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1、Unit1单项选择 1.If you read the article for _second time, you will have _better understanding of it.A.a;the B./;the C.a;a D./;a2.Hownicethefishtastes!Couldyoutellmewhotaughtyoutocookit?Tobehonest,Ilearnt it _watchingTV.Ilearntocookmanydishes _TV.A.by;inB.by;onC.in;onD.in;in3.Whatsthe _ ofthecaratpresent

2、?Itsabout70kilometersanhour.A.placeB.speedC.priceD.mark4.WhydoyoulikeMrs.Lee?Becausesheisvery _.Sheisnevertiredofexplainingsomethingtousagainandagain.A.activeB.beautifulC.unusualD.patient5.Sorry,butIdidntquitecatchwhatyousaid.Wouldyouplease _youraddress?OK.Its.A.repeatB.returnC.recycleD.review6.HanL

3、ihasimprovedherEnglishalotsinceshejoinedtheEnglishclub.How _shechosetojoinitatfirst!A.quicklyB.suddenlyC.simplyD.wisely7.Youredoingmuchbetterinyourwriting. _canyouimproveitsoquickly?Well,IstartedkeepingdiariesinEnglishtwomonths ago.A. When B. Where C. How D. What8.Jimmyisveryhelpful. _Istaywithhim,

4、_Ilikehim.A.Themore;themostB.Themost;themostC.Themore;themoreD.Themost;themore9.MygrandpalearnsEnglishfortwohourseveryday, heisover70.Really?Weshouldlearnfromhim.A.becauseB.althoughC.sinceD.as10.WhynotlistentoBBCnewstoimproveyourlisteningskills?Its _difficultforme _follow.A.too;toB.so;thatC.such;tha

5、tD.so;too11.Whenyoueacrossnewwordsinreading,itisnotagoodideato inadictionaryatonce.A.makeupthemB.lookupthemC.makethemupD.lookthemup12.WhatdidTinasay?Sorry,Ididnt _whatshesaid.A.payattentiontoB.getonwithC.holdontoD.lookforwardto13.Ihaventgotapartner _.MaybeyoucanaskJohnforhelp.A.workwithB.toworkC.wor

6、kingwithD.toworkwith14.Physics _mucheasierformesinceMrs.Yangbegantoteachus.A. have been B.hasbeenC.wasD.were15.IwonderifIcanlearnEnglishwell._.Allthingsaredifficultbeforetheyareeasy.A.IamafraidsoB.YoureslowC.IttakestimeD.Itsapieceofcake填写单词 A根据句意与汉语提示,填写恰当的单词.1. Im so lucky to have James as my. 2. J

7、ohn kept the from his parents.3. Youre sure to do better in the exam if you start to the important points earlier.4. Many of the students dont have much of American history.5. Its not polite to cut in others. B用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:1. We all got _ when we heard the _ news. 2. I usually study English by _

8、vocabulary lists. 3. I dont know how _ the word correctly. 4. _ the words of pop songs helps me a lot. 5. He didnt stop, and he just kept _. 翻译下列句子1. 向某人求助 _ 2. 太而不能_ 3. 逐词逐句地_ 4. 小菜一碟 _ 5. 大声跟读_ 6. 英语口语_ 7. 在方面犯错误_ 8. 注意;关注_ 9. 尽力做某事 _ 10. 焦虑不安的_完成句子 根据汉语句子完成英语句子.每空一词.1. 这两个国家有很多相同点.The two countri

9、es have a lot _.2. 学习语言的时候,你不能害怕犯错误.When learning a language, you cant _ _ _making mistakes.3. 大声朗读可以帮你培养语感._ can help you develop a sense of language.4. 我第一次到成都,就喜欢上了这个城市.I _ _ _ with Chengdu when I came to the city for the first time.5. 你读书快慢主要取决于你的词汇量和阅读习惯.Whether or not you read fast mainly _ _

10、your vocabulary and reading habits.Unit2单项选择1. Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate Easter Day? No. This is the first time Ive celebrated festival. A. the; theB. the; a C. /; the D. /; a2. What did you do on April Fools Day? I played a trick my brother. A. on B. to C. with D. at3. We will have two fam

11、ily parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and is at Thanksgiving.A. other B. the other C. another D. the others4. Do you have in Beijing? Yes. My aunt and uncle live there.A. classmates B. cousins C. partners D. relatives5. Have you found the poor dog yet? Yes. But he waswhen we found him. The ba

12、d weather killed him.A. dying B. died C. dead D. die6. Its dangerous to swim in this river. Yes, you are right. The government has people not to swim in it.A. trained B. warned C. led D. encouraged7. After working her way around the world, Annie ended up English as a foreign language. A. teach B. ta

