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1、七上Unit4Seasons重难点、考点详讲与练析第一部分 提纲精要.重点单词Australia n. 澳大利亚footprint n. 脚印,足迹wet adj. 湿的 puddle n. 水坑kick v. 踢 town n. 镇blow n. 吹 everything pron. 所有事物,一切trip n. 旅行 shine v. 照耀brightly adv. 明亮地 picnic n. 野餐dry adj. 干的,干燥的snowy adj. 下雪多的spend v. 花(时间),度过relative n. 亲戚during prep. 在期间grandparent n. 祖父(母)

2、,外祖父(母).重点短语take a trip去旅行go on a picnic去野餐at this time of year在每年的这个时候 make snowman堆雪人the Spring Festival春节at that time在那时 fly kites放风筝 go swimming去游泳the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 the Dragon Boat Festival端午节in the middle/east of在的中部/东部 in the southwest of 在的西南部go to the beach去海滩,去海边 in the sea在海里get w

3、et 淋湿 in the snow 在雪地里What about怎么样.put forward把向前拨,将提前,提出.重点句型1. Watch us go看着我们离去 watch sb. do sth.看见*人做*事(强调动作的全过程) watch sb. doing sth.看见*人正在做*事(强调动作正在进行) 类似用法的词还有:see, hear, notice等我看见他上了公交车。_2. See how deep the puddles get. 看水坑变得多深。这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,从句由疑问副词how引导,从句的语序是陈述语序。我想知道他怎样去上学。_请告诉我从你家到学样有

4、多远。_3. What is the weather like in spring春天天气怎么样.= How is the weather in springWhat is sb./sth. like= How is sb./sth.询问“*人或*事怎样”的常用句型。后面可接时间或地点的介词短语。 -Whats the weather like in Beijing -Its cloudy. -How is the weather in summer -Its hot.4. In spring, the weather starts to get warm.在春天,天气开始变暖。(1) sta

5、rt意为“开始”,同义词为begin。start与begin均可接to do sth.或doing sth.,表示“开始做*事”,一般可互换。但下列情形中,要注意其区别:当谈论一项长期的习惯性的活动时,用动名词. 如:I start learning English.我开始学习英语。 主语是物不是人时,用不定式。如:The ice began/ started to met. It start to snow. start/begin本身是ing形式时,后面接不定式。 如:Im starting/ beginning to write the letter. 我正开始做晚餐了。_其后的动词与想

6、法,感情有关时,多用不定式。如:She began/ started to understand it. 此外,start还有(机器)发动,创办,动身出发等含义。(2) get 作连系动词,意为“变得”,后常接形容词作表语。 如:The weather starts to get cool. 作实义动词,意为 “得到,收到”get a letter from sb.= hear from sb.收到*人来信get表示进入或变为*种状态常接形容词become多用于书面语中,强调的是由一种状态变为另一种可接形容词和名词turn强调的是变得和以前完全不一样多接形容词,接名词时零冠词grow指的是渐渐

7、地变成,强调变化的过程多接形容词,也能接过去分词go多用来表示进入*种状态,多接令人不悦的形容词bad, mad, hungry, wrong例:The wind is getting stronger and stronger. I want to become a teacher.When she saw me, her face turned red. The boy is growing thinner.Eggs soon go bad in hot weather.5. In autumn, everything changes. Leaves turn brown, red or

8、yellow and start falling from the trees.在秋天,一切都会变化。树叶变成棕色,红色或黄色并开始从树上飘落。 (1)everything不定代词,意为“所有事物,一切”,在句中可作主语、宾语或表语。everything作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 如:Everything begins to grow in spring. 春天万物开始生长。 金钱不是一切。_(2)turn+颜色,此处turn为系动词,后面接形容词。(3)leaves是leaf“树叶”的复数形式。leave做动词,是“离开,出发”的意思。leave for前往 leave A for B

9、离开A地前往B地6. Winter is often cold and snowy.冬天经常寒冷多雪。Snowy 形容词n.snow,snow不可数名词“雪”;作可数名词时意为:“一场雪”。snow可作动词,意为“下雪”。 It is snowing heavily.雪正下得很大。It is a heavy snow.这是一场大雪。孩子们喜欢玩雪。_7. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival. 在春节期间,人们通常都是和亲戚一起度过。 (1)spend 动词“度过”,spend tim

