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1、书面表达参考句型:1. It is necessary/important forto2. It is necessary/important that3. It is wise/kind of to4. Its a good way/idea/choice to 5. Its our duty责任 to /that we should6. Its a pity that7. You will find it + adj. + to do8. make(s) it easy/possible to 9. In order to, you 10. Remember (not) to do11.

2、Make sure that you12. You/Wed better (not) do13. 祈使句,and/or youll14. 动名词作主语:ing. is15. Its said/reported/true that16. Besides,/Moreover,/Whats more,17. In my/his opinion,18. As we know,19. As a result/Therefore, 20. In a word / All in all,总之,一句话21. In general总的来说22. 宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句23. Theres no doubt

3、 that熟记各册重点句型并巧妙运用到书面表达中书面表达答题须知事项:1. 根据所给开头确定格式齐头式或缩进式。并根据开头,确定是从第一段续写,还是从第二段开始。2. 认真审题,确定文章人称第一、二、三人称皆有可能。以下例中各人称都有。3. 分段根据情况分为三段四段都可以。不分段或者分段过少过多将予以扣分。4. 近两年所给信息中四字居多,切忌单纯翻译词组和中国式英语,应扩大为句子,要用熟悉的有把握的短语,恰当使用高级句型如上述参考句型。书面表达绝对不是简单地翻译句子,要注意逻辑性。5. 检查要点是否齐全,尤其是自拟容。6. 逐字检查,包括每句动词的时态、单词拼写、大小写与标点符号等。7. 全文

4、中必须要有高级句型和连接词,详见参考句型。8. 词数90左右,尽量达到词数,不宜超过120。言多必失。9. .建议最好打草稿,如果时间紧迫可以在草稿纸上写个框架或提纲。卷面上不得随意涂改,保证卷面清晰字迹工整。社团clubs在学习生活中扮演着重要的角色。社团活动中,同学们可以相互学习,共同提高。假设你是学生会主席,请根据表中的提示用英语为学校的社团写一封倡议书,简述参加社团的意义,说明社团活动组织情况,并给参加社团的同学提出建议。参加社团的意义.获得知识经验或自拟一点容.提高交际能力或自拟一点容.培养团队精神或自拟一点容. 自拟一点容社团组织的情况.多种社团,自主选择自拟个社团名称.时间:每周

5、二下午四点地点:教学楼二楼、三楼的教室参加社团的建议.参加一两个社团或自拟一点容.积极参加社团活动或自拟一点容.合理筹划安排时间或自拟一点容. 自拟一点容Dear fellow students, Clubs play an important role in our school life. In club activities, we can learn a lot from the students with the same hobbies and improve ourselves. If we join clubs, we can not only get more knowled

6、ge and experience but also improve our munication skills. Also, clubs can help us develop team spirit. Whats more, club activities make our lives more colourful. There are many clubs in our school for us to choose from, like the Singing Club and the Drawing Club. Club activities are held at 4 p.m. e

7、very Tuesday in the classrooms on the second and third floors of the teaching building. We can join one or two clubs. Be sure to take an active part in club activities. Wed better plan/manage our time properly. Its important for us to achieve a balance between club activities and schoolwork.Sam假设你叫王

8、平,是一名即将毕业的初三学生,关于初中学校生活,你一定有一些感想,请你根据下表所提示的要点,用英语给初一新生写一封信,在课堂学习、课外兴趣与能力培养等方面提出一些建议,并述理由,帮助他们形成良好的学习习惯。学校生活建议要点述理由课堂学习 努力学习功课,课上认真听讲;自拟一点自拟一点课外兴趣保持良好兴趣,参加兴趣活动; 自拟一点自拟一点能力培养 小组活动积极,勇于发表观点;自拟一点自拟一点加粗句子为要点中的自拟。斜体句子为述理由中的自拟。(述理由切忌滥用because)Dear friends,As a graduating student, Id like to share my experi

9、ence in school life with you.Firstly, you should work hard at all your lessons and listen carefully in class. After class, youd better go over what you have learned so that you can be one of the top students in your class.Secondly, having a good interest is of some help to you. Its useful to take pa

10、rt in all kinds of clubs. Moreover, you can make new friends in the clubs. In this way, you will have a colourful school life.Finally, behave actively in your group activities. Its confident of you to express your opinion bravely. Make sure that you work closely with your group members. It is a good

