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1、新概念 青少版 3A Unit 1 A proper jobA:Guess what,James! Ibumpedinto Nina last week. Shes got a job marketing at Optima.J:Marketing?But Ninas a fashion model !A:Well,she was a fashion model ,but shes working at Optima now.J:What happened? Is she all right?A:Oh,yes,shes fine .She just wanted aproperjob.Nina

2、 didnt enjoy being a model,you know.J:Why?She was sosuccessful!A:Shecertainlywas.J:So why didnt she like working as a model?A:She didnt mind working as a model.But she hates travelling on her own.She waslonely.J:Nina,lonely? Why?A:Nina likes having a proper job,and seeing the same people every day.S

3、he likes being among friends.J:Dont we all?!新概念 青少版 3A Unit 2Just like your motherC:Oh, good!Were in the front row, so weve got someextraspace.P:Thats great, Claire.How did you know?C:Mom told me. Were both tall, and its a long flight.P:Your mothersbrilliant! Its great tostretchout.FlightAttendant:W

4、ould you like some wateror some orangejuice?Claire:Not now, thanks. Ive just had a drink.Paul:Id like some water, please.FlightAttendant:Have you had amagazineor anewspaper?P:No, we havent. Id like this one, please.Ah, Im going to enjoythis flight!FlightAttendant:Excuse me. Would you mind giving you

5、r seats to thiscouple?Theyre both very tall, and they need the extra space.C:They are tall. Why dont you put them in Business Class?P:Claire! You sound just like your mother!新概念 青少版 3A Unit 3 Were had a long morning !A: Hello , Karen !Hello , Daisy!Have you been to the Farmers Market today ?Its only

6、 nine oclock ,and its already busy .K: No, weve just been to the airport with Claire and Paul Theyve gone to the US for two months .A: Have they ? How exciting ! But what a worry for you !D: Well , the US is Claires home country . K: And shes with Paul !D: Thats right !Anyway , Ive already had three

7、 texts from Claire .D: The first said , “Plane on time .” The second said ,”Boarding now .”The third said ,”Phone off now . I love you , Mom !”D: That one was just a moment ago . Of course , Ill miss her like crazy .But Im not going to worry !Were not going to worry , are we Karen ?K: No , we arent

8、!D: Were going to put the kettle on , and have a nice cup of tea !K: Yes , weve already had a long morning !新概念 青少版 3A Unit 4 A museum pieceRobert: Whats this, Dad?William: Its an Apple 2. Its a very early puter. In fact, its the first Personal puter, ever. It came onto the market in 1977. Where did

9、 you find it?Robert: Mum found it in a box in the attic.William: Oh, then its mine! Its been there for years. In fact, its been there since we moved into this house!Robert: Does it still work?William: I dont know Ah, there you are! Can you hear the hard disk?Robert: Is that noise the hard disk、 It s

10、ounds like a lawnmower!William: It hasnt been out of its box for twenty years!Robert: What can you do with it?William: Good question!Its just a museum piece, really. Its only got five Megabyteshard disk space.Robert: Five Megabytes! Thats nothing!William: I know. It was already a museum piece when I

11、 bought it, and that was a long time to go. Maybe Im a museum piece now, too!新概念 青少版 3A Unit 5“Have you finished your homework yet?” Why havent you finished your homework ?How often do you hear these questions in your house ?How do you feel about homework?Children wordwide now do more homework hours

12、 than they did twenty-five years ago-but there are huge variations. In some partsof the world, even very young children have a lot of homework.They e home from school ,and they work for three or four hours before bedtime. In other parts of the world,children dont have much homework untilthey are a b

13、it older.At the same time ,many young peopleworldwide have extra classes after school. One way or another, many children work twelve or fourteen hours a day. Is this really necessary?How much homework do you have?How much time do you really spend on it ?How long is your day ?新概念 青少版 3A Unit 6Bird-br

14、ainedK: Have you done your homework yet , Lucy?L: Im just taking a break , Mum. Ive found this really strange story on the eNews Website. e and have a look. An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. Every day for the last three years , Mr.P., the peaco

