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1、大学英语2期末考试综合复习资料I. Use of English 1. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?_.A. Sorry, he is busy at the momentB. No, you cantC. Sorry, you cant D. I dont know2.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?_.A. Yes, you may borrowB. Yes, go onC. Yes, help yourselfD. It doesnt matter3.What can I do f

2、or you, madam?_.A. I want a kilo of applesB. You can go your own wayC. ThanksD. Excuse me. Im busy4. Do you mind telling me where youre from?_.A. Certainly. Im from LondonB. Sure. I was born in London C. Not really, you can do itD. Certainly not. Im from London5. May I see the menu, please? Ive been

3、 waiting an hour already._. A. That is the menu, sir B. Yes, please go onC. Here you are, sirD. Of course, sir6.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A!_.A. Dont worry about itB. Congratulations! Thats a difficult course C. Mr. Brown is very goodD. Good luck to you!7.Id like to boo

4、k a flight to Shanghai, please._.A. No, of course not B. Do you mind if I said no?C. Yes, sir, single or return?D. You cant. We are busy8. I learned that you won the 100-meter race this morning. Congratulations!_.A. Thank youB. No, I cant say I did well in the race C. Just luckyD. No, no. I ran slow

5、ly9. Can I help you, sir?_.A. Its all rightB. I dont mind C. No, Im leaving soon D. Thanks. Im just having a look10. Excuse me, is this seat free?_.A. No, you cant sit here B. Sorry, it is taken C. Yes, it is seated by a boy D. Yes, but I dont know11. Hello, could I speak to Don, please? _A. Who are

6、 you?B. Whos there?C. Who could I help?D. Whos speaking?12. May I help you, madam? _ A. Sorry, I have no idea.B. Yes, I know what to say.C. Youd better give me a hand.D. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges. 13. What about going for a walk? _ A. Its good for you.B. Thats all right.C. So, do I.D. Why not?

7、 A good idea.14. I think the Internet is very helpful. _ A. Yes, so do I.B. Its a very good idea.C. Neither do I. D. Id rather go surfing on it.15. Will you go on a piic with us tomorrow? _A. Yes, but Ill have English classes.B. Sorry, I have an appointment with Dr. Brown.C. Im afraid I have no idea

8、.D. I wont. Its kind of you.16. Why dont you have dinner with me tonight? _A. The reason is that I have to work over time tonight. B. Sorry about that, but I have to go to a party.C. Because I have an appointment. D. Id love to, but I have to finish my paper.17. Im afraid I have spilled some coffee

9、on the table cloth. _A. Oh, dont worry about that.B. You neednt apologize.C. I feel sorry for that. D. Oh, you shouldnt have done that.18. You seem to have a lot of work to do in your office. Youve always been working overtime. _A. You are right, but dont you know the meaning of work? B. Sorry, I do

10、nt think so. I get overpaid for overwork, you know. C. Thats right. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.D. Thats right, but the work is interesting. I dont mind some extra hours at all.19. George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow. Albert, this is George Smith.

11、_ A. How have you been? B. Pleased to meet you, George. C. Mind if call you George? D. The pleasures mine. 20. Excuse me. I dont want to interrupt you _A. No, no. Its quite all right. B. It wont bother me.C. Never mindD. Of course not.21. Im so tired, working all morning on the farm. Why not take a

12、rest , then? _. A. Because I cant afford it B. Maybe I shouldC. I dont know D. Sorry, I cant tell you22. Have you heard that Susan has been elected mayor of the city? After working so hard for so many years, _. A. she surely weles it B. she has certainly earned itC. she is wele to it D. its good new

13、s23. Can you post these letters for us on your way home? _. A. No problemB. Its all right C. Fine D. I hope so24. Do you happen to have twenty dollars on you? _? I want to buy a reference book. A. Do you want the money B. What will you want to do C. How much D. What for25. Hows everything going? _.

