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1、全国公共英语等级考试一级全真语法选择题 ( ) 26、Of those three companies, the _ gives the best service.A、largeB、largerC、largest( ) 27、- Would you like to come to my birthday party ne*t Friday? -_. Thanks a lot. A、Youre welcomeB、Yes, Id love toC、Yes, please( ) 28、Our trip cost a lot of money because we stay at an _ hotel

2、.A、e*citedB、interestedC、e*pensive( ) 29、Im going to sit down right now and _ my homework.A、doB、makeC、take( ) 30、They have decided to go to see the film _ Friday afternoon.A、inB、onC、at( ) 31、- Must I finish the homework now? - No, you _. You may do it this evening. A、mustntB、needntC、cant( ) 32、Toms m

3、other did not tell him _ she would come or not.A、whenB、whetherC、where( ) 33、Sara looks just like her sister, _ shes much younger.A、butB、soC、or( ) 34、Our teachers lunch time is different from _.A、usB、ourC、ours( ) 35、It was about 600 years _ that the first clock was made.A、agoB、beforeC、since( ) 36、- I

4、m going to see Jane this afternoon. - Dont forget _ hello to her for me.A、sayingB、sayC、to say( ) 37、The time _ slowly as Tim waited for his friends.A、passesB、passedC、has passed( ) 38、If you have any questions, please _ your hands.A、put upB、set upC、keep up( ) 39、What good news! I must tell my mother

5、_.A、at allB、at firstC、at once( ) 40、The family used to live 500 meters _ from the lake.A、awayB、farC、long 2014年3月 ( ) 26、Jerry _ his wife that he would be late for dinner.A、askedB、toldC、said( ) 27、My father left his hometown for O*ford at the _ of 17.A、timeB、yearC、age( ) 28、I have no time to do e*erc

6、ises, _ Im very busy with my work.A、because B、untilC、though( ) 29、Mrs. Jones was poor. She didnt have _ money.A、manyB、muchC、little( ) 30、Heres your key, sir. I hope youll _ your stay here.A、joinB、enjoyC、welcome( ) 31、- Would you like a cup of tea?- _. A glass of water will do.A、I think soB、No, thank

7、 youC、Yes, please( ) 32、I met Lucy this morning _ my way to school.A、byB、inC、on( ) 33、The woman opened the door and _ a policeman standing before her.A、findsB、foundC、has found( ) 34、It is very important for a company _ a good office secretary.A、haveB、hadC、to have( ) 35、Jane _ be very healthy because

8、 she always goes to work on a bike.A、mustB、wouldC、need( ) 36、They were greatly surprised _ the bad news.A、atB、inC、of( ) 37、When I was a child, I would spend hours every day _ the piano.A、playB、playingC、played( ) 38、My brother met an old friend of _ yesterday evening.A、hisB、himC、himself( ) 39、Many pe

9、ople were late; some even came _ the meeting was over.A、untilB、whileC、after( ) 40、Mother is away so weve got to _ ourselves.A、look upB、look forC、look after 2013年9月 ( ) 26、Would you please _ quiet, Bill and Betty?A、keepB、makeC、take( ) 27、It is much _ to go up the hill than to come down.A、hardB、harder

10、C、hardest( ) 28、Tom is quite interested _ that job.A、inB、onC、at( ) 29、It _ at three oclock yesterday afternoon.A、is rainingB、was rainingC、has rained( ) 30、I want to know how much I have to _ for the camera.A、buyB、costC、pay( ) 31、There are many beautiful trees on _ side of the street.A、eachB、bothC、al

11、l( ) 32、I _ the news on the radio only a moment ago.A、sawB、heardC、read( ) 33、The children went into the cinema one _ another.A、byB、withC、after( ) 34、I borrowed two books. One is in English, and _ is in Chinese.A、anotherB、otherC、the other( ) 35、All the guests _ not to leave the party before four oclo

12、ck.A、were toldB、toldC、were telling( ) 36、- Must I hand in my paper today? - No, you _. You can hand it in tomorrow. A、mustntB、needntC、cant( ) 37、I didnt go to school yesterday because I wasnt feeling _.A、badB、correctC、well( ) 38、We all went to the park, _ we enjoyed ourselves very much.A、 orB、butC、a

13、nd( ) 39、We dont understand the passage _ there are few new words in it.A、becauseB、thoughC、since( ) 40、My son has decided to _ his job so that he can go to school again.A、put upB、give upC、make up 2013年3月 ( ) 26、I will wait for you _ you come back from school.A、whileB、as soon asC、until( ) 27、You can

14、use the credit card to _ for a car.A、buyB、payC、get( ) 28、Nobody in this office sings _ than Jerry.A、wellB、betterC、best( ) 29、- May I go home now?- No, you _. You have to finish the paper at school. A、cantB、neednt C、wont( ) 30、Look, Gary has _ a postcard of his hotel to us.A、borrowedB、receivedC、sent(

