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1、 2. Target language:1) It was Damings birthday yesterday. 2) I bought a lot of things. 3) It was a book about space travel. 4) Simon was interested in the book too.教学重点:全体学生能运用: It was Damings birthday yesterday.教学难点: 学生知道并理解一般过去时教具:多媒体、录音机教学过程:Step1.Revisions Read the key words together and spell t

2、hem. Step2.Lead-inLast unit, We learnt that Daming had a birthday party, What presents did he receive? Do you want to know? Lets learn this new unit? Lets listen. What did you buy on the earth? Step3.Practice Read and answer the question: 1. It was Amy s birthday yesterday. ( ) 2. I bought a lot of

3、things. ( ) 3. It was a book about travel. ( ) 4. Simon wasnt interested in the book . ( )Step4. Extension and consolidation.1.Read and act out.2.短语:on the earth, decide to do sth,buy sb. Sth,space travel, be interested in, 1)bought (动词形式) _ 2)learn(过去式)_ 3he(宾格) _ 4Daming(名词所有格) _ 5loves(动词原形) _ St

4、ep5.Sum upStep6.Homework.Step7 BLackboarddesign: 1) It was Damings birthday yesterday. 2)I bought a lot of things. 3) It was a book about space travel. 4) Simon was interested in the book too.M6U2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.Teaching aims and demands:1.Vocabulary:baseball team spaceship

5、space about2. Sentences: Look at our spaceship. It took us to the earth.Teaching difficulties:Using past tense and talking about present.Teaching key points:Using the simple past tense.Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.Teaching procedures:Step1 Warming up(1)Greetings: (2)Sing a son

6、g: Where did you go? Step2 Leading-in1.What did you do yesterday?Show ppt, the pictures of books, teacher describes with the structures: This book looks + adjective words.Its about animals/plants/food 2. Look at this picture. What did Daming and Simon make?Step3 Practice1. Listen to the passage and

7、circle the new words.2.Read and answer the questions. (1)Whats the name of the spaceship? (2)How did the first man go into the spaceship? (3)What did it take?3. Read and act out.Step4Consoliditions Read and finish the part4 on page3. Step5HomeworkModule7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in spac

8、e.Module 7Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Teaching Objectives:1、Words and phrases: flew became spent hour son proud pilot2、Sentences:He spent about twenty-one hours in space. My mother and I saw my father on TV. I went to the airport. We ate in the restaurant.Teaching key points: The

9、 simple past tenseTeaching difficult points:The simple past tenseTeaching prosperities: cards pictures Tape-recorderTeaching procedures:Step1 Warming-up1. Say a chant: My sister said2. Free talk: Talk about Shenzhou VStep2 Lead-in:教师总结学生的描述后自己说三个句子:He came from Liaoning. He spent about twenty-one ho

10、urs in space. He traveled into space. 提问 Who is he? 引导学生猜出答案,然后说:“Yes , you are right. He is Yang Liwei. How much do you know about him?Step3Practice1.Show the pictures on the blackboard. Play the tape and have the students look and listen.2. Listen and underline the new words. Try to read3. Explain

11、 the new words and the sentences.了解单词的缩写和完全形式cm = centimetre km = kilometre a. 让学生在课文中找出动词的过去式,如,go (went), see (saw), eat (ate), 教师板书将学生分成两组,一组说原形,一组说过去式,展开游戏,看哪组反响快。Step4ConsoliditionsMake up sentences according to the text.Step5Summary.Step6 Homework: Module 7 Unit 2 Words: see - saw fly - flewea

12、t- atePhrases: make a videoBlackboard design:Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.教学设计教学目标:1.知识与技能目标:1四会新单词、新词组和2个新句型,做到发音准确、清晰;2熟练运用新句型与同桌进展相互问答;3能够借助课文中的照片和图片,进展看图问答或综合说话;4能够根据多媒体课件自主读写英语短文材料。2. 过程与方法目标:1通过师生问答、两两对话、角色扮演等多种言语交际活动,培养和提高口语交际能力和在日常生活中运用英语的能力;2能够仔细倾听教师和同学的发言,有语言表达和同学交流的愿望。3、情感态度与价值观1激发和保持学生

13、英语学习的动机。2通过学习美国著名盲人作家Helen Keller的故事,教育学生要坚强勇敢地向命运挑战。教学重点:难1四会新单词、新词组和2个新句型,做到发音准确、清晰;2熟练运用新句型与同桌进展相互问答;教学难点:能够借助课文中的照片和图片,进展看图问答或综合说话教学过程:Step1 Warming-up1) Greetings. 2) Free talk: What day is today? Whats the weather like today? What do you usually do at the weekend? What did you do last weekend?

