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1、word初中英语第一局部 考试说明一、考试性质省招聘中学英语学科特岗教师考试是符合招聘条件的考生参加的全省统一的选拔性考试,以招聘中学特岗英语教师为目的,着重考查考生应有的英语语言专业知识、语言综合运用能力和教育教学能力。本考试大纲主要为教师考试命题和考生备考提供依据。既可为招聘特岗教师作指导,也可以为招聘中学英语教师作参考。为表现招聘考试全面考查考生专业水平和综合能力的宗旨,本考试采用多种试题形式,以保证考试的效度、信度和区分度。二、考试目标与要求1.考查考生对中学英语教学容的理解、掌握和运用能力;2考查考生对高等教育对应于中学英语学科教学容的掌握情况;3.考查考生对中学英语课程根底知识、教







8、本科英语专业教材。2.现行初高中英语教材。3.英语课程标准。特岗教师考试容(该局部共有两卷,总分为120分,第I卷是根底知识局部,总分为100分第11卷是教育学、教育心理学局部,总分为20分。)题号总分得分第I卷专亚根底知识(总分为100分)1 .Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions: There are twenty inplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best

9、 pletes the sentence.()1. Dina,_for months to find a job as a waitress, finallytook a position at a localadvertising agency.A. struggling B. struggledC. having struggled D. to struggle()2. We all agreed that the cottage would_perfect holidayhome for the family.A. makeB. turnC. take D. have()3. Had s

10、he_her promise, she would have made it o YaleUniversity.A. looked up to B. lived up toC: kept up with D, e up with()4. -Did you see Peter and Mike?-No,Isaw_ofthem.A. neither B. eitherC. both()5: 100 is the temperature_which water will boil.A. for B. at C. on D. of()6. Im sure you will do better in t

11、he test because you_sohard this year.A. studied B. had studiedC. will study D. have been studying()7. According to a UN report, 30 percent ofthe world population have no_to clean drinking water and healthcare.A. meansB. approachC. channelD. access()8. Asa new graduate,he doesnt know_it takes to star

12、t abusiness here.A. HowC.when ( )9. Iwas just going to cut my rose bushes but someone_Was it you?A.has doneB.had doneC. would doD. will do( )10. In the last few years thousands of films_all over the world.A. have produced B. have been producedC. are producing D. are being produced()11. Carl is study

13、ing_food science at college and hopes to open up_meat processing factory of his own one day.A./;a B./;the C. the; a D. the; the()12. Elephants would_if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.A. die of B. die out C.die away D. die off()13.Jack fell off the bike, but he is all right now.What

14、 a lucky dog! He_himself badly.A. should have injured B. might injureC. should injure D. could have injured( )14. Bicycling is good to health;_,it does not pollute theair.A. neverthelessB. besidesC. OtherwiseD. Therefore( )15.Never before_seen anybody who can play tennis aswell as Richard.A. had she

15、B. she hadC. has sheD. she has( )16. The old town has narrow streets and small houses_are built close to each other.A. they B. where C. whatD. that()17.In that school, English is pulsory for all students, but french and Russian are_.A. special B. regional C. optional D. original()18. He had his came

16、ra ready_he saw something that would make a good picture.A. even if B. if only C. in case D. so that()19. When_for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.A. asking B. askedC. having asked D. to be asked( )20.Try not to work yourself too hard. Take it

17、 easy.Thanks._A. So what? B. No way. C. What for?D. You. too.Reading prehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. The first twopassages are followed by five questions or unfinished statements. Foreach of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Youshould decide on the

18、 BEST CHOICE. for the third passage, you aresupposed to find the best heading for each paragraph from A toF.Passage 1A recent study of ancient and modern elephants has e up withthe unexpected conclusion that theAfrican elephant is divided intotwo distinct species.The discovery was made by researcher

19、s at York and Harvarduniversities when they were examining the genetic relationship be-tween the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon to modern ele-phants-the Asian elephant, African forest elephant and African sa-vanna elephant.Once they obtained DNA sequences from two fossils, mammothsand mastodons

20、, the team pared them with DNA from modern ele-phants. They found to their amazement that modern forest and sa-vanna elephants are as distinct from each other as Asian elephantsand mammoths.The scientists used detailed genetic analysis to prove that theAfrican savanna elephants and the African fores

21、t elephants have beendistinct species for several million years. The divergence of the twospeciestook place around the time of the divergence of Asian ele-phantsand woolly mammoths. This result amazed all the scientists. There has long been debate in the scientific munity that thetwo might be separa

22、te species but this is the most convincing scien-tific evidence so far that they are indeed different species.Previously, many naturalists believed that African savanna ele-phants and African forest elephants were two populations of the samespecies despite the elephants significant size differences.

23、 The savannaelephant has an average shoulder height of 3.5metres while the forestelephant has an average shoulder height of 2.5 metres. The savannaelephant weighs between six and seven tons, roughly double theweight of the forest elephant: But thefact that they look so differentdoes not necessarily

24、mean they are different species. However, theproof lay in the analysis of the DNA.Alfred Roca, assistant professor in the department of Animal Sci-ences at the University of Minois, said,“We now have to treat theforest and savanna elephants as two different units for conservationpurpose. Since 1950

25、all African elephants have been conserved as onspecies. Now that we know the forest and savanna elephants are twovery distinct animals, the forest elephant should bee a bigger pri-ority for conservation purpose.()21.One of the fossils studied.by the researchers is that of_. A. the Asian elephant B.

