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1、Physics of Semiconductor Devices(双语),课程简介,关于名称Physics of Semiconductor Device(双语)微电子专业英语大学英语科技英语专业英语课程目的培养阅读能力写作能力听说能力掌握专业词汇基本语法专业知识,课程简介,授课形式阅读理解难句解析多媒体课堂作业翻译做报告考核方式课堂作业(20%)、考试(80%)1,单词英译中;2,单词中译英;3,句子英译中4,句子中译英;5,英文回答问题。,教材,微电子技术专业英语(Microelectronics English)吕红亮、李聪 编著贾新章 审校电子工业出版社 出版出版中,教材目录1,Ses

2、sion 1 Introduction to SemiconductorSession 2 Crystal StructureSession 3 Band ModelSession 4 The Semiconductor in EquilibriumSession 5 Carrier TransportSession 6 Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers in SemiconductorSession 7 The pn Junction(I)Session 8 The pn Junction(II)Session 9 Metal-Semiconductor Cont

3、actsSession 10 HeterojunctionsSession 11 The Bipolar Junction Transistor(I)Session 12 The Bipolar Junction Transistor(II)Session 13 Basics of MOSFETsSession 14 Nonideal effects of MOSFETsSession 15 Advanced MOSFET Devices,教材目录2,Session 16 Introduction to Integrated CircuitsSession 17 Analog Integrat

4、ed Circuits DesignSession 18 Digital Integrated Circuits DesignSession 19 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits DesignSession 20 Simulation and Verification of Integrated CircuitsSession 21 Introduction to the Semiconductor technology(I)Session 22 Introduction to the Semiconductor technology(II)Sessio

5、n 23 Bipolar Technology and GaAs Digital Logic Process Session 24 CMOS TechnologySession 25 Reliability,参考教材,The physics of semiconductor devices,Third EditionFraser,D,AClarendon Press,Oxford1983Semiconductor physics and devices:basic principlesDonald A.NeamenMcGraw-HillPhysics of semiconductor devi

6、cesS.M.Sze and Kwok K.NgWiley,推荐采用合适的字典,“英汉科学技术词典”清华大学外语系“英汉科学技术词典”编写组编国防工业出版社“Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English”朗文当代英语词典外语教学与研究出版社,专业英语学习的三要素,专业词汇基本语法关系结合专业内容,1、专业词汇特别注意行业内的普遍认可的名称。,Wafer;Die;Chip,晶片(晶圆);裸片;芯片,1、专业词汇特别注意行业内的普遍认可的名称。,The majority of bipolar transistors used in ICs are of th

7、e npn type because the higher mobility of minority carriers(electrons)in the base region results in higher speed performance than can be obtained with pnp types.翻译1:IC中所用双极晶体管大多数是NPN型的,因为它在基区中少数载体(电子)的更高移动性产生比PNP型所能得到的更高速度的性能。翻译2:IC中所用双极晶体管大多数是NPN型的,因为基区中少数载流子(电子)具有较高的迁移率,使NPN晶体管的速度性能高于PNP晶体管。,1、专业词

8、汇特别注意行业内的普遍认可的名称。,Next,a high-temperature(1100C)drive-in step forms the n+-buried layer,which has a typical sheet resistance of 20/.翻译1:接着,一个高温(约为1100)驱入步骤形成N+埋入层,它具有典型的平板电阻20/。翻译2:然后采用高温(约为1100)再分布步骤形成N+埋层,其方块电阻典型值为20/。Figure 2.33b shows a cross-sectional view of the device after the epitaxial proc

9、ess.翻译1:图2-33b示出了外延过程之后,器件的交叉区视图。翻译2:图2-33b显示的是经过外延工艺之后的器件剖面图。,1、专业词汇特别注意行业内的普遍认可的名称。,The conventional MOS isolation process has some disadvantages that make it unsuitable for deep-submicrometer(0.25m)fabrication.翻译1:传统MOS隔离过程具有一些劣势,这使之不适合于深度次微米(0.25m)制造翻译2:传统MOS隔离工艺具有一些缺点,使其不适合于深亚微米(0.25m)制造To cont

