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1、1,Unit 7 Complaints and Claims,2,Warming-up:complain(申诉),complain v.抱怨,起诉,申诉 complain about/of plaint n.an expression of dissatisfaction make/lodge/lay a complaint against Sb.对某人提出诉讼/控告任何关于产品质量的诉讼需在货物到达后15天内提出 Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after thei

2、r arrival.,3,Warming-up:claim(索赔),claim n.demand for payment(索赔,赔偿要求)lodge/file/register/make/raise a claim against/with(某人)for(金额或原因)/on(某物)因某种原因就某物向某人索赔多少金额e.g.我们有权因货物质量低劣向卖方索赔 We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality of the products against the seller.,4,claim v.索赔,要求赔偿 claim.(a

3、certain amount of money)from.(sb.)for.(sth.)向就索赔金额以下是部分常用短语,注意介词的一般用法。to claim USD10,000 索赔一万美元 to claim a compensation of USD10,000 要求赔偿美元一万元 to claim USD10,000 for damage 因损坏而索赔美元一万元 to claim USD10,000 on the goods 对该货物索赔美元一万元 to claim USD10,000 from the underwriters 向保险公司索赔美元一万元,Warming-up:claim(

4、索赔),5,accept a claim 接受索赔settle a claim 解决索赔(理赔)entertain a claim 受理索赔admit a claim 同意索赔dismiss a claim 驳回索赔reject a claim 拒绝索赔waive a claim 放弃索赔withdraw a claim 撤回索赔,Warming-up:claim(索赔),6,In international trade,most complaints or claims are made by buyers against sellers for the losses.However,the

5、re are times when claims made by sellers against buyers.Though the parties to a sales contract are the seller and the buyer,the claim-settlement procedures may include other parties such as shipping companies(carrier),insurance companies,etc.So they may also be responsible for the losses or damages

6、in some cases.,Basic Knowledge,7,The seller is responsible for the following,Non-delivery or partial delivery(不交货或部分交货)Delay in delivery/shipment(延迟交货)Inferior quality(品质低劣)Wrong quantity(数量不符)Insufficient packing(包装不良)Failure in entering into contract(成交后拒不签约)Non-fulfillment of contract(不执行合约)Discr

7、epancies in specifications(规格不符),8,The buyer is responsible for the following,Refuse to open an L/C Delay in opening L/C Delay in payment Commission unpaid Failure in entering into contract Non-fulfillment of contract,9,The carrier is responsible for the following,Short-landed(短卸)Goods missing(遗失)Ro

8、ugh handling(搬运不当)Others,10,The insurer is responsible for the following,Goods suffer losses or damages in transit because of the risks insured against.Other reasons stipulated in the policy according to which,the insured is entitled to ask for compensation.,11,Poor quality To our surprise,we found

9、the goods are far below the standard and didnt meet the sample.使我们吃惊的是,我们发现货物远达不到标准,比样品差远了 We found the quality of the goods is not in conformity with what we stipulated in the contract.我们发现货物质量与合同规定的不一致,Learn to say,12,Learn to say,Poor packing We regret to inform you that Case No.36 is broken.The

10、contents are seriously damaged owing to improper packing.很遗憾地通知你方36号箱子破了由于包装不当,里面货物严重受损 We found 8 cartons were torn and 4 cartons were broken.我们发现8箱散了,4箱破了,13,ShortageWe feel it regrettable that only 97 cases were received by us.很遗憾我们只收到97箱After inspection of the above shipment,we found eight boxes

11、 are missing.经检验发现8箱货物丢失,Learn to say,14,Wrong deliveryEverything appears to be correct and in good condition except in Case No.40.除40号箱外其他货物正常,状况良好When we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles.打开这个箱子,我方发现里面的货物完全不对,Learn to say,15,Notice of complaint or claimWe were gl

