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1、目 录Index1、根本原理和使用条件 Basic principle and operating conditions2、产品型号与含义 Models and contents 3、用途与使用X围Usage and applicable range4、结构与特点Structure and characteristic5、电气性能Electrical property6、型号、技术参数与外形尺寸图 Models, technical data, and overall dimension drawing7、使用须知事项Cautions8、保养与维修Maintenance and service

2、1.根本原理和使用条件 Basic principle and operating conditions1.1 根本原理 Basic principle 电磁铁工作时,电源与控制设备向电磁铁供应直流电,电磁铁内部产生强大的磁场,通过壳体磁路和工作气隙对被吸物产生强大磁力而达到搬运物料的目的。When electromagnet works, the power source and the controlling device supply direct current to the electromagnet. A strong magnetic field will be generate

3、d inside the electromagnet, the magnetic field gives enough strong magnetic force on the material through the shell magnetic circuit and the operating clearance to lift the bulk material .1.2 使用条件 using conditions1.2.1 使用地点的海拔高度不超过2000m。Not more than elevation of 2000m1.2.2 周围空气温度:Surrounding air te

4、mperature常温型:不高于+40,不低于-20。Normal temperature type -20 +40高温型:不高于+50,不低于-20。High temperature type: no more than +50,no less than -201.2.3 周围工作环境无爆炸危险和不含有腐蚀性气体的环境中。No explosive dangerous or corrosive gas around the magnet.1.2.4 周围环境相对温度不大于85%。The relative humidity is not more than 85%1.2.5 户外、户内均可使用。

5、Both outdoors and indoors.2.产品型号说明:Model Designations注:MW1系列起重电磁铁散料型产品使用说明书同MW5系列。The MW1 series lifting electromagnet manual is the same as the MW5 series。3.用途与使用X围 Usage and applicable range3.1 用途 Usage 该系列电磁铁广泛应用于冶金、铸造、机械制造、交通运输等部门,与起重设备配套,作为装卸搬运生铁、废钢等铁磁性物料之用。This series electromagnet is widely a

6、ppliedto metallurgy, casting, machine manufacture, transportation and so no ,forming plete set with lifting equipment equipments to carry out loading and handling the magnetic material such as pig irons and scrap steel.3.2 适用X围 Applicable range本起重电磁铁适用于直流额定工作电压为220V,常温型起重电磁铁被吸物外表温度100以下,高温型起重电磁铁被吸物温

7、度600以下。This lifting electromagnet is suitable to the direct current fixed workingvoltage is 220V, the normal temperature lifting electromagnet by the attached materials surface temperature 100 below, high temperature lifting electromagnet s the attached materials temperature is below 600 .4.结构与特点 St

8、ructure and characteristic4.1 结构 structure4.1.1 起重电磁铁的磁路由钟盖、内外磁极、铁芯和被吸物构成。The magnetic circuit of lifting electromagnet consists of bell cover, inner and outer magnetic pole, iron core and the held materials.4.1.2 线圈放置在由钟盖、非磁性保护板构成的密封容器中,且用绝缘胶固定。The magnetic coil will be put into airtight container

9、made of bell cover, non-magnetic protecting plate with insulation rubber fixed.4.1.3 整体采用焊接结构。The whole framework uses the welding structure4.1.4 高温电磁铁采用了双层辐射式特殊隔热结构。The high temperature electromagnet has used the double-decked radiation special heat insulation structure4.1.5 潜水电磁铁整体采用气密试验后的焊接结构,出线盒

10、进展了特殊的密封处理,出厂前进展了模拟试验。The underwater type uses brazing structure through air tightening test ,outlet enclosure has been made special treatment for sealing with simulated tryout before delivery. 4.2 特点 Characteristics4.2.1 采用了导磁性能与加工性能良好的优质电工铸钢或低碳钢作为磁路的导磁物。Adopting electric casting steel or low carbo

11、n steel with excellent magnetic conductivity and well finished performance as the conductor to the magnetic circuit.4.2.2 线圈的材料一般为铝材,绝缘性能与耐热性能优良。The coil material is generally the aluminum material, the insulating ability and the heat-resisting performance is fine4.2.3 高频、高温电磁铁在保证与同一规格的常温电磁铁有一样起吊能力的

