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1、 预决赛小低组文章朗读赛题库1、In the lakeDinosaurs live outside the lake.Fish live inside the lake.Big fish and little fish are in the lake.Red fish! Yellow fish! Gray fish!Green plants! All are in the lake.Dinosaur bends down to eat the grass.Yellow fish jumps up to eat a bug.Red fish swims in the lake.Yellow fi

2、sh swims in the lake.Red fish wants to eat.Yellow fish wants to swim away.Yellow fish hides.Red fish waits.Yellow fish waits.Red fish goes away.Yellow fish is safe.2、Animal babiesBaby animals have mothers too.The mothers take care of the babies.The cow is eating with her calf.The mother cow is with

3、her calf.The mother duck is swimming in the pond.Her ducklings are swimming behind her.The mother cat cleans her kitten.She licks her kittens fur clean.The mother bird feeds her chicks.The chicks eat the worm.The mother fo* stays with her kit.The kit is safe.What other things can mother animalsdo wi

4、th their babies3、Piic TimeA piic is fun!What can a family takeApples are good.A family can take apples.A blanket is good.A family can take a blanket.You can take sandwiches.A family can make sandwiches.A big cake is hard to take.Cookies are easy to put in the basketSome families take juice.They can

5、drink it at a piic.A basket can be full.Piic time can be fun!4、As white as snowThe sun was shining before.Now snow is falling!Snow is white.The land looks white.Does snow help animals hideThe polar bear is as white as snow.Can you find the polar bearA fo* can be as white as snow.Can you find the fo*

6、The animals are white.The snow is white.The animals can hidein the snow.5、MouseMouse likes cake.She likes to eat cake in bed.Mouse likes cookies.She likes to eat cookies in bed.She likes sandwiches.Mouse likes to eat sandwiches in bed.Mouse likes pizza.She likes to eat pizza in bed.She likes apples.

7、Mouse likes to eat apples in bed.Mouse loves cheese.She loves to eat cheese in bed.And Mouse likes to dream in bed, too.6、The very busy hen“e and play,said the dog.“No, said the hen.“I am very busy. I am planting the wheat.“e and play,said the cat.“No, said the hen.“I am very busy.I am watering the

8、wheat.“e and play,said the horse.“No, said the hen.“I am very busy. I am mi*ing the bread.“e and play,said the cow.“No, said the hen.“I am very busy.I am baking the bread.“e and play,said the dog and the catand the mouse and the horse and the cow.“No, said the hen.“e and eat!And they did.7、The big c

9、ity“Lets go to the city,said Mom.“Lets take pictures of the city,I said.“I see a big bus,I said.“I can take a picture of the bus.“I see a train,said Mom.“You can take a picture of the train.“Look at the park,I said.“I can take a picture of it.“Look at the big building,I said.“Lets go up to the top,s

10、aid Mom.“Look at the big city!I said.8、Mrs. Green likes roses very much and she has a small beautiful garden. There are many beautiful flowers in it. One day, the doorbell rings and she opens the door. She sees a little boy. The boy is about eight years old and has a lot of roses in his hands. “I am

11、 selling flowers. he says, “Do you want any They are very cheap. I pick them this morning. “My boy Mrs. Green answers, “I have a lot of roses in my garden. I neednt pay for them. “Oh, now you dont have any flowers in your garden. They are all in my hands. says the boy.9、Rose is seven years old. She

12、liked candy very much. But her mother didnt give her because she thought it was bad for her. One day, Rose asked her mother for five cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday “I gave it to a poor old woman. she answered. “You are a good girl. said her mother proudly, “Here are five

13、 cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman “She is the one who sells the candy. 10、It is a sunny day. The sky is blue. There is a sport meeting in the forest. Look, a deer, a horse and a dog are running. Four monkeys are climbing the trees. Si* birds are flying around. Over there a

14、rabbit and two cats are jumping. There are some other animals there, too. Some elephants are standing on the elephant. The monkey has a red flag in his hand. A panda is sitting under a tall tree. They are all happy. 11、Today is Alices birthday. She is going to be ten years old. A lot of friends of A

15、lices are going to e to the party. They are all girls. Her mother is getting ready for the party. And her sister is helping her. Her father is going shopping now. He is buying a lot of bananas, apples, oranges, and pears. Then he goes home. It is two oclock in the afternoon. Some girls are here. The

