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1、六年级英语期末测评试卷 总分值100分,考试时间60分钟Part 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇和语法)一、Choose the best answer.每题1分,共20分 1. ( ) Nancy cant find her bike, so she goes to the teacher _ help.A. toB. ofC. with D. for2. ( ) Miss Zhao is _ teacher.A. my a firstB. my firstC. first my D. my the first3. ( ) John jumps as _ as Be

2、n.A. farther B. farer C. far D. further4. ( ) My grandpa _ for a walk after dinner every day.A. went B. goesC. is going D. go5. ( ) There _ a football match next Wednesday.A. will haveB. will beC. is having D. will give6. ( ) There _ apple juice in the bottle.A. arent some B. isnt some C. isnt anyD.

3、 arent any7. ( ) Let the old woman _ the bus first.A. get on B. gets onC. to get on D. getting8. ( ) Id like _ Jerry soon.A. writingB. write to C. to write to D. to write9. ( ) _ David swim _ than Mike?A. Do; slowerB. Does; slower C. Do; slow D. Does; slow10. ( ) That isnt _ ruler. _ is in my desk.A

4、. your; My B. my; Your C. his; Mine D. my; Mine11. ( ) A: Can I have _ envelope and any writing _? B: _? A: I want to write to my pen friend.A. a; paper; Whats for B. an; papers; Whats for C. an; paper; What aboutD. an; paper; What for12. ( ) My dog is fatter than _. A. himB. heC. his13. ( ) Tom wan

5、ts to make a kite, so he needs some paper and _.A. two bottles of glueB. two bottle of glueC. two bottles of glues14. ( ) The man _ big eyes is Su Hais father. A. withB. in C. on15. ( ) David _ a sports meeting tomorrow. A. takes part inB. took part in C. is going to take part in 16. ( )_ is it now?

6、 Its half past nine.A. What timeB. What dateC. What day 17. ( ) is the school from the post office? Its about three kilometers away. A. How manyB. How far C. How much18. ( ) Look, my sister _ in the classroom. A. readB. reads C. is reading 19. ( ) Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like _. A. tak

7、e photosB. taking photo C. taking photos20. ( ) The students are talking their plans for the weekends. A. toB. withC. about二、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:每空1分,共12分1. There are 50 students in our class. Mike is the _( tall) of us.2. Mr. White and his daughter, Ann

8、, _(stand) under a big tree now.3. The _ (America) boy is new here. We should be _(friend) to him.4. He _ (live ) on the _ (two) floor. 5. My sister _(be) a nurse next month. 6. Mr Green often _(have) a chat with his children after supper. 7. This is my skirt. _ (you) is there.8. There are ten _(box

9、) in the classroom . 9. Toms schoolbag is _(heavy) than Jims. 10. Liu Tao and his mother _(go) for a walk after dinner yesterday. 三、Rewrite the following sentences as required每题2分,共12分1. He came here by bike this morning.对划线局部提问_ _ he _ here this morning?2. She wants to buy a beautiful dress.改为同义句Sh

10、e would _ to_ a beautiful dress.3. She watched TV just now. (改为一般将来时) She is to _ _ TV this evening. 4. I dont think they will come, _ _? (完成反义疑问句)5. He spent five hours doing his homework. (保持原句意思)It _ him five hours _ do his homework.6. Could you tell me the way to the Grand Theatre? 保持原句意思Could y

11、ou tell me _ _ _ to the Grand Theatre.Part 2 Reading and Writing(阅读和写作)四、Choose the proper words and expressions to complete the passage.每题1分,共15分Agot, rivers, with, how, went, wait for, them, carry, with, the otherOne day two brothers 1 fishing. They had a dog2 them. When they came near the river,

12、they threw down their caps on a big stone石头and went to the 3bank岸to 4 fish. It wascold that day, and soon they began to wish for their caps. They told the dog to go back for5.When the dog 6 there, he tried to take both caps together in his mouth at once. It was very difficult困难的. Then the dog notice

13、d发觉到that one of the caps was smaller than7. He put the smaller cap in the larger one, got it down 8 his foot and then he could9both caps in the same time.You see10clever the dog was.1. _2. _3. _ 4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _B“Fire is a good servant but a bad master. this is an old saying. What does

14、it mean?After people learnt how to make fire, they learnt how to use it. They use it to _ warm and drive away animals. They also learnt how to cook food _ it. Fire served people well and is serving them well.But sometimes a building catches fire. Sometimes a building is destroyed and people lose the