14、Step2 Presentation:1) Show the book the teache .Three Days to SeeAsk the students who wrote it? Helen Keller2) What do you want to know about Helen Keller?Step3.Practice1) Look and listen.2) Listen and repeat. 3)Read and answer.(1)When and where was Helen Keller born? (2)She wrote a book about herse

15、lf, didnt she? (3)Did she go all over the world?(4) Is she a model?4) make up stories according to the text.Step4Consoliditions.Game: Encourage the students to say something about the topic. “As a small child, what could/couldnt you do?通过PPT出示自己儿时的照片,用本课学习的新句型介绍自己小时候能做的事和不能做的事,进而鼓励学生谈论自己的情况,既起到的示作用,

16、又拉近了师生间的距离。Step5 SummaryStep6 HomeworkBlackboard design:Module 8 Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads?教学目标: 1.知识与技能(1)掌握词汇:cup, planned, baseball, more, smile, make mistakes2能正确运用Why询问事情,并用because来表达原因。2.过程与方法结合课文容,会使用特殊疑问why来进展提问. 3. 情感、态度与价值观 激发和保持学生英语学习的动机,培养学生解决问题的精神与学会关心别人。教学重点:能正确运用Why询问不理

17、解的事情,并用because来表达原因。教学难点:能正确运用Why询问事情,并用because来表达原因。教学准备: 录音机、单词卡片教学过程:Step1 Revisions1教师出示卡片中的单词,重点考查:cup, planned, baseball, more, smile, make mistakes学生写出相应的单词。2.教师提问:上节课学了哪些句子?Step2 Lead-in1.出示两个短语:make lots of mistakes / make mistakes with English.师领读并讲解用法。新课标第一网2. 出示课件中的问题:(1)What are they do

18、ing?(2)What are they going to do?(3)Why are they laughing ?(4)What did Lingling bring?(5)What did Amy say?(6)What has Sam got in his bag?3.学生分组读课文,男女生比赛读。Step3 PracticeAsk and answer in pairs.A:“Whats the matter? A: Why are you crying?B: B:.Step4 SummaryStep5Homework 1.记忆本课单词与短语。2.朗读课文,并背诵重点句子。板书设计U

19、nit1 Why do you have cups on your heads?Why do you have cups on your heads?BecauseWhy are they laughing ?Because教学反思 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat?教学目标: 1.知识与技能 掌握本课重点短语和句型 2.过程与方法 1通过师生问答、看图说话等多种言语交际活动,培养和提高口语交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力; 2能够仔细倾听教师和同学的发言,有语言表达和同学交流的愿望。 3.情感、态度与价值观 培养学生观察身边人和事的能力。教学重点:能正确

20、运用Why询问不理解的事情,并用because来表达原因教学难点:灵活运用Why? Because。教学准备: 录音机、卡片教学过程:Step1 RevisionsWhy are you wearing a raincoat?Why are you wearing a hat? Why are you wearing a T-shirt?Step2 Lead-in1.教师放录音,让学生认真看图片。听第一遍录音时,教师要求学生找出录音中提与的图片。2.放第二遍录音,让学生试着找出句中的人物。3.再放录音,让学生模仿录音中的语音和语调跟读。4.学生两人一组进展操练,重点练习Why? Because

21、5.教师精讲why because 的用法,学生整理随堂笔记。放录音,学生跟读后,同桌交流。6)角色扮演。Step3 Practice Finish the exercise 3 of page 48.Step4 Summary 说说今天有什么收获?Step5 Homework 板书设计Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat?.Why are you wearing a raincoat?Because its going to rain.Why are you wearing a hat?Because its going to be sunny.教学反思:Modul

22、e 9Unit 1 Best wishesto you.教学目标: 1、能理解单词:wish、best wishes、primary、primary school、 message、keep、forever、joy、future、wonderful。 2、能理解课文容;3、能运用 Best wishes to you!这类语句表达良好祝愿。教学重点: 1、能理解单词:wish、best wishes、primary、primary school、 message、keep、forever、joy、future、wonderful。2、能运用 Best wishes to you!这类语句表达良

23、好祝愿。教学难点:能理解课文容.教学过程: Step1waring-up1、欣赏英文歌曲Auld lang syne 2、师生问候 Step2 Lead-inWhen did we use this sentence “Best wishesto you “? After this lesson,you will know it.Step3Practice1、观看动画,整体感知课文,并回答: Who gives message to Daming ? 2、学习单词:primary、primary school、message、keep、forever、 joy、future、wonderful

24、。 3、深入学习课文并回答: (1)Did Daming enjoy the time?(2)What are they saying?(3)Does LinglingthinkDaming is naughty?(4)WhatdidDaming help Lingling in? (5)What did Daming teach Amy? (6)What does SamaskDaming to do?4.再次观看课文动画,并逐句跟读 5.小结本课所学的祝福用语 Step4 Writing 小练笔:Say best wishes to your partnersStep5 Homework1

25、.Remember each word.2.Listen to the tape, and read the text. 板书设计:Module 9Unit 1 Best wishesto you.Wishbestwishprimarymessagekeepforeverjoyfuturewonderfulprimary schoolUnit 2 Wishing you happiness every day.教学目标: 1.能理解单词与句子: happiness、 Wishing you happiness every day。2.能理解课文容并进展简单的复述;3.能运用 Wishing y

26、ou happiness every day 这类语句表达良好祝愿。教学重点:1.能理解课文容并进展简单的复述;2.能运用 Wishing you happiness every day 这类语句表达良好祝愿。教学难点:能理解课文容并进展简单的复述;教学设计:Step1 Warming-up1.先出示“飞碟 、 “外星人与“电子的图片, 激发学生兴趣,然后问学生:“如果有外星人给你发送一封电子邮 件,你会感觉到怎么样?2、观看动画3、过渡:这是外星人 Bobo 写给 Lingling 等人的祝福, 那么 Lingling 给她的朋友撰写的祝福又是如何的?让我们一起来看一下 Lingling 的

27、告别信。4、出示 Lingling 的告别信5、学习单词与句子:happiness、Wishing you happiness every day。 6、揭题:Wishing you happiness every day.Step2 Lead-in 1、观看动画,整体感知课文2、深入学习课文并回答:(1)What is Lingling doing? (2)What does she write first? (3)Then what does she write?(4)How many letters are there? 3. 再次观看课文动画,并逐句跟读4、角色扮演。Step3 Pra

28、ctice 用今天所学的英语给你的好朋友写一份毕业留言。Step4 SummaryStep5 Homework1.Write each word for several times.2.Listen to the tape, and read the text. 板书设计:Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day. happinessWishing you happiness every dayModule 10Unit 1 We are going to different schools.Teaching aims and demands:1.Vocab

29、ulary:middle, middle school, speech, classmate, leave,Steptember, excited.2. Sentences: (1)We re going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this Steptember. (2)Im very sad to say goodbye to you. Were going to different schools.Teaching difficulties:Using the future tense and talk

30、ing about the future tense . Teaching key points: Using the future tense.Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.Teaching procedures:Step1 Warming- up1.Say hello each other.2.Sing an English song.Step2 ReviewWhy are you laughing/crying/eating/shouting? Because.Step3 Lead-in1. Are you goi

31、ng to middle school this September?2. What are you going to study?Step4 Practice: 1. Listen and look.2.Read after the tape.3.Read and answer. (1)What is Lingling going to study? (2)Who are Linglings best friend? (3)What is Lingling writing in her letters?Step5ConsoliditionYoure going to leave your s

32、chool.please write a letter to your friend.Step6 SummaryStep7Homework1 Read the text and acts it out.2. Talk about your new school.Blackboard Module 10Unit 1 we are going to different schools.1. What are you going to study? 2. What are you going to do?Module 10Unit 2 What are you going to study?Teac

33、hing aims and demands:1.Vocabulary:geography,Same,spoke, keep on, practise, each other, chemistry,physics.2. Sentences: Im going to study History, Science, Geography angd French.Teaching difficulties:Using the future tense and talking about the future tense . Teaching key points: Using the future te

34、nse.Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.Teaching procedures:Step1Warming- up 1. Say hello each other.2. Sing an English song.Step2 Lead-in Look who are they? What are they talking? Lets listen.Step3 Practice 1. Listen and imate.2. Read and answer.(1) Where is Amy going to study?(2) W

35、here is Lingling going to study?(3) What is Lingling going to study?(4)What is Amy going to study? 3.Read and act out.Step4 ConsoliditionsTalk to a friend. What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.Step5SummaryStep6 Homework Blackboard Design:Unit 2 What are you going to study? What are / is you / she, he going to study? He/She is going to study.26 / 14


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