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1、Lesson 11 excuse2 me mi:, mi pron.我(宾格)3 yes4 is iz, s, z, 5 this 6 your j:, j:, jr, j:r 你的,你们的7 handbag hndbg n.(女用)手提包8 pardon p:dn int.原谅,请再说一遍9 it10 thank you 感你(们)11 very much 非常地Lesson 21 penpen2 pencilpensl3 bookbuk4 watchwt5 coatkutn.上衣,外衣6 dressdres7 skirtsk:t8 shirt:t9 cark:10 househausLes

2、son 31 umbrellambrel2 pleasepli:z3 herehi4 mymai我的5 tickettikit6 numbernmbn.7 fivefaiv8 sorrysri9 sirs:10 cloakroomklukru:mLesson 41 suit su:t, sju:t n.一套衣服 2 schoolsku:l3 teacherti:t4 sonsn5 daughterd:tLesson 51 Mr.mist先生2 goodgud3 morningm:ni4 Missmis小姐5 newnju:6 studentstju:dnt7 Frenchfrent8 Germ

3、and:mn9 nicenais10 meetmi:t11 Japanesedpni:z12 Koreankrin13 Chinesetaini:z14 tootu:Lesson 61 makemeikn.(产品的)牌号 2 Swedishswi:di3 Englishigli4 Americanmerikn5 Italianitlin6 Volvovlv7 Peugeot8 Mercedesm:sidi:z9 Toyotatjt10 Daewoo11 Miniminin.迷你 12 Fordf:dn.福特13 Fiatfait, -tLesson 71 Iai2 amm, m, m动词现在时

4、第一人称单数3 are:4 nameneim5 whatwt, w:t6 nationalitynnliti7 jobdb8 keyboardki:b:d9 operatorpreit10 engineer endiniLesson 81 policemanpli:smn2 policewomanpli:s,wumn3 taxi driver出租汽车司机4 air hostess空中小姐5 postmanpustmn6 nursen:s7 mechanicmiknik8 hairdresserhedres9 housewifehauswaif10 milkmanmilkmnLesson 91

5、hellohluint.喂(表示问候)2 hihaiint.喂,嗨3 howhau4 todaytdei5 wellwel6 finefain7 thanksksint.8 goodbyegudbai9 seesi:Lesson 101 fatfta.胖的 2 womanwumn3 thinina.瘦的 4 tall t5 short:ta.矮的 6 dirtyd:tia.脏的 7 cleankli:n8 hotht9 coldkuld10 olduld11 youngj12 busybizi13 lazyleiziLesson 111 whosehu:z2 blueblu:3 perhaps

6、phps4 whitewait5 catchktLesson 121 fatherf:n.父亲 2 motherm3 blouseblauzn.女衬衫 4 sistersistn.姐,妹5 tietain.领带 6 brotherbrn.兄,弟7hishiz他的 8 herh:她的Lesson 131 colourkl2 greengri:n3 ekm4 upstairspstez5 smartsm:ta.时髦的,巧妙的6 hatht7 sameseim8 lovelylvlia.可爱的,秀丽的Lesson 141 case keis n. 箱子2 carpet k:pit n. 地毯3 do

7、g dg n. 狗Lesson 151 Customs kstmz n. 海关 2 officer fis n. 官员3 girl g:l n. 女孩,姑娘 4 Danish deini a.& n. 丹麦人5 friend deini a.& n. 丹麦人 6 Norwegian n:wi:dn a.& n. 挪威人7 passport p:sp:t n. 护照8 brown braun a. 棕色的9 tourist turist n. 旅游者Lesson 161 Russian rna.& n. 俄罗斯人2 Dutchdta.& n. 荷兰人3 thesei:zpron. 这些(this

8、的复数)4 redreda. 红色的5 greygreia. 灰色的6 yellowjelua. 黄色的7 blackblka. 黑色的8 orangerinda. 橘黄色的Lesson 171 employeeimpli-i:2 hard-workingh:dw:kia. 勤奋的3 sales reps推销员4 manmnn. 男人5 officefisn. 办公室6 assistantsistntn. 助手Lesson 191 mattermtn. 事情2 childrentildrnn. 孩子们(child 的复数)3 tiredtaida. 累,疲乏4 boybin. 男孩5 thir