15、 ) 31、I _ going to the cinema when Im free.A、likeB、mindC、take( ) 32、Grandma would like to _ her hair in a different way.A、doB、giveC、take( ) 33、There isnt _ time left, so wed better hurry.A、littleB、someC、much( ) 34、He _ home for his office at 8 oclock that morning.A、returnedB、wentC、left( ) 35、When sh

16、e moved to Beijing, Jane was _ a student.A、stillB、yetC、ever( ) 36、The poor old woman couldnt buy _ much food.A、sheB、hersC、herself( ) 37、He says that he _ his house cleaned once a month.A、putsB、hasC、keeps( ) 38、The change of weather put an end _ their party in the garden.A、ofB、inC、to( ) 39、I opened t

17、he door and let the children in _ dinner was ready.A、whenB、thoughC、so( ) 40、John was always the first one _ his hand when a question was asked.A、raisedB、raisingC、to raise 2012年9月 ( ) 26、Youd better _ and ask your parents about it.A、goB、to goC、going( ) 27、The beautiful white house _ by the Smiths.A、b

18、uiltB、was builtC、were built( ) 28、Lets stop reading and have a tea break, _?A、will youB、shall weC、do we( ) 29、Ill have my secretary _ a letter to the head office.A、writeB、to writeC、written( ) 30、Great changes _ since I left three years ago.A、took placeB、have taken placeC、will take place( ) 31、I real

19、ly dont know _ hes so angry.A、whereB、howC、why( ) 32、You _ buy this book.I have already bought one for you.A、mustntB、needntC、wont( ) 33、The homeless boy slept on the ground _ his dirty shirt as a cover.A、withB、byC、on( ) 34、John is a heavy smoker. His room is always _ smoke.A、covered withB、full ofC、fi

20、lled in( ) 35、Of those companies, _ gives the best service.A、the largeB、the largerC、the largest( ) 36、Please tell Ms. Smith that I have _ to a meeting.A、goneB、takenC、left( ) 37、- How many books have you read this week? - _.A、NothingB、NoneC、No one( ) 38、Ive read _ of the book, but I dont find it very

21、 interesting.A、muchB、manyC、lot( ) 39、Please be quiet! I cant hear what the speaker _.A、is sayingB、has saidC、said( ) 40、Do not _ your bicycleagainst the glass window.A、giveB、takeC、leave 2012年3月 ( ) 26、You can _ newspapers ifyou want to know what is going on in the world.A、seeB、watchC、read( ) 27、Mr. S

22、mith is full of _. He likes to make other people laugh. A、funB、careC、trouble( ) 28、I cant open this door. Can you show me _ to open it? A、whenB、howC、why( ) 29、Nicola left school at 18, went to college, _ then worked at an airport.A、soB、andC、or( ) 30、Theyll have to find a way to _ the job more intere

23、sting.A、makeB、doC、take( ) 31、The walls in their office are covered _ all kinds of pictures.A、withB、onC、of( ) 32、I love that book, and Ive read it_ times.A、fewB、lotsC、several( ) 33、No one can stop him _ computergames on Sundays.A、from playingB、to playC、play( ) 34、Our garden is the second _ one in our

24、 town.A、largeB、largerC、largest( ) 35、- Has your sister finished her paper yet? - I dont know. She _ it this morningA、writesB、was writingC、has written( ) 36、We _ a lot from thefarmers when we stayed with them.A、knewB、studiedC、learnt( ) 37、My son has studied in the university _ last September.A、forB、s

25、inceC、after( ) 38、Jack, together with Mary,_ to school every day.A、walkB、walksC、are walking( ) 39、We drove _ severalvillages before we reached the mountain at last.A、throughB、overC、across( ) 40、Work fast but _ not tomake mistakes.A、hopeB、doC、try 2011年9月 ( ) 26、You look so _. Is there anything wrong

26、with you?A、fineB、goodC、bad( ) 27、Theres _ wrong with this pen; it wont write.A、somethingB、anythingC、nothing( ) 28、He was_busy to help me at the moment.A、tooB、enoughC、very( ) 29、They met for the first time _ the morning of February l4.A、atB、onC、in( ) 30、Bobs wife isnt able to do anything for _ becaus

27、e she is ill.A、themselvesB、himselfC、herself( ) 31、We are thinking about _ to the center of the town.A、to moveB、movingC、movement( ) 32、They found _ impossible to finish their work on time.A、thisB、thatC、it( ) 33、Tony has to work really hard to _ the others.A、catch up withB、look forward toC、go on with(

