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1、小学英语五年级下册堂堂清训练题Unit 1 This is my day第一课时一、选出各单词缺少的字母填序号 1、wh_n A、a B、i C、e 2、d_ nner A、i B、e C、o 3、ev_ ning A、a B、i C、e 4、n_ _ n A、oo B、ee C、ea 5、_sually A、u B、iC、ea二、Read and match连线have English class 晨练eat breakfast 上英语课do morning e*ercises 吃早饭play sports 吃午饭eat dinner 进展体育活动eat lunch 吃晚饭三、Think a

2、nd write(动脑筋,完成对话)1When_ you _ _ ? _ play sports at 8:30.2 _ do you _ _ ? I usually eat dinner _ 5:30.第二课时 一、Read and choose (选择填空) 1、-_ do you get up ? -At 6:30.A、What B、When C、How( ) 2、-When do you play _ ? -At 7:00.A、sport B、sports( ) 3、When do you do morning _ ? At 7:30. A、e*ercise B、e*ercises (

3、 ) 4、-When do you go to school ? - I usually go to school_ 7:00.A、in B、on C、at二、问答句连线When do you get up ? I go to school at 7:00.When do you play sports? I eat breakfast at 6:00.When do you eat breakfast ? I go home at 4:00 .When do you go to school ? I get up at 5:30 .When do you go home ? I play s

4、ports at 6:30 .第三课时一、Read and write “ T or “ F .Hello, everyone! Im a policeman. My name is Tom. I eat dinner at 7:00 and then I go to work at 9:00 in the evening. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:00. Then I go to bed. I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. And I play sports at 3:3

5、0 in the afternoon . I like to watch TV and go hiking . I often go hiking on the weekend.( ) 1、Tom is a policeman .( ) 2、Tom goes to work at 9:00 in the morning .( ) 3、Tom likes to go shopping .( ) 4、Tom plays sports at 3:30 in the afternoon .二、Read and choose. 1、-When do you eat dinner ? -I usually

6、 eat dinner _ 6:30.A、on B、at C、in( ) 2、Thank you for _ me . A、help B、helps C、helping( ) 3、I usually play _ piano . A、a B、the C、/( ) 4、I usually go _ with my sister .A、shop B、shoping C、shopping( ) 5、We have Chinese、English and music_ the morning . A、in B、on C、at第四课时一、Look and write (看图写出相应的单词或短语)二、问答

7、句连线What do you do on the weekend ? Sure .Thank you for telling me . I usually watch TV.What do you do ? I play sports at 2:00p.m.When do you play sports ? Youre wele .Can I ask you some questions ? Im a policeman .第五课时一、根据首字母填入适宜的单词1、I usually do m_ e_ at 7:30 . (晨练)2、I eat d_ at 5:00 in the afterno

8、on .(吃晚饭)3、I often p_ f _ (踢足球). 4、I often p_ the _ (弹钢琴) on the weekend .5、We h_ E_ c_ (上英语课) every day .6、W _ (什么时候) do you go to school ?二、连词成句。 1、do you what do the on weekend ?2、play I often football .3、play I the piano usually the on weekend .4、go let us hiking together Sunday ne*t .第六课时一、Fill

9、 in the blanks (填空,首字母已给出)。A: What do you do o_ the weekend ?B: I o_ watch TV and go s_ . Sometimes I go h_ . What about you ?A: I u_ play the p_ . Sometimes I go h_, too .B: Great ! Lets go h_ together ne*t Sunday , OK ?A: OK .二、按要求完成以下各题1、What do you do on the weekend ?(根据实际情况答复)2、When do you usua

10、lly go to school ? (根据实际情况答复)3、When do you get up ? (根据实际情况答复)4、I usually play sports at 4:30 . (对划线局部提问)5、you eat dinner do when usually ? (连词成句)Unit 2 Whats your favourite season ?第一课时一、Look and write (看图写出相应的单词).二、Read and choose (选择填空). 1、-Whats your favourite _ ? - Winter .A、spring B、season C、s

11、easons( ) 2、-Whats the weather like in_ ? -Its hot .A、 spring B、summer C、fall三、根据汉语写出英文单词首字母已给出f (秋天) s (夏天) s (季节)w (哪一个) b (最) s (春天)w (冬天)第二课时一、Read and choose (选择填空).( ) 1、-Which season do you like best ? -_A、I like spring best . B、I can swim in the lake .( ) 2、-Whats the weather like in fall ?

