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1、初三英语加试复习卷七Theme D-F Cam III. Multiple choice.( )1. Warm air _in a spiral and goes faster and faster, which finally forms hurricanes.A. raises B. risesC. arises D. turns up( )2. Because of the danger of floods, millions of villagers moved to other towns and waited_ the water level fell again.A. unles

2、s B. untilC. if D. when( )3. The Japanese group _ that Japan _ reduce the air pollution by 10% in the near future.A. said; were going to B. said; will C. say; would D. says; is going to( )4. It _ very little to bee a member of the YHA, which_ hostels for people all over the world.A. cost, offered B.

3、 costs, offers C. costs, providesD. takes, provides( )5. Could you tell me _?A. wheres the supermarket B. how could I get to the supermarketC. if you have finished your homeworkD. what to deal with it( )6. -Would you like a sandwich? -_.A. Yes, please. I love watching films B. No! Take it awayC. No,

4、 thanks. Im not hungryD. Dont hesitate to give me some( )7. The summers of southwest of England are usually _ and _ than other parts of the UK.A. warmer; wetter B. warmer; drierC. cooler; drier D. colder; wetter( )8. In the Southwest, there are many small factories_ cheese, butter and yoghurt are ma

5、de.A. which B. that C. in whichD. when( )9. The biggest blackout in American history began when the hydroelectric generator_.A. broke out B. broken into C. broke downD. broke up( )10. Every year, the British people _ a lot of money _ central heating.A. spend in B. spend onC. costfor D. taketo ( )11.

6、 Is Hainan a good place _? I heard that many a person _ houses there.A. to live; have bought B. to live in ; has bought C. for living; has bought D. to live in ; had bought( )12. What a big tree! It has grown for about two _ years.A. hundred of B. hundredsC. hundreds ofD. hundred( )13. Would you ple

7、ase speak louder? I _ catch what you are saying.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD.oughtnt( )14. You must wait here_ your mother es to fetch you.A.sinceB. untilC. afterD. whether( )15. Grandmother _ wash clothes by hand but now she _ doing it with the machine.A. used to; used toB. is used to; is used toC. i

8、s used to; used to D. used to; is used to( )16. Did you hear someone shouting? No, I didnt because I _the music with earphone (耳机).A.listened toB.have listened to C.was listening toD. was listened to ( )17. You may surf the Internet if your work _.A. has done B.have done C.will be done D. is done( )

9、18. -Im sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time -.A. It makes no difference B. It doesnt matterC. Not at all D. All right( )19. He said he wasnt going to attend the meeting, _?A. did he B. didnt heC. was he D. wasnt he( )20 Mr Scott_be in the officeThe light is still on No,he_ beI saw him dri

10、ving out with his wife just now. He must _ to turn off the light.A. must; mustnt; have forgotten B. must; mustnt; forget C. can; cant; forget D. must; cant; have forgotten( )21. _ enough time, but I couldnt do it better. A. I was givenB. Given C. To be given D.Though I was given ( )22. -Johnson, the

11、rere a lot of chairs over there. Go and fetch _ for me. -Why _? Mike is sitting there doing nothing. A. one; meB. that; not he C. it; not himD. some; I( )-Did you see two Japanese here? -Yes, but theyve gone. One took a taxi, _ went on foot.A. other B. others C. the otherD. another ( )24. They didnt

12、 catch the train. When they got to the station, the train _ .A. leftB. was leftC. has leftD. had left( )25. Excuse me,Mr. KingYoud better not smoke hereLook at the sign! Sorry,I_ it A. dont see B. didnt seeC. hadnt seen D. wont see ( )26. puters are so usefulThey can do almost everything! Yes. But t

13、hey_what to do A. must be toldB. will tell C. has to be known D. will know ( )27. The cables are _ up _ the electricity cannot jump to the ground.A. high; in order to B. highly; so that C. high; so thatD. highly; in order thatII. Finish the sentences with the first letters given.1. In the 1950s, the

14、 population in China increased dramatically because people then believed “more men, more power.2. The school was pletely destroyed by the earthquake and nearly 300 students lost their lives.3. Its incredible that he was still alive after seven days underground without food.4. -Excuse me. Where is Na

