to judge the validity of the data, and transfers the data to thecomputer communication network for the data processing.1.3 Technical characteristics of RFID1.3.1 Data read and writeRFID reader can read the data to the database without contact, and process multiple

36、tags once, and write the logisticprocessing state into the tag for the logistic processing in the next stage.1.3.2 Miniaturized and diverse formRFID will not be limited by the size or form when it reads data, so it needs not to use the paper with fixed size or printquality to fit for the precision.

37、In addition, E-tag of RFID can be applied in different products by small size, so we canmore flexibly control the production of the products, especially the application on the production line.1.3.3 Anti-pollutionRFID possesses strong anti-pollution nature for water, oil or drugs. And in the dark or

38、polluted environment, RFID alsocan read data.1.3.4 Repetitive useBecause RFID is electric data which can be written repetitively, so the tag can be used repetitively.1.3.5 PenetrabilityIf RFID is covered by the paper, wood, plastics or non-metal or non-transparent materials, it can communicate throu

39、ghthese materials except for the irons or other metals.1.3.6 Big memory capacity of dataThe data capacity will be extended with the development of the memory scale, and the quality of the material carried bythe goods is larger, the requirement of the capacity for the volume label also increase, and

40、RDID will not be restrained.1.3.7 System safetyThe system stores the data from the central computer to the work piece which will largely enhance the safety of thesystem.1.3.8 Data safetyThe checkout method or the cycle redundancy checkout method will be used to ensure the data veracity stored in the

41、radio frequency tag.2. Total design and work principle of the monitoring system2.1 System designExcept for fulfilling the function requirements, the design project should fully consider the stability,reliability,anti-jamming ability, fault-tolerance ability and abnormity protection, so the total des

42、ign of the system should beembodied in following aspects. The design could effectively identify and monitor underground personnel, and realize the humanization,informationization and automatization. The design could effectively offer personnels passing in and out, attendance and monitoring and relat

43、ivemanagement information, and once the accident happens, the design could ensure the normal implementation of therescue. The design of the system could possess the natures of safety, maintenance and expansion. The design could effectively test the concentration of harmful gases and quickly react.2.

44、2 System work principleThe underground station equipment emits the encrypted information to the exterior by the antenna and forms certainsignal emission region. The RFID cards carried by the workers will be activated when they enter into the emissionregion, and the information carried with the encry

45、pted objective identification are emitted by the emission module, andthe substation equipment will receive these signals and abstract the objective identification code, and transmit the codeto the ground computer system to complete the function of the system. When the concentration of the harmful ga

46、sesachieves certain value, the gas sensor of the substation equipment transmits the information to the A/D converter, andafter the information are converted, they are transmitted to the monitoring network to realize the test and monitoring.3. Composing and structure of the systemThe safety monitorin

47、g system includes the ground part and the underground part .The products in the system adopt the sap hanging design to ensure the normally and continually running ofthe system in the severe environment and offer power supply for 13 hours after power-down.The underground part and the ground part adopt the RS-485 serial interface standard communication and the RS-232standard serial interaction to connect with the transmission network. The data conversion interface is mainly composedby


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