11、 way to help each other and learn from each other. / Both confidence and team spirit play an important role in your future.I hope you will enjoy your new school life.Yours sincerely, Wang Ping养成良好的习惯对我们的学习生活会有很大的帮助。请根据下表提示用英语写一篇短文,发表在学校上。良好的学习习惯良好的生活习惯益处课前预习认真听讲独立作业健康饮食经常锻炼利用时间学习知识提高技能控制自我你的感受请结合自身认

12、识,给出两点A Good Habit, a Successful School LifeA habit is something that you do often or regularly almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing.In our school life, we need to prepare well for each lesson before class. In class, it is wise of us to listen to the teacher caref

13、ully. Besides, remember to do our homework on our own after class.In our daily life, keeping a healthy diet is of great importance to us. Also, it is necessary for us to exercise as often as possible. In order to have more time to relax ourselves, we should make good use of our time. With good habit

14、s, we can not only get more knowledge/learn things better but improve our skills. Whats more, good habits make it easy/possible to control ourselves.In my opinion, good habits are really good for our mind and body. They make a great difference to us and help to shape our lives and future.“倡导文明行为,传递文

15、明正能量正成为社会的热点,假设某中学英文报开展关于文明行为的征文活动,请你根据下表所提示的要点,以Civilized behavior文明行为为题,用英语为该报写一篇短文,简述社会文明行为与你的建议。行车文明遵守交规,停放有序乘车文明排队等候,尊老爱幼游览文明爱护公物, 自拟一点观看文明 准时入场, 自拟一点)社区文明 和睦相处, 自拟一点Civilized behaviorCivilized behavior has aroused the attention of the whole society. As students, its also our duty to pay attent

16、ion to it.Its necessary to follow traffic rules while we are on the road. The cars and bikes should be parked in order. While waiting for the bus, wed better wait in line/queue for our turn. Try to take care of the old and the young on the bus.In order to be good visitors, we are supposed to pay att

17、ention to protecting public things. Besides, it is wrong of us to drop litter in public. If we go to the cinema, we should enter it on time and turn off the mobile phones while watching films/ It is rude of us to talk loudly while watching films. Moreover, in our neighbourhood, we are expected to ge

18、t on/along with our neighbours and help the people in need. (加粗局部为自拟容)If all of us can put effort into civilized behavior, we will help build a better world.“倡导文明行为,传递文明正能量正成为社会的热点。请根据下表所示要点,以Civilized behavior(文明行为)为题,用英语为该报写一篇短文,简述社会文明行为与你的打算。 文明礼仪 行走之礼 遵守交规;主动让座或自拟容 餐饮之礼 爱惜食物;食相文雅或自拟容 游览之礼 爱护公物;自

19、觉排队或自拟容 观赏之礼 准时入场;专心欣赏或自拟容 你的打算 请考生根据自身实际自拟一至两点容Civilized behaviorCivilized behavior has aroused the attention of the whole society. As students, we should behave politely in public.While walking on the road,we ought to obey trafficrules. On the bus, it is polite of us to give our seats to people in

20、 need. In the restaurant, were notallowed to waste food. Also,it is rude to talk with food in our mouths.While travelling,it is necessary to protect pubic things. Moreover, dont push in before others./ Moreover,weshould queue for our turn/wait in line. As viewers, remember to enter the cinema on tim

21、e. Whats more,wed better enjoy the film silently while watching./wed better turn off our mobile phones while watching.I plan to give out/hand out leaflets to tell more people about the importance of civilized behavior.If everyone makes an effort, we will make the worlda better place.紧的初中生活即将完毕,某中学毕业

22、生论坛正在谈论关于即将降临的暑假活动安排,下面截取了论坛的局部容,请你根据论坛中的信息以与你自己的想法,写一篇短文。Subject: How do you arrange(安排) your ing summer holiday?Jack 饱览名胜 缓解压力;增长见闻或自拟容Sandy 博览群书 愉悦身心;开阔视野或自拟容Sophia 志愿服务 获得经验;锻炼能力或自拟容Your ideasHow do you arrange(安排) your ing summer holiday? Recently we had a discussion about how we arrange our in

23、g summer holiday at .luntan. Here are the results. Jack wants to travel around the world and visit places of interest. In his opinion, travelling is a good way to reduce stress and gain a lot of knowledge. Sandy enjoys reading. She thinks its good for her mind and body. Also, good books open up a wh

24、ole new world to her./Also, good books open her eyes. Sophia prefers to work as a volunteer so that she can help more people. Whats more, she can not only get some working experience but also improve her munication skills.I would like to watch films. In this way, I can learn a lot that cant be learn