12、ad to know that the consignment was delivered promptly,but it was with much regret that we heard Case No.40 did not contain the goods you ordered.很高兴得知,货物按时运到了,但很遗憾得知40号箱所装货物不是你方订购的货We are in receipt of your letter of May 1 claiming for short weight on the consignment of.收到你方5月1日来信,向我方索赔的短重,Learn to

13、 say,16,Learn to say,Acceptance of complaint or claimWe regret for the losses you have suffered and agree to compensate you by USD15,000.对你方所遭受的损失我方深表遗憾,同意赔偿15,000美元 We are prepared to compensate you by 10%of the total invoice value.我们打算赔偿你方发票价值的10%,17,Rejection of complaint or claimYour claim shoul

14、d be referred to the insurance company.你方应向保险公司索赔We looked into the matter and found that our products were properly weighed at the time of loading.我们调查了此事,认为装运时货物的重量是正确的The goods in question were in first-class condition when they left here,as was evidenced by the Bill of Lading.该货物离开这里时状况良好,这有提单为证

15、,Learn to say,18,Model Letter 1:Complaint about Late Delivery,Dear Sirs,We regret to have to complain about late delivery of the mens shirts ordered on December 28.We did not receive them until this morning though you had guaranteed delivery within a week.It was on this understanding that we placed

16、the order.Unfortunately,there have been similar delays on several previous occasions and their increasing frequency in recent months compels us to say that business between us cannot be continued under conditions such as there.,19,Model Letter 1:Complaint about Late Delivery,We have felt it necessar

17、y to make our feelings known since we cannot give reliable delivery date to our customers unless we can count on undertaking given by our supplier.We hope you will understand how we are placed and that from now on we can rely upon punctual completion of our orders.,next,20,Language Points,guarantee

18、v.保证,担保 We guarantee that the goods will arrive in good condition in time.我们保证货物会完好无损地准时到达你方。It was on this understanding that正是根据这样的思想/这种认识 It is on this understanding that we have been striving to attain our development goals.我们正是根据这样的思想,力求实现我们的发展目标。,return,21,Language Points,frequency n.频率;经常发生,频

19、繁 Transshipment will cause the frequency of the pilferage.转船会引起频繁盗窃。compel v.强迫,使不得不 compel Sb to do Sth,return,22,Language Points,count on 依靠,指望,信赖=rely on You can count on us.undertaking n.承诺;保证;许诺;答应 undertake:v.承诺;保证;许诺;答应 undertake to do Sth.undertake that He undertook to pay the money back wit

20、hin 6 months.He undertook that he would pay it back.,return,23,how to make a complaint/claim,When making a complaint/claim,plan your letter as follows:Begin by regretting the need to complainMention the date of the order,the date of delivery and the goods complained about.3.State your reasons for be

21、ing dissatisfied and ask for an explanation4.Refer to the inconvenience caused.5.Suggest how the matter should be put right.,24,Principles of Writing a Letter for Claim,Being timelyBeing courteousBeing specificbeing accurate in citing the supporting materials,25,Complaint about Short Delivery,Dear S

22、irs,We duly received the documents and took delivery of the goods on arrival of s/s“Prince”at Hamburg.We thank you for your prompt execution of this order.Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in case No.3.Unfortunately when we opened this case we found that the goods were sh

23、ort by 5 units.We,as you know,demanded these items very urgently as we have a few stocks.,26,This is the first time in all our transactions that some mistake has occurred,and we hope you will do your utmost to remedy it.We ask you,therefore,to ship the five typewriters by air immediately on receipt

24、of this letter.,next,27,Language Points,took delivery of the goods take delivery(of):提货 make delivery(of):交货in good conditionin good/sound/perfect condition 状况良好 in an unsatisfactory condition 状况令人不满意 in bad condition 状况不良 in a damaged condition(货物到达时)破损状况 in poor condition 状况不良,return,28,Language P

25、oints,short adj.inadequate,insufficient 不足,短少short weight 短重short shipment 短装short invoiced 发票少开的short shipped 短装的to be short by 短少shortage n.短缺,短少,不