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1、湖里实验中学英语阅读与写作教学校本课程七年级下根据义务教育英语课程标准2011年版在九级目标体系中四级为八年级结束时达到的基本要求.级别技能标准描述三级读1. 能正确地朗读课文.2. 能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令.3. 能读懂简单的故事和短文并抓住大意.4. 能初步使用简单的工具书.5. 课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上.写1. 能正确使用常用的标点符号.2. 能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息.3. 能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候和邀请.4. 能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事.Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?知识储备.I短语:Age年龄

2、 14岁_ 出生_ 一月 _二月_ 三月_四月 _ 五月_ 六月 _ 七月_ 八月_九月 _ 十月_ 十一月_十二月_Appearance外貌高_ 矮_ 胖_ 瘦_留长发型_中等身材_ 中等身高_Personality性格文静_ 活跃_ 好心的_ 乐于助人的_外向的_ 好相处的 _ 害羞的 _聪明的_ 愚笨的 _Family member 家庭成员姐妹_兄弟_祖父母_堂兄弟_侄子_Activities活动去看电影_ 做运动_ 写信给_ 住在 _ 说英语_Hobbies爱好喜欢搜集硬币风筝_ 喜欢阅读_最喜欢的科目_ 喜欢和不喜欢_热身训练I 用所给的词造句 1. live in _3. e f

3、rom _4. speak_5. like _II 连词成句1. English, speaks, she. _2. from, my, is, pen pal, Canada. _3. speak , what, does, she, language ? _4. where, from, is, pen pal, your? _III重点句式: 1 你问你朋友说哪一种语言?他会这样回答:_2. 你要表达我会说汉语和英语:_3. 在信的结尾,你要表达请写信告诉我你的一些情况_4.你知道对方最喜欢的科目是什么?他可以这样回答: _ ?IV.我所掌握的好词佳句.1. Each person ha

4、s his unique likes. 人各有所好.2. _3. _4._5. _V相关谚语1. A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情2. A friend is easier lost than found失去朋友比交朋友更容易3. Each person has his unique likes. 人各有所好.4. Hobbies can make you grow as a person爱好能使你成长VI拓展的词组和搭配1. Whats more, more and more, be good for2. its very for sb to

5、 do sth3. not only but also能力提升阅读理解Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Sonia, who es from Turkey. I became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study tour.We stayed with the same family, and she was my roommate and classmate as well. Sometimes we went to the movies together

6、after dinner. Sonia is very easy to get along with. I will always remember the two weeks I spent with her. We didnt forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home. Although I havent seen her again since I left England, I still know how she is through letters, cards and photo

7、graphs. Sonia tells me her secrets and also shares her happiness and sadness with me. Both of us hope that we will meet each other somewhere one day.Maybe Ill go to Turkey to visit her, or shell e to China to visit me.回答下列问题 1. Sonia is from _.2. What is the meaning of became acquainted within Chine

8、se_.3. We know each other, through_.4. Sonia shares _ _ with me.5. Both of us hope_.根据这篇阅读理解,我摘抄的优美句子1. Sonia is very easy to get along with.2. _.3. _.写作训练你叫Kate , 性格外向、容易与人相处.爱好运动和阅读.家住在厦门,现在通讯业太发达了现在要找一位可以用信件来交流的笔友要求有共同的兴趣和爱好地域不限I思路点拨:这是一篇简要的自我介绍,寻找笔友的信件.第一步:四个确定1. 文章体裁:信件,正文格式已给出,所以写作的重点在正文部分.2.

9、主体时态:要讲述的是自己简要的情况,性格和爱好.3. 中心人称:由题目和提示可知,应用第一人称的口吻来写作.4. 写作要点:1自我介绍,性格描述.2爱好:运动、阅读.3表达与对方交友的愿望.第二步:拟定提纲1. 简要介绍2. 爱好3. 写作目的,提出希望.第三步:落笔成文Dear friends,How is everything going? Id like to introduce myself to you first. I am from China. I live in Xiamen. My name is Tom. Im in Class 1, Grade 7. Im very b

10、right, outgoing and easygoing.I think its very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they are not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will go swimming with my friends or parents in the swimming pool. After swim

11、ming, I usually feel happy and relaxed. Whats more, I can put more energy into my study. So lets do sports, and will bee stronger and stronger. I enjoy reading novels as well. In 2011, I won the first prize in the school petition.I am going to study English in an evening school. I really want to mak

12、e friends with you!Can you write to me soon? Kate思路解析:第一段:简要介绍 客套 How 入题 introduce 简介 be from 性格bright, outgoing第二段:爱好 运动like sports 益处 阅读enjoy reading 成就 第三段:写作目的 打算am going to study 希望want to make friendsII 教师点评:文章思路清晰,内容构思充实.句式表达生动,语言丰富形象.1以问句开头,引起读者兴趣,以示礼貌客套.2it is important for sb to do, not on

13、lybut also, whats more,more and more 等词组使用提升了文章的档次.3作者词汇丰富,用不同的词表达相同的意义,以避免重复,like, enjoy, am going to, want.III 写作模板: 称呼_引出话题How is everything going?自我介绍introduce myself to you. I live I am from, I am爱好描述its very important for sb to do . they are not only good for but alsoWhenever I am free, I will

14、Whats more, bee more and more. won the first prize写作目的I am going to really want to make friends with _ IV. 段落编写.使用所给的词语,编写一个意义相对完整的语段.提示词:friend, from, speak, want, write要求:1. 使用全部的提示词,并在语段中用波浪线标出提示词;2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义;3. 词数为40词左右,最多不超过60词.My name is Jack. I am from China. Traveling around the world

15、 is my dream, so I really want to speak English very well. I want to find a pen friend who is from the USA. We can exchange our ideas about our school life. At the same time, I can learn English from him and write to each other. I think its a good way to improve my English.自我展示段落编写.使用所给的词语,编写一个意义相对完

16、整的语段.提示词:pen pal, in, help, learn, write要求:1. 使用全部的提示词,并在语段中用波浪线标出提示词;2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义;3. 词数为40词左右,最多不超过60词._书面表达假如你是Gina,给你的笔友Jenny写封信,介绍你所在的国家、城市与你的家人、生日、爱好等,表达交友的愿望.要求:格式正确,语句通顺连贯, 80词._评价反馈项目自我评价同伴评价老师评价我的写作要点是每个要点所占的比重每段的主题句时态是否正确连词的使用是否恰当漂亮的句子单词的拼写、规范的书写、恰当的标点学习心得_I短语:Age年龄 Appearance外貌 Pers

17、onality性格14 years old be tall /short/fat/thin quiet/active/kind/helpfulwas born in have short hair outgoing/easygoing/shy January be of medium height/build clever/slowFamily member Activities HobbiesHave a sister/brother go to the movies like collecting coins/kites/ grandparents play sports enjoy reading cousin write to sbfavorite subject nephew live in /be fromlike and dislike speak English.


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