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1、wordA/G雅思考试出题考点词,考点替换词,同义词汇总:十分重要实用叶毅斌雅思捷径-剑桥真题中同义替换词和考点雅思阅读题目出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,笔者将从这三方面根据学生课堂笔记进展分类整理。以下是剑桥真题中的考点词,替换词,一次多义总结:1.rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 僵硬的,一成不变的2.significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial/ 巨大的,明显的,程度大的/substantial3.approximat

2、ely 将近-nearly, almost4.proportion/ percentage 比例5.be involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement n. 涉与,卷入,参与6.given/ considering , in regard to / despite/ although有鉴于考虑到,尽管6.induce v 引入,引导,引诱/ inductive n 归纳 generate 生产,制造/ degrade -grade 等级/ deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下41. 分类:category-categorize/ class-classify

3、42. consequence后果-影响/ subsequence紧跟其后/ sequence=order秩序/ frequency频率43.clash 冲突民族,种族/crash 飞机坠毁44. substitution= substitute sth for sb /replace45.alternative= 选择性,代替性,辅助性46.孤立:isolate/ alienate/insulate隔绝, 排外,孤立-be alien to/insulate (-ior) 绝缘,隔热体47缺点,不足之处:defect/ flaw/ failing/ disadvantage /drawbac

4、k48.创新的,发明的,新颖的,创新的:inventive (-tion)/ innovative (-tion)/ creative (-tion)/ ingenious (ity)/novel (-ty)=n/creative/revolutionary l 易错拼写:environment/ convenient 49neutral 中立的,中性的 /negative 否认,消极,阴性的 /positive 肯定,积极,阳性的50ambiguous-ambiguity 模棱两可的,暧昧的/obscure51.municate 沟通,传达,通报52.acmodate 1供.食宿,2=ada

5、pt to 适应,调整,3=hold 容纳,4使停靠53.mitment 1 to sth 奉献 2 责任,义务54contribute to 导致 result in /account for(占据)导致54.缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/ insufficient/ deficient/lack (of)/ short (of)55.强调:emphasize/ stress/ highlight/ focus on/ concentrate on明显的:apparently 显而易见的/patently 道貌岸然的/ obviously=evidently56.对怀疑:(be) /

6、skeptical/skeptical /dubious/ suspicious (about/of)57.缺点,缺陷:drawback/ fault/ defect/ imperfection/ failing/ weakness/ shorting/ flaw58.臭命昭著的:notorious-notoriety/ flagrant/ smelly/ odorous59.机构,组织:association/ structure /organization60.超过:exceed/ surpass 61.岩浆:molten rock/ lava/ magma 62.语言:linguist

7、学家/ lingual和有关的/ bilingual/双语63.多种多样的:diversity/ variety/ breed/ species breed:n品种,v繁殖,培养,引起,造成64.dialect 方言accent 腔调65.开始的,初步的:begin/ launch/ initial (-ly) v 首字母,开始的/ initiate开始,发动-initiative原创性= origin 66.贫穷:poor/ in poverty/ impoverished 被剥夺财产的67.杰出:eminence (-t)/ prominence (-t)/unusual68.gene/

8、genetic defect 缺陷/ anatomy解剖/ conceive构思,怀孕/ deliver分娩69.辅助性:alternative 补充性/ therapist70.演绎,推理:deduce-deductive / inferential induction 归纳71.令人困惑的:bewildering/ puzzling/ perplexing72.apply:紧靠,涂,将应用于,适用,专心致力于,献身于73.subsidize辅助/ subsidy 补助,补贴/ subsidiary74.a factor in sth/ depend on sth 75.be preferr

9、ed by/ choice 76.attitude to/ how77.the present century/ modern society78.broad/ great 79.in term of 按照,在方面,关于/with regard to, in spite of 不顾,尽管80. small-scale 小X围/ marginal 边缘处的81. physical/ medical82.negotiation/ agreement 谈判,洽谈/ 商定,协议83.evolve/ develop 84.apartment/ acmodation 公寓/ 住房85.virtual (l