28、 ) 34、Breakfast in most American homes is a hurried _ of milk, bread, juice or coffee.A、mealB、dishC、dinner( ) 35、Almost no one fails _ his drivers test on the first day.A、passB、passingC、to pass( ) 36、The meaning of the music will become clearer to you _ you listen to it a second time.A、whenB、thoughC

29、、but( ) 37、No one else _ a smile as beautiful as Mary Smiths.A、hasB、haveC、have had( ) 38、Ill go traveling. Can you _ a flight ticket for me?A、makeB、bookC、turn( ) 39、Everything in the store _ e*pensive now.A、amB、isC、are( ) 40、- I really dont want to go to tonights meeting.- Me_.A、neitherB、tooC、no 201

30、1年3月 ( ) 26、Please remember _ me a call as soon as you get there.A、to giveB、givingC、give( ) 27、How much did you pay _ that car?A、withB、forC、to( ) 28、I dont want to see the film because _ it before.A、seeB、have seenC、was seeing( ) 29、What she likes to do and what she has to do are two _ things.A、close

31、B、possibleC、different( ) 30、There are some apples in the bo*, but there arent _ oranges.A、someB、anyC、much( ) 31、That book is _ andI would like to have it back, please.A、myB、mineC、his( ) 32、I have neither the time northe money to _ that sport.A、take part inB、catch up withC、look forward to( ) 33、The p

32、upils usually stop toplay in the park on their_ home after school.A、streetB、roadC、way( ) 34、I am not_good as mybrother at English.A、soB、tooC、such( ) 35、It was said that the meeting. _ more than 4 hours.A、spentB、lastedC、opened( ) 36、Jack was reading a book in thesitting-room_the phone rang.A、whenB、si

33、nceC、while( ) 37、Charlie had to return to his office for his handbag, _ he?A、hadntB、didntC、had( ) 38、Children are not_to be quiet all the time.A、hopedB、keptC、e*pected( ) 39、- Have you read the book yet? - Yes, I have _ read it.A、alwaysB、justC、still( ) 40、They didnt tell me _ my problem was, e*cept t

34、hat the job wasnt good for me.A、thatB、whetherC、what 2010年9月 ( ) 26、We dont like the _ there because it is toohot in summer.A、windB、winterC、weather( ) 27、Mary does not like to talk with her parents, but I enjoy _ with mine.A、talkingB、to talkC、talk( ) 28、You must show your receipt _ you want toget you

35、r bag.A、ifB、tillC、though( ) 29、You should _ playing computer games. Its bad for your eyes.A、keep upB、give upC、look up( ) 30、Dont worry. Our friends will come to help _.A、ourselvesB、oursC、us( ) 31、I usually go back home by bus. Its much _ than going by train.A、cheapB、cheaperC、cheapest( ) 32、Look!Alic

36、e is _ a red dress.A、havingB、wearingC、dressing( ) 33、We looked everywhere for the money but _ findit.A、couldntB、wouldntC、shouldnt( ) 34、The smile on her face shows that she is pleased _ ourwork.A、forB、byC、with( ) 35、Jane isnt in the office atthe moment, but she will be back _.A、in a minuteB、once upo

37、n a timeC、from now on( ) 36、We told Mary to come back _ shecould.A、as well asB、as soon asC、as much as( ) 37、He has lived in thatvillage _ he moved out of the city.A、sinceB、beforeC、when( ) 38、Would you mind _ the window? Its getting a little cold in here.A、closeB、to closeC、closing( ) 39、She _ South A

38、merica atthe age of 15 and has never returned.A、leavesB、has leftC、left( ) 40、- Would you like another cup of tea? - _.A、Yes, I willB、Yes, pleaseC、Yes, I do 2010年3月 ( ) 26、He had to teach _ ways of doing business with foreigners.A、himselfB、herselfC、oneself( ) 27、We were given a week to _ ready for th

39、e trip abroad.A、makeB、getC、take( ) 28、The doctor told him to _ drinking for the good of his health.A、give outB、give upC、give back( ) 29、Sally and Joy are _ nurses in a big hospital and they are good friends.A、bothB、eitherC、neither( ) 30、I believe his information about the weather _ not true.A、doesB、

40、isC、are( ) 31、- Can you do it by yourself? - I would like Jon _ me.A、helpsB、helpC、to help( ) 32、Well arrive this evening if we dont have any _ with this car.A、troubleB、matterC、question( ) 33、Peter could not believe his eyes _ he saw old Jimmy dancing.A、whenB、sinceC、if( ) 34、Little Mary is still _ her twenties, but she is a famous singer now.A、inB、onC、at( ) 35、Mrs. Poole is a bad dancer, but her husband is even _.A、betterB、worseC、bad( ) 36、Jack called from Canada as _ as he arrived there.A、soonB、quickly


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