26、the forest elephant C. the savanna elephant D. the mastodon elephant()22.The underlined word divergence in paragraph 4 means“_. A. evolution B. exhibition C. separation D. examination()23. The researchers conclusion was based on a study of theAfrican elephants_. A. DNA B. height C. weight D. populat

27、ion()24. What were Alfred Rocas words mainly about? A. The conversation of African elephants. B. The purpose of studying African elephants. C.The way to divide African elephants into two units D. The reason for the distinction of African elephants.()25. Which of the following can be the best title f

28、or the passage? A. Naturalists Belief about Elephants. B. Amazing Experiment about Elephants. C.An Unexpected finding about Elephants.D.A Long scientific Debate about Elephants.Passage 2 Shay asked,“Do you think theyll let me play? Shaysfatherknew that most ofthe boys would not want someone like Sha

29、yontheir team, but thefather also understood that ifhis son, mentally andphysically disabled, were allowed to play, it would give him amuch-needed sense ofbelonging and some confidence.Shays father approached one of the boys on the field and asked ifShay could play, not expecting much. The boy looke

30、d around and said,“Were losing by six runs (分) and the game is in the eighth inning(局) .I guess he can be on our team and well try to put him in to batin the final inning.Shay struggled over to the teams bench and put on a team shirtwith a broad smile and his father had a small tear in his eye andwa

31、rmth in heart. The boys saw the fathers joy at his son being accepted.In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shays team scored a few runsbut was still behind by three. In the top of the final inning, Shay puton a glove and played in the field. Even though no hits came his way,he was obviously joyful ju

32、st to be in the game and on the field. In thebottom of the final inning, Shays team scored again. Now, Shay wasscheduled to be next at bat. Would they let Shay bat and give awaytheir chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hitwas almost impossible. Thefirst

33、 pitch(投)came and Shay missed.The pitcher again took afew stepsforward to throw the ball softlytowards Shay. As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit aslow ground ball right back to the pitcher.The pitcher could have easilythrown the ball to thefirst basemanand Shay would have been out a

34、nd that would have been the end ofthe game. Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the head ofthefirst baseman, beyond the reach ofall teammates, The audienceand the playersfrom both teams started screaming,“Shay, run tofirst! Never in his life had Shay ever run thatfar but made it tofirstba

35、se, wide-eyed and shocked.Everyone shouted, Run to second! Catching his breath, Shayawkwardly ran towards second. By the time Shay rounded towardssecond base, the smallest guy on their team, who had a chance to bethe herofor his teamfor thefirst time, could have thrown the ball tothe second baseman,

36、 but he understood the pitchers intentions and hetoo intentionally threw the ball high andfar over the third basemanshead.All werescreaming,third base“Shay, Shay, Shay, all the way Shay.Shay reachedwhen one opposing player ran to help himand shouted, Shay, run to third. As Shay rounded third, all we

37、reon theirfeet, crying, Shay, run home! Shay ran to home, steppedon the home base and was cheered as the hero who wan the gameforhis teamThat day, the boysfrom both teams helped bring a piece truelove and humanity into this world. Shay didnt make it to anothersummer and died that winter, having neve

38、rforgotten being the heroand making hisfather so happy and ing home and seeing hismother tearfully hug her little hero ofthe day!( )26. Not expecting much, Shaysfather still asked the boy ifShay could play, mainly because thefather_ A. noticed some ofthe boys on thefield were hesitating B. guessed h

39、is presence would affect the boys decision C. learned some ofthe boys on thefield knew Shay well D. understood Shay did need afeeling ofbeing accepted( )27. In the bottom ofthefinal inning Shay was given the bat because the boys_A.believed theywere sure to win the gameB.would like tohelp Shay enjoy

40、the gameC.found Shay was so eager to be a winnerD.feltforced to give Shay another chance()28. The smallest boy threw the ball high andfar over the third basemans head, probably because that boy_.A. was obviously aware ofthe pitchers purposeB. lookedforward to winning the gamefor his teamC.failed to

41、throw the ball to the second basemanD. saw that Shay already reached second base()29. Which ofthefollowing has nothing to do with Shays being the herofor his team?A. The pitcher did not throw the ball to thefirst baseman.B. The audience and the playersfrom both teams cheeredfor him.C. The opposing p

42、layersfailed to stop his running to home.D. One ofthe opposing players ran to help him.()30. What do you think is the theme ofthe story?A. True human nature could be realized in the way we treat each other.B. Everyone has his own strength even ifmentally or physically disabledC. Everyone can develop

43、 his team spirit in sports and please his parents.D. The results ofthe game should not be the only concern ofthe players.Passage3 A. A sense ofhumour is not an inborn ability. B. A sense ofhumour can be developed in our life. C. A sense ofhumour helps usfrom several aspects. D. A sense ofhumour mean

44、s more than telling jokes. E. A sense ofhumour can be expressed in many ways.f. A sense ofhumour helps people to better enjoy life31.As awareness ofthe benefits ofhumour increases,most ofuswant to get all the laughs we can. It seems that almost every daythere is another new discovery about thepower ofhumour to help usphysically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Every system,ofthebody responds to laughter in some important or positive way.32.Many people mistakenly believe that we are born with a sense ofhumour. They think that when it es to a se


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