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1、wordA Lively City (XLXiao Lli JM-John Martin)XL: Its great to see you again,john.JM: Its great to see you! Its been six years since we last saw each other,you know. And this is the first time Ive visited your hometown.XL: Yes ,Im so glad you could e .JM:You know ,I have seen quite a lot of china and

2、 Ive visited some beautiful cities ,but this is one of the most attractive places Is so lively, and everyone seems so friendly.XL:Yes ,its one of the most intreresting cities on the coast,everyone says so.I feel very fortunate living here.And I love living by the seaside.JM: You live in the northwes

3、t of Xiamen ,is that right?XL:Yes ,thats right.JM:Whats the climate like? XL:Pretty hot and wet in the summer,but it can be quite cold in the winter.t they bother you?XL:Yes, they can be a nuisance in the summer because there are so many of them.JM: Oh, look at that huge apartement block!XL:Yes, the

4、yre just pleted it.The rent for an apartment there is very high.JM:I believe you!This areas so modern !heyve put up a lot high-rise buildings recently.And there are some great shopping malls.See,were just passing one now .My wifes just bought a beautiful dress from one of the shops there.JM:Maybe I

5、could buy a few presents there.XL:Ill take you there tomorrow. Now were leaving the business district and approaching the harbour. Were ehtering the western district, the most intererting part of the city .Its got some really pretty parks.JM:It seems lovely. Is that Gulangyu Island,just across the w

6、ater?XL:Yes, it is .Its a gorgeous island with some really intereting architecture.JM:So they tell me.Do you think we could stop and walk aroud for a while ?XL:Yes, I was just going to do that.We can park over there .A friends told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here. Shall we go there

7、for lunch ?m starving!思明区Siming District,位于某某省某某市南部含鼓浪屿全岛,三面临海,是某某市的经济、政治、文化、金融中心。思明区1位于某某省南部沿海,某某市南部,由某某本岛南部和鼓浪屿全岛组成,北面与湖里区毗邻,东、西、南面与小金门诸岛与某某市隔海相望,是某某市的政治、经济、文化、金融中心。鼓浪屿1位于某某岛西南隅,与某某市隔海相望,与某某岛只隔一条宽600米的鹭江,轮渡5分钟可达。面积1.87平方公里,2万多人,现为思明区所辖2。Module 4 Reading and Vocabulary-A LivelyCity 注::A Lively City

8、一文属于对话课文时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1 -3分钟Lead-in1A guessing game-Tell sth. About XiamenSs give an answer according to the information引起学生兴趣第4 -6分钟Lead-in2提问“What have you known about Xiamen,and have you ever been there ?“ Please say something about the city.回答如下问题激活学生已有的背景知识。第7-9分钟Fast reading 提问“Where are

9、they?快速阅读;选择正确“课文大意选项快速阅读,获取大意第10-15分钟Careful reading(1) 提出细节问题让学生回答-P33:Activity 1听教师讲解,了解任务要求。让学生把握课文的细节,深层次理解课文。第 16-22分钟Careful reading(2)要求学生两人活动,解决问题Pair work-P33 Activity 2同桌讨论问题正确或错误问题能够让学生充分理解文章的内涵。第23-30 分钟Summary 让学生小组讨论:Tell sth. About Xiamen according to the passage 学生小组讨论、记录训练学生综合分析、推断

10、思维能力第31-35 分钟Performance(1)让各小组展示讨论结果;教师点评学生小组展示;学生根据教师点评,进展修改训练学生听力,做笔记能力第36-40 分钟Performance(2)让同桌分角色朗读对话同桌对话训练学生表达能力A Teaching Plan of Book 1 Module 4 A Lively City. Teaching goals: a. Foster the Ss ability of self-learning.b. Ss learn how to introduce a place, using some of the new words from th

11、e text. The new words and expressions in the text:hometown, attractive, fortunate, pretty, sound, tourist, bother, nuisance, rent, district, approach, harbour, gorgeous, architecture, starve, park, put up.c. Cultivate Sss love for their hometown and motherland. Important and difficult points: How to

12、 introduce a place. Teaching aids:CAI facilities, a tape-recorder, and small flags. Teaching procedure:(Before class, teacher tells the Ss to learn the text by themselves. They will be checked in class.)Step 1. Check the students on the new words.T: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you agai

13、n. How are you today?A lively city. (show the topic.)T: Yesterday evening, I told you to learn the text by yourselves, right? Now, I want to know how much you have learnt from the text.Whats the name of the city? Now lets have a word petition. If you know the word, raise your hand quickly.l Xiamen i

14、s an _ city. (attractive)l One of the nicest things about Xiamen is that it is on the _.(coast)l A lot of _visit Xiamen in the summer. (tourists)This is the most famous place in Xiamen, in Chinese, it is called “鼓浪屿, and in English, it is called “Gulangyu Island.l Gulangyu Island is a _ (lovely and

15、beautiful) island with some really interesting _ (buildings). (gorgeous, architecture)l The _ (weather) in Xiamen is _ (very) hot and wet in summer, but it can be quite cold in winter. (climate, pretty)l The business _ is modern in Xiamen. You can buy all kinds of things in the _ (shopping centre).(