9、sty:stia. 渴6 mummmn. 妈妈(儿语)7 sit downsitdaun坐下8 rightraita. 好,可以9 ice creamaiskri:m冰淇淋Lesson 201 big biga.大的 2 smallsm:l3 openupna.开着的 4 shutt5 lightlaita.轻的 6 heavyhevi7 longl8 shoeu:9 grandfathergrndf:n.祖父,外祖父10 grandmothergrnmn.祖母,外祖母Lesson 211 givegivv. 给2 onewnpron. 一个3 whichwit哪一个Lesson 221 em

10、ptyemptia.空的 2 fullful3 largel:da.大的 4 littlelitl5 sharp:pa.尖的,锋利的 6 smallsm:l7 bigbiga.大的 8 bluntblnt9 boxbksn.盒子,箱子 10 glassgl:s11 cupkpn.茶杯 12 bottlebtl13 tintinn.罐头 14 knifenaif15 forkf:kLesson 231 onnprep. 在之上2 shelfelfn. 架子,搁板Lesson 241 deskdesk2 tableteibl3 platepleit4 cupboardkbd5 cigarettes

11、igret6 televisiontelivin, telivin7 floorfl:8 dressing table梳妆台9 magazinemgzi:n10 bedbed11 newspapernju:speip12 stereosteriu, stir-Lesson 251 Mrs.misiz夫人2 kitchenkitin3 refrigeratorrifridreit4 rightrait5 electricilektrika.带电的,可通电的6 leftleft7 cookerkukn.炉子,炊具8 middlemidl9 ofv, , vprep.(属于)的10 roomru:m

12、11 cupkpLesson 261 wherewe2 inin里Lesson 271 living roomlivi ru:m客厅2 nearni3 windowwindu4 armchair:mte5 doord:6 picturepikt7 wallw:lLesson 281 trouserstrauzzn.复数长裤Lesson 291 shutt2 bedroombedrum, -ru:m3 untidyntaidia.乱,不整齐4 mustmstmodal verb.必须,应该5 openupn6 aire通风,换换空气7 putput8 clotheskluz9 wardrobew

13、:drub10 dustdst11 sweepswi:pLesson 301 emptyemptiv.倒空,使变空2 readri:d3 sharpen:pnv.削尖,使锋利4 put onputn穿上5 take off脱掉6 turn ont:n n开(电灯)7 turn off关(电灯)Lesson 311 gardeng:dn2 undernd之下3 treetri:4 climbklaimv.爬,攀登5 whohu:6 runrn7 grassgr:sn.草,草地8 after:ft之后9 catktLesson 321 typetaip2 letterlet3 basketb:sk

14、it4 eati:t5 bonebun6 cleankli:n7 toothtu:8 cookkukv.做(饭菜)9 milkmilk10 mealmi:ln.饭,一顿饭11 drinkdrik12 taptpn.(水)龙头Lesson 331 daydein.日子 15 flyflai2 cloudklaud3 skyskai4 sunsn5 shineain6 withwi, wi在一起7 familyfmlin.家庭(成员)8 walkw:kv.走路,步行9 overuvprep.跨越,在之上10 bridgebrid11 boatbut12 riverriv13 shipip14 ae

15、roplaneerpleinLesson 341 sleepsli:p2 shaveeiv3 crykraiv.哭,喊4 washw5 waitweit6 jumpdmpLesson 351 photographfutgr:fn.照片 2 villagevilid3 valleyvlin.山谷 4 betweenbitwi:n之间5 hillhil6 anothern7 wifewaif8 alongl9 bankbk10 waterw:t11 swimswim12 acrosskrs13 buildingbildin.大楼,建筑物14 parkp:k15 intointu, intLesso

16、n 361 besidebisaid旁2 offfLesson 371 workw:k2 hardh:d3 makemeik4 bookcasebuk-keisn.书橱,书架5 hammerhm6 paintpeintv.上漆,涂7 pinkpik8 favouritefeivritLesson 381 homeworkhumw:k2 listenlisn3 dishdin.盘子,碟子Lesson 391 frontfrntn.前面 2 in front of在之前3 carefulkefula.小心的,仔细的 4 vasev:z, veis, veiz5 dropdrpv.掉下 6 flow