15、njing Library, please?-Just walk in that direction, and you will see it on your right.5. The mayor is loved by most citizens because of his great efforts in trying to improve the living conditions for the working classes.6. For the young children, getting dressed is a very plicated thing and they ca

16、n hardly do it without their parents help.7. The age of the candidates ranged from 29 to 49, with an average age of 37.8. Theres no way out! Were trapped in this elevator!9. The decisions the government made have greatly affected the prices of the housing.10. In summer, people like to wear something

17、 white because it reflects the heat and keeps us cool in hot weather.11. The factory located by the river mainly produces building materials like the cement(水泥) and metal.12. Modern technology makes moving money around much easier than it used to be.13. The restaurant offers a wide variety of local

18、specialities, like the salted duck and smelly tofu.14. -How did you fall in love with your husband?-I guess it was his eyes that attracted me first.15. Generally, the more expensive the camera is, the better it is.16. -Whats the white liquid running out of the tree? -Its rubber, with which people co

19、uld make tires.17. The land of the countryside near here is as flat as a frying pan.III. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given word.1. I feel Im not able to cope well with the pressure of life.(press)2. People have bee aware of the importance of the tropical rain forests and try hard to

20、protect them all over the world. (tropic)3. The UN and other international organizations have e to Haiti to help. Many nations/ multinationals have donated large deals of money.(nation)4. The constantly changing weather caused a lot of children to have a bad cold.(change) 5. Since I am free and want

21、 to exercise my muscle, I might do a bit of gardeningthis afternoon.(garden)6. Pollution has bee a global problem and thats why we e from all over the world for this conference and discuss this matter. (globe)7. This factory produces100 cars per hour and the products are exported mainly to Europe.(p

22、roduce)8. To stop the ice-cream melting, my mum put it in a plastic container and stored it in the fridge.(contain)9. -Wheres John?-He has gone to thebakery/ bakers to get some bread.(bake)10. Turn left at the second turning and the zoo is right in front of you.(turn)11. -Oh. I forgot to make plans

23、for the trip.-Its OK. Mike is busy planning it.(plan)12. The great explorer went lost in the forest and was found dead two days later. The whole world mourned the lossof him.(lose)13. Over 30 million people had no electricity (electric) over an area of 200,000 kilometres, including (include)New York

24、, Boston and other large cities. IV. Choose ,the proper phrases and finish the sentences with the correct forms.bring education to local people have nowhere to live makepart ofpay high wages to a problem at put up the walls of the tunnels land at turn downin desert areas reduce the number ofto .1. T

25、he development of the network makes/ has made everyonepart of the world which is being smaller and smaller.2. After years of efforts, the government finally decided to bring education to local people, who lived deep in the forest.3. In the past, many poor people died in cold winter, because they had

26、 nowhere to live.4. I cant start the car. Would you please check and see if there is a problem at the engine.5. I have decided to leave this pany as the GM has offered to pay high(er) wages to me.6. He thought it was too warm inside, so he kept turning down the central heating. 7. Whenputting up the

27、 walls of the tunnels, two workers fell over and this caused the collapse which led to one death.8. The Cuban airplanes which were carrying food and water couldnt land at the airport since it had been pletely destroyed during the earthquake.9. The coaches have put great effort into the training in o

28、rder to reduce the number of students failing in the test to zero.10. In desert areas, it is very cold at night.V. Translation.1. 在温带,气温不会低于零下三度。而在极地地区,气温从不高于十度。In temperate area, the temperature does not go below -3 while in polar areas, the temperature never rises above10 .2. 为了帮助保护环境,特别是他们的历史古城,德

29、国人将让人们更多使用近些年开展迅速并已改变人们传统生活方式的公共交通系统。To help protect the environment, especially their historic cities, the Germans will make people use the public transport system more, which has developed very rapidly in recent years and changed their traditional way of life.3. 我们丢失了坐车回家的钱,所以我们不得不用到地图来找回家的路。We lo

