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1、1. Enquiries询盘 and repliesDear Sirs,We knew your name and address from the Canadian Consulate in Shanghai who had informed us that you are one of the largest e*porters of te*tiles in Shanghai and you wish to e*tend e*port business to our market. You will be pleased to note that we are importers of h

2、ome te*tiles products, having over 20 years e*perience in this particular line of business. At present, we are keenly interested in home te*tiles made in China and will be pleased if you kindly send us your latest price list and catalogue for all kinds of home te*tiles. If possible, please also send

3、 us your samples book.We would like to state that we usually pay for our imports by sight L/C which we feel sure, will be agreeable to you.We anticipate your early reply. Words and E*pressions agreeable 令人愉快的,适宜的后接介词 L/C at sight即期信用证指开证或付款行在收到符合信用证条款规定的即期汇票和单据后立即履行付款义务信用证,由于立即付款可减少出口商的风险,加速资金周转,故即期

4、信用证在国际贸易中得到广泛使用。 Usance L/C远期信用证指开证行或付款行在收到符合信用证条款的远期汇票和单据后,不立即履行付款,而是等到规定期限届满时才履行付款义务的信用证 Irrevocable L/C 不可撤消信用证指信用证一经开出,在有效期内需经出口商及有关当事人同意,开证行不得片面撤销或修改信用证。这对出口商提供了比拟可靠的收款保证,所以在进出口业务中使用最广。 Revocable L/C:开证行可以不事先征得出口方同意,有权随时修改或撤销信用证。最新的UCP600规定银行不可开立可撤销信用证注:常用的都是不可撤销信用证。 Gentlemen:We learn from ABC

5、 & Co. Ltd, New York that you are a leading e*porter in your country and we are interested in importing your goods and appreciated your sending us catalogue, sample books or even samples if possible.Please give us detailed information on CIF Guangzhou prices, discounts and terms of payment.We hope t

6、his will be a good start for a long and profitable business relation.Yours truly,Dear Sirs,In response to your letter of 15 June enquiring for home te*tiles, we wish to inform you that the sample book, price list and catalogue asked for in your letter have been airmailed to you separately. We believ

7、e that these will give you all the details you require. Should you need anything not mentioned, we shall do everything necessary to procurethe needed items for you. Your payment terms by L/C at sight are acceptable to us. By the way , we wish to inform you that all-cotton home te*tiles have become v

8、ery popular on the world marketbecause oftheir durability and reasonable prices and it has been difficult for us to meet the increasing demand. However, if you place your orders before the 10th of July, we will assure you of our prompt shipment.We look forward to receiving your orders soon.Words and

9、 E*pressions(1). In response to the letter of 兹答复.In answer toyour letter of We have received your letter of Thank you for your letter of (2). acceptable adj. 可承受的,合意的用法同agreeable2. 报盘 offer(1). 虚盘(non-firm offer, offer without engagement) 虚盘不必有完整的内容,没有时限的规定,而且参考价、数量等也不明确,常用表达有以我方最后确认有效(subject to o

10、ur final confirmation),以我方货物未售出为准(subject to unsold),此报价可按市价增减 (We offersubject to market fluctuation)等。subject to 在条件下,须经的 在日常的业务中,外寄的报价单、价目单及形式发票等,一般都注明仅供参考或以我方最后确认为准。这就排除了接盘人只要承受就可以成交的权限。(2). 实盘(firm offer) 指有约束力的发盘。实盘一旦由交易的另一方受盘人承受,发盘人卖方对其发盘的内容,在有效期内不得随意变更或撤销,否则发盘人将承受违约的法律后果。实盘所列的交易条件必须肯定、明确,不能模

11、糊和模棱两可;也不应有任何保存。 实盘的内容一般应有:货物正确的品名、详细的品质规格、清楚的包装情况、实在的数量、准确的装运时间和装运港口、完备的价格条款和支付条件。另外,实盘还有两个内容:一个是明确提出这个发盘是个实盘(firm offer or irrevocable).另一个是发盘的有效期。根据各国法律规定和国际贸易惯例,实盘都有有效期。有效期是对发盘人的约束,以便利受盘人凭以进展研究交易的可能性。在有效期内,发盘人有必须承当成交的义务,但是超过了有效期,既或受盘人再行承受,发盘人有权拒绝成交。在规定具体的有效期时,要根据不同的商品,在不同的市场、不同的地理位置以及节假日等情况。明确规定

