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1、-1.What does the alert number 820 indicateA. AIS lostB. TT lostC. Navte* message receivedD. Cross track alarm2. What does the alert number 450 indicateA. Route: Illegal To WPTB. RADAR comm. Error C. LAN adapter version errorD. Heading sensor not available3. What does the alert number 495 indicateA.

2、Anchor watch errorB. Track control stoppedC. Steering parameter error D. Filter: Init. 4. What does the alert number 380 indicateA. Route: File read errorB. User chart: File not foundC. AIS COM errorD. User chart: File read error5. What does the alert number 635 indicateA. No official dataB. Log err

3、orC. Dual a*is log (WT) errorD. Dual a*is log (BT) error6. What does the alert number 640 indicateA. Datum mismatchB. Chart align: Over 30 min.C. RADAR antenna ID errorD. Gyro error (Trackpilot)7. What does the alert number 031 indicateA. Sensor adapter 1 COM timeoutB. Sensor adapter 2 COM timeoutC.

4、 Sensor adapter 3 COM timeoutD. Sensor adapter 4 COM timeout8. What does the alert number 257 indicateA. Heading sensor not availableB. Prg track: Need higher speedC. Prg track: Use radius CtrlD. Gyro 3 COM error9. What does the alert number 470 indicateA. WGS 84 not usedB. Different geodetic datumC

5、. Sentence synta* errorD. Datum change10. Where do you control the settings and visibility of the chart layersA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Basic Setting 11. Where do you set the Safety DepthA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display12

6、. Where do you set the Shallow ContourA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display13.Where do you set the Deep ContourA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display14.Where do you set the Safety ContourA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC.

7、 In Chart AlertD. In Chart Display15. Where do you set the Shallow PatternA. In Chart DisplayB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Catalogue16. Where do you control the AIOA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Chart DisplayD. In Chart Catalogue17.Where do you select the color Pale

8、tte used to display the chartsA. In Chart LegendB. In Chart DisplayC. In Quick Access BarD. In Chart Catalogue18.Where do you switch between Multicolor and Two Color settings for the chartsA. In Chart LegendB. In Symbol DisplayC. In Basic SettingD. In Chart Display19. When an ENC is outlined in Gree

9、n in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. License is not available or has e*pired.20. When an ENC is outlined in Orange in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is val

10、id - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.21. When an ENC is outlined in Magenta in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-dateC. Li

11、cense is available - chart not installedD. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.22. When an ENC is outlined in Yellow in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful

12、.D. License is not available or has e*pired.23. When an ENC is outlined in Red in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.B. License is available - chart not installed.C. License is valid - up-to-date status doubtful.D. License is not available or has e*pired24. W

13、hen an ENC is outlined in Blue in the Chart Catalogue - it meansA. License is valid - chart is up-to-date.B. License is valid - chart is NOT up-to-date.C. License is available - chart not installed.D. Cancelled chart.25. Where can you find information concerning the charts stored on the HDDA. On the

14、 Internet.B. The Chief Officer will know.C. In the chart catalogue.D. In the Chart Display menu.26. How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displaying an ENCA. There is an ENC Data available indication in the Own Ship Functions Bo*.B. There is an RNC data indication in the Own Ship Functions Bo*.C.

15、 The FURUNO ECDIS will give an audible alarm if I am not viewing an ENC.D. There is no special indication in the Own Ship Functions Bo*.27. Where do you find information on Magnetic Variation in the ENCs on the FURUNO ECDISA. In Chart DisplayB In Chart CatalogueC In Chart AlertD In Chart Legend28. W

16、hich information can you find in the Vector Chart LegendA Magnetic VariationB Base CD numberC Permit e*piration dateD Safety Contour setting29. Which information can you find in the Vector Chart LegendA T&P NoticesB NameC WarningsD Safety Contour setting30. Which information can you find in the Vect

