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1、教学课题:Unit1,学习目标:How to introduce someone 如何介绍别人How to talk about things youve done or places youve been to 如何谈论做过的事情或到过的地方How to offer,accept or decline help 如何主动提出帮助别人,如何接受或拒绝帮助How to try to start or end a conversation 如何开始或结束对话,教学重点难点:How to introduce someone 如何介绍别人How to talk about things youve d

2、one or places youve been to 如何谈论做过的事情或到过的地方教学方法:讲授法教学用具:ppt,教学过程:语法:How to say:他刚走。现在完成时 用来表示到说话时刻以前发生的动作或情况,对现在有一定影响。要么是从时间上要么是从结果上跟现在有一定联系。现在完成时的句子中常常用到 always,already,yet,just,ever,never 等副词和表示到现在为止这段时间的状语,如 up till now,this week/month/summer/year,etc.,so far,these days,recently,since(某一具体时刻或动作)。

3、,如:He has just left.Up till now,we have planted over 200 trees.到目前为止,我们已经栽了200棵树了。I have worked here since I left college.He hasnt seen any movies for 2 years.Have you heard from Jim recently?,一般过去时主要表示过去某时发生的动作或情况(包括过去习惯性动作)如:She was ill last week。Some of them didnt come to the party。How did you li

4、ke their performance?你觉得他们的表演怎么样?I went to Beijing 2 years ago。,Language points:take off:rise into the air 起飞When did your flight take off?keep track of:keep oneself informed about 跟踪了解。的发展变化Mary always keeps track of the latest fashion.,off to 出发去某地 如:The first group of students are off to Nanjing

5、this afternoon.Take(some time)off 休假一段时间 Why dont you take a few days off?,be up to sth.意思是 be busy doing,be busy with sth.忙于某事。Jane has been up to her thesis these days.“must+动词原形”用来表示对现在状态的一种猜测 如:He must be in the office now.他现在一定在办公室里。,Remember doing sth.记得做过某事 He remembered posting the letter on

6、 his way to school.remember to do sth 记得要做某事 Please remember to take the medicine.,far from表示“远离什么地方”close to表示“离什么地方近”I felt far from home but very close to nature.deal with 应付,处理They learned to deal with any sort of emergency。,pick up 原义指“拿起;拣起,拾起;取走”,引申义“通过在环境中接触或实际操作自然获得某种技能(语言、技术),并不是刻意去学会”I fi

7、nd that I can pick up many phrases and expressions as I travel.When the telephone rang,Judy picked it up.Have trouble with sth.或者have trouble(in)doing sth.在某方面有麻烦、困难 When I was in England the first time,I had some slight trouble listening to lectures.,adjust(oneself)to,调整自己以适应 Is it difficult to adj

8、ust to the new life here?Be fluent in 说。话流利的 Tom is very fluent in Chinese.,第一单元词汇语法练习 Choose the best answer for each of the following items.1.The plane at 10:45.There is still an hour to go.A.takes over B.takes offC.takes down D.takes up2.He the technical skill in computer while working in the com

9、pany.A.brought up B.picked up C.made up D.took up,3.After he finished his homework,he his pen and stretched himself.A.put down B.put off C.put up D.put in4.He is the European for many Japanese companies.A.actor B.assistant C.agent D.waiter,5.The student always an excuse for his being late.A.made up

10、B.set up C.put up D.took up6.Ive got to going now,otherwise I will miss the opening of the show.A.get B.put C.cut D.set,7.The research center a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately.A.came out B.put out C.worked out D.stood out9.On their way to school they a high wind.A.broken into B.put

11、in C.come into D.run into,11.When he moved to Canada,the children to the change very well.A.adjusted B.adhered C.adopted D.appeared12.The result of the experiment was quite from what I expected.A.different B.away C.same D.similar,13.These new products will before long.A.make out B.come out C.set out

12、 D.take out15.We all the possibilities for the solution of the problem but there was no way out.A.expected B.existed C.explored D.expressed,16.All the children listened to his with eager attention.A.advantage B.advertisement C.advance D.adventures 17.This dance is with young people all over the regi

13、on.A.same B.popular C.welcome D.favorite,18.Languages,English and French,are not difficult to learn for him.A.such as B.as well as C.in addition to D.in spite of20.It has been a terrible year in of business.A.words B.terms C.speech D.opinion,21.There were many people outside the building,in line for

14、 the concert tickets.A.waiting B.waited C.wait D.to wait22.That woman had some difficulties her heavy luggage.A.to carry B.carried C.carry D.carrying,24.They enjoyed a ride on horseback and spent the day in the mountains.A.to take B.took C.taking D.take25.Do you still remember the Great Barrier Reef

15、?You were so scared.A.to dive B.dived C.diving D.dive,26.Make a list of different places youve to.A.going B.went C.gone D.been27.When talking about the trip,he was very.A.tiringexcited B.tiredexciting C.tiringexciting D.tiredexcited,28.There a lot of trees around our village,but now they are all gon

16、e.A.used to being B.used to be C.would be D.had been29.I went to London business last year.A.on B.for C.by D.to,30.It was really very good you to help me that heavy suitcase.A.toof B.forby C.of with D.forwith参考答案 15 BBACA 610 DCBDC1115 AABAC 1620 DBADB2125 ADBCC 2630 DABAC,Dialogue:Choose the best a

17、nswer for each of the following items.2 I hear youve been to Tokyo.A.Yes.Ive gone there many times.B.No.I enjoyed it a lot.C.Yes.I went there last month.,3 How long have you worked at New Wave?.A.For about 5 years.B.Since about 5 years.C.In about 5 years.,4How do you like the film on TV last night?.

18、A.I really enjoyed it.B.Yes.I heard about it C.No,I didnt go to the cinema.,5Have you been to Sydney?.A.No,I didnt go there last year.B.No,but I hope to go there sometime next year.C.No,I wouldnt go with them.,中译英1你打算休息多少天?How many days are you going to take off?2 这个问题很难处理This problem is difficult t

19、o deal with.3 适应新的环境需要一段时间It takes some time to adjust to a new environment.,4 美国你去过多少次?How many times have you been to America?5 大学毕业以来,我就一直没收到苏珊的音讯I havent heard from Susan since I left college.6 至今,我们工厂已经生产了十万辆卡车So far,our factory has produced 10,000 trucks.,7 你坐过飞机吗?Have you ever taken a plane?9

20、 我记得当时把手机放在了书桌上。I remember putting the mobile phone on the desk.,10 你们学校离你家近吗?Is your school close to your home?11 我们必须跟踪科学的最新发展We must keep track of the latest development of science.12 既然你病了,何不休息几天呢?Now that you are ill,why dont you take a few days off?,课堂小结:How to introduce someone 如何介绍别人How to talk about things youve done or places youve been to 如何谈论做过的事情或到过的地方How to offer,accept or decline help 如何主动提出帮助别人,如何接受或拒绝帮助How to try to start or end a conversation 如何开始或结束对话,


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