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1、wordAn Empirical Study of English Learning Interest of Grade 5 Students in Yingcai Primary SchoolUnder the supervision ofAssociate Professor Liang DuanjunA ThesisSubmitted to the School of Foreign Languages In Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English AtChuz

2、hou University16 / 23AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all these who helped me in one way or another in the pletion of this thesis.First of all, I owe great indebtedness to my supervisor, Associate Professor Liang Duanjun whose strict demands

3、and insightful suggestions are indispensable through all the stages of development and revision of the thesis. Hehas made lots of corrections and suggestions while reading my drafts of the thesis. Without his patience and wisdom the present thesis would be unthinkable.Special thanks should also be e

4、xtended to all of the teachers who taught me during my four years of study in Chuzhou University, in particular, associate professors Chen Jiacai and Yao Zhiying and lecturers Yu Fengbao, Ge Houwei and for their enlightening instructions.At last, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my mot

5、her and my father, for their financial support for me, and my dear friends Sun Yuqing and Yang Xingxing, who offered me a lot of help with the paper. With their consistent support and encouragement, I would be able to carry on my study and plete this thesis. AbstractThis thesis made a qualitative an

6、d quantitative study of the English learning interest (in-class interest, after-class interest and interest-in-English) of Grade 5 students in Yingcai Primary School. Its aims were: (1) to show the whole picture of Grade 5 students English learning interest in Yingcai Primary School; (2) to indicate

7、 the correlation between English learning interest and English achievements; (3) to know the differences in English learning interest between boys and girls. One hundred students who were chosen from the four classes of Grade 5 in Yingcai Primary School participated in the study. The results indicat

8、ed that: (1) Grade 5 students had strong English learning interest (Mean=2.427), and their in-class interest (Mean=2.598) was a little stronger than their after-class interest (Mean=2.342) and their interest-in-English (Mean=2.341); (2) The correlation between English learning interest and English a

9、chievements of the Weak Interest Group was weak (r=0.312), and that of the Strong Interest Group was a little weaker (r=0.051), which meant their English learning interest had little effect on their English achievements; (3) Girls had a little stronger English learning interest than boys, but the se

10、x differences in English learning interest were not significant (t= -1.216; p=0.1140.05). Key words: English learning interest; primary school students; achievements; difference in interest 摘 要本研究通过定性与定量相结合的方法对英才小学五年级学生英语学习兴趣课兴趣、课后兴趣和对英语本身的兴趣进展了调查研究,研究目的为1了解英才小学五年级学生英语学习兴趣的现状;2弄清英语学习兴趣和英语成绩之间的关系;3分析

11、男生女生间英语学习兴趣的差异。来自英才小学五年级四个班级的100名学生参与了本次调查研究。研究发现:1五年级学生的英语学习兴趣较高Mean=2.427,课兴趣Mean=2.598比课后兴趣Mean=2.342和对英语本身的兴趣Mean=2.341要高;2低兴趣组学生的英语学习兴趣和英语成绩成弱相关r=0.312,高兴趣组学生的英语学习兴趣和英语成绩相关性更弱r=0.051,这明确他们的英语成绩受英语学习兴趣的影响不大;3女生的英语学习兴趣略高于男生, 但是男女生间英语学习兴趣的差异并不显著t= -1.216; p=0.1140.05。关键词:英语学习兴趣;小学生;成绩;兴趣差异Table of

12、 ContentsAcknowledgements.IAbstract.II摘要.IIITable of contents.IV1. Introduction.11.1The introduction of this thesis .11.2 The organization of the thesis.12. Literature review.22.1Present studies of English learning interest.22.2 The significance of the research.33. Method.4 3.1 The aims of the resea

13、rch.43.2 The participants.43.3 Instruments. 43.4 Procedures.53.5 Data analysis.64. Results and discussion.6 4.1 The current situation of English learning interest6 4.2 The relationship between English learning interest and English achievements.8 4.3 The differences in English learning interest betwe

14、en boys and girls.95. Conclusion.11 5.1 Major findings11 5.2 Pedagogical implications11Bibliography.13Appendix.15An Empirical Study of English Learning Interest of Grade 5 Students in Yingcai Primary School1. Introduction1.1 The background of the thesisInterest is the best teacher in English learnin

15、g. It is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object, event, or process. In contemporary psychology of interest, the term is used as a general concept that may enpass other more specific psychological terms, such as curiosity and surprise (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest).This th

16、esis focused on primary school students English learning interest. Based on Wang Chaos (2011) paper and teaching practice of primary school English, we put the content of English learning interest into three factors. They were in-class interest, after-class interest and interest-in-English.English l

17、earning interest is a kind of motive power, which can drive us to do very well in English. It is closely involved in English learning, especially for primary school students. At this stage, students are usually learning English for fun. With interest, they will feel pleasant when they learn English.

18、 It can help them overe learning difficulties easily. Chinese Ministry of Education issued English Curriculum Standards for pulsory Education (Ministry of Education, 2011). It tells us that affect is a very important aspect of students overall language abilities. The positive affect is the key to ef

19、fective learning,and English learning interest is an important part of it. So to some extend, English learning interest is the key to successful English learning.The primary school stage is a beginning for students English learning. The success of English learning in this stage will lay a solid foun

20、dation for their future learning. So doing an empirical research about primary school English learning interest will be very significant for teachers and English learning researchers. 1.2 The organization of the thesisThis paper was divided into five parts. Chapter 1 gave a brief introduction to int

21、erest, the meaning of interest for English learning, the viewpoints of English learning interest in English curriculum standards for pulsory Education, and the significance of this empirical research. Chapter 2 was a literature review about English learning interest and significance of these scholar

