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1、 同等学力英语强化讲义词汇Unit One1.The town planning mission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax .A. efficiencyB. revenuesC. privilegesD. validity2. Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has bee at many survival skills.A. proficientB. pers

2、istentC. consistentD. sufficient3. He will resign in view of the plete failure of the research project.A. doubtfullyB. adequatelyC. presumablyD. reasonably4. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable _ his financial situation.A. with respect to B. in accor

3、d with C. regardless ofD. in terms of5. This book is expected to the best-seller lists.A. promoteB. prevailC. dominateD. exemplify6.It was said that _ absences was the reason for his dismissal.A. subsequentB. progressiveC. excessiveD. decisive7.Parents often faced the _ between doing what they felt

4、was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.A. paradoxB. junctionC. dilemmaD. premise8.Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat _ by steam.A. towedB. pressedC. tossedD. propelled9.Tiny atomic e

5、lectric batteries have certain advantages over the _ storage batteries.A. universalB. inclusiveC. indefiniteD. conventional10.Clark felt that his in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent.A. apprehensionB. appreciationC. presentationD. participa

6、tion11.Englands team, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to _ themselves for last years defeat.A. reviveB. retortC. revenge D. remedy12.My sister is quite and plans to get an M.A. degree within one year.A. aggressiveB. enthusiasticC. considerateD. ambitious13.Sadly, the Gia

7、nt Panda is one of the many species now in danger of .A. extinctionB. migrationC. destructionD. extraction14.The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it into fragments.A. broke offB. broke awayC. broke throughD. broke up15.This movie is not for children to see: it contains too much violence and

8、too many love scenes.A. profoundB. validC. decentD. upright16.It without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lower.A. takesB. appears C. makes D. goes17.The world economic recession put an end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002.A. irregular B. illegal C. abrupt D. absurd

9、18.Im about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it.A. mysteriousB. furious C. serious D. curious19.The Labor Partys electoral strategy, based on an with other smaller parties, has proved successful.A. acquaintanceB. integration C. alliance D. intimacy20.The new aircraft will

10、 be to a test of temperatures of -65 and 120.A. suspended B. suppressed C. summoned D. subjected21.The money I got from teaching on the side was a useful to my ordinary ine.A. profitB. supplement C. subsidy D. replacement22. Chinese people are now enjoying better dental health, as shown by the decli

11、ning of tooth decay.A. treatmentB. incidence C. consequence D. misfortune23.Many countries have conservation programs to prevent certain of fish from being extinct.A. speciesB. sources C. numbers D. members24.Susan never took any cookery courses; she learned cooking by useful tips from TV cookery pr

12、ograms.A. picking upB. bringing up C. putting up D. pulling up25.The President his deputy to act for him while he was abroad.A. promotedB. substituted C. authorized D. Displaced26. He was a very able man, possessed of considerable charm and some claim to polite cultivation which George Anne would se

13、em to have inherited from him.A. attractivenessB. unselfishnessC. disgraceD. shame27. Recently in this city there is one form of petty theft which has not abated but appears rather to be on the increase - -the theft of property from cars.A. meanB. minorC. popularD. severe28. New York City has a dive

14、rse population, including many Asians, African Americans, and Puerto Ricans.A. differentB. separatedC. unusualD. several29.We learned from the newspaper article that the family was in desperate need of help.A. extraordinaryB. seriousC. constantD. extreme30. Artists of the schoolof New Realism delibe

15、rately avoid expressing what they feel or think about the subject of their paintings.A. subtlyB. consistentlyC. intentionallyD. organically31.I desire that an opportunity will be granted to me to see some of those valuable manuscripts.A. given toB. quoted toC. reserved toD. proposed to32.The girl of

16、 ten has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.A. regularB. specificC. extraordinaryD. conventional33.He probed the mud with a stick looking for the ring he had dropped but failed to find it.A. examinedB. investigatedC. exploredD. glimpsed34.It will be much better if you remove