30、stour money for the bus home, so we had to use a map to find the way to our house. 4. 你这个年纪的年轻人都喜欢这种从瑞典进口的 。Young people of your ageall like this telephone, which is importedfrom Sweden.5. 通常来讲,在中国的跨国公司大局部总部设在欧洲,喜欢把最好的工作给外国人然后把挣到的钱运回自己国家。Normally, multinationals in China, who have their head offices

31、 mostly in Europe, like give the best jobs to foreigners and send the money they make to their own countries.6. 去年春节期间,人如此多,公交公司不得不加派车辆。During the spring festival last year, there wereso many people that the bus pany had to provide extra buses.7. 很久以前,英国跟法国是相连的。后来,海平面上升,英国变成了一个岛屿, 结果出现了英吉利海峡。A long

32、time ago, Britain was joined/ C connected to France. Then the level of the sea rose and Britain became an island. The result was the Channel.VI. Sentence corrections.( )1. Suddenly I caught a sight of one of my best friends in the crowd, whom I spent a three-day A B Dholiday together. ( )2. The love

33、 story took place in France, an European countrywhich is full of romance. A B C D( )3. Mr Johnson refused to drive the black car, that ran slowly and often broke down. A B C D( )4. It was yesterdaythat he broke the windows have two layers of glass. A B C D( )5. People bothat home and abroad have bee

34、n great helped by the new puter. A B C D( )6. Our school is a modern school, whichset up in the early 1960s. A B C D( )7. Heard the news, I rushed out of the classroom, screaming and laughing all the way home.A B C D( )8. Please forgive us for not able to say goodbye to you face to face. A B CD( )9.

35、 On the night before my first day, I was muchexcited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up A B C late in the morning. D ( )10. Though the city is modern, but there are still some problems, such as air pollution,A Bcrowdedness and noise.C D ( )11. There wereover 100 studentsattend the speech conte

36、st held on Monday afternoon. A B C D( )12. Thinking he had no work to do, my father came back home, quickly finishing his supper A B C and left for the cinema. D VII. Cloze test.The measure of a mans real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. -Tomas MacaulaySome thirt

37、y years ago, I was studying in a pubic school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nanette Oneil gave an arithmetic(算术) 1 to our class. When the papers were 2 she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the 3 mistakes throughout the test.Theres nothing really new about 4 _ in exams. Perhaps that was why

38、Mrs. Oneil 5 even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to 6 after the class. I was one of the twelve.Mrs. Oneil asked 7 questions, and she didnt 8 us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the 9 words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to 10 these words in exercise-books on

39、e hundred times.I dont know about the other eleven boys. Speaking for 11 I can say: it was the most important single 12 of my life. Thirty years after being 13 to Macaulays words, they still seem to me the best yardstick(准绳),because they give us a 14 to measure ourselves rather than others.15 of us

40、are asked to make great decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called upon daily to make a great many personal decisions. 16 the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket 17 turned over to a policeman? Should the 18 change received at the store be f

41、orgotten or 19 ? Nobody will know except you. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always 20 to live with someone you respect.( )1.A.testB. problem C. paper D. lesson( )2.A.replied B. pletedC. markedD. answered( )3.A.easyB. funnyC. sameD. serious( )4.A.lyingB. cheatingC. guessingD. discussi

42、ng( )5.A.didntB. didC. wouldD. wouldnt( )6.A.eB. leaveC. remainD. apologize( )7.A.noB. certainC. manyD. more( )8.A.argueB. praise C. helpD. scold( )9.A.aboveB. monC. followingD. under( )10.A.repeatB. getC. putD. copy( )11.A.myselfB. ourselvesC. themselvesD. herself( )B. incidentC. lessonD. memory( )13.A.preferredB. shownC. broughtD. introduced( )14.B. sentencesC. choiceD. reason( )15.A.AllB. FewC. SomeD. None( )16.A. ShouldB. MustC. WouldD. Need( )17.A.andB. orC. thenD. but( )18.A.extraB. smallC. someD. necessary( )19.A.paidB. rememberedC. sharedD. returned( )20.A.more easier B


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