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1、Schools of English Teaching Methodology,Traditional ApproachStructuralist ApproachHumanistic ApproachDevelopment of Communicative Approach:,Grammar-Translation Method,Direct Method,Situational Approach,Audiolingual Approach,Community Language Learning,Total Physical Response,The Silent Way,Suggestop

2、edia,Communicative Language Teaching,Task-Based Language Teaching,Content-Based Instruction,Overview of ELT Methodology,Grammar-Translation Method,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,The Grammar-Translation Method is a m

3、ethod of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.,Definition:,翻译法也叫语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)、阅读法(Reading Method)、古典法(Classical Method)。翻译法最早是在欧洲用来教授古典语言希腊语和拉丁语的外语教学方法,到18世纪末和19世纪中期开始被用来教授现代语言。翻译法的教学目的是培养学生阅读外国文

4、学作品的能力和模仿范文进行写作的能力。其突出的特点是:教师用母语授课,授课重点是讲解与分析句子成分和语音、词汇变化与语法规则。,It was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.In the 16th century,grammar analysis became the basic way in foreign language teaching in Europe.Until the 19th century,grammar translation method became wi

5、dely approved and used in the whole world.,Background,1.Understanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of languages were regarded as important means of development mentality.2.Grammar is regarded as the core of language,grammar is the main content in classroom.3.The language was reg

6、arded as a body of esteemed knowledge to be learned with an emphasis on intellectual rigor.,Theoretical base,1.The focus on classroom is teaching and practices of grammar of the target language.2.Language skills are emphasized reading and writing but little or no systematic attention is paid to spea

7、king and listening.3.The native language is overused.There is little use of the target language.4.the teacher emphasizes accuracy rather than fluency.,Characteristics,1.复习:默写单词;个别与集体背诵上一课课文第几段等等。2.教授新词:教师课前将本课新词的英语、音标和汉语解释写在小黑板上(或卡片上)。上课时按单词表逐字讲解。学生跟教师朗读英语单词后,教师说汉语,学生说英语单词,或反之。3.讲授语法(规则动词现在进行时):教师讲解

8、动词现代进行时的意义及其变化规则后,在黑板上写出课文中的动词原形,要求学生将它们转换成现在分词,再变成现在进行时。,Procedure,4.讲解课文:教师逐句念课文,要求学生分析语法与翻译成汉语。教师随时纠正学生的错误。5.巩固新课:学生跟教师逐句朗读课文后,教师根据课文提问,学生按课文内容回答。6.布置作业:拼写单词;语法填空;背诵某段课文。,This method would begin with a massive bilingual vocabulary list.Grammar points would come directly from the texts and be pres

9、ented contextually in the textbook,to be explained elaborately by the instructor.,Procedure,Grammar thus provided the rules for assembling words into sentences.Tedious translation and grammar drills would be used to exercise and strengthen the knowledge without much attention to content.Sentences wo

10、uld be deconstructed and translated.,E.g.:ThenextmorningIhadabadaccidentwiththe sledandhurtmyleg.Icouldntstandonmyleftlegandmyheadwaswoozyfromhittingtheground.ButIknewthatIhadtogetup.Lyingontheice,Iwouldsoondie.IstruggledtomykneesknowingthatsomehowI hadtoputmytentupforshelter.OnhandsandkneesIgotupan

11、ddraggedmysleepingbagintothetent andlaydownoutofthecoldwind.,Eventually,entire texts would be translated from the target language into the native language and tests would often ask students to replicate classical texts in the target language.Very little attention was placed on pronunciation or any c

12、ommunicative aspects of the language.,Advantages,1.It can help students to have a better understanding of the meaning of abstract words and complicated sentences.2.It can foster students ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences and develop students ability of an

13、alyzing and solving problems.,3.The Grammar-Translation makes few demands on teachers although it often creates frustration for students.,Disadvantage,1.The method by definition has a very limited scope of objectives.2.Through grammar translation,students lacked an active role in the classroom.,The

14、Direct Method,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,Definition,The Direct Method is the learning of language in a relevant setting.No translation is allowed.Meaning is to be conveyed directly into the second language throu

15、gh demonstration and visual aids.,Background,In the late 19th century in Europe,for economic development,the communication among nations became more frequent.Foreign language learning was highly demanded.Oral communication became the main goal of foreign language teaching.It was developed as a respo

16、nse to the Grammar-Translation method.,直接法是在19世纪后半叶作为语法翻译法的对立物在西欧出现的,主要代表人物是贝力兹(M.D.Berlitz)、艾盖尔特(B.Eggert)和帕默(H.E.Palmer)。直接法也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method),Use the natural way to communicate,like a baby learning its mother tongue.The learning o

17、f grammar/translating skills should be avoided because they involve the application of the MT.,Theoretical base,Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.Grammar was taught inductively.New teaching points were introduced