17、the last two paragraphs from this article.A. deleteB. cleanC. omitD. diminish35.His son was so attached to the new dog that he refused to leave it.A. tired of B. upset with C. inevitable D. fond of36.Management is simply the agent of the owners put there to carry out their policies and get their dec

18、isions accepted.A. managersB. employeesC. directorsD. representatives37.Mr. Johnson often narrates to his wife some amusing stories that happen in his office.A. relatesB. remindsC. quotesD. outlines38.A puter will always follow the same sequence when solving a problem, no matter how plicated that pr

19、oblem may be.A. impressionB. seriesC. projectD. order39.Conduction is the process by which heat is transferred through matter, without transfer of the matter itself.A. ProductionB. TransmissionC. TranspirationD. Transparency40.Very correctly, she was handing out the polite but casual hospitality due

20、 to a new neighbor who had rendered her a small service.A. offeredB. helpedC. facilitatedD. assured41.The news reports pletely overlooked the more profound political implications of the events.A. neglectedB. foresaw C. explored D. assessed42.Teachers and nurses who deal with children are obliged to

21、report cases of suspected child abuse to authorities.A. reminded B. expectedC. pelledD. requested43. Your grade will be based in large part on the originality of your ideas.A. creativityB. popularityC. feasibility D. flexibility44. We suspect there is a quite deliberate attempt to sabotage the elect

22、ions and undermine the electoral mission.A. consciousB. desperate C. clumsy D. intentional45.So strange were the circumstances of my story that I can scarcely believe myself to have been a party to them.A. just B. hardly C. almost D. definitely46.Smoke particles and other air pollutants are often tr

23、apped in the atmosphere, thus forming dirty fog.A. constrained B. caught C. concealed D. concentrated47.Employees in chemical factories are entitled to receive extra pay for doing hazardous work.A. poisonousB. difficult C. dangerousD. harmful48.Curt Carlson, the wealthiest man in Minnesota, owned a

24、hotel and travel pany with sales reaching in the neighborhood of $9 billion.A. preciselyB. merely C. substantially D. approximately49.The tendency of the human body to reject foreign matter is the main obstacle to successful organ transplantation.A. factorB. constituentC. barrier D. break50.Whenever

25、 you need Tom, he is always there whether it be an ear or a helping hand, so you can always lean on him.A. count on B. benefit fromC. stand for D. stick toUnit Two1.With the constant change of the conditions, the oute is not always .A. favorableB. reasonableC. dependableD. predictable2. The period o

26、f adolescence may be long or short, depending on socialand on societysdefinition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood.A. anticipationB. perspectiveC. propositionD. expectation3.Theat the highest point in the United States is 20,000 feet at Mt Mckinley in Alaska.A. evolutionB. elevationC. ev

27、aluationD. elaboration4.We are trying to make people moreto the difficulties faced by the laid-off workers.A. sensibleB. sensationalC. sensitiveD. sentimental5.Not , the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A. obviouslyB. surprisinglyC. particularlyD. normally6. All his at

28、tention was on one thing, that is, how to solve the problem of water shortage.A. emphasizedB. deliveredC. paidD. focused7. She had on the dress that I used to admire more than anything else in her possession, a light blue one prettily with lace.A. ornamented B. trimmedC. furnishedD. decorated8. In 1

29、914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe Europe into a great war.A. insertedB. imposedC. plungedD. pitched9. Not all persons arrested andwith a crime are guilty, and the main function of criminal court is to determine who is guilty under the law.A. sentencedB. accuse

30、dC. persecutedD. charged10. Some people think that atranslation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.A. literalB. literaryC. liberalD. liner11.His outstandingin the petition proved that he was a worthy winner.A. personality B. activity C. performance D. behavior12.My husb

31、and and I are each going to visit ourmothers.A. respectableB. respectfulC. respectiveD. respecting13.The patients health failed to such an extent that he was put intocare.A. intensiveB. rigid C. tenseD. tight14.Large amounts of food imports placed a great strain on the countrys gold.A. storageB. dep