12、-_A、Its warm and sunny . B、Its cool and windy .( ) 3、Which season _ you like best ?A、 do B、does C、can( ) 4、Which season_ Tom like best ?A、 do B、does C、can二、Read and judge (下面各组单词画线局部读音一样的写“T 不同的写 “F). 1、air chair ( ) 2、 ski speak ( ) 3、pear bear ( ) 4、 spell speak第三课时一、Form the sentence .1、season wh

13、ich you do like best ?2、winter I like best .3、season which does like Mike best ?二、Read and choose.( ) 1、I can swim_ thesea .A、in B、on C、at( ) 2、Whats the weather like_ fall_ Beijing. A、on on B、on in C、in in ( ) 3、You can plant trees _ spring .A、in B、on C、at( ) 4、_ is your favourite season ?A、When B、

14、What C、Where第四课时一、Look and write (看图写出相应的单词或短语).二、按要求完成以下各题1、I like summer .(对划线局部提问)2、Whats your favourite season ? (同义句)3、Why do you like winter ? (用make a nowman答复)4、Whats the weather like in summer ?(根据实际情况答复)5、Which season do you like best ? (根据实际情况答复)第五课时一、Form the sentence.1、your what is seas

15、on favourite ?2、do you like why spring ?3、can I because a snowman make .4、season which you do best like ?二、根据答句写出问题.1、A: B:I can swim in the se in summer.2、A: B:Its warm and sunny in spring .3、A: B: I like fall best .4、A: B: I can make a snowman in winter .5、A: B: Because I can fly kites in spring .

16、第六课时一、Read and choose.( ) 1、-Why do you like_ ? -Because I can swim in the lake .A、spring B、summer C、fall( ) 2、-Why do you like spring ? - Because I can fly_.A、kite B、kites( ) 3、-Why do you like _ ? -Because I can make a snowman .A、spring B、summer C、winter( ) 4、When is the _ time to go to Dalian ?-S

17、pring .A、good B、best C、better( ) 5、Its very _ today . Lets go swimming .A、hot B、cold C、cool二、根据汉语写出英语首字母已给出.s _ (游泳) f _ _ (放风筝) s _ (滑冰)m_ _ _ (堆雪人) b_ (因为) w_ (冬天)w_ (为什么) p_ _ (种树) s _ (睡觉)s_ (春天) s_ (夏天) f _ (秋天)绿色圃中小学教育网http:/Unit 3 My birthday第一课时一、写出以下单词的缩写形式。January February March April Augu

18、st September October November December 二、根据汉语写英语。五月 六月 七月 三、选择填空。 1. _ is your birthday? A. When B. Where ( ) 2. My birthday is _ June. A. on B. in 第二课时一、Read and choose (选择填空). 1、-When is your birthday ? - My birthday is _March .A、at B、in C、on( ) 2、-When is Childrens Day ? -Its in _ .A、May B、June C

19、、July( ) 3、-When is Tree-planting Day ? - Its in_ .A、July B、March C、August ( ) 4、-When is Christmas Day ? -Its in _ .A、October B、November C、December ( )5、-When is New years Day ? -Its in _ .A、January B、February C、April二、填入所缺的字母,把单词补充完整。A_g_st M_ rch J_ne d_teN_v_mber b_ _thday Oct_ b_ r D_c _mberJ_

20、nuary J_ly S_ pt_ mber F_ bruary第三课时一、Form the sentence.1your is when birthday ?2my is birthday may in .3mothers my is birthday June in .二、Read and judge (以下单词的画线局部读音一样的写“T不同的写“F) ear hear ( ) deer hear( ) cheap sheep ( ) sheep skip第四课时一、写出以下单词的简写形式.first second thirdfourth fifth eighthninth twelfth

21、 twentieth 二、把以下问句及答语连接起来.When is your birthday ? No,my birthday is in May .Whats the date ? Its October 1st.Is your birthday in March ? Its September 4th.When is the National Day ? My birthday is in June.第五课时一、Look and answer ( Whats the date ? ).Its . Its .Its .Its . Its . Its .Its .Its .二、根据汉语填入单

22、词完成句子1、My mothers _ (生日) is in May .2、Whats the_ (日期) today ?3、My birthday is in _ (六月).4、The National Day is October_ (一日).5、My_ (叔叔) Toms birthday is in June .第六课时一、Form the sentence.1、what the is date ?2、December is it 25th .3、her birthday is June in .4、it today day is what ?5、birthday my March i

23、s 12th .二、Read and choose.( ) 1、_ isyour birthday ?A、When B、Who C、when( ) 2、My birthday is _ October .A、in B、on C、at( ) 3、-When is Teachers Day ? -_A、Its September 10th . B、Its July 10th .( ) 4、Whats the _ ? -July 9th .A、day B、date C、today( )5、-Where is the canteen ? - Its on the _ floor .A、first B、

24、five C、oneUnit 4 What are you doing ?第一课时一、Look and write (看图写短语)._ _ _二、Read and choose.( ) 1、-What are you_ ? -I am walking .A、do B、doing C、does( ) 2、-What are you doing ? - Im_ the dishes .A、do B、doing C、does( ) 3、-What are you doing ? - Im _ pictures .A、draw B、drawing ( ) 4、-Whats John doing ? _