10、e with sb.意为“与*人一起度过时光”I usually spend my free time with my best friend, Tom.此外,spend还有“花费,用(时间/金钱)”,常与介词in/on连用,主要用于以下句式:人+spend+时间/金钱+ on sth. “*人花费多少时间/金钱在*事上”人+ spend+时间/金钱+ (in) doing sth. 表示“花费多少时间/金钱做*事”spend all day writing一整天都在写作 spend money on books花钱买书She spends all day (in) learning Engl

11、ish.(2)during介词,“在期间” the Spring Festival= the Chinese New YearDont speak during the meal.吃饭时别说话。during与in1.强调动作或状态的持续性时用during,*一动作发生在*一时间段中的*一时间点用in. During the three months he always asks a lot of questions. We usually spend a holiday in July.2.在季节名词前,用in是泛指,不用冠词;但是用during是特指,要用定冠词the Children en

12、joy flying kites in spring. We often go skating during the winter.3.在表示一段时间的名词(如holiday, stay, visit, lesson, meal等)前,一般要用during I went to see my uncle during my stay in Beijing. 暑假我会去看望我的爷爷奶奶。_8. I love all four seasons.四个季节我都喜欢。 此处all为形容词,意为“所有的,全部的”,修饰可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词。 如:He spent all his money. al

13、l的其它用法:(1)all可与of连用,再接名词或代词。接名词时,of可省略;接代词时,of不能省略。All (of) the boys in our class are very tall. 我们所有人都想去参观长城。_(2)all作主语的同位语时,放在be动词之后,行为动词之前。We all go to school every day. (3)作人称代词的同位语时,all可直接放在这些人称代词的后面。 Our teacher loves us all. (4)all作副词,意为“都,全部,完全地”,主要修饰形容词、副词或介词短语。We are all wrong.9. lovely ch

14、ildren可爱的孩子们 lovely形容词“可爱的,美好的,令人愉快的” He is a lovely child. We have a lovely holiday. 大部分以ly结尾的词为副词,但是lovely,friendly,lively,lonely,silly,ugly,likely等为形容词。10.Marry will get maryied on Monday morning.玛丽将在星期一上午结婚。 get married意为“结婚”marry用法小结:(1) marry sb表示嫁给*人;与.结婚。 如:John married Mary last week.上周约翰和玛

15、丽结婚了。(2) be/get married to sb表示与*人结婚。如:Jane was married to a doctor last month. 上个月简和一位医生结婚了。罗斯和一位教师结婚了。_(3) marry sb to sb.“父母把女儿嫁给*人或为儿子娶媳妇。”如:She married her daughter to a businessman.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。(4) marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。如:She married very early. 她很早就结婚了。(5) marry 一般不与介词with 连用。如:她和一位英国人结了婚

16、。She married with an Englishman.【误】【正】:She married an Englishman. / She was / got married to an Englishman.(6) 若问*是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构。如:你结婚了吗Do you marry/ Have you married【误】【正】:Are you married/ Have you got married11. go swimming去游泳 go+动词-ingMy elder brother often goes swim

17、ming on Sundays. 常见搭配:go fishing, go shopping, go boating, go dancing, go skating, go climbing12. The clocks in all public places in the UK are put forward an hour, from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.英国所有公共场所的钟表被向前拨了一个小时,从一点到两点。 本句含有被动语态,即主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的承受者。结构:be+动词过去分词 put forward“把向前拨”You can put your watch forw

18、ard ten minutes.此外,还可表示:(1) 向前移:Why dont you put your chair forward 你为什么不把椅子往前挪一点.(2) 将提前:我们不得不把会议提前。_(3) 提出:Please put forward a new plan. 请提出一新的计划。词汇练习一、 英汉互译1. go swimming _ 2.fly kites _3. take a trip _ 4.have a picnic _5.make snowmen _ 6.start doing sth _7.during the day _ 8.have a lot of fun _