10、rol the formation of such defects,special inline monitoring techniques are required.翻译1:为了控制这种缺陷的形成,就要求有特殊的内嵌(inline)监控技术。翻译2:为了控制这些缺陷的形成,要求采用特殊的在线(inline)监控技术。,1、专业词汇特别注意行业内的普遍认可的名称。,翻译1:图3-20 互连接层的基本测试结构(a)迂回结构(b)交叉结构翻译2:图3-20 互连层基本测试结构(a)蛇状结构(b)双梳状结构,2、基本语法关系 分析语法关系是为了帮助正确理解内容,不能为了追求语法细节而分析语法。,In

11、 this section we discuss the physical effects that are exploited in those semiconductor memories that can retain stored data after power supplies are disconnected,and where the stored data can be modified.提示:该句有5个谓语,分析从句关系有助于理解内容。全局可翻译为:本节讨论具有下述特点的半导体存储器中采用的物理效应:这种存储器在切断电源后仍然能保留业已存储的数据,而且其中存储的数据可以被修

12、改。,3、结合专业内容,Hence carriers move away from the junctions after injection by diffusion and the action of any fields built in by variable doping.提示:如果根据其位置关系分析,可能认为“by diffusion and the action of any fields”是修饰直接位于其前面的“injection”。但是基于物理含义分析,应该修饰“move”。这是专业英语中经常出现的问题,即如果对物理含义不是很清楚,在翻译时出现的错误不是语法问题,而是违背了物

13、理含义;“by variable doping”修饰其前面的“built in”。全句可翻译为:因此,载流子在注入以后将通过扩散的方式离开结,如果(基区)杂质分布不均匀还会受到自建电场的作用。,3、结合专业内容,The associated delay times are found by dividing the charge that must be moved by the current that moves it.提示:根据物理含义分析,“by the current”应该是修饰动名词dividing(表示数学运算中的“除”),表示用来除“the charge”。如果从语法角度分析,

14、可以认为“by the current”修饰直接位于其前面的moved,但是如果这样翻译成汉语,尽管不应该说语法错误,但是物理含义不对;句子两个that均是引导定语从句,分别修饰各自前面的名词charge和current。全句可翻译为:用必须被移开的电荷除以用于移动电荷的电流,就得到相应的延迟时间。,3、结合专业内容,When passing current all devices have been found to have low-frequency noise power in excess of the value predicted by 4kTRdf.提示:“by 4kTRdf”

15、修饰“predicted”表示预计值为4kTRdf,而不是修饰“in excess of”表示超过的大小为4kTRdf。如果仅仅从英语语法考虑,上述两种修饰关系均有可能。但是结合物理含义分析,只能理解为修饰“predicted”,否则翻译出的语句出现物理含义错误。全句可翻译为:业已发现,在有电流通过时,所有器件都具有比预计值4kTRdf大的低频噪声功率。,3、结合专业内容,The intrinsic Fermi level must shift away from the band with the larger density of states in order to maintain e

16、qual numbers of electrons and holes.提示:要正确翻译本句必须明确with 是修饰动词shift还是修饰名词band。从语法分析,两种理解均可,但是译文的含义有所差别。一种翻译是:本征费米能级的位置也必定将随着状态密度的增大而发生移动,以保持电子和空穴的数量相等。一种翻译是:本征费米能级的位置也必定将向远离具有更大态密度的能带的方向移动,以保持电子和空穴的数量相等。,复习,课堂作业,(P130,中文P94)We can determine the relative number of electrons in the donor state compared

17、with the total number of electrons;therefore we can consider the ratio of electrons in the donor state to the total number of electrons in the conduction band plus(electrons in the)donor state.Using the expressions of Equations(4.53)and(4.11),we write.(4.54)The Fermi energy cancels out of this expre

18、ssion.Dividing by the numerator term,we obtain.(4.55)(P134,中文P97).(4.60)The positive sign in the quadratic formula must be used,since,in the limit of an intrinsic semiconductor when Na=Nd=0,the electron concentration must he a positive quantity,or n0=n i.(P139,中文P100)However,we would be subtracting two numbers on the order of 1016 cm-3,for example,to obtain a number on the order of 104 cm-3,which from a practical point of view is not possible.,


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