25、 reading a book .A、Shes B、Hes第二课时一、Readand choose.( ) 1、_ are you doing ?A、When B、What C、Why( ) 2、Im_ pictures .A、draw B、to draw C、drawing( ) 3、I _ doing the dishes .A、is B、are C、am( ) 4、_ is cooking dinner .A、 I B、She C、You( ) 5、What _ John doing ?A、 am B、is C、are二、选择适宜的字母或字母组合完成单词 1、dr_ w A、e B、a

26、C、i 2、d_nn_ r A、i a B、i e C、e i 3、_nswer A、a B、i C、e 4、ph_ ne A、o B、a C、i 5、p_cture A、e B、a C、i第三课时一、Form the sentence.1、are you what doing ?2、doing John is dishes the .3、to you I am talking .4、is John what doing ?5、answering phone the is he .二、根据答句写问句.1、A: B:Im doing the dishes .2、A: B:Zhang Peng i

27、s reading a book .3、A: B: John is answering the phone .4、A: B: Im drawing pictures .第四课时一、Look and write._ _ _ _ _二、根据所给汉语填入相应的短语完成句子1、I am _ (听音乐) .2、My father is_ (接听) .3、Mike is _ (看书) .4、Is your father _ (画画)?5、Her father is_ (写电子) .第五课时一、Read and choose.( )1、Can I speak _ your mom, please ?A、on

28、 B、to C、in( ) 2、Mom , theres a call _ you .A、for B、to C、with( ) 3、-What_ she doing ? - Shes_ dinner .A、are /cooking B、is /cook C、is /cooking( ) 4、Im _ music now .A、listens B、listening to C、listening二、根据汉语补全单词或短语draw _ (画画) cook _ (做饭)_ a book (看书) _the phone (接) listen to _ (听音乐) clean the _ (清扫房间)_

29、 a letter (写信) write an_电子_ 书房 _ 爷爷;外公第六课时一、Form the sentence.1、is writing grandpa letter a .2、doing brother homework is .3、cooking dinner is mom the in kitchen .4、is writing an dad the in study .二、Read and choose .( ) 1、-_-Hes answering the phone .A、Whats your mother doing ? B、Whats your father doi

30、ng ?( ) 2、-_-Sure , Hold on, please .A、Hows everybody doing ? B、Can I speak to your mom ?( ) 3、-_-This is Mike .A、Whats that ? B、Whos that ?( )4、-_- Im cleaning the room .A、What are you doing ? B、What do you see ?( ) 5、-Whats your mother doing ? -Shes _ in the kitchen. A、cook dinner B、cooking dinner

31、Unit 5 Look at the monkeys第一课时一、看图填空1、The tiger is _ ( run ). 2、The rabbit is_ ( jump ).3、The elephant is _ ( walk ). 4、The birds are _ ( fly) .5、The fish is _ ( swim ).二、判断以下单词的现在分词形式是否正确,正确的画对号,错误的改正过来。1、run- runing ( ) 2、walk- walking ( )3、jump- jumping ( ) 4、fly - flying ( )5、swim- swiming ( ) 6

32、、write- writing ( )第二课时一、Read and choose.( ) 1、What is she doing ?A、Hes eating . B、Shes jumping C、Im cooking( ) 2、What is it doing ? A、Theyre sleeping B、Its walking( ) 3、What is Amy doing ? A、Hes eating . B、Shes walking .二、Read and judge (以下单词的画线局部读音一样的在括号中写“T不同的写“F)( ) 1、class pass ( ) 2、glass star

33、( ) 3、smoke smile ( ) 4、slow smell( ) 5、car hard ( ) 6、pass park第三课时一、问答句连线What is Amy doing ? Its swimming .What is the fish doing ? Shes jumping .What are the birds doing ? Hes walking .What is Mike doing ? Theyre flying.二、Form the sentence1、is it doing what ?2、eating bananas it is .3、is she what

34、doing ?4、is she running .5、she jumping is . 第四课时一、Look and write (看图写出单词的ing形式)_ _ _ _ _二、填入所缺的字母完成单词sl_ _ p(睡觉) cl_ mb(爬) sw_ m (游泳)j_ mp(跳) f_ ght(打架) sw_ng (荡秋千)dr_nk water(喝水) r _n(跑) w_ lk(走)第五课时一、根据答句写问句。1、A: B:I can see two elephants.2、A: B:They are drinking water .3、A: B: The tigers are runn

35、ing .4、A: B:The lions are sleeping .二、Read and choose.( )1、What_ they doing ?A、am B、is C、are( )2、-What are the elephats doing ? -_ are drinking water .A、You B、We C、They( )3、-What are the monkeys doing ?- Theyre _.A、walk B、walking( )4、-What are the pandas doing ? -Theyre_ .A、climb B、climbing C、climing( )5、-What are the lions doing ? - Theyre _ .A、fig


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