10、ove)/ simulate 模拟的网恋/ 模拟86.catastrophe/ disaster 大灾难/ 灾难,不幸87.innovate/ invent 革新,创新/ 发明,创造sculpture/ craft 雕刻,雕塑/ 工艺88.exorbitant/ expensive 过度的,极高的/ 费用大的,昂贵的89. be participant in/ take part in /participate in90.labour 美,澳/work91.attend to/ take care of 92.dual employment/ dual-worker 双职工家庭93.indic

11、ate/ predict 指示,明确,象征/ 预料,预言A major contributor to/ be central to 来源,起点/ 是的主要,中心原因94.expert/ therapist 专家,能手;知识丰富的/ 某个专科的专家95.lead to/ be associated with 相联系带来的好处96.balanced/ equitable 平等的97.handicap/ disabled/primitive 残疾的,落后的98. could not-and cannot/ has always been unable to by/ from99.benefit/ a

12、dvantage 100.substantial influence/ greater likelihood 101.agree on/ define102.considered desirable/ effectiveness 103.masquerade/ (in) disguise 伪装104.insignificant/ didnt seriously 不重要/不严重的105.inspect/ examine审核,检查106caliber/ criterion 标准107no-one know存在148.almost/ approximately 149.be out of date/

13、 be developed 150.solve/ reduce 减少151.famous/ eminent152.barrier/ hurdle153.higher position/ top post154.Advantage: virtue,merit,benefit, positive aspect, strength, 好处 ,优点,长处155.Disadvantage: weakness, failing, weakness,defect,drawback, negative aspect, fault不利,缺点,缺陷156.Casual: arbitrary, unplanned,

14、 unexpected, 随意的157.Effective: efficient, effectual, fruitful, productive, valid多效的158.Criticize: reproach, blame, 批评159.Flaw: weakness, defect 缺点160.Ability; capability, power, caliber能力161.Dishonest: deceptive 不诚实的162.Fair: equitable, equal, impartial, 公平的163.Success: achievement, feat 成功164.Reaso

15、n: factor, contributor, origin, 原因165.Result: oute, consequence, implication结果166.Result from: arise from, originate from, be due to, thanks to, 由于,因为167.Give rise to: contribute to, lead to, result in, cause, breed, create, incur导致168.Disaster: catastrophe 灾难169.Pollute: contaminate 污染170.Poisonous

16、: toxic 有毒的171.Decrease; fall, drop, plunge, decline, step back, downward, minimize, abate下降172.Increase: rise, go up, surge, grow, 上升173.Growing: increasing, rising, 上升的剑桥四阅读考点替换词 名词:1. the destruction of rainforests 原文 -the loss of the rainforests2. rainforest conservation( 原文 )the rainforests to

17、be protected3. the geographical locationwhere the rainforests were4. courtship ritualmating5. feedingeating6. young peopleteens7. high standinghigh opinion8. take coursesretrain9. domestic buildingdwellings10. economic progresseconomic growth形容词:1 Rudimentaryunderdeveloped2 Well-developedbest develo

18、ped3. Surprisedtaken aback4.be loath to/be conservative about be reluctant to4. chroniclong-term5. Awarenessconscious6. basic-fundamental动词:1 Resemblemake similar choices/look like2. choose entrepreneurshipset up their own business3.make unbiased statementsment objectively on4.deal only withfocus on

19、5.be derived frombe gained from6.break recordsset new records7.prehendexplain8.be broken downbe subdivided9.predictestimate10.the elderlyelderly people副词: With tremendous forceviolentlyAB 相关替换1 media coverageNewspaper and television2 A curve inside the circlea symbol3 Government policygovernment ini

20、tiative4 A growing interest in cultural identityincreasing appreciation5 Bilingualismmore than one language6 Facial expressionbody language7 Nutrimentdiet8 Pots, tools and weaponsobjects关系替换:1 People can learn- it can teach people2 A depends on BB affect A剑桥雅思真题456中的替换关系 Recognize = identify Ethical

21、=Moral plenty of=Considerable=significant amount of Almost certainly=little doubt Modification=change=alteration=adjust Better=Improve方向词 Live=residence=inhabitant first=initial=primary Important=worthy trying=significant=essential People=mortal=human=mankind Reflect=feature=represent Legitimate= ha

