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1、仿生蚂蚁机器人,2,目录,2,3,4,仿生机器人课程总结,FESTO自动化公司仿生蚂蚁机器人个例分析,仿生蚂蚁机器人的路径规划,1,介绍仿生蚂蚁机器人的由来、设计的原因、用途,蚂蚁机器人的由来?,For the BionicANTs,the engineers have not only taken the delicate anatomy of the natural ant as a role model.For the firsttime,the cooperative behaviour of the creatures has also been transferred to the

2、 world of technology using complex control algorithms.Like their natural role models,the BionicANTs work together under clear rules.They communicate with each other and coordinate both their actions and movements.Each ant makes its decisions autonomously,but in doing so is always subordinate to the

3、common objective and thereby plays its part towards solving the task in hand.,Inspired by nature,4,什么是蚂蚁机器人?,为什么要设计蚂蚁机器人?,蚂蚁机器人有什么用途?,1.蚂蚁机器人可完成多项基本机器人功能,如搬运物体、智能识别、信息传递、空间位移。2.由于具有小巧、灵活等特点,蚂蚁机器人亦可完成普通机器人不能完成的任务,如搜索、排查故障、甚至军事侦查、窃听等,可应用在地震救灾、极端环境探测、刺激未来工厂的生产方式。,大家心中的蚂蚁机器人是怎样的?,Festo自动化公司仿生大蚂蚁,Coopera

4、tive behaviour based on a natural model,Combined with practical production,Stimulus for production of the futureIn an abstract manner,this cooperative behaviour provides interesting approaches for the factory of tomorrow.Future production systems will be founded on intelligent components,which adjus

5、t themselves flexibly to different production.Functional integration in the smallest of spacesFor the first time,laser-sintered components are subsequently embellished with visible conductor structures in the so-called 3D MID process.The electrical circuits are attached on the surface of the compone

6、nts.,The constructional layout of BionicANTs,Well-conceived concept:Numerous components,technologies and functions re combined in each ant in the smallest of spaces,11,Development platforms for new technologies and production methods,Ideal platform:Research basis for testing new technologies,12,Deve

7、lopment platforms for new technologies and production methods,Testing complete systems that are networkedTasks that are now managed by a central master computer will be taken over by the components in future.Festo is continuing with intensive development of technologies such as precision engineering

8、 and microsystem technology.Use of new production technologies3D Moulded Interconnect Devices feature spatial conductive tracks,which are visibly attached to the surface of shaped parts and act as circuit boards for electronic.Developing tried-and-tested skillsPiezo-ceramic actuators are used mainly

9、 as pressure sensors and for energy recovery purposes.,02:Highly integrated components:design and electrical functions in one03:Precise control:piezo-ceramic bending transducers in leg actuator technology04:Unique combination:3D MID technology on laser-sintered shaped parts,New technology on BionicA

10、NTS,New application of piezo technologyPiezo elements can be controlled very precisely and quickly.They require little energy,are almost wear-resistant and do not need much space.Highly complex control algorithms for cooperative behaviourAll actions are based on a distributed set of rules,which have

11、 been worked out in advance using mathematical modelling and simulations and are stored on every ant.Camera system and floor sensor working togetherThe ants use the 3D stereo camera in their head to identify the gripping object as well as for self-localisation purposes.,蚂蚁机器人路径规划,科学家研制一种蚂蚁机器人模拟真实蚂蚁的





16、形式的信息素,协调相机和投影仪照亮每个机器人路径的尾迹,另外,每个机器人还装置了两个光线传感器,能够模拟蚂蚁触角确保跟随已建立的路径。,什么是仿生学?仿生学是研究生物系统的结构和功能以便为工程技术提供新的设计思想及工作原理的科学仿生学有什么特点?仿生学涉及生物学、生物物理学、生物化学、物理学、控制论、工程技术等学科交叉领域人类研究仿生学的背后说明了什么?美国人类与机器认知研究所的科学家Jerry Pratt博士指出,人类一直在试图复制自己,仿生机器人课程总结,仿生机器人学及其特点是什么?仿生机器人学是仿生学与机器人学相结合的产物仿生机器人的结构和感知系统借鉴了自然界相关动物的结构和感知原理仿生机器人能再现自然界某些动物的部分功能,甚至某些能力远远超过自然界的动物,仿生机器人课程总结,谢谢!,


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