15、ck ,has made the three-hundred-metre journey along the main road from his home to the busy petrol pumps.The pumps make a clicking noise when someone is filling up. To Mr.P. , this sounds just like an admiring peahen. One pump in particular has won Mr.P.s admiration. He has been faithful to this pump

16、 since he was five. Mr.P. has lost interest in the peahens at home . Clearly, they cant pete with the glamorous petrol pump. 新概念 青少版 3A Unit 7Speakers Corner: Jack: Lets walk through the park,Daisy.Oh, look, Were at Speakers Corner!Daisy:Whats Speakers Corner?Jack: Its a British tradition. People sp

17、eak here on Sunday afternoons. And anyone can say anything about anything.Jack: Lets listen to this guy. Whats he talking about?Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love. You need love. I need love.Man in Crowd: You need a haircut.Daisy: He needs a bath!Speaker: My friends! What is the secret of lo

18、ve? Health! Health is the secret of love!Man in Crowd: You dont look very healthy!Speaker: And what is the secret of healthy?Man in Crowd: Tell us! Tell us! I cant wait!Speaker: Love is the secret of health! Im not saying anythingMan in Crowd: No, youre not.Speaker: about this secret. Im not saying

19、anythingMan in Crowd: Youre not saying anything about anything!Jack: Crazy, isnt it? They talk a lot and say nothing!Daisy: And they always shout!新概念 青少版 3A Unit 8Crazy about Alexander CalderAmy: Hi kid, e on in ! My! You look tired!Claire: Hi, Grandma! We fell fine. Weve had a great day!Paul: Yes,

20、it was amazing!Amy: Where did you go?Claire: We went to the AmericanArt Museum. Paul fell in love with the sculptures. We spent hours on the work of Alexander Calder.Paul: You liked it as well!Clair: Yes, I did! I loved his jewellery!Paul: Theyre lovely things. They look very simple, but theyre not

21、simple at all.Claire: The shapes are very strong, and the colours are softPaul: AnywayHis hanging sculptures were the best for me !Paul: There was one huge one, called Big Red. It was made of triangular pieces, like feathers. The pieces were made of aluminium. They looked heavy, but they were light.

22、Paul: We blew on one little disc, and the whole thing moved.Claire: Yeah, that was cool! All the pieces moved around, like a native Indian headdress.新概念 青少版 3A Unit 9Whats in a name?Picture this! Someone offers you a cup of something, and says, try thisYoure never seen this liquid before, and you do

23、nt recognize it. Do you drink it straight away? I dont think so! Do you taste it immediately? Probably not.Before you put the cup of your lips, you probably ask,What is it? or, What does it taste like?Now, imagine a reply like this:Actually, its a solution of organic chemicals and inorganic salts.Wo

24、uld you taste the drink now? Of course not!I always avoid chemicals in food and drink,youd say.I never touch anything unnatural!Quite right! Wed all say the same thing.Names are very powerful. But just think! We eat and drink chemicalsall the time. Even pure water is a chemical. Its made of hydrogen

25、 and oxygen.Lets go back to the liquid in your cup. Taste is! Its good for you!Mmm, it tastes good! Mmm! Please can I have another cup? What is it?Well, funnily enough, by another name, its just a cup of tea.新概念 青少版 3A Unit 10Trick of the tradePat: Gosh,Nina, you look good! Is that another new sweat

26、er?Nina: Youve seen it before. But Ive turned it round, so the buttons go down the back.Pat: Thats clever!Nina: But its so simple! Its easy enough for anyone to do this kind of thing.Pat: Not me! Id love to be able to dress well.I try hard, but I just cant look fashionable.Nina: Its not about fashio

27、n! You just need to enjoy your clothes.Pat: Its easy for you!Youre pretty enough to wear anything.Youd look great in a black plastic bag!Nina: Honestly, Pat, its about style, not fashion.Nina: Style is about wearing the right shapes and colours for you. For example, I never wear white next to my fac

28、e. White is too cold for me to wear. Creams a better colour for me.Pat: How do you know that?Nina: Oh, these are tricks of the trade. Would you like me to touch you?Pat: Would I ? Id love you to!新概念 青少版 3A Unit 11新概念 青少版 3A Unit 12新概念 青少版 3A Unit 13新概念 青少版 3A Unit 14新概念 青少版 3A Unit 15Turn it down!Le