16、ir party is going to start after twenty minutes. 12、 Do you like playing basketball There are 40 students in our class. Everyone in the class likes it very much. And many of them are good at it. More than half of my class plays basketball every day. We have a boy team and a girl team. In P.E. Classe

17、s, the two teams have matches. They play well. But they are friendly, too. This Friday afternoon our girl team will play basketball with Class Three. I think we must win.13、The three pigs“Let me in,said the wolf.“No! said one little pig.“Then I will blow your house down,said the wolf.And he did.The

18、little pig ran down the road.“Let me in,said the wolf.“No, no!said the two little pigs.“Then I will blow your house down,said the wolf.And he did.The two little pigs ran down the road.The wolf said, “Let me in!“No, no, no! said the three little pigs.“Then I will blow your house down,said the wolf.Bu

19、t he did not!Then the wolf ran down the road!14、Mr. Green likes eating fish very much. One day, he es home from work in the evening; he wants to cook the fish. But he cant find it. His wife says, “Oh, your cat eats the fish. and then his wife gives him some bread for supper. Mr. Green is angry. He t

20、akes the cat and his wife to a shop and weighs the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. My cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, but where is my fish15、Bob and Kim go fishing with a dog. They feel very hot. So they take off their coats on a big stone and go to the b

21、ank of the river to look for fish. After a while, they want to wear their coats. They tell the dog to go back for them. In fact, it is too hard for him. The dog sees a bo* under a tree. He puts the two coats into the bo*. So he can carry the coats at the same time. What a clever dog it is!16、John is

22、 si* years old. He likes pictures. But he is very bad at drawing. His mother buys some pencils and a drawing book for him, and he begins to draw. Now his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of chalk. He likes drawing his father on the blackboard. He draws lines and erases them out fo

23、r twenty minutes. When he looks at his picture, he is not happy. “Well, he says to his mother, “I will put a tail on it to make it a mouse.17、Tom and Sam are twins. They are both in Class 2, Grade 3. Tom works hard at his lessons, but Sam is not good at his lesson. He likes nothing but playing. One

24、day, their teacher told the students to write a position “My Father. In the evening, Tom wrote his homework in the bedroom and then read books. But Sam played all the time. Suddenly he remembered the position and had to write, but he didnt know how to write it. 18、One day, when Mr. White came home f

25、rom work, he found his wife was very angry about something. Mr. White always thought that he was more clever than his wife. So he finally said, “It is a waste of your strength to get e*cited about small things. Always keep calm. Like me. Now look at the fly that has just landed on my nose. Am I gett

26、ing e*cited or angry Am I waving my arms around No, I am not. I am quite calm. Just as he said this,MrWhite started shouting, jumping and began to wave his arms. At last he told his wife, the thing on his nose was a bee. 19、Mr. Brown goes to night school on the weekend. He wants to learn English. It

27、s Saturday evening, Mr. Brown is going to the bus stop. Now he is waiting for a bus. He is going to night school to learn English. The bus is ing. Mr. Brown gets on the bus. He stands ne*t to an old man. The man in front of the old man is sitting. Just then a young girl stands up and says, “Please t

28、ake my seat. the old man takes the seat and says, “Thank you very much. It is very nice of you.20、One day little Jack came into a shop. He had five pence and he wanted to buy some oranges. He said to the shopkeeper, “Please give me oranges for five pence. when the shopkeeper gave him the oranges, Ja

29、ck counted them. Then he said, “Yesterday my mother bought oranges here for five pence, why did you give me so few “Dont ask me questions. “E*cuse me, sir. Jack said, “But. “It is all right, my boy. said the shopkeeper, “Dont you know The fewer oranges you get, the less fruit you will have to carry.