16、district, shopping mall)Have you seen the photos before? Xiamen University. Xiamen University is a very famous university in China. Many students want to go to study there. This is the entrance, the main teaching building, the library, and the students dormitory.l My sister said that she was _ (luck

17、y) studying in Xiamen University. (fortunate)Step 2. Check the students to see if they know the right order of the text.A. apartment blockB. business districtC. climateD. Gulangyu IslandE. western districtF. location of Xiamen(key: F-C-A-B-E-D)Way of conducting: The first student who gets the right

18、order gets 2 marks for his/her groupStep 3. Check the Ss to see if they know the detailed information in the text.1. John Martin is visiting Xiao Lis hometown. ( )2. Xiao Li lives in a town to the northwest of Xiamen. ( )3. John and Xiao Li havent seen each other for six years. ( )4. John has never

19、been to China before. ( )5. Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast. ( )6. There are very few tourists in the northwest of Xiamen.( )7. There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island. ( )8. There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu Island. ( )9. Theyre walking around the city. ( )(k

20、eys: TFTF TFFT F)Way of conducting: Divided the Ss into 4 groups. The four groups answer the questions in turn -they have a petition and get marks.Step 4. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is the first time John has visited Xiao Lis _- Xiamen. It _ _six years _ they last saw each other.

21、Its _ hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter. There are so many _ in the summer that sometimes they can be a _.In the business district, a lot of high-rise buildings have been _ recently. They can see some great shopping malls. In the western_, there are some really pretty

22、 parks. Gulangyu Island is a gorgeous island with some really interesting _.Xiamen is an attractive place and its a _ city. Xiao Li feels _living there. (keys: hometown, has, been, since, pretty, tourists, nuisance, put up, district, architecture, lively, fortunate.)Way of conducting: Each group fil

23、l in one paragraph -Students have a petition and get marks.Step 5. A task:Students Act as tourist guides and introduce places to the tourists.They can introduce Xiamen or another place. Their presentation should include most of the following: location (位置), climate, places of interest, buildings, bu

24、siness districts, special food, etc Students use as many new words below as possible.attractive, fortunate, pretty, tourist, bother, nuisance, rent, district, gorgeous, architecture, livelyWay of conducting:Students discuss among the groups and present their work. Teacher gives them marks according

25、to how well they perform.Step 6. Homework:1. Surf the internet to know more about Xiamen.2. Write a position about your favorite place. Teaching contents on the blackboard. Module 4 A Lively CityGroup 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Topic: A Lively City (Module 4, Reading and Vocabulary) Teaching objectiv

26、es:Language objectives:To get a general understanding of the reading materialTo be able to say a few words about a similar topic Skill objectives:To be able to summarize the reading material To be able to retell the main points in the textEmotional objectives:To build up the love for ones own city T

27、eaching focus:To get the gist of the reading material and express oneself on a topicTeaching difficulties:To find out the main points that make a city livelyTeaching aids:Power Point; tape-recorder; handouts;Teaching procedures: StepsTeachers activityStudents activityPurposesPre-task A self-introduc

28、tionListen, ask and answer questionsTo warm up A brief introduction of nanchongInteract with the teacher by talking and listeningTo introduce some new words and build a link between nanchong and XiamenWhile-task Introduce the technique - skimming Skim the picture, the names of the two speakers and t

29、he first two paragraphs individually to find the answersTo let the students get a general idea about the topic and the focus of the textIntroduce the technique - scanning Read the reast of the text individually and underline any words, or phrases that describe the city To practise fast reading,to co

30、llect their opinions on the topic and to summarize the reading materialIntroduce the technique - reading for detailed information and basing a conclusion on evidenceRead the second column of the conversation and find the evidence to the answers To learn to focus on details Play the recording and rai

31、se the question “what makes Xiamen a lively city?Listen to the recording of the conversation and think about the questionTo get an overall view of the conversation and get ready for the talkPost-task Collect students ideas by listening to their talk on Xiamenplete the sentence by adding their own re

32、asons found in the textTo check if the students have grasp the main points of the textGet the students to prepare for the talk on Dalian by providing a table for referenceGroup work: discuss, collect ideas and say a few sentences about Dalian To check if the students can talk about a similar topic a

33、fter readingGet the students to think deeper and further about the word “livelyFree talk: express their opinion on the understanding of the word To emphasize on the topic and to arouse the love of ones own cityAssignmentReview the text by listening and readingPrepare for a speech in 6-7 sentences, d

34、escribing XiamenTo reinforce what has been learned and get everyone to practise speakingA lively cityReading and vocabulary澄迈中学 徐小恋Teaching Aims:1.knowledge and skills(1)Develop the students reading ability(2) Learn the following words:hometown ,attractive ,fortunate ,pretty ,sound ,touristbother, n

35、uisance ,rent ,district ,approach ,harbor ,gorgeouspark architecture starveLearn the following phases and sentence patternsphases :be made of on the coastput up shopping mallsDrills :Its been six years sinceThis is the first time IveYou live in the northwest of xiamen,is that right?Pretty hot and we