32、ositC. reservation D. reserve15. Getting enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for _ vitamins.A. exceptional B. exceedingC. excessD. external16. The serial killers brutal behavior incited indignation among the people who have determined to find him out and pu

33、nish him.A. oddB. cruelC. magicalD. rough17. Every body persists in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it ispelled by external force to change that state.A. influencedB. affectedC. obligedD. forced18. Although wild flowers appeal to nature lovers, some of them are consid

34、ered troublesome weeds by farmers.A. deadlyB. annoyingC. controversialD. worthless19. Although some students graduate from high school, they are virtually illiterate, never having learned to read or write well.A. consequentlyB. obviouslyC. substantiallyD. actually20.The most terrible disputes are th

35、ose about matters as to which there is no good evidence.A. agreementsB. discussionsC. conversations D. arguments21. Even while making political statements, Ben Shahn was in full mand of his technical resources.A. abilitiesB. senses C. capitals D. sources22.The boss of the pany seemed very indifferen

36、t concerning the conditions of the workers.A. carefulB. ignorantC. responsibleD. unsympathetic23.He said he did not recall saying he was not authorized to accept the nomination papers.A. proposeB. rememberC. remendD. refer24. They were not asked for further details in view of their original reluctan

37、ce to admit to practice.A. formerB. earliestC. previousD. latest25.Thousands of civilians in the country were massacred in the air bombing last week.A. injuredB. poisonedC. killedD. wounded26. We must have broad-minded and patriotic leaders who remember that, though they are mortal, the nation is im

38、mortal.A. endlessB. eternalC. magnificentD. massive27. A railway station had been raided, a government grain-shop looted and burnt, telegraph wirescut and stones thrown at trains.A. conqueredB. attackedC. enclosedD. endangered28.The function of ears in hearing is to convert the sound waves to nerve

39、impulse.A. transformB. transmitC. transportD. transfer29.The piler cuts down the article to make it fit the space available in a magazine.A. splits B. isolatesC. diminishes D. mends30. Taking the lamp from the table I went to investigate, but no sooner had I opened the room door than my lamp was ext

40、inguished by a violent draught.A. put off B. put outC. put up D. put downUnit Three1. Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting all the acmodation agencies in the city.A. set downB. set aboutC. set outD. set up2. The African people were determined to overthrow the colonialist rule that the west

41、ern countries had _ on them.A. impressedB. imposedC. forcedD. enforced3. We should understand the importance of the industrial revolution and by _, the ing puter revolution.A. referenceB. inherenceC. preferenceD. inference4. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of _

42、quality hed tell them so.A. humbleB. inferiorC. minorD. awkward5. If you do something on your own _, you plan it and decide to do it yourself without anyone telling you what to do.A. initialB. initiativeC. initiateD. beginning6. Wealth was less evenly _ in the South than in the West, less money was

43、invested in education, and the rate of illiteracywas higher.A. dividedB. separatedC. distributedD. spread7. The detective story, as created by Poe, is something as specialized and as _ as a chess problem.A. intellectualB. intelligentC. optionalD. optical8. In the advanced course students must take a

44、ptitude testsat monthly _.A. lengthB. distanceC. gapsD. intervals9. Susan has always been more interested in the _ than the sciences.A. humanityB. humanitiesC. humans D. humanitarian10. The crook _ the millionaires son and demanded a two-million-dollar ransom.A. boundB. kidnappedC. stringD. carried1

45、1. The government is _ and will take necessary steps to maintain security and stability.A. on cueB. on the alertC. on the declineD. on end12. Well take a vacation in the mountains as soon as I finish working _ my project.A. onB. withC. inD. about13. She gave a glass of beer to her husband and a toy

46、bear to the baby _.A. differentlyB. equallyC. respectivelyD. individually14. During the past ten years, a number of bridges have been constructed and munications with the interior of the country have been greatly _.A. facilitatedB. equippedC. increasedD. accelerated15. By cutting down trees we _ the natural habitat of birds and animals.A. damageB. spoilC. hurtD. injure16. Dont be taken in by the advertisements on TV; they are just intended to induce pe


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