29、sson 21L:Dad, that musics loud! Turn it down!W:Sorry,Lucy! Am I interrupting your homework?L:Its not that,Dad. We had a lesson today about hearing. Look at this.L:Youre always listening to loud music,Dad. If you arent careful,youll bee deaf.W:Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?L:Oh,Dad!It isnt. And I will

30、turn the sound down. I promise!One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many of them are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibels(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music

31、 in nightclubs is often much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience ringing in the ears,and they will feel a bit deaf.if they are lucky,this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage

32、will last for ever. UNIT 12 Paul bees an intern Lesson 23E:Paul,you want to join our intern program form next January.Is that right?P:Yes, thats right.E:What are your plans between now and then?P:Im going to travel out west,to Utath and Arizona.E:Will you apply for other intern programs when youre o

33、ut there?P:thats my plan.E:I see. We are the market leader,of course.P:I know that.E:And youre an exceptional applicant.E:Im going to make you an offer, Paul ,and youre going to tell me yes or no. You can join our intern program form Monday next week,for twelve weeks.E:If you join,youll, youll live

34、on the Ranch,and youll have no expenses. When we ask you to work, youll work. Youll learn a lot.E:Maybe youll e back in January,maybe you wont. Either way,when you finish here,youll have Redstone Ranch on your resune.E:What do you say?P:Yes.thank you very much.E:You wont regret it! UNIT 13 What am I

35、 doing here? Lesson 25K:Here at last! How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed?J:It looks nice! Im looking forward to a swim.K:Good idea!But let me tell you the rules first.J:Rules?Im on vacation!K:There are some rules,honey.J:Such as?K:Shoes.You cant use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right sho

36、es.J:Im not going to use heavy equipment.K:And if you go to a dance class,you cant wear black-soled trainers. Black-soled trainers mark the floors.J:When am I going to go to a dance class?K:And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times.You re not allowed to show your chest.J:Not even when Im swim

37、ming?K:Its OK when youre swimmingK:When youre in the wet aones,you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest.J:What else is not allowed?K:Were not allowed to run or shout in public areas.J:Kelly,believe me! I have enough rules at work! What am I doing here?K:I just want us to have a nice holid

38、ay!UNIT 14 The wrong 12-year-oly! Lesson 27 R:Did you hear about Jake Oliver,Dad?W:Jake Oliver?R:you know .Hes the world karate champion.He came first in his age-group last year.W:Oh,yes.Hes only 12,isnt he?R:Thats right. He lives in Bristol.He was on his way home from a practice session last week,a

39、nd a tall guy with a hood grabbed him. This guy wanted him to hand over his mobile phone.R:Jake said to himself, I earned this phone! I worked really hard to be able to buy it!W:Obviously, he wouldnt want a thief to take it like that!R:Right!R:So the guy tried to punch him.Jake stepped sideways,and

40、gave him one in the face.It broke the guys nose.There was blood everywhere. The thief held his nose and ran!W:He picked the wrong 12-year-old! What a great story!R:Yeah,well,Dad.I want to learn karate now.W:I can understand that, Robert.but I dont want you to get into gights. What will your mother s

41、ay?R:Thats the question,Dad.Id like you to ask her.UNIT 15 Not on a school night!Lesson 29L:Mum, Im going to the cinema tomorrow.Do you mind if I stop over at Floras house afterwards?K:Yes,I do mind! I want you to bebck here by 9:30 at the latest.L:9:30!The film doesnt finish till10! I wont be able

42、to go! Cant you or Dad pick me up outside the cinema?Please!K:No,Im sorry,Lucy. Not on a school night.L:But Mum!Everybodys going! K:Ill be surprised if everyone is going.Youve got school next day.9.30 is late enough.L:Oh, Mum!K:Look,Lucy! You have a lot of freedom.Your father and I work all day,and

43、we pick you up,late at night,a couple of times a week. Thats fine at weekends,but not during the week.K:As far as Im concerned,you may not stay out later than 9.30 on a school night.L:Floras mother lets her go out.K:And we let you go out-but not on a school night!K:Ill be surprised if Flora stays out late in the week.You may go to the cinema on Friday.And Ill pick you up outside the cinema at oclock.


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