2、如下。同理,将偏差的变化量ec划分为5个模糊集,负大(NB)、负小(NS)、零(ZO)、正小(PS)、正大(PB),ec为负表示该时刻水位比上一时刻水位小,ec为表示该时刻水位比上一时刻水位大,。设定ec的取值围为-3,3,隶属度函数如下。同样将控制量u划分为5个模糊集,负大(NB)、负小(NS)、零(ZO)、正小(PS)、正大(PB),u为负表示减小控制量,u为正表示增大控制量。设定u的取值围为-4,4,隶属度函数如下。3、制定模糊规如此模糊规如此的制定是模糊控制的核心容,控制性能的好坏很大程度上由模糊规如此决定,本文主要是根据经验来制定相应的规如此。将上述用语言描述的规如此转化为“IF A
3、 ,THEN B的语句如下:1. If (e is NB) and (ec is NB) then (u is PB) 。2. If (e is NB) and (ec is NS) then (u is PB) 。3. If (e is NB) and (ec is ZO) then (u is PB) 。4. If (e is NB) and (ec is PS) then (u is PB) 。5. If (e is NB) and (ec is PB) then (u is PB) 。6. If (e is NS) and (ec is NB) then (u is PB) 。7. I
4、f (e is NS) and (ec is NS) then (u is PB) 。8. If (e is NS) and (ec is ZO) then (u is PS) 。9. If (e is NS) and (ec is PS) then (u is PS) 。10. If (e is NS) and (ec is PB) then (u is ZO) 。11. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NB) then (u is PB) 。12. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NS) then (u is PS) 。13. If (e is ZO) an
5、d (ec is ZO) then (u is ZO) 。14. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PS) then (u is NS) 。15. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PB) then (u is NB) 。16. If (e is PS) and (ec is NB) then (u is ZO) 。17. If (e is PS) and (ec is NS) then (u is PS) 。18. If (e is PS) and (ec is ZO) then (u is NS) 。19. If (e is PS) and (ec is PS)
6、 then (u is NB) 。20. If (e is PS) and (ec is PB) then (u is NB) 。21. If (e is PB) and (ec is NB) then (u is NB) 。22. If (e is PB) and (ec is NS) then (u is NB) 。23. If (e is PB) and (ec is ZO) then (u is NB) 。24. If (e is PB) and (ec is PS) then (u is NB) 。25. If (e is PB) and (ec is PB) then (u is
7、NB) 。4、进展模糊决策我们最终需要获得的控制量u即为模糊控制的输出,u可由两个输入量偏差矩阵e和偏差矩阵ec和模糊关系矩阵R合成得到。根据制定的模糊规如此,通过相应的模糊集合运算,可得到模糊关系集合R。R定义为:即:输出模糊量:5、控制量的反模糊化我们模糊决策得到的控制量u是一个矩阵,并不能直接应用在工程上,因此需要将u解释为实际中的特定行为,即反模糊化操作。目前常用的反模糊化方法有以下几种:1最大隶属度法-计算简单控制要求不高场合2重心法-输出更平滑3加权平均法-工业上应用最广泛本设计中采用第三种方法:加权平均法。6、matlab实现系统结构如图:通过matlab集成的模糊控制模块,我们
8、能够更加方便地对应偏差e、偏差量ec和控制量u的关系,并可以调节e和ec在不同值下u的对应输出。7、系统响应与分析在系统中,发现随着时间的推移,系统快速到达距离标准位置很近的25左右,继而出现波动情况。分析出现这种现象的原因是模糊控制的调整太大,需要进展自适应调整,以便系统在到达e接近与0的情况下,仍能继续接近标准位置。教师,最近有些事,没时间做自适应调整了,对不起啊。8、代码clear;clc;%对接收阶跃信号的系统进展模糊控制% 构建模糊控制器a = newfis(fuzzy tank);%输入量e的模糊化a = addvar(a,input,e,-3,3); %将偏差e,即当前位置-目标
9、目标,作为观察量输入量a = addmf(a,input,1,NB,zmf,-3,-1);a =addmf(a,input,1,NS,trimf,-3,-1,1);a =addmf(a,input,1,ZO,trimf,-2,0,2);a =addmf(a,input,1,PS,trimf,-1,1,3);a = addmf(a,input,1,PB,smf,1,3);%输入量ec的模糊化a = addvar(a,input,ec,-3,3); %将偏差的变化量ec,即e(t)-e(t-1),作为观察量输入量a = addmf(a,input,2,NB,zmf,-3,-1);a =addmf(
10、a,input,2,NS,trimf,-3,-1,1);a =addmf(a,input,2,ZO,trimf,-2,0,2);a =addmf(a,input,2,PS,trimf,-1,1,3);a = addmf(a,input,2,PB,smf,1,3);%输出量的模糊化a = addvar(a,output,u,-4,4);%选取阀门开度u为控制量a = addmf(a,output,1,NB,zmf,-4,-2);a =addmf(a,output,1,NS,trimf,-4,-2,0);a =addmf(a,output,1,ZO,trimf,-2,0,2);a =addmf(a
11、,output,1,PS,trimf,0,2,4);a = addmf(a,output,1,PB,smf,2,4);%建立模糊规如此rulelist=11511 12511 13511 14511 15511 21511 22511 23411 24411 25311 31511 32411 33311 34211 35111 41311 42411 43211 44111 45111 51111 52111 53111 54111 55111;a = addrule(a,rulelist);%设置反模糊化算法a1 = setfis(a,DefuzzMethod,mom);writefis(
12、a1,tank);a2 = readfis(tank); %可代入计算的figure(1);plotfis(a2);figure(2);plotmf(a,input,1);figure(3);plotmf(a,input,2);figure(4);plotmf(a,output,1);%展示e、ec和u的对应关系showrule(a);ruleview(tank);% 实时调控r_t=0;%初始值r0=0;r_tf=0;Ulist=0;r_aim=30;%目标值n=50;%进展100次校核record=zeros(1,n);%记录r的变化for i=1:n r_t=r_tf+Ulist; e=(r_t-r_aim)*0.1;%获取差值并转化为偏差 ec=(r_t-r_tf)*0.75;%偏差的变化量的k=0.75; r_tf=r_t; Ulist=evalfis(e ec,a2);%输出 record(i)=r_t;endt=0:1:n-1;plot(t,record);%绘制r随时间变化的曲线xlabel(时间t);ylabel(r(t);title(相应随时间的变化);