14、A. Everything is finished B. Everything has been doneC. Not so bad, you know D. Not doing wrong, you know26. Would you do me a favor and carry these books? _. A. Yes, thats right B. No trouble C. Never mind D. With pleasure27. _. Thank you. I certainly will. A. Happy birthday to you B. Let me help y

15、ou with your EnglishC. Please remember me to your grandparentsD. Dont forget to post the letter28. Hello. May I speak to Bill, please? _. A. Bill speakingB. Im Bill C. You are speaking to Bill D. Im speaking29. _? No, thanks. Im just looking around. Ill let you know if I want anything.A. Have you ma

16、de up your mind what you want B. What do you wantC. Can I help youD. Do you like it30. I think you look very nice in the red dress. _. A. Oh, no, I dont look nice at all B. Im glad you think soC. I dont like red but my mom made me wear it D. You are very kindII. Reading prehension Passage 1Wall Stre

17、et is the name of a street in New York and very famous in the whole world. It is the financial center of the U.S.A, exerting a significant influence upon the worlds economy. Hetty Green, who was born in 1835, was nicknamed the Wizard奇才of Wall Street. She became almost a legendary figure in Wall Stre

18、et, because she made a lot of money buying and selling shares in panies. Hetty Green began making money when her father died and she inherited all his money. By investing it wisely, she soon built up her fortune to over 100 million dollars. However, she hated spending money on herself or on her fami

19、ly. Actually, she hated spending money on everything except buying shares. She was so mean that when her son Edward broke his leg, she would not send for a doctor. She did not want to have to pay a doctors bill. She refused to send her son to a good hospital. Instead, she took the boy to a free char

20、ity hospital. There he did not get very good treatment and, to save his life, he had to have his leg cut off. Still his mother would not pay for proper hospital treatment. She sent for a doctor who cut off the boys leg in her sitting room. Its incredible, isnt it?31. Wall Street is _. A. the name of

21、 Chinatown in New York B. the nickname of New YorkC. the financial center of America32. Hetty Green was nicknamed the Wizard of Wall Street because she _. A. made a great fortune with shares B. inherited a large sum of money from her father C. built up a large pany on shares D. was very strange and

22、cruel33. The underlined word “mean in the second paragraph probably can be replaced by _. A. sadB. cruel C. disappointedD. ungenerous34. When her son broke his leg, Hetty Green _. A. sent him to a large hospitalB. sent for a doctor at onceC. didnt pay the bill for the doctorD. took him to a charity

23、hospital35. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Hetty Green died a poor old woman. B. Hetty Green preferred money to anything else. C. Hetty Green liked to earn a lot of money so as to live a good life. D. Hetty Green hated her son and refused to take him to a good hospital.

24、Passage 2People once widely believed that intelligent life existed on Mars. The 19th-century discovery of what appeared to be geometric designs cut across the surface was taken as evidence. The lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to irrigate the surface. It is now

25、clear that “canals perhaps the most spectacular geologic features of Mars are natural valleys where ancient rivers once flowed. Another fragmented idea concerns the planets seasonal changes in color. Once attributed to the rapid spread of some life-form, these shifts are now known to develop from th

26、e movement of fine dust in the atmosphere. By the close of the 20th century none of the many experiments conducted by spacecraft had ever found persuasive evidence of life. Nevertheless, speculation continued over the existence of some form of life, in either the present or the past. In 1996 scienti

27、sts discovered organic pounds and minerals in a meteorite陨石, consisting of Martian rock, that collided with Earth around 11,000 B.C. These pounds suggest that Mars may have been inhabited by organisms more than three billion years ago. 36. Why did people in the 19th century believe the existence of

28、intelligent life on Mars?A. Because the surface of Mars seemed to be geometric. B. Because the lines were drawn across the surface of the planet. C. Because a system of canals was thought to be there. D. Because it was the Martians that built the canals. 37. The “canals on Mars have proved to be _ a

29、ccording to the passage. A. the minor geologic characteristic of MarsB. natural valleys on the surface of MarsC. rivers that have kept flowing since ancient timesD. a system that irrigates the whole surface38. What were the Mars seasonal changes in color believed to be?A. The natural changes on the