12、此期限的起止日期和地点以免误解。 实盘的表达方式有: (1)We are making you this offer subject to your reply reaching here before the 15th this month our time. (2)This offer is subject to your acceptance within 5 days. (3)Our offer is valid/ remains firm /is kept open/stays effective for 10 days.3. Bid 递盘 是指在国际贸易中,出口商按进口商的询价或为

13、推销其产品主动向进口商提出愿意按照一定条件出售商品的行为。递盘的主要内容包括商品品名、品质、规格、包装、可供数量、价格、交货日期、付款方式、交易货币及递盘的有效期限等。4. E*ercise:Useful E*pressions:n learn from从得知n Commercial Counselors Office 商务参赞处n handicraft article 手工艺品n brocade handbag 锦绣手袋n leading importer大进口商n quote sb. a price for sth向*人就*物报价n place an order with sb. for

14、sth 向*人就*物下订单Specimen letter:Dear Sirs,We have learned from the Commercial Counselors Office of Canadian Embassy/Consulate in your country that you manufacture and e*port a variety of handicraft articles.Our company is one of the leading importers ofhandicraft articles in Canada. As there is a stead

15、y demand here for high quality brocade handbags, we would like you send us as soon as possible your illustrated catalogues, samples and all information about the goods. Meanwhile, please quote your lowest price, CIF Vancouver, stating the earliest date of shipment.Should your quality be suitable and

16、 the price competitive, well be ready to place an order for at least 5,000 pieces with you.Your promptattention to this matter will be much appreciated.Yours faithfully,CrownNotes:1. a steady demand for对有稳定的需求2.illustrated catalogue带有插图的目录3. Please quote your lowest price.请报公司最低的价格=make (give/send)

17、lowest quotations. n e.g.:n 1. Please quote your lowest price for mens shirts CFR Rotterdam.n 2. Please quote us for mens shirts CIF Rotterdam.4. stating the earliest date of shipment告知最早装船期。现在分词短语作状语,表伴随状态。5. Should your quality be suitable and the price competitive.如果产品质量适宜且价格具有竞争力的话。7. place an o

18、rder for sth. with sb.向*人订购*物n 1名词order常与动词make,send,place 等连用,表示n 2) 表示各种订单的说法有:n regular order长期订货n Trial order试订单n First/initial order首笔订单n Substantial order大宗订单n Repeat order再次订货/续订单Dear Mr. Crown,Thank you for your enquiry of May 24. At your request, we are making you the following offer subjec

19、t to your reply reaching here before June23, 2006.Article: Brocade HandbagsPrice: US$12.00/pc,CIF VancouverQuantity: 5,000 pcs Shipment: August,2006Packing: twenty pieces to a cartonTerms of Payment: by irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit in sellers favorWe hope that the above will be acceptabl

20、e toyou, and await with keen interest your formal orders.Notes:1.At ones request 应*人的要求2. subject to your reply reaching here before June23,2006.n Subject to your acceptance within two weeks.n 以贵公司在两周之内承受为条件说明此报盘为实盘n Subject to your immediate acceptance.n (实盘以贵公司立即承受为条件。3. Terms of Payment付款条件n irre

21、vocable documentary letter of credit 不可撤销的跟单信用证n letter of credit 可数的普通名词,单数为a letter of credit, 复数为letters of credit.常用大写缩写形式,可写为L/C 或Ls/C.4.in sellers favor以为受益人n 表示以*人为收益人对有利可以用:n in ones favor, in the favor of sb.5. and await with keen interest your formal orders并殷切地等待贵公司正式下单。1with keen interest

22、殷切地2await正式用语V.等待,期待 =wait fore.g. We await your final confirmation.盼贵公司最终确认。Dear Mr. Crown,With reference to your enquiry of May 24, we takepleasure in making the following offer:5,000 pieces of brocade handbags, at US$12.00/pc CIF Vancouver for shipment in August, 2006, for payment by irrevocable

23、documentary L/C in sellers favor, which we hope youwill find in order. Please note that this offer is subject to goods being unsold.As we have received large number of orders from our clients, it is quite probable that our present stock may soon run out. We would therefore suggest that you take adva

24、ntage of this attractive offer.We look forward to receiving your order.Practice: Translate the words and phrases into Englishn 1.从得知n 2.手工艺品n 3. 大进口商n 4. 报最低价n 5. 下订单n 6. 稳定需求n 7. 带有插图的目录n 8. 告知最早装船期n 9.优先报盘n 10.寄送报盘n 11.获得报盘n 12.承受报盘n 13.提交报盘n 14.正式报价报盘Keys of No. 914: 9.preferentialoffer 10.to forward / send / givean offer 11.to get / obtain an offer 12.to accept an offer 13.to submit an offer 14.official offer


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