
上传人:夺命阿水 文档编号:19856 上传时间:2022-07-05 格式:DOCX 页数:5 大小:86.83KB
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1、小学生英语趣味竞赛卷_ _一、去掉括号内单词中的一个字母,使其成为一个新的单词完成句子。121.Letsgotoschoolby.(busy)2.WhereareTomandTim?(know)3.Thankyoumuch!(every)4.Itstimebreakfast,children.(four) 5.MayIhavealookatyournew?(open)6.MissWanghasalovelyblack.(coat)二、单词接力。第二个单词的首字母是前一个单词的尾字母,第一个和最后一个单词已给出。12bed 三、你知道这些颜色词吗?16生手,没经验的人累赘、负担眼红、妒忌红牌警告

2、黑面包白人、白人的蓝牙白宫green-eyed green hand White house white elephantBluetooth blue-eyed red card brown bread四、选择,用正确的中文或英文来答复以下问题。101、Whats in your classroom ? A、电扇、电灯、操场B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户2、Do you like balloons ? A、No, I dont. B、Yes. It is. C、OK.4、May I have a look ? A、Sure, here you are. B、No. C、Not at all

3、.5、我的座位在哪里?A、Wow ! Its so big !B、Its near the door. C、Its on the wall.五、给字母排顺序。36bgi大的 _ rabibt兔子_ lino狮子_ yoellw黄色_ bsieed在旁边_ rde红色_ smlla小的_ monkye猴子_ revir河流_ uaulsy经常_ Tgier老虎_ bule蓝色 _ 六、思维训练。61. One minus(减去) one isnt zero. Its a letter(字母). What is it?2. He is a lucky(幸运) dog. Here “A lucky

4、dog meansA. 一只幸运的狗B. 幸运儿C. 热狗3.It rains(下雨) cats and dogs. “cats and dogs meansA. 下狗下猫B. 狗和猫C. 倾盆大雨七、看以下这段话,画出你的新朋友。8I have a new friend . She has long black hair and big eyes .she has a small mouth and a big nose,She is tall and thin , she wears a dress and a hat. she is very cute!八、写出以下类型的英语单词。1/个

5、1.学习用品:2.颜色:3.动物:4.水果:小学生英语趣味竞赛卷_ _一、去掉括号内单词中的一个字母,使其成为一个新的单词完成句子。121.Letsgotoschoolby.(busy)2.WhereareTomandTim?(know)3.Thankyoumuch!(every)4.Itstimebreakfast,children.(four) 5.MayIhavealookatyournew?(open)6.MissWanghasalovelyblack.(coat)二、单词接力。第二个单词的首字母是前一个单词的尾字母,第一个和最后一个单词已给出。12bed 三、你知道这些颜色词吗?16

6、生手,没经验的人累赘、负担眼红、妒忌红牌警告黑面包白人、白人的蓝牙白宫green-eyed green hand White house white elephant Bluetooth blue-eyed red card brown bread四、选择,用正确的中文或英文来答复以下问题。101、Whats in your classroom ? A、电扇、电灯、操场 B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户2、Do you like balloons ? A、No, I dont. B、Yes. It is. C、OK.4、May I have a look ? A、Sure, here you

7、 are. B、No. C、Not at all.5、我的座位在哪里?A、Wow ! Its so big ! B、Its near the door. C、Its on the wall.五、给字母排顺序。36bgi大的 _ rabibt兔子_ lino狮子_ yoellw黄色_ bsieed在旁边_ rde红色_ smlla小的_ monkye猴子_ revir河流_ uaulsy经常_ Tgier老虎_ bule蓝色 _ 六、思维训练。61. One minus(减去) one isnt zero. Its a letter(字母). What is it?2. He is a luck

8、y(幸运) dog. Here “A lucky dog meansA. 一只幸运的狗B. 幸运儿 C. 热狗3.It rains(下雨) cats and dogs. “cats and dogs meansA. 下狗下猫B. 狗和猫 C. 倾盆大雨七、看以下这段话,画出你的新朋友。8I have a new friend . She has long black hair and big eyes .she has a small mouth and a big nose,She is tall and thin , she wears a dress and a hat. she is

9、very cute!八、写出以下类型的英语单词。1/个1.学习用品:2.颜色:3.动物:4.水果:小学生英语趣味竞赛卷_ _一、去掉括号内单词中的一个字母,使其成为一个新的单词完成句子。121.Letsgotoschoolby.(busy)2.WhereareTomandTim?(know)3.Thankyoumuch!(every)4.Itstimebreakfast,children.(four) 5.MayIhavealookatyournew?(open)6.MissWanghasalovelyblack.(coat)二、单词接力。第二个单词的首字母是前一个单词的尾字母,第一个和最后一

10、个单词已给出。12bed 三、你知道这些颜色词吗?16生手,没经验的人累赘、负担眼红、妒忌红牌警告黑面包白人、白人的蓝牙白宫green-eyed green hand White house white elephant Bluetooth blue-eyed red card brown bread四、选择,用正确的中文或英文来答复以下问题。101、Whats in your classroom ? A、电扇、电灯、操场 B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户2、Do you like balloons ? A、No, I dont. B、Yes. It is. C、OK.4、May I hav

11、e a look ? A、Sure, here you are. B、No. C、Not at all.5、我的座位在哪里?A、Wow ! Its so big ! B、Its near the door. C、Its on the wall.五、给字母排顺序。36bgi大的 _ rabibt兔子_ lino狮子_ yoellw黄色_ bsieed在旁边_ rde红色_ smlla小的_ monkye猴子_ revir河流_ uaulsy经常_ Tgier老虎_ bule蓝色 _ 六、思维训练。61. One minus(减去) one isnt zero. Its a letter(字母).

12、 What is it?2. He is a lucky(幸运) dog. Here “A lucky dog meansA. 一只幸运的狗B. 幸运儿 C. 热狗3.It rains(下雨) cats and dogs. “cats and dogs meansA. 下狗下猫 B. 狗和猫C. 倾盆大雨七、看以下这段话,画出你的新朋友。8I have a new friend . She has long black hair and big eyes .she has a small mouth and a big nose,She is tall and thin , she wears a dress and a hat. she is very cute!八、写出以下类型的英语单词。1/个1.学习用品:2.颜色:3.动物:4.水果:


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