22、ve right to long term=chronic Interest for borrowing=slightly more money Feasible=practical Susceptible =allergic predisposed vulnerable mistaken=misconception =confusion=misunderstanding have yet to determine =yet not known release stress/tension= (psychic tension is) punctured= Diversity=variety a

23、cpanying=with Aesthetic=beautiful Rigid = not yieldingfocus on=emphasize=narrow down雅思高频同义词 artificialsynthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudoconventionaltraditional, historical, past; accepted, mon, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinarydemandrequest, claim, need, or

24、der, require, call fordeclinedecrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction, slump, worseningdevelopevolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourishdifficultyhandicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, plication, dilemma, perplexity, plight, troubleearlyfirst, old, ancient, pri

25、mitive, previous, former, remotefinddiscover, e across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note, observe, recognize, spot, uncoverfuturewhats next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthinghowdescribe, operate, explain, clarify, demonstrate, eludicate, expound, illustrate, interpret, accou

26、nt forinevitableunavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, suremilitantarmed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlikeobjectionmercial challenge, plaint, disapproval, opposition, protest, query, question, remonstrationobstaclebar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction, problem,

27、snag, hurdleprevalentmon, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective, general, popularreducecurtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slashrolefunction (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position, duty, post, task, contributionrecentmodern, current, now,

28、nowadays, today, contemporaneous, new, novel, present, up-to-datesimulatevirtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitatesignificanceimportance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication, point, purport, vital business, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniaryworldwideinternation

29、al, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous, widespread, around the world解决:solve, resolve, deal with, cope with, handle, tackle消除:get rid of, eradicate, eliminate依赖:rely on, depend on, count on十分:very much, immensely, hugely, largely, greatly, enormously, tremendously损害:damage, hurt, injure, ha

30、rm, impair给予:give, offer, render, impart, provide开展:develop, cultivate, foster优势:advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength缺陷:disadvantage, detect, demerit, drawback, downside, 雅思剑桥5阅读替换词AB相似替换: 同义词 Time limitdeadlineConfer sth. Onbring sth. ToBe associated withestablishment/be linked toBui

31、lt-inbiologicalExpectpredictHelphave a positive effect onAdvantageous traitpositive survival mechanismGet worsetake a pessimistic viewSlow downrestrictProvide what wantsmeet s expectationUrgentmost pressingWhen heatedunder heatThe firstin originExtractremoveDubconsiderBe punctured byrelease of nervo

32、us energy“ah ,ah noiseparticular noisedemandingmore difficultoutlooksubjective viewhowworksthe operation ofrevolution-developmentAB关系替换:Sth. Prevail upon King George III to be granted sth. By the king剑5 第一套Passage 1第二段pile v.编辑,编纂write pile poseconcentrate v.集中,关注pay attention concentrate concentrat

33、ion keep your mind on keep your eyes on take notice/note attentive attention spanconvey v.传达,传递express convey municate say get something over put something into words/find the words to say第三段define v.定义meaning sense significance definition connotation definecircumscribe v.限制,约束To limit power, rights

34、, or abilities = restrict:conquer v.征服defeat overwhelm annihilate rout bring somebody to their knees conquerhold back stifle suppress overe/conquer第五段station v.驻扎,静坐send pack off dispatch/despatch send in send out be posted be stationed第六段file v.把文件或资料归档keep store keep something on file file keep a

35、record/keep recordsrival v.对抗,与抗衡petitor rival the petition第八段ascertain v.确定check check out make sure/make certain double-check verify confirm ascertainPassage 2 第一段obey v.遵守,遵从obey ply with abide by keep to stick to the rules conform to observe respect toe the line go by the book/do something by th

36、e book第二段administer v.控制,施加To manage the work or money of a pany or organizationsimulate v.模拟To make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of beingrealemit v.释放出,发出的声音send out give out give off emit radiate cast/throwmake a sound/make a noise go with go off emit let outwrithe v.因剧痛而蠕动,扭动身体fidget cant keep still squirm wriggle writhe twitchdenounce v.谴责,指责voice/express/show etc your disapproval condemn denounce deplore第三段unfold v.展开open unwrap unfold unrollpose v.带来,提出askbalk v.畏缩不前,犹豫To not want to do or try something, because it s


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