17、or Chart LegendA Notices To MarinersB Presentation Library edition numberC Chart edition & Update dateD Safety Contour setting31. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Magnetic VariationB Safety Contour settingC Quality of dataD T&P Notice32.Which information can you find in the

18、 Raster Chart LegendA Horizontal datumB Safety DepthC User Permit numberD License number33.Which information can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Shallow ContourB Chart NameC Chart Viewing dateD Deep Contour34. Which information can you find in the Raster Chart LegendA Edition numberB Last displ

19、ayed updateC Edition dateD Update issue date35. How do you switch from Vector chart to Raster chart on the FURUNO ECDISA I select Raster chart in the Main menu.B I select RNC in the Chart Legend.C I select Raster chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select RNC in the Chart Catalogue.3

20、6. How do you switch from Raster chart to Vector chart on the FURUNO ECDISA I select ENC in the Main menu.B I select Vector chart in the Chart Legend.C I select Vector chart from the drop down list in the Status Bar.D I select Vector chart in the Chart Catalogue.37.How do you get information on an E

21、NC object (Buoy - Beacon - Berth etc.) on the FURUNO ECDISA I right click on the User Chart function in the route planning tool.B I click on the Chart Info in the Instant Access Bar.C I center click on the object.D I right click on the object.38 How do you record Own Ships position on the ECDIS char

22、ts when you have a Range/Bearing observation from your RADARA I cannot record own ships position manually on the FURUNO ECDIS.B I record LOP in the Record function of the Event Log.C I press the CTRL & ACQ/ACT button on the Control Unit.D I select RecordEvent Log and User Event from the Instant Acce

23、ss bar and insert the observation in the Record User Event window.b39 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA I can record target ships positions in the Voyage log automatically.B I can record a position fi* manually by using just one distance and one bearing.C I can playback my past vo

24、yage track on the charts.D I can send my Route Plan and User Chart and Notes to a FURUNO GPS for display on the GPS.40 Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA I can record my position manually on the ENCs.B I can set the ECDIS to automatically choosing a Safety Contour based on my setti

25、ng of Ships ma*imum draft.C I can set Ships ma*imum height to enable chart alerts from areas in the charts where there is not sufficient air draft.D I can send a copy of my Route Plan to an AIS target as a Safety Message.41Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA I can play back my ships

26、 past track on the ECDIS.B I can record my position manually on the RNCs.C I can create Notes from my Voyage Log to document a voyage on the charts.D I can set the ECDIS to include engine log information into the Voyage log automatically.b142How do you document your previous voyage on the FURUNO ECD

27、ISA I use my paper Logbook as documentation.B I use my paper Logbook and my VDR or SVDR as documentation.C I use the tracking function in the symbol display.D I show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts.43 Which operation can you perform during a voyageA I can use the Event function to r

28、ecord special events in the Event Log.B I can create a User Chart from the Alert Log and save it to a USB memory device.C I can create a User Chart from the Chart Usage Log and save it to a USB memory device.D I can create a User Chart from the Voyage Log and save it to a USB memory device.44Which o

29、peration can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyageA I can use the Event function to record special events in the Details Log.B I can view and print a copy of the Voyage Log.C I can create a backup copy of Own Ships past track (120 minutes ma*.) on a USB memory device and keep t

30、he copy in a safe location for future reference.D I can reset the Chart Usage Log after creating a backup copy.45Which operation can you perform during a voyage or after completion of a voyageA I can use the Record function to record special events in the Voyage Log.B I can create and save a screen

31、shot for future reference.C I can view and print a copy of the Details Log.D I can connect the ECDIS to the Internet and upload all documentation to an e*ternal storage.46Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyageA I can add additional records of manual positions to the Voyage Log

32、adding further detail to the past Voyage.B I can create a User Chart from the monitored Route Plan and save it to a USB memory device.C I can create a backup copy of the Voyage log on a USB memory device.D I can view and print a copy of the Chart Usage Log.47Which recording function is available in