18、 orally.Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration,objects,and pictures.Abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.6.The learner is actively involved in using the language in realistic everyday situations.7.Students are encouraged to think in the target language.,Characteristics,

19、1.讲授新词:教师进入课堂后用英语问候学生,并就日常生活题材与学生进行简单的问答式会话。然后,自然进入讲授新词阶段。先利用教室内与新词有关的实物引出新词,再出示课前准备的图片,用英语简单描述新词意义。学生理解后在与教师对话中使用新词。2.语法练习:通过学生生活进行。教师先请一学生(张三)起立,然后用动词现在进行时描述:,Procedure,T:Zhang,please stand up.(After Zhang stood up.)T:(To the class):Now Zhang is standing,but you are all sitting.T:(To Zhang):Zhang,

20、please go to the door.T:(To the class,while Zhang is walking to the door):Now Zhang is walking to the door.,用不同的动词做了类似的练习后,教师总结规则与不规则的动词现在分词变化规律及动词现在进行时的构成与意义。3.根据教师示范,学生两人一组,一个说英语。一个做动作,练习动词现在进行时。4.教授新课文:教师出示一幅表述课文内容的图画。一边讲解图画,一边检查学生是否理解。讲解后根据图画提问,要求学生回答。5.学生两人一组根据图画提问与回答。全班唱一首英语歌结束一课。,Advantage,Ss

21、 correct pronunciation and better oral skills are developed because no native language is used.,Disadvantage,1 Major fallacy of Direct Method was belief that second language should be learned in way in which first language was acquired-by total immersion technique.But obviously far less time and opp

22、ortunity in schools,compared with small child learning his mother tongue.2It takes much time for teachers to explain complicated words.,The Audio-Lingual Approach,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,Definition,It emphasi

23、zes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing.It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques.Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom,Background,1.developed in the U.S.during the Second World War2.The government com

24、missioned American universities to develop foreign language program to supply the war.Army Specialized Training Programmer(ASTP)3.The objectives of the programmer were for students to attain conversational proficiency,Structural Linguistics and Behaviorism,Theoretical base,1.It features memorization

25、 of dialogues,pattern drills,and emphasis on pronunciation.2.It emphasizes transform practice and repeated practice,forming language habits.3.Foreign language teaching should as far as possible reducing or limiting native language interference.4.Electronic teaching method is widely used.,Characteris

26、tics,RecognitionImitation and repetition3.Pattern drills 4.Follow-up activities,Procedure,讲授新词与对话(课文)结合:教师进入课堂后在黑板上画一个女孩(Sally)和一个男孩(John),在他们后面画一个超级市场入口处。教师用英语介绍情况:他们在超市门口相遇,开始了一段对话(新词用简单的图画说明,动词现在进行时包含在对话中)。教师边表演对话边解释语言难点,再让学生听两遍录音。2.熟悉课文:教师先与一个学生对话(重复上述课文),然后全班两人一组练习对话(重复课文)。练习完毕后请几对学生上讲台对话。,3.句型

27、操练:(1)教师简单讲解动词现在进行时的构成后说,“Now Sally is talking to John.”,并给出动词词组:ask John a few questions,wait for her sister,plan to buy lots of things要求学生根据动词现在进行时的构成做替换练习。(2)教师给出主语Sally,Mary,Cathy,David,Tim,she,he,we,they等,要求学生做主语替换练习。先单个学生做,再两人一组做并互相检查。,(3)用同样方法做动词现在进行时的问题和否定形式操练,直到学生能比较熟练地掌握这种句型为止。4.听一遍录音后,要求背

28、诵课文对话。,Advantages,1.Making language teaching possible to large groups of learners 2.Developing simple techniques and making use of language lab 3.Developing the separation of the language skills 4.It can improve students oral English.,Disadvantage,1.Boredom caused by endless pattern drills,make most

29、 of the students lose interest in learning English 2.Learners having little control over their learning 3.no language environment to study,Situational Approach,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,Definition,Situational A

30、pproach combines audio with listening,stressed in certain contexts auditory perception and visual perception combined.来源于直接法和听说法,它是在听说法的基础上,利用视听结合手段而形成的一种教学法,强调在一定情境中听觉感知(录音)与视觉(图片影视)感知相结合。,Situational Language Teaching,developed by British applied linguists in the 1930s to the 1960s,Background,In t

31、he 1950s situational approach produced in France.Along with the rapid development of mass media tools,foreign language teaching widely used broadcast,movie,videotape,record and so on.Namely using modern equipment connect language and image to set up the direct connection between foreign language and

32、 objective things,combined visual perception and auditory perception.,It is based on behaviourist cognitive theory.,Theoretical base,1.It closely combines the foreign language with the situations.Meaning,context,situation are given a prominent place.2.Dialogues in everyday life situations are the ce

33、ntre of teaching.3.The practice techniques consist of guided repetition and substitution activities.,Characteristics,move from controlled to free practice of structures,fromoral use of sentence patterns to automatic use in speech,reading and writing.perception(感知):construct picture,bring in situatio