19、9.去海边 _ 10.去野餐 _11.结婚 _ 12.和*人一起渡过_13.在寒假期间_ 14.变暖 _15.在春天 _ 16.在一年的这个时候 _二、根据下列句子的首字母提示,完成句子1. It snowed yesterday, e_ is covered with the white snow outside now.2.We will take a t_ to America this summer.3.After the rain, the sun comes out and shines b_4.Did he _ the whole day doing homework with

20、his mother5.Winter is often cold and s_, but I like it most.6.Which s_ do you like best, spring, summer, autumn, or winter 7.Many people like to go to the b_ and swim in the sea.8.My home is half a k_ away from here.9.Leaves t_ yellow in autumn.10.The w_ is hot in summer.三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词,补全句子。1.It is

21、very_(湿润的) on the ground.People are easy to fall over.2.He lives in a small_(镇)and he is very poor.3.It is very cold.And the wind_(吹)strongly.4.It is always _(干燥的)in the north-west of China.5._(在.期间)this holiday. I visited two foreign countries.四、根据汉语提示,补全句子。1.我希望我们寒假能一起去旅行。I hope we can_ _ _togethe

22、r in the winter holiday.2.冬天,孩子们经常一起在地上堆雪人。Children often _ _together on the ground in winter.3.冬天去哈尔滨旅游是一件令人兴奋的事。_ _ _ _travel to Harbin in winter.4.有空的时候汤姆总喜欢跟亲戚待在一起聊聊天。Tom usually _time _his _and talks with them When hes free.5.在春天,一切事物都变绿了。_ _ green in Spring.6.每年的这个时候天气总是很冷。Its always cold_ _ _

23、 _ _.重点语法形容词形容词在句中主要作定语,表语,宾语补足语。(一)作定语:修饰或限制名词或不定代词或疑问代词,或疑问副词。1.前置定语:形容词修饰或限制名词,一般放在它所修饰或限制的名词之前。(1) One New Years Day, we put on our newclothes.(2) I want to make some American friends. (3) Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy.(其中eight-year-old叫复合形容词,其构成形式是:“数词+名词+形容词”,中间加连字符)提示:有的形容词只能作定语(不能作表语),如

24、:little(小的),only(唯一的),wooden(木质的),,woolen(羊毛质的), elder(年长的)。如:(4). My elder brother is in Beijing.(正)My brother is elder. (误) 2.后置定语(1)形容词修饰或限制不定代词(something, anything, nothing, everything),常放在不定代词之后。I have somethingimportant to tell you. I dont want anythingelse.(2)else修饰或限制疑问代词(who, whom, what等)或疑

25、问副词时,通常放在疑问代词或疑问副词之后。What else do you wantWhere else are you going to visit(3)enough作定语修饰或限制名词时,放名词之前;修饰形容词时,放形容词之后。Pandas will have enough food to eat. Your English is wonderfulenough.(二)作表语:放在连系动词之后,常见的连系动词有四种:1. be动词Planes will be very large.Running istiring. 2. 感官连系动词feel(摸起来), look/seem (看起来),

26、smell(闻起来), sound (听起来), taste (尝起来). Cotton feels soft.3. “变化”连系动词:become, get, grow, turn, come, go.The fish wentbad. Trees turngreen when spring comes. 4. “持续、保持”连系动词:keep, stayPlease keepsilent. Mr Jackson stayedcool. 提示:有的形容词只能作表语(不能作定语),特别是以a-开头的形容词,如:afraid害怕, alone独自的, asleep睡着的, awake醒着的,al

27、ive活着的(有时可作后置定语), well健康的, ill病的, frightened害怕的如:The man is ill. (正) The ill man is my uncle.(误) (三)作宾语补足语:常放在宾语的后面,用来补充说明宾语的性质,特征或状态。We paint doors and windowsred. His voice made himfamous all over Europe.What made you so interested in music(四)作主语或宾语1.形容词前加定冠词the,表示*一类人或物。在句中作主语或宾语,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。如:

28、the old, the young, the rich, the poor, the blind等。The rich should help the poor.2.表示国家和民族的形容词前加上定冠词the,表示这个民族的整体。在句中作主语或宾,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数,如:the British, the English, the French, the Chinese等。The English have the sense of humor. (五)使用形容词的几个常用句型1. It is + adj. (for sb.) + to do sth.“对*人来说做*事是怎样的。”常用形容词