30、21、John is si* years old. He likes pictures. But he is very bad at drawing. His mother buys some pencils and a drawing book for him, and he begins to draw. Now his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of chalk. He likes drawing his father on the blackboard. He draws lines and erases t

31、hem out for twenty minutes. When he looks at his picture, he is not happy. “Well, he says to his mother, “I will put a tail on it to make it a mouse.22、It is Sunday. Jack and Kathy are in a park. They are very hungry. They want to eat something. Jack wants some bread. And Kathy wants some cakes. The

32、ir mother buys some bread and cakes. They ask their mother to eat first. But their mother says she isnt hungry. They think bread and cakes are all nice. So Jack gives some bread to Kathy, and Kathy gives some cakes to Jack. They look after each other. They are very happy. and their mother smiles. 23

33、、It is a fine day in summer. The grass and trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. Some birds are flying in the blue sky. The Browns go for a piic. They bring some juice. Mr. Brown wears a yellow T-shirt. He is looking at his lovely daughter, Amy. Amy wears a pink dress. She is playing on the gr

34、ass. Tim, Mr. Browns son is nine years old. He is flying a kite. He wears a white T-shirt. Mrs. Brown is looking at him happily. They have a very happy day in summer. 24、Tim is seven years old. He is a good boy. But he cant get up early. He sleeps until eight or nine oclock in the morning. He is oft

35、en late for school. Tims mother doesnt want him to be late for school. So he buys him an alarm clock. She says to Tim, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring. “Yes, Mum. says Tim. After that Tim gets up at si* oclock when he hears the clock ring. One day his mum forgot to wring up the clock.

36、And ne*t morning, Tim didnt get up at si* thirty. It is time for breakfast. Mother went to see him. Tim was in bed and his eyes were opened. “Why didnt you get up Mother was angry. “I am waiting for the bell. Tim said. 25、One day a dentist was starting his work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was r

37、ed and he could only say “Quick! Quick! the dentist and the nurse thought he must be very ill. The nurse helped to make the poor man sit in the chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make the man sleep. Then, he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the ma

38、n woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick! Quick! “It is all right now. the dentist told him. “It is over. “No, I came to tell you your house is on fire.26、It is Sunday. Bob and his father are both at home. Bob wants to watch a basketball game, but his father wants to watch a film on TV. So his fath

39、er asks, “Do you finish your homework, Bob “We have no homework today. says Bob. “Do you read your books “Yes, I read them at nine oclock. “Now let me ask you a question, Whats one and one his father asks. Bob is unhappy and says, “I dont know. his father is unhappy too, and says, “You are a fool! W

40、hat are you and I “Two fools. answers Bob.27、There is an old man in America. He doesnt like children at all. But he likes dogs. He has white dogs and brown dogs. He has mother dogs and baby dogs, so the children all e to his house and play with the dogs. More and more dogs e to the old mans house. S

41、oon there are too many dogs. And the old man cant feed them. Then he has an idea. “The children all like my dogs. he thinks, and he gives each child a dog. Then he is happy, the children are very happy, every dog has a home, they are happy, too. 28、The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in g

42、rass or other dark places. A snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach. Snakes usually have green, yellow or black skins. It is difficult to find them. Some kinds of snakes live in water. They can swim as freely as fish. Snakes can sleep a whole winter without eating and dr

43、inking. They can not feel any pain. When the ne*t spring es, the snakes e out and begin their life. 29、“Joe! said his father, “put on your cap and let us go for a walk. Joeis happy. He likes to go out with his father. He put on his cap and coat. Joe and his father went out into the street. They saw

44、a big black dog. The dog began to bark. Joe was afraid of the dog. He wanted to run away. His father said, “Dont be afraid, Joe! Dont you know the word A barking dog doesnt bite “Oh, yes, I know, but does the dog know Joe said. 30、Giant pandas are black-and-white Chinese bears. They are large and cu

45、ddly-looking animals. They have a big head, a heavy body, rounded ears, and a short tail. The Chinese people call the panda “Da *iong Mao, which means “giant bear cat in Chinese. The panda is a symbol of peace in China. This bear is quite different from other bears. It has unusual cat-like eyes, and

46、 its front paws have an “thumb.31、It was a sunny day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My uncle and I decided to go to the lake to swim by boat. It took us half an hour when we got there. Many people were swimming. Then we dived into the water. About an hour later, suddenly somebody called

47、, “Help! Help! we were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. We swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. We sent him to the hospital. 32、It was a sunlight morning in spring. Our teacher took us for our first spring outing. We set off at seven oclock from school. In the warm sprin

48、g, we were walking there together. Fifty minutes later, we got there. There, we were going to have a piic. Some of us cooked rice, some cooked dishes, and some cooked soup. My desk mate and I fried eggs. At first, we put some oil in the pot. When the oil was hot enough, we put the egg into the pot. 33、“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Th


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