17、erflauLesson 401 showu看2 sendsend3 taketeikLesson 411 cheeseti:zn.乳酪,干酪2 breadbred3 soapsup4 chocolatetklit5 sugarug6 coffeekfi7 teati:8 tobaccotbkun.烟草,烟丝9.loaf /luf/ 块10. certainly s:tnliLesson 421 birdb:d2 anyeni3 somesmLesson 431 of coursevk:s当然2 kettleketl3 behindbihaind后面4 teapotti:pt5 now nau

18、 ad.现在,此刻6 findfaind7 boilbilv.沸腾,开Lesson 451 cankn能够2 bossbsn.老板,上司3 minuteminit, mainju:tn.分(钟)4 ask:skv.请求,要求5 handwritinghndraiti6 terribleterbla.糟糕的,可怕的Lesson 461 liftliftv.拿起,搬起,举起2 cakekeikn.饼,蛋糕3 biscuitbiskitLesson 471 likelaikv.喜欢,想要2 wantwnt, w:ntLesson 481 freshfre2 eggeg3 butterbt4 pure

19、pju5 honeyhni6 riperaip7 bananabn:n8 jamdm9 sweetswi:t10 orangerind11 Scotch whisky格兰威士忌12 choicetisa.上等的,精选的13 applepl14 winewainn.酒,果酒15 beerbi16 blackboard blkbLesson 491 butcherbut2 meatmi:tn.(食用)肉3 beefbi:f4 lamblm5 husbandhzbnd6 steaksteik7 minceminsn.肉馅,绞肉8 chickentikin9 telltel10 truthtru:11

20、 eitheraiad.也(用于否认句)Lesson 501 tomatotm:tu2 potatopteitu3 cabbagekbid4 lettuceletis5 peapi:6 beanbi:n7 pearpe8 grapegreip9 peachpi:tLesson 511 Greecegri:sn.希腊 2 climateklaimit3 countrykntrin.国家 4 pleasantpleznt5 weatherwen.天气 6 springspri7 windywindia.有风的 8 warmw:m9 rainreinv.下雨 10 sometimessmtaimz1

21、1 summersmn.夏天 12 autumn:tm13 winterwintn.冬天 14 snowsnu15 Januarydnjurin.1月 16 Februaryfebruri17 Marchm:tn.3月 18 Aprileiprl19 Maymein.5月 20 Junedu:n月21 July d22 August:gst23 Septemberseptemb24 Octoberktub25 Novembernuvemb26 DecemberdisembLesson 521 the U.S.美国2 Brazilbrzil3 Hollandhlnd4 Englandiglnd5

22、 Francefrns6 Germanyd:mni7 Italyitli8 Norwayn:wei9 Russiar10 Spainspein11 Swedenswi:dnLesson 531 mildmailda.温和的,温暖的 2 always:lweiz3 northn:n.北方 4 easti:stn.5 wetweta.潮湿的 6 westwest7 southsaun.南方 8 seasonsi:zn9 bestbestad.最 10 nightnait11 riseraizv.升起 12 early:li13 setsetv.(太阳)落下去 14 lateleitad.晚,迟15

23、 interestingintristia.有趣的,有意思的 16 subjectsbdikt17 conversation knvseiLesson 541 Australiastreilin.澳大利亚 2 Australianstreilin3 Austriastrin.奥地利 4 Austrianstrin5 Canadakndn.加拿大 6 Canadiankneidin7 Chinatainn.中国 8 Finlandfinlnd9 Finnishfinin.芬兰人 10 Indiaindi11 Indianindinn.印度人 12 Japandpn13 Nigerianaidir

24、in.尼日利亚 14 Nigeriannaidirin15 Turkeyt:kin.土耳其 16 Turkisht:ki17 Koreakri, k(:)rin.国 18 Polishpuli19 Polandpulndn.波兰 20 Thaitai21 ThailandtailndLesson 551 livelivv.住,生活2 staysteiv.呆在,停留3 homehumn.家 ad.在家,到家4 houseworkhausw:k5 lunchlnt6 afternoon:ftnu:n7 usuallyju:uli, ju:li8 togethertge9 eveningi:vni1