30、planet. B. The seasonal cycles. C. The movement of some life form. D. The storm of dust in its atmosphere. 39. How is the 1996 discovery related to the possible existence of organisms on Mars?A. The meteorite containing organic pounds is part of Mars. B. A Martian rock struck Earth about 11,000 year

31、s ago. C. The organisms came back to life after the collision with Earth. D. The inhabiting organisms appeared more than three billion years ago. 40. How many arguments in this passage lead to the belief of the existence of life on Mars?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. Passage 3Have you ever wond

32、ered why different animals or pests have their particular colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves. Birds, especially seagulls, are very fond of locusts, but birds cannot easily catch locusts because locusts change their colors together with the change of the color of crop

33、s. When crops are green, locusts look green. But when crops are ripe, locusts take on exactly the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are usually easily found and eaten by their enemies. So they have to hide themselves in terror for lives and appear onl

34、y at night. If you study the animal life in any part of the world, you will find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, wolves and other beasts move quietly through forests. They are usually invisible to the eyes of hunters, because they have the color much like the barks of trees

35、. An even more strange act remains to be noticed. A kind of fish living in seas can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over, its enemies cannot find it, and it immediately swims away. Thus, it has existed up to now though it is not powerful at all. 41

36、. This passage mainly talks about _. A. the change of color in locustsB. the protective coloration of animals and pests C. how a certain sea fish protects itself D. animals or pests can dye themselves different colors42. Locusts are not easily wiped out by their enemies because _. A. they are powerf

37、ul enough B. they are dangerous to their enemiesC. they take on the same colors as crops D. they fly extraordinarily fast43. The pests that have different colors from plants usually appear at night because _. A. birds take their rest when night es B. their enemies can easily find them and eat them C

38、. they have the habit of ing out in darkness D. its easy for them to destroy plants in darkness44. Bears and wolves have the same colors as barks of trees because _. A. they fear other beasts B. they prefer brown or grey colors C. they enjoy walking through forests quietlyD. the colors help prevent

39、themselves from being noticed45. A certain fish living in seas has lived through millions of years because _. A. it is the most powerful in the sea B. it can swim much faster than any other fishC. it can send out a kind of liquid which makes its enemies unable to find it D. it can send out a kind of

40、 liquid which can kill its enemiesPassage 4 High school dropouts辍学者earn an average of $ 9,000 less per year than graduates. Now a new study dispels a mon belief why they quit. Its much more basic than flunking out不与格. Society tends to think of high school dropouts as kids who just cant cut it. They

41、are lazy,and perhaps not two brightSo researchers were surprised when they asked more than 450 kids who quit school about why they left.“The vast majority actually had passing grades and they were confident that they could have graduated from high school. John Bridgeland, the executive researcher sa

42、id. About 1 million teens leave school each year. Only about half of African-American and Hispanic美籍西班牙的student will receive a diploma,and actually all dropouts e to regret their decision. So, if failing grades dont explain why these kids quit, what does? Again,John Bridgeland: “The most dependable

43、finding was that they were bored.“They found classes uninteresting; they werent inspired or motivated. They didnt see any direct connection between what they were learning in the classroom to their own lives, or to their career aspirations. The study found that most teens who do drop out wait until

44、they turn sixteen, which happens to be the age at which most states allow students to quit. In the US,only one state,New Mexico,has a law requiring teenagers to stay in high school until they graduate. Only four states: California, Tennessee, Texas and Utah, plus the District of Columbia, require sc

45、hool attendance until age 18, no exceptions, another researcher,says raising the pulsory attendance age may be one way to keep more kids in school.“As these dropouts look back,they realize theyve made a mistake. And anything that sort of gives these people an extra push to stick it out and it through to the end, is probably helpful measure.New Hampshire may be the next state to raise its school attendance age to 18. But critics say that forcing the students unwilling to continue their studies to stay in school misses t


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