33、the FURUNO ECDISA Danger Targets LogB Engine LogC Speed LogD GPS Log48 Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDISA AIS LogB Engine LogC Voyage LogD RADAR Log49Which recording function is available in the FURUNO ECDISA Gyro LogB Engine LogC Ships LogD Details Log50How do you manually r

34、ecord Own Ships current position in the LogsA By opening the Voyage Log and entering the current position.B By right clicking on own ship icon on the user interface.C By pressing the Record button on the Control Unit.D By using the record position event function of the Event Log.51What is a Manual U

35、pdateA A Manual update is an update applied using the Manual function in Load & Update Charts.B A Manual update is an update to the charts created by the operator from information received from the Pilot - a Navte* message - a VHF broadcast etc.C A Manual update is an update applied to the charts by

36、 an official representative of the chart producer.D A Manual update is a chart created using the digitizer function of the FURUNO ECDIS.52How do you delete a specific object added using the Manual Update functionA I select Clear in the Manual Update window.B I use the Delete function in the File E*p

37、ort tool.C I right click on the object and use the Manual Update window to delete it.D I set the View Until date for the Manual Update two months back in time.53How do you modify an e*isting Manual Update objectA I use the ENC tab of the Chart Maintenance function.B I use the Mariner tab of the Symb

38、ol Display function.C I cannot modify a Manual Update - only delete it.D I use the List tab of Manual Update tool function.54How can you see if a chart object is created using Manual UpdatesA The Manual Update will be larger than any other chart objects.B It is always shown in red.C It will have a s

39、pecial orange marker.D There is no way I can see if a chart object is created using Manual Updates.55Which color scheme is used for a Manual update on the Furuno ECDISA Blue ENC symbolsB Standard ENC symbolsC Orange ENC symbolsD Red ENC symbols56 Where can Manual Updates be displayedA Only on ENCsB

40、Only on RNCsC Only on Vector chartsD On all types of charts in the ECDIS57 Where can you find a list of the Manual Updates that have been applied to the Furuno ECDISA In the Chart LegendB In the Manual Update WindowC In the Chart CatalogueD In the Chart Display menu58How do you hide (not delete) a M

41、anual Update objectA I select Clear from the Manual Updates menu.B I select Undo Last from the Manual Updates menu.C I deselect that general type of chart object in the Chart Display dialogue.D I deselect the option from the Symbol Display dialogue.59Which Manual Update objects can be hidden from vi

42、ew by operator selectionA Only the Manual Updates Special Areas (from the Chart Display dialogue)B All manual Updates objects(from the Chart Display dialogue)C Only the Manual Updates Buoys (from the Chart Display dialogue)D Only the Manual Updates Soundings (from the Chart Display dialogue)60 Can y

43、ou create a Manual Update from an AIS Safety Message shown on the ECDISA Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No61Can you create a Manual Update from a

44、Navte* Message shown on the ECDISA Yes - by manually creating the object.B Yes - by letting the ECDIS create the object automatically.C Yes - either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS create it automatically.D No62Where do you change the visibility of your Monitored routeA In Chart LegendB

45、 In Symbol DisplayC In Chart DisplayD In Chart Catalogue63Where can you update the ENCsA In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)B In the Update function of the Chart DisplayC In the Update function of the System SettingsD In the Update function of the Chart Legend64Where can you update the RNCs on

46、the Furuno ECDISA In the Update function of the MenuB In the Chart Manager (Individual Update)C In the Update function of the Chart CatalogueD In the Update function of the Chart Legend65How do you update your vector charts on the Furuno ECDIS using the ENC Update CDA I use the AutoLoad function.B I

47、 create a Manual Update from the information on the CD.C I create a User Chart.D I import the information using the Chart Details function in the Chart Catalogue.66How are regular T&Ps updated on the ECDISA T&Ps must always be created as Manual Updates.B I create a Manual Update containing the T&Ps using the Manual function in the Load & Update function of the Chart Menu.C Most T&Ps are included in the weekly up


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