13、ughtC. teaching D. to teach8. You should learn to think while reading. Usually, behind the lines the writers true meaning.A. lie B. lies C. have D. has9. Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province. the Dai people were having! Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival. A. What fun B. H

14、ow fun C. What a fun D. How a fun10. After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually some weight when they return to school. A. put away B. put up C. put in D. put on11. The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. Dont worry. I am sure our team will win!A. if B. that C. whe

15、ther D. why12. Could you tell me something about Valentines Day in Japan? Well, not only adults children celebrate it.A. but B. and C. although D. because13. Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant? Maybe. Well go there if the showbefore 6. But I dont know if thereany free tables then.A. will end

16、; were B. will end; will be C. ends; were D. ends; will be14. Can you spare time to e to our Thanksgiving party? Well, I dont know A. that I can finish my work by thenB. if can I finish the work by thenC. whether I can finish the work by thenD. that can I finish the work by then 15. I am going back

17、to America for Thanksgiving Day. . And we will miss you.A. Enjoy yourself B. Youre weleC. Thats interesting D. The same to you词汇A、根据汉语或首字母提示,填写恰当的单词.5分1. When my parents called me from my hometown, I could feel the over the telephone.2. Most of the students thought Jim Davids money yesterday.3. Peop

18、le in the UK dont use dollars or euros , and they use p.4. Mary is a shy girl. Her face always turns red when she speaks to a s.5. When I failed my exams, my parents usually encouraged me instead of p me.B、用所给词的适当形式填空:5分1. I think the movie is interesting _. 2. He _ his homework in two hours.3. Him

19、_ Chinese since he came to China.4. She missed _ her favorite TV shows last night.5. The story is very _. I dont like it.翻译下列词组1. 射下_2. 飞上_ 3. 叫喊_4. 摆开、布置_ 5. 做的好时候_ 6. 开的玩笑_7. 发放、分发_ 8. 的开始_ 9. 醒来_ 10. 使某人想起_完成句子1. 这个婴儿已经长了五磅重.The baby has _ _ five pounds.2. 戴尔和他的爸爸长得很想像.Dale _ _ _ his father.3. 昨天

20、晚上晚会以唱歌结束.Theparty _ _ _ last night.4. 我们应该帮助那些处于困境中的人.We should help the people _ _.5. 他经常在圣诞节装扮成圣诞老人.He often _ _ _ Santa Claus on Christmas Day.Unit3单项选择1. Is AC Milan Italian football club? Yes. Its one of most successful clubs in Italy.A. an; / B. an; theC. /; the D. /; / 2. Look! Whats that th

21、e corner of the room? I cant see clearly. Its a little dark there. A. behind B. belowC. in D. under3. There are floors in the building and my home is on thefloor.A. twenty; fifteenth B. twenty; fifteenC. twentieth; fifteen D. twentieth; fifteenth4. What fruit would you like? Some , please. They are

22、my favorite.A. dessert B. grapesC. juice D. biscuits5. The Internet has made munication much more. I agree. For example, I can municate with my friends on WeChat any time.A. popular B. necessary C. important D. convenient6. Whom would youfor the job? Tom, I think. Hes always careful and serious.A. s

23、uggest B. remind C. remember D. explain7. Was Erics father very strict with him? Yes. He never praised himhe became one of the top students in his grade.A. since B. whenC. until D. because8. Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some? Sure. Theres a post office at the first crossing.A. snacks

24、 B. stamps C. umbrellas D. bananas 9. Will you bea supermarket on your way home? Yes, Walmart is just beside my home.A. looking for B. setting up C. fixing up D. passing by10. Does my question soundenough? I dont think so. You can ask moreby using could instead of can. A. politely; politely B. polit

25、ely; polite C. polite; politely D. polite; polite11. Its not enough an English club. You should also read English newspapers and magazines often. Thanks for your advice.A. join B. to joinC. joining D. to joining12. You really went to the park last weekend? Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of m

26、e in the park.A. will B. wouldC. do D. did13. Are you going to Beijing for the summer holiday next week? Yes. But I havent got the air tickets and dont knowwe will set out. A. how B. whereC. when D. what14. I dont know next. Lets ask our teacher for help.A. what to do B. what should I do C. how to d

27、o D. how I should do15. The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.You never say no before you try.A. Forget it! B. Im sorry. C. e on! D. Pardon me?词汇A根据句意与首字母提示填单词.1. The teacher r_ us to have rest after class.2. When you ask for help , you should be p_.3. There is a dog at the c_ of the st