12、同时,略增加自重而降低功耗。 The high frequency and high temperature type will be guaranteed to have the same lifting capacity as the normal temperature type as well as minimizing work consumption, though it just increase much self-weight.4.2.4 采用全密封结构,有较好的防潮性能。Use the entire seal structure with good moisture-pro

13、of performance.4.2.5 潜水电磁铁可潜入水中使用,有优良的防水性能。The underwater type with good water-proof capabilitywhen submerged4.2.6 散热、隔热性能良好,安全可靠、使用寿命长。Good heat radiation and insulation. safe ,reliable and durable if operating in correct way.5.电气性能 The electrical property5.1 电磁铁的工作状态为反复短时工作制,根本型电磁铁通电持续率为50%,高频电磁铁通

14、电持续率为75%,一个周期为10分钟。 即:TD%= tp/tp+tn100%Electromagnet operates in repeatedly shorttime working mode. Basic type of electromagnet keeps DC energized condition sustaining rate about 50%.high frequency type keeps DC energized condition sustaining rate about 75%.That is: (duty cycle)TD%=tp+tn100%tp为工作时间,

15、tn为休止时间。 Viz:TD%= tp/tp+tn100%“tp is work time ,“tn is stop time。即电磁铁从通电吊起钢料送到目的地,到释放被吸物的整个一段时间为工作时间tp,返回原来位置的时间为休止时间tn,一个周期是工作与休止时间之和。tp means the electromagnet operating time from being energized to lift the material to the destination and to release magnetic force from the handled materials. tn m

16、eans the idle time the electromagnet returns to home position. One cycle id the operating time plus idle time. 5.2 在额定工作电压和通电持续率为50%、75%时的间歇工作情况下,电磁铁线圈的稳定温升不能超过允许温升值。The stable temperature increase of the electromagnet coil shall not exceed allowance value under the condition of rated working voltag

17、e about 50% and current energizing ratio about 75%.5.3 电磁铁可采用电压励磁和强励磁、过励磁三种方式,但强励磁电压不超过290V,时间不超过10秒;过励磁电压不超过350V,励磁时间不超过8秒;采用强励磁和过励磁电压可提高电磁铁的起吊能力。The voltage excitation , the strong excitation and the overexcitation can be adopted on the condition that the strong excitation voltage does not surpass

18、 290V, within 10 seconds, the overexcitation voltage does not surpass 350V within 8 seconds.The strong excitation and the overexcitation voltage can enhance the lifting ability.6.型号、技术参数与外形尺寸图 Models, technical data, and overall dimension drawing电磁铁型号、技术参数表DC-220VModels, technical data 参数型号外形尺寸技术参数产

19、品型号AB冷态电流A冷态功率KW通电率%起重能力Kg冷态/热态自重(Kg)钢球钢锭切屑DataModeOverall dimensionTechnical dataModeABCold-electric currentACold-state powerKWPower-on sustaining rate%Lifting CapacityKgMass(Kg)Steel ballSteel ingotSteel scrap6.1 拆开包装箱后,按装箱单清点随机技术文件,并认真阅读有关文件。Check the random technical documentary according to the

20、 packing list and read carefully the relevant document after disassembling the package.6.2 根据具体要求,确定或选择吊梁与安装方式。Confirm or choose the hanger and installation modes as the actual request 6.3 检查电磁铁的电气性能线圈电阻与绝缘电阻、外形尺寸与配套吊具的强度与尺寸,如无问题可进展安装。Check electric performance (winding resistance and insulation res

21、istance )of the electromagnet, overall dimension and the strength and size of the necessary hangers.If no problem ,the installation can be done.6.4 检查配套的电源控制设备与电缆卷筒设备的输出参数,应符合电磁铁要求。Check output data of the matched power control facilities and cable reel to meet the requirement of electromagnet.6.5 接

22、好联接电缆卷筒和电磁铁的电缆联接器,接通电源,对电磁铁进展0.51h的试运行,如无异常现象,可投入正式运行。Connect the cable adapters between the cable reel and the electromagnet ,turn on the power to make the test run for 0.5-1h.if no problem, the unit can be put into the normal operation .7.使用须知事项 Cautions7.1 使用前应测量电磁铁冷态绝缘电阻,在室温下其值不小于1M。Cold insulat