15、ir homes. Sometimes people even lose their _. Fire is not the servant then. It has become the master.Why do fires begin? What starts them? There are many causes of fire. Perhaps an old electric heater is knocked down. Sometimes a heater is placed _ near some clothes. Young children are sometimes all

16、owed to play with matches by their parents. Can you _ any other causes of fire?( ) 1. A. getB. keepC. becomeD. be ( ) 2. A.byB. forC. inD. with( )3. A. moneyB. housesC. clothesD. lives( ) 4. A. soB. veryC. tooD. quite( )5. A. tell ofB. think of C. afraid of D. say of五、Read the passage and fill in th

17、e blanks with proper words. 每空1分,共5分Do you know the Dead Sea? It is in Isreal. In fact it is a big lake. The sun is h_ there than in other p_ of the country because it is much lower than the other places. It is 400 metres below the sea level. The water in the Dead Sea is very s_. Fish cannot live in

18、 the water and plants cannot g_ near it. People are lighter in the salty water than they are in other waters. They cannot swim w_ in the Dead Sea, they can float on the water. In winter, people come to the Dead Sea. They bathe in the warm water.六、Read and choose. 每题2分,共10分There are four seasons in C

19、hina. March, April and May make the spring. June, July and August make the summer season. September, October and November make the autumn season. The rest剩下of months make the winter season.The Australia seasons are the opposite相反的of ours. When its spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.Australia

20、 is in the south南方of the earth. June, July and August are the winter months. The summer is in December, January and February. Its very hot there, too.Near the North Pole北极there are two seasons. The winter nights are long. For more than two months you cant see the sun, even at noon. The summer days a

21、re long. For more than two months, the sun never sets落下, and theres no night.( ) 1. make the winter season in China.A. October, November and DecemberB. November, December and JanuaryC. December, January and FebruaryD. January, February and March( ) 2. When its summer in China, it isin Australia.A. w

22、inter B. autumn C. spring D. summer( ) 3. Near the North Pole there are two seasons: . A. spring and summer B. summer and winter C. summer and autumn D. spring and winter( ) 4. Near the North Pole, theres no night in summer for more thanmonths. A. one B. two C. three D. four( ) 5. in winter near the

23、 North Pole.A. The days are longer than the nights B. The days are as long as the nightsC. The days are shorter than the nights D. The nights are shorter than the days七、Answer the following questions. 每题2分, 共10分Susan and Kelly found out that they were twin sisters. Soon after the girls were born, on

24、e family adopted Susan, and another family adopted Kelly. Susans family never knew about Kelly and Kellys family never knew about Susan.Susan and Kellys story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of Susan and Kelly next to the story. A young policeman named Grace saw the photo in the newspaper. G

25、race couldnt believe her eyes. She looked really like Susan and Kelly! She had the same colour eyes and the same smile. She had the same fair hair. She had the same birthday. And she, too, was adopted by another family.Later Grace met Susan and Kelly. When Susan and Kelly saw Grace, they couldnt bel

26、ieve their eyes. Grace looked really like them! Why did Grace look really like Susan and Kelly? You can guess. Yes, Susan and Kelly are not twins. Susan, Kelly and Grace are triplets.1. Susan and Kelly lived in the same family, didnt they? _, _.2. What did Susan and Kelly find out one day?They found

27、 out that _.3. From where did Grace know the story?She knew it _.4. What was Grace?She was _.5. Who was Grace? Grace was Susan and Kellys _.八、True or false. (每题2分,共10分)It snowed hard that day. Mike and his friends went to skate on the lake. May could not skate. Mike taught her. Jim wanted to skate i

28、n the middle of the lake, Jane stopped him. But he didnt listen to her. After a few minutes they heard him calling for help. “Help! Help! Then they found he fell into the cold water. They ran to him and May, the youngest of them, shouted loudly there. A farmer worked near the lake and heard her. He

29、took off his coat and jumped into the water and helped the boy go out. Their clothes were all wet. He took the boy to a hospital. Jims parents thanked him very much.判断以下句子是否与短文相符,相符的写“T,不相符的写“F( ) 1. It was warm and sunny. Mike and his friends went to swim in the lake.( ) 2. May could skate very well, but Jane could not.( ) 3. Mike fell into the want and called for help.( ) 4. A farmer heard and came to help the boy go out.( ) 5. They took the boy to a hospital and he was saved.九、Writing. (6分)根据图片展开想象,以 “My friend 为题写一段话,不少于5句。6 / 6


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