29、:dangerous (危险的), difficult (困难的), easy (容易的), hard (艰难的), important (重要的), impossible (不可能的), interesting (有趣的), necessary(必要的), pleasant(舒适的), safe(安全的), useful(有益/用的)等It is difficult to see and hear at the back.It is important for Liu Sanzi to work on his fathers farm.学生认真听老师讲课是非常必要的。_提示:避免句子头重脚轻

30、,其中It做形式主语,不定式才是真正主语,翻译时先译不定式。2. It is + adj. + (of sb.) to do sth.“*人做*事是怎样的。”Its very kindof youto help me. Its foolishof himto go alone.提示:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词。如careful(细心的), careless(粗心的),clever(聪明的), foolish(愚蠢的), good(好的), kind(友善的), lazy(懒惰的), nice(友好的), polite(有礼貌的),right(正确的), wrong(错误的)等

31、。3.形容词+不定式a.表示感情或情绪的形容词后面常接不定式,这样的形容词有:glad(高兴的), pleased(高兴的), sad(忧伤的),thankful(感激的)等, 如:Im gladto see you.Im very sadto hear the bad news. b.表示能力和意志的形容词,如able(有能力的), certain(一定), ready(乐意的,有准备的),sure(一定)等常接不定式。如:He is ableto swim.Lily is always readyto help others.Heis sureto get to school on tim

32、e. 语法练习一、单项选择1. I had a hard time with math and I wasnt _to get the bad report from my math teacher.A.sure B.surprised C.e*cited2. Tom is not good at math.He always feels _before he takes a math test.A.interested B.comfortable C.nervous D.proud3. -Im going to a job interview. I feel a little_.-Take

33、it easy. Listening to music can help you rela*.A.comfortable B.nervous C.e*cited 4. -Are you scared of the flight -No, just a little _. A. angry B. serious C. an*ious D. calm5. -Waiter, $20 for dinner, right -Im afraid, $25, sir, for drinks are _.A. e*tra B. free C. high D. spare6. -E*cuse me, sir.

34、The shoes are a bit small for me.-Dont worry. Ill change them for a_size.A. smaller B. smallest C. larger D. largest7. -Peter has good grades in all his subjects,but he never shows off.-I agree.He is very _.A.easy-going B.imaginative C.modest D.generous8. You cant sneeze and keep your eyes _ at the

35、same time.A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening9. My dog is gentle and never bites.So you neednt be_.A.e*cited B.frightened C.satisfied D.interested10.-Our teacher wants us to be_when we talk with the foreigners. -Yes,we should believe in ourselves.A.comfortable B.confident C.unusual D.energetic11.

36、-Which do you like _,tea,coffee or juice -Coffee.A.good B.better C.best D.well12. -Im _, mum. Can I have something to drink-OK. Heres some cola.A. full B. heavy C. hungry D. thirsty13.-Lin Tao,why are you so_-Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.A.e*cited B.angry C.disappoi

37、nted14.-What do you think of the sweater- Its too _, and I dont have enough money to buy it.A. nice B. lovely C. popular D. e*pensive15.-Why are you unhappy, Ben-I was late for class again, Im afraid Miss Li will be _ me.A. friendly to B. angry with C. busy with D. proud of16. He was so _when he hea

38、rd the _ news that he got the first prize in the contest. A. e*citing, e*citing B. e*citing, e*cited C. e*cited, e*cited D. e*cited, e*citing17. All of us want to do more work with _ time and _ workers. A. fewer, less B. less, fewer C. more, much D. less, more 18. -What do you think of the entertain

39、ment show you saw last night -Its so _that I want to see it again.A.e*citing B.boring C.tiring19.-Andy, you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why-Sorry, sir. But I really had a _ time finding the meeting hall.A. enjoyable B. funny C. difficult D. pleasant20. Mr Brown always makes h

40、is class _ and keeps his students _ in class. A. alive; interesting B. lively; interesting C. alive; interested D. lively; interested21. That film was so _ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night. A. e*citing B. frightening C. boring D. amazing22. -Congratulations! Your English teacher told me you got an A this time.-Thank you. She is very _. A. impressed B. embarrassed C. terrified D. frustrated23. -Mum, Im really _ about the result of the e*am.


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