23、ion resistance of electromagnet should be measured to be no less than 1M at room temperature before using it7.2 电磁铁未平稳放在被吸物面之前请不要通电工作。严禁将电磁铁做游锤使用。Dont energize to operate until the electromagnet has been put on the handling material surface smoothly. Dont use the electromagnet as sliding hammer.7.3

24、需选择废料堆平坦部位吸吊。The lifting operation shall be done within plain section of the scrap material. 7.4 要求用高温电磁铁吊运高温物料,用常温电磁铁吊运常温物料,严禁用常温电磁铁吊运高温物体。The high temperature materials should be lifted with high temperature type .Normal temperature material should be lifted with normal temperature type. No use of

25、 normal temperature electromagnet to lift high temperature materials.7.5 严禁将电磁铁停留在高温物体上等待。对于高温电磁铁,当被吸物外表温度降到600以下方可将电磁铁靠近工作。Dont put the electromagnet stay on the high temperature materials .the electromagnet shall work on the condition of surface temperature dropped to less than 600 oC.7.6 不使用时,严禁将

26、电磁铁在高温区停留、徘徊、存放。Dont make the electromagnet stay, shift and store within the high temperature area when it is not used.7.7 尽量缩短电磁铁和高温物体接触的时间。Shorten the attached time between the electromagnet and the high temperature materials as soon as possible.7.8 非潜水电磁铁不能用水降温,不能置在水中。Non-submersible electromagne

27、t will not be reduced the temperature with water and put in the water.7.9 低通电持续率的电磁铁不能作高通电持续率的产品使用,必须根据具体情况选用相应的通电持续率的电磁铁。Electromagnet with low energized sustaining rate will not be used instead of the high energized sustaining rate. It should be chose to be available per the specified conditions.

28、7.10 电磁铁随着起重机升降,要防止砸断和拉断电源电缆。The electromagnet will be shifted with the crane so that the power supply and the cables will be avoided broken or damaged.7.11 在运行中要定期观察电磁铁控制屏上电压、电流指示值The voltage and current indicating value displayed on the electromagnet control panel shall be observed at intervals du

29、ring operation.7.11.1 电磁铁的励磁电流应处于冷态电流和热态电流之间。The energizing current of the electromagnet shall be between the cold current and hot current.7.11.2 电压允许误差不超过10%。The voltage allowable errors are within 10%7.12 电磁铁应保持枯燥。使用完毕后,应存放在枯燥、通风、无有害物质处。Keep dry, stored at the dry, ventilation, and no harmful mate

30、rials places after using7.13 经常检查链条、销轴的磨损情况,小于原直径的90%时,请与时更换正品。Check regularly the wear of racks and pins, replaced in time with their original diameter less than 90%八、保养与维修 Maintenance and service电磁铁在使用过程中,请按如下检修表进展保养与维修。Make maintenance and check according to the following tables when electromagne

31、t is in use.起重电磁铁保养与检修表检验局部检验项目检验周期低于标准应采取的助措施线圈对壳体绝缘电阻3个月低于1M时通电枯燥或返厂维修出线盒受潮后低于1M通电枯燥出线盒接线端子3个月松动应重新装配;烧损应更换线圈直流电阻206个月低于标准值的10%应返厂维修电缆绞扭3个月绞扭时应放松外伤轻度外伤应修补;拉断应更换链条磨损6个月小于原直径的90%应更换吊耳焊缝3个月有裂纹应补焊磁极外观1年磨损缺陷低于原尺寸5mm修补或更换焊接焊缝3个月有裂纹应修补The lifting electromagnets maintaining and checking formchecking secti

32、onchecking itemchecking cyclecorrective actions under the standard coil to shellinsulation resistance3monthswhen less than 1M,power on to make dry or return for servicewiring outlet boxmoistured, less than 1M ,power on to make dryoutlet boxwiring terminals3monthsreinstalled if loosen ,replace it if

33、burnedcoil DC resistance206monthsreturn for service if less than10%cablestwisting3 monthsloosen it if twisteddamaged externallyrepair when less damaged, replace if brokenrackswear and torn6monthsreplace it if diameter less than 90%hanging earswelding seam 3monthsmake welding repair if cracksmagnetic poleappearanceone yearrepair or replace when wear or damage less than the original size 5mmweldingwelding seam3monthsrepair if cracks


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