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1、决心初二英语作文 决心初二英语作文(篇1)There are thousands of rivers and lakes in the world. I prefer a trickle in the mountains because it is lively and quiet; The sky is scorching sun and gorgeous clouds. I only love the sunset in the evening, just because this last wisp of golden yellow belt gives me another kind

2、of warmth; The forest is green and swaying, but I love the burning red leaves in autumn most, just because I am nostalgic for its deep meaning of life is limited, so contented and happy. Long life, I would like to follow the most true original heart, pursue the life I want most, and be myself.Its ea

3、sy to be yourself, but its not easy to be yourself. There are too many people around us who have never even thought about what life they really want. They think that what most people want is their own pursuit, and finally copy the life of others and spend their life at a loss. Of course, some people

4、 are full of confidence when they set out and know their favorite life clearly. However, with the passage of time, time has changed their face, reality has erased their dreams, constantly assimilated by the people around them, and finally lost themselves.Since ancient times, many people have gone wi

5、th the tide, and there are many people of insight who have overcome all difficulties and adhered to themselves. Ji Kang, the Seven Sages of the bamboo forest, hated the bureaucratic career of the time. He would rather be an unknown and free blacksmith outside Luoyang and pursue the lofty realm of li

6、fe in his heart; Su Shi of the Song Dynasty, if he drifted with the tide, he could be free from disasters and enjoy wealth. However, he insisted on his way of being an official, did not associate with others, was noble and upright, sympathized with the people, and finally became immortal; In his you

7、th, Zhou Enlai made a loud oath to study for the rise of China when others study for fame and wealth and study for an official. A lofty ambition inspired our beloved premier to struggle for it all his life.In the similar pursuit and track of life, many souls are lost, wandering, anxious and depresse

8、d. We really need to calm down and think about what we really want to live. Dont forget your original heart and lose yourself! Life will not drift with the tide, will show self-worth!世间江海湖泊万千,我偏爱山间一弯涓涓细流,只因它活泼而静谧;天空骄阳云霞绚烂,我独爱傍晚一抹落落余晖,只因这最后一缕金黄带给我别样的温暖;林间绿色摇曳生姿,我却最爱秋日那一片片灼灼红叶,只因眷恋它“人生有限,故知足而乐天”的深意。漫漫


10、波逐流大可免于灾祸、安享富贵,他却坚持自己的为官之道,不与别人同流合污,气节清高,体恤百姓,最终流芳百世;少年时代的周恩来在他人纷纷“为名利而读书”、“为做官而读书”之时,便许下响亮的誓言“为中华之崛起而读书”,一个远大的志向,激励着我们敬爱的总理为之奋斗了一生。在相似的人生追求和轨迹下,很多的灵魂都在迷失,在彷徨,在焦躁,在苦闷。我们真的需要静下心来思考,什么才是自己真正想要的生活。不忘初心、不失自己!生命便不会随波逐流,定会显现自我的价值!决心初二英语作文(篇2)I dont want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I chose

11、the distance, I only care about the wind and rain.When I was a child, I always made a wish to the starry sky: I must be a good student! Even if the road is rough, even if there are many storms, remember your initial determination, work hard, even if you fail, you should go down the platform!When I g

12、rew up, the reality lost my childlike innocence and my dream was gradually forgotten. Unconsciously, I ran counter to my dream. Until that day, I opened the kindergarten teachers notebook and wrote down my dream and mothers words in childish font. I suddenly realized why I became like this.The next

13、day, when I got to school, the examination papers were lying quietly on the table. The failed scores left my brain blank. Have I degenerated into this? I thought to myself. Lets see, he failed again. He will only drag the average waste of the class! Yes, yes, I have basically failed since the beginn

14、ing of school. What do such people do at school? Just pick up the garbage. Sentence by sentence tore open my heart like a sharp knife, and there was more than blood flow. Forget it, Ive been used to it for a long time. I smiled bitterly. Are you willing to fall? The teacher is a little serious. I th

15、ink of my mothers words. How can I be willing to fall? I still have ideals and determination! I will refuel! As soon as I bite my teeth, I say so. Well, I look forward to your performance. The teacher smiled. In the later days, I stayed up late every day to make up for my previous knowledge, which h

16、as fallen once. How can I forget my original determination again? On the day of the announcement of the examination results, I finally passed for the first time. I was determined to get back my glory and finally felt some achievements. Mothers words are still kept in mind by me, and alert me when I

17、relax; Give an alarm when I am complacent; Give encouragement when I fail and lose heart.If I dont forget my original heart, how can I forget my original determination? On the road of life, dont be afraid or shrink back. If there are thorns on the road, we will cut through them. No matter how diffic

18、ult it is, we should try our best to fight, even if we lose! Never forget the original intention, success is always left to the determined person!我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。小时候,总是对着星空许愿:我一定要成为一个好学生!至今依旧妈妈所说的那句话:即使路在坎坷,即使有再多风浪,记得你最初的决心,奋力拼搏,就算是失败,也要漂漂亮亮地下台!长大以后,现实泯灭了童真,梦想逐渐被抛在脑后,不知不觉中,我与梦想背道而驰,直到那一天,


20、已经堕落了一次,我又怎么再次忘怀最初的决心?考试成绩公布的那天,我终于第一次及格了,用决心拿回来属于我的荣耀,终于觉得了一些成就。妈妈的话,依旧被我牢记在心底,在放松懈怠时,给我警醒;在我沾沾自喜时,给予警报;在我失败丧气时,给予鼓励。不忘初心,我又怎能忘却最初的决心?在人生的道路上,不要畏惧,不要退缩,路上有荆棘,我们便劈荆斩棘。再大的困难,我们也要尽全力拼搏,即使是输!不忘初心,成功,永远是留给有决心的人!决心初二英语作文(篇3)New year is coming, Im going to do a lot of things next year. First, I want to im

21、prove my English, so Im going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my friends.Then, I want to take part in the sportsmeeting and get good grades, so Im going to do sports every day such asswimming, running and so on. At the same time, Im going to eat more healthyfood instead of

22、 junk food.新年就要到了,我打算明年做许多事情.首先我想提高我的英语,所以我打算经常练习并且和朋友多进行对话,然后,我想参加运动会并取得好成绩.所以,我每天做运动.例如游泳,跑步等等.同时,我打算吃更健康的食物代替垃圾食品.决心初二英语作文(篇4)my new years resolutions are diffcult to finish. first, i am going to study hard because i want to get good grades. math is not very good, so i will practice it three time

23、s a week.then, i am going to exercise more. i will go swimming, run and so on. next, i will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit. i also want to learn a new language because i want to be a translator when i grow up. french is my favorite.i will work very hard in next year and i will do my best

24、 to do this things.决心初二英语作文(篇5)A new year ,a new start, when I stand on the edge of the a new year, I cant help thinking about my plan of next year.Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,Im quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others. But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible.While, I will do my best to live up with what I have planned, and the result will prove it.


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