34、ns and shape prehension(理解):let students go deep into situations,understanding the text and comprehending the emotion.practice(练习):Give students a related topic and ask them practice it.use(活用):Let students use it consciously in their daily life.,Procedure,Advantages,Modern technological equipment o

35、f sound,light and electricity has been widely used in teaching to make an organic combination of language and image.The language materials are chosen and arranged in terms of everyday life situations,which meet the students needs of communication.Students can learn standard pronunciation and intonat

36、ion naturally.,Disadvantage,It over-emphasizes the language form and ignores the cultivation of communicative ability.It over-stress the integrate structure and ignores the analysis and explanation of the foreign language.,Community Language Learning,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal

37、characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,Definition,Community Language Learning draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine the roles of the teacher(the counselor)and learners(the clients)in the language classroom.,Background,Influenced by Carl Rogers humanistic psychology

38、,Curran,a specialist in counseling and a professor of psychology at Loyola University,Chicago,found that adults often feel threatened by a new learning situation or fear that they will appear foolish.so it is called Counseling Learning.,It is based on the theory of humanism psychology and student-ce

39、ntered education.,Theoretical base,1.Community Language Learning advises teachers to take their students as“whole person.”2.Whole person learning means that teachers consider not only the students intellect but also their feelings.3.Teachers become“language counselors”.Learning happened in a harmoni

40、ous environment.4.No competition.NO pressure.5.Depend on mother tongue,then transit to the foreign language.,Characteristics,社团语言学习法的教学实例:步骤1:学生围坐成圈,教师在圈外等候学生的询问。步骤2:学生甲举手,问教师:我想知道英文如何说“我喜欢 蓝色”。教师:I like blue.学生甲复述“I like blue”,录下学生甲的复述。步骤3:学生乙举手,问:怎么说“我不喜欢蓝色,我喜欢红 色。”教师:I dont like blue.I like red.学

41、生乙复述“I dont like blue.I like red.”,录下学生乙的复述。步骤4:其他学生重复以上步骤,录下一定数量的对话后,教师将对话抄在黑板上,以此为上课题材,讲解语言知识。,Procedure,Advantages,Arouse students positivityCultivate collaboration spiritIt breaks up the tradition in which teacher is the center,and students reveal their main function.,Disadvantages,Arbitrary/uns

42、ystematicImpair teachers guidance function,increase teachers burdenLargely depend on teachers ability,Total Physical Response,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,Definition,TPR(Total Physical Response)is a kind of langua

43、ge teaching method that combine language with action to learn a language through the body movement.,Background,It is developed by psychology professor James J.Asher at San Jose State University,California in the 1960s.,1.Psychology“memory trace”(记忆痕迹)theory.The more often a memory connection is trac

44、ed,the stronger the memory will be.2.Human brain has a biological program used to acquire any natural language on earth.,Theoretical base,1.Listening should develop before speaking2.Students should develop their intellect by physical response to language.3.Teachers dont force students to speak.,Char

45、acteristics,1.Teachers speak and act,students just listen and watch 2.Teacher speak,students act together with the teacher 3.Teacher and the students speak and act together 4.Teacher speak without act,students act5.Teacher act without speaking,student speak 6.Check,Procedure,步骤1:教师在黑板上贴上有不同动物的彩色卡片;步

46、骤2:教师边说“Point to the little dog.”边指出卡片上的小狗。学生只听不做。步骤3:教师再说“Point to the golden fish.”并指出卡片上画的金鱼。学生仍旧只听不做。步骤4:重复以上步骤,教其他动物名称。步骤5:教师示范多遍后,教师发命令,学生做动作。步骤6:教师可以适当变换方式,比如唱歌做动作等。(学生的理解力达到一定程度后,可以让学生自己下命令,自己做动作。),Advantages,1.It is fun and easy.2.It is good for learners who need to be active in the class.3

47、.Attract students to take part in the environment and remove their nervous.4.It is memorable.Actions help strengthen the connections in the brain.,Disadvantages,1.Abstract words and sentences can not be explained easily2.Accuracy is not focused3.Only suitable for young students4.It can be a challeng

48、e for shy students.,The Silent Way,1.Definition2.Background3.Theory 4.The principal characteristics 5.Teaching procedure6.Advantages and disadvantages,Definition,Created by Caleb Gattegno,Silent Way is based on the premise that the teacher should be as silent as possible in the classroom in order to

49、 encourage the learner to produce as much language as possible.The objective is for students to work as autonomous language learners.,Background,1.Caleb Gattegno founded The Silent Way as a method for language learning in the early 70s,sharing many of the same essential principles as the cognitive c

50、ode and making good use of the theories underlying discovery learning.2.Basic principle:Teaching should be subordinated to learning.Teaching is to serve learning process rather than to dominate it.,Discover rather than remembers or repeatAided by physical objects Problem-solving focused,Theoretical


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