25、0 arriveraiv11 nightnaitLesson 571 oclockklk2 shopp3 momentmumntn.片刻,瞬间Lesson 591 envelopeenvlup2 writing paper信纸3 shop assistant售货员4 sizesaizn.尺寸,尺码,大小5 padpd6 glueglu:7 chalkt:k8 changeteindn.零钱,找给的钱Lesson 611 feelfi:lv.感觉 2 looklukv.看(起来)3 mustmst必须 4 callk:lv.叫,请5 doctordktn.医生 6 telephonetelifu

26、nn.7 rememberrimembv.记得,记住 8 mouthmau9 tonguetn.舌头 10 badbda.坏的,严重的11 coldkuldn.感冒 12 newsnju:zn.消息13 headachehedeikn.头痛 14 aspirinsprin15 earacheireikn.耳痛 16 toothachetu:eik17 dentistdentistn.牙医 18 stomach ache胃痛19 medicinemedsnn.药 20 temperaturetemprt21 fluflu:n.流行性感冒 22 measlesmi:zlz23 mumpsmmpsL

27、esson 631 betterbeta.形容词well的比拟级 2 certainlys:tnli3 get upget p起床 4 yetjetad.还,仍5 richrita.油腻的 6 foodfu:d7 remainrimeinv.保持,继续Lesson 641 playplei2 matchmt3 talkt:k4 librarylaibrri5 drivedraiv6 sosu7 quicklykwikli8 lean out of身体探出9 breakbreikLesson 651 Dadddn.爸(儿语)2 keyki:3 babybeibi4 hearhi5 enjoyin

28、di6 yourselfjself7 ourselvesauselvzLesson 661 myselfmaiself2 themselvesmselvz3 himselfhimself4 herselfh:selfLesson 671 greengrocergri:ngrus2 absentbsnt, bsent3 Mondaymndin.星期一 4 Tuesdaytju:zdi:, tu:z-n.星期二5 Wednesdaywenzdin.星期三 6 Thursday:zdi星期四7 keepki:pv.(身体健康)处于(状况) 8 spendspend9 weekendwi:kend,

29、wi:kendn.周末 10 Fridayfraidi11 Saturdaystdin.星期六 12 Sundaysndi13 countrykntrin.乡村 14 luckylkiLesson 681 churcht:t2 dairyderi3 bakerbeik4 grocergrusLesson 691 yearji, j:2 racereis3 towntaun4 crowdkraud5 standstnd6 excitingiksaiti7 justdstad.正好,恰好8 finishfinin.结尾,完毕9 winnerwin10 behindbihaind之后11 waywe

30、iLesson 711 awful:fulad.让人讨厌的,坏的 2 telephonetelifun3 timetaimn.次(数) 4 answer:nsv.接()5 lastl:sta.最后的,前一次的 6 phonefunn.(=telephone)7 againgeinad.又一次地 8 sayLesson 731 weekwi:kn.周 2 Londonlndn3 suddenlysdnliad.突然地 4 bus stopbstp公共汽车车站5 smilesmailv.微笑 6 pleasantlyplezntli7 understandndstndv.懂,明白 8 speaks

31、pi:kv.讲,说9 handhndn.手 10 pocketpkit11 phrasebookn.短语手册,常用语手册 12 phrasefreiz13 slowlysluliLesson 741 hurriedlyhridli2 cutktv.割,切3 thirstily:stili4 gogu5 greetgri:tv.问候,找招呼Lesson 751 agoguad.以前 2 buybai3 pair pe n.双,对 4 fashionfnn.(服装的)流行式样5 unfortablenkmftbl6 wearwev.穿着 woreLesson 771 appointmentpint

32、mntn.约会,预约2 urgent:dnta.紧急的,急迫的3 till为止Lesson 791 shoppingpi2 listlist3 vegetablevedtbl4 needni:d5 hopehup6 thingi7 money mLesson 801 groceriesgrusrizn.食品杂货 2 fruitfru:t3 stationerysteinri, -nerin.文具 4 newsagentnju:zeidnt5 chemistkemistn.化剂师,化学家Lesson 811 bathb:n.洗澡 2 nearlyniliad.几乎,将近3 readyredia.准备好的,完好的


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