25、ed from books. / I would like to get a part-time job in order to get some pocket money. As a result, I can donate money to children in poor areas.今年年初,你们学校组织同学们学习“八礼四仪,并开展了一个“争做文明市民的活动。同学们在人际交往,社会公德方面比以前有了很大进步。请根据下表所示要点,以To be a civilized citizen为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍同学们现在的表现,并谈谈你对此活动的看法。 表现 人际交往 尊老爱幼;诚信友善;乐

26、于助人;自拟一点 社会公德 遵守交规;爱护环境;宽容礼让;自拟一点 感受 你对这个活动的看法请考生自拟一点容To be a civilized citizenOur school organized an educational activity called “To be a civilized citizen at the beginning of the year. All the students took part in this activity and theyve improved a lot in many ways.On one hand, the students hav

27、e learned a lot about how to get on with others. They think it important to respect the old and care for the young. They realize they should be honest and friendly to people as well. Theyre willing to help people in need any time. Moreover, they are patient enough to listen to others when they are m

28、unicating with each other.On the other hand, they behave properly in public. For example, they obey the traffic rules. Also, they take action to protect the environment. They are always kind and polite wherever they are. Besides, they give out leaflets to tell more people about the importance of bei

29、ng a civilized citizen.In my opinion, if everyone makes an effort, we will make a big difference to the society.随着人们生活水平的提高,旅游成为人们生活的一局部,请根据下表提示的要点,以Travelling in our life为题,简述旅游在生活中的意义。并就此谈谈你的感受。 意义 学习 亲近自然;了解历史或自拟容 交流 广交朋友;相互学习或自拟容 生活 购置商品;愉悦身心或自拟容 其它 请考生自拟一点容 梦想请考生自拟一点容Travelling in our lifeTrave

30、lling has been an important part in our life. It has made a big difference to our life.While travelling, we can get close to nature. Also, we can learn a lot about history when we visit some places of interest. Travelling makes it easy for us to make a lot of friends. We are glad that we can learn f

31、rom each other and improve our skills. When were travelling in a strange city, we can buy some local goods as souvenirsand try delicious food there. Whats more, travelling is good for our mind and body/travelling makes us relaxed/travelling helps us relax ourselves. / travelling opens up a whole new

32、 world to us. / It is a good way for us to learn a lot that can not be learned from books.I hope I can travel around the world some day. 危险无处不在,我们学生应该处处注意安全,远离危险。请你根据下面表格所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Always Be Careful的英语短文。 在 家看完电视后,与时关机。独自在家时,不要让陌生人进屋。不邀请网友来家。在学校不要在教室里互相追逐。做体育运动时,注意保护自己。在路上遵守交通规如此,过马路时,注意交通指示灯。请自拟一

33、点容Always Be CarefulAs a middle school student, we should try to stay away from danger as the problem of safety is being more and more serious.Wed better turn off the TV right away after we finish watching TV. While staying at home alone, remember not to let strangers e into our houses. Moreover, it

34、is wrong of us to invite online friends to our houses.At school, we mustnt run after each other in the classroom. Also, it is important for us to pay more attention to protecting ourselves when we do sports.As we know, it is our duty to obey traffic rules. For example, take notice of the traffic lig

35、hts while crossing the road. Besides, its wrong to park our bikes carelessly in the street./ Whats more, we should tell our parents that pushing/cutting in while driving is very dangerous.If all of us keep safety in mind all the time, we will surely enjoy a much safer life.Voluntary workMore and mor

36、e students are interested in voluntary work now. As volunteers,they have a lot of work to do. The volunteers often hold different charity shows in order toraise money and things for people in need. Besides, they play an important role in protecting the environment by taking good care of plants and a

37、nimals. Whenever the old need help, they are ready to give a helping hand to them. Its really kind of them to visit and talk with the old who live alone. The more we give, the happier we will be. As a result, I would like to be a volunteer. I plan to spend more time helping the children in our munit

38、y with their study. Whats more, I will try my best toencourage more people to join in voluntary activities, because I believe every one can make a difference to the society.Nowadays, many parents often worry about their children because of the safety problems. For example, the school bus accident ha

39、ve taken place many times. Many children were killed. The unsafe food on the market can be seen everywhere. It is harmful to the childrens health. Whats more, the bad websites on the Internet have a bad effect on children. The air is so polluted that a lot of children fall ill easily. In order to protect our children, we should make new rules to protect the safety of children. Dont allow anyone to produce any harmful food. Besides, we mustn stay away from the bad websites.If we can do these, children will be safe.


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