36、t in the summer but it can be quite cold in winter.It a gorgeous island with some2.Process and Strategies :Train the Ss reading skills by dealing with some reading activities.3. Emotion and values: try to raise the Ss cooperation awarenessrequest the Ss to love their homeland and their hometown .Tea

37、ching important points;1. Encourage the Ss to talk about buildings. 2. Help the make sense of the whole passage. 3. Help the Ss to improve their reading ability. Teaching difficult points:1. Lead the Ss to talk in class activity. 2. Deal with some difficult language points. Teaching mat.Some picture

38、s the multimedia a black boardTeaching processStep 1 lead-in 通过欣赏歌曲鼓浪屿之波 引入这节课,同时展示优美的图片谈论鼓浪屿岛。设计意图:此步骤从美学的角度设计英语课堂教学结构,使学生的学习与获得美感与享受融于一炉,并陶冶学生的情操。Step 2 pre-reading1. Background knowledge of Xiamen Task 1:brainstorming.Q:What do you know about Xiamen?Working in pairs and then choose several studen

39、ts to describe Xiamen according to their discussion results.设计意图:该活动能让学生快速进入课堂学习的状态,开始思考学习的主题,激发学生联想与主题相关的信息,来开拓学生的思路。Step 3 Listening Task 2 ListeningListen to the tape. Then finish Page 33 Ex1.After listening, answering by the anticipate.(设计意图:通过设置听的任务,让学生有目的地带着问题去听课文,既训练学生的听力,又使他们初步整体感知课文大意。)Step

40、 4 While-readingTask 3 scanningRead the passage and find the information about Xiamen then discuss:Do you think Xiamen is a lively city?设计意图:查读是快速获得信息的一种手段,通过查读,让学生在有限的时间里尽快掌握课堂的内容,获取对课堂的总体印象,训练他们用眼睛捕捉关键词,在最短的时间内夺取最重要的信息。Step 5 Discussion进一步讨论Q: what is your ideal lively city?设计意图:充分表现学生为主体,教师为主导的新课

41、程理念,培养学生分析信息,处理信息以与合作探究的能力,同时竞争意思的注入,使学生情绪高涨,最大限度地激发了学生的学习兴趣。Step 6 Post-reading.Task 5 Speaking创设语境:Suppose Haikou city is applying for the most habitable city and you are the image Ambassador of Haikou . How do you introduce Haikou to the judges and the tourists?让学生根据自己的生活经历,运用所学语言知识参与到介绍某某的活动中。St

42、ep 7 SummaryStep 8 Homework1. Get on the website to know more about Xiamen. 1. Write your description of your ideal lively city. Brainstorming : What do you know about Xiamen?Discussion : Do you think Xiamen is a lively city?Discussion : What is you ideal lively city?Speaking : Suppose Haikou city i

43、s applying for the most habitable city and you are the image Ambassador of Haikou . How do you introduce Haikou to the judges and the tourists?Module 4 A Social Survey My NeighbourhoodReading A Lively City 齐市六中胡玉我国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,勤劳善良的人们在长期的社会实践中积累蕴藏了丰富的道德文化传统,经过几千年的文化熏陶,逐步升华为中华民族的传统美德,继承和发扬这些传统美德是学校教育

44、的重要环节和主要内容之一。在这方面,我们充分发挥了传统美德培养青少年优秀道德沃土和源泉的作用,让她在广阔青少年的心中生根开花。本模块的教学中渗透热爱祖国和热爱家乡的教育。.设计思路本模块让学生了解搞社会调查也是我们学习生活中的一局部。通过调查,我们就能够了解一些在书本上难以学到的东西。调查使我们得到锻炼,调查使我们认识和了解社会。调查使我们更加了解我们的城市,从而使我们更加热爱生活,热爱这个城市。本节课,以A Social Survey-My Neighborhood为题展开讨论和学习。谈谈自己周围的情况,尤其是同学,朋友,教师以与所在的城市。通过调查,我们可以了解周围,了解同学,了解我们的城

45、市。在 A Lively City 这篇阅读文章中就可以知道我们通过调查,了解了某某是一个美丽的城市。它工业兴旺,商业兴隆。这里的名胜古迹和自然风景令人向往。这里的摩登建筑令人眼花缭乱。这里的气候宜人,它确实是一个可爱的城市, 是一个生活和旅游的好去处。激发了学生对祖国大好河山的热爱之情。教学目标1 Knowledge objectshometown, attractive, pretty, bother, nuisance, fortunate, sound, tourist, district, approach, rent2 Ability objects(1) To train the

46、 studentsability of reading prehension(2) To train the students to grasp the main idea of the text and recite the text.3 Moral objects(1) To inspire the students to develop the traditional virtueloving our country and hometown(2) To train the studentsinterest in studying.III. Teaching key points and difficulties1 To analyse and prehend the text.2 To find out the main idea of the text from the dialogue.IV.Teaching methods and learning methods1.


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