28、reet.4. The city is f_. Many people e here every year.5. I dont know where you live, Can you tell me youre a_?B. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Would you mind telling me the way to the hospital? He asked _. 2. Do you know that CCTV is short for China _ Television?3. She speaks English well because she is an Englis

29、h _ .4. The sweater is _. I can afford it.5. You are late again. Can you e to school a little _. 词组翻译1. 停车场_ 2. 盼望 _3. 一对,一双_ 4. 路过_5. 在某人去的路上_6. 快点,加油_ 7. 什么,请再说一遍_ 8. 走上前_ 9. 在某人的右边_ 10. 做某事很兴奋_根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子1. 我想知道你昨晚为什么没早点睡.I wonder_ last night.2. 在中国,我们第一次见到某个人的时候,通常是通过握手互致问候的.In China, when

30、we meet someone , we usually greet each other by shaking hands.3. 在西方,问女士的体重是不礼貌的.In the west,a ladys weight.4. 打扰一下,您可以告诉我最近的洗手间在哪儿吗?Excuse me, could you tell me ?5. 我不太确定那个餐馆是否提供中式快餐.I am not sure Chinese fast food.Unit4单项选择1. There was one-hour interview with the super football star C.Ronaldo on

31、CCTV 5 yesterday evening. Yes. C.Ronaldo shared a lot of his experience duringinterview.A. a; theB. the; the C. a; an D. the; an2. Baseball is a popular game among students in Taipei. Really? But its unpopular in our city. Students play it. A. often B. seldom C. usually D. always3. I cant tell when

32、the house was built , but it must be very old.A. exactly B. differently C. quickly D. simply4. Look! The goldfish is dying. What a pity! This kind of goldfisha lot of care and attention.A. has B. offers C. requiresD. receives 5. Henry is really a great grandfather. Sure, he is. He spends all his fre

33、e time teaching hiseverything helpful.A. son B. grandson C. neighbor D. friend6. Mr. Lee is really good at telling jokes. This makes him a popular teacher. Youve got the point. Students all liketeachers.A. kind B. careful C. humorous D. polite7. You should say sorry to your father for the mistake yo

34、u made, Tom. I dont to meet his eyes. What if he gets angry with me?A. need B. have C. refuse D. dare 8. Guangzhou Evergrande is really a super team in Asia. Yes. We were so when they won the Asian Champions League.A. proud B. afraid C. surprised D. worried9. Mr. Lee said he teaching English because

35、 he loved children. Yes. And his love for children and teaching makes him a great teacher.A. turned up B. gave up C. took up D. set up10. I have got used to living in this city. But I still miss my old friends in Taiyuan . Old friends are best, right?A. in time B. at the same time C. from time to ti

36、me D. on time11. Would you like to watch Transformer 4 in the IMAX theater with me? Id love to, I have watched it twice. The movie is really a treat to eyes.A. if B. since C. because D. even though12. Do you often your friends? No. I use WeChat more often, but I my friends.A. have to B. would like t

37、o C. used to D. get to13. This place used to be full of trees, it? Yes. But now it has turned into buildings.A. did B. didnt C. was D. wasnt14. Its not safe for a girl like you to _ so late. Thanks, but I am waiting for my father to pick me up here.A. hang out B. stay up C. fall asleep D. get up15.

38、James, can you tell me ? Paul? I havent seen him for years. He used to be a shy and quiet boy.A. what is Paul like B. what Paul is like C. what does Paul like D. what Paul likes词汇A根据所给的汉语意思,用合适的单词填空.1. An _ can lift something much heavier than its own weight.2. Jims parents will be angry with him if

39、 Jim _ to pass the test.3. The old man smiled happily when his _ smiled at him.4. I sometimes get nervous easily after an _ .5. The heavy smog could have a great _ on peoples health.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空.1. Without hard work, it would be impossible for you _ good grades in exams.2. The hotel is _ what we

40、want. Its a perfect one for us to stay in.3. My parents are thinking of sending me to a _ school.4. Its high time that we made a _. There is no need to discuss it anymore.5. Young babies are _ in hearing their mothers voices. 词组翻译1. 继续奋斗 _2. 得到太多的关注_3. 许多_4. 公开地_5. 搬来和一起住_6.逃课_7. 亲自_8.令某人吃惊的是_9. 对感到自豪_10. 对注意_根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子,每空一词1. 朱迪不再是一个害羞的女孩了.Judy is a shy girl _ .2. 曹老师以前是不是教过历史?他历史知识真丰富.Mr. Cao _ _teach history? He has so much knowledge of history.3. 我开始从事培训志愿者工作已经一年了.It has be


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