22、s studies. Chapter 3 was about the method, containing the aims of the research, the participants, instruments, procedures and data analysis. Chapter 4 gave a discussion about the results of the empirical study. Chapter 5 made a conclusion to this paper and offered some suggestions about improving En

23、glish learning interest.2. Literature review2.1 Present studies of English learning interestAccording to English Curriculum Standardsfor pulsory Education (Ministry of Education, 2011), affect is one of the important aspects of cultivating students overall language abilities, and English learning in

24、terest is an important factor of positive affect. Good English learning can not be achieved without the involvement of English learning interest. Primary school English learning is especially related to interest, because children learn things purely out of interest.Many scholars have made studies of

25、 English learning interest in past years. Among these scholars, some thought that English learning interest was theessential condition to learn English well (Berjin, 1997; Epstein, 1994; Chen Qi, 2005). Cultivating students English learning interest was the key for English teaching. If students have

26、 strong interest in English, English learning will be a kind of pleasure for them, rather than a kind of pains (Zhang Wei, 2010). The teaching practice has showed that stimulating English learning interest was especially important for students. It could help students to learn easily and breezily (Cu

27、i Yan, 2004; Shiga Mikio, 2008). To some extend, it could be considered as the best teacher for students. The stronger English learning interest they have, and the better English achievements they will get (Liu Zhen, 2006).Many other researchers have discussed a lot about how to develop and maintain

28、 childrens English learning interest. Zhang Li (2012) said that only by using vivid teaching methods can teachers improve their students English learning interest. He put forward some teaching suggestions, such as creating a good learning atmosphere for students, using the right teaching aids, adopt

29、ing some role plays and cooperative petitions into classroom activities. He Rongjuan (2012) talked about the usage of story to spark students English learning interest in primary school English teaching. She thought story telling was a good instrument to help improve students interest in English lea

30、rning. Wu Yexian (1996) explored the role of game teaching to keep students interest in English learning. Childrens span of attention was not as long as adults. They were easy to lose their patience. So game teaching will keep their interest in English learning.Some other scholars analyzed the relat

31、ionship between English learning interest and sex. Xiao Meili (2011), Yang Chaomei (1999) and Kaur (2011) talked about the reasons of sex differences in English learning interest. They said that boys and girls have great sex differences in physiology, linguistic intelligence, social environment and

32、learning strategies. So teachers should take proper teaching methods according to different sex. Zou Xia (2012) discussed the effect of sex on English learning interest. She held that girls had stronger English learning interest than boys and they were more active than boys during English class.Ther

33、e are some empirical researches about English learning interest. Wang Chao (2008) made an empirical study of Grade 6 students English learning interest. It aimed to prove the correlation among English learning interest, self-efficacy and English achievements. A set of questionnaire was used in his p

34、aper, and 201 students participated in his research. He put English learning interest into three aspects. They were in-class interest, after-class interest and interest-in-English. He found that English learning interest and English achievements were positively related with each other (r=0.623), and

35、 the correlation between in-class interest and English achievements was strong (r=0.512). Ding Yongxiang (2012) researched the situation of primary school students English learning interest and gave some suggestions. 90 students who came from Grade 4 and Grade 6 participated in his study, and a set

36、of questionnaire and interview were used in his paper. He found that 70% students had strong interest in English learning and 93.3% students liked their English teachers, and that was an important reason why they like English. Luo Jingting (2004) made a study of the effect about multimedia teaching

37、on Grade 4 students English learning interest. 115 students from two classes participated in the research. One class was experimental group and the other was control group, and both of the two classes had the same level in English. From her research, she found that students English learning interest

38、 of experimental group (p=0.010.05). So teachers should adopt proper multi-media into classroom. Xue Limei (.doc88./p-6.html) and Gao Yiming (.doc88./p-6.html) have designed questionnaires about English learning interest for primary school students. They aimed to test the picture of primary school s

39、tudents English learning interest. They put the factor of English learning interest into several items. Xue Limeis questionnaire had eleven items, and each item had three choices, and all of the items were single choice. The questionnaire of Gao Yiming had thirty items, and each of which had five ch

40、oices and all of the items were single choice. We can see that a lot of scholars have studied the importance of English learning interest, the methods of improving students English learning interest, and some of them have done empirical researches. They have shed more light on the study of English l

41、earning interest, and have laid a solid foundation for our present study. Undoubtedly, these studies can be very helpful and useful to the present study. Without those researches, this thesis can not be done very well.2.2 The significance of the research Although many scholars have studied English l

42、earning interest in different aspects, we find no empirical research has been conducted on primary school Grade-five students English learninginterest. So the researcher made an empirical study about Grade 5 students English learning interest in Yingcai Primary School, and tried to tell the relation

43、ship between English learning interest and English achievements, and the differences in English learning interest between boys and girls. This study could help teachers to know the current situation of students English learning interest. Many researchers have used questionnaires in their papers to t

44、est something they want to know, but few examined the reliability and validity of their questionnaires. In order to guarantee the precision of our test instrument, the researcher examined the reliability and validity of the questionnaire through SPSS in this paper. The researcher divided English lea

45、rning interest into three factors, which are in-class interest, after-class interest and interest-in-English. According to this classification, the researcher designed a set of questionnaire to test students different English learning interest.3. Method 3.1 The aims of the research The aims of the r

46、esearch were to learn about the general state of English learning interest in Yingcai Primary School, the correlation between English learning interest and English achievements, and the difference in English learning interest between boys and girls. The researcher put the aims into three specific questions:1) How is the Grade 5 students English learning interest in Yingcai Primary School?2) How is the correlation between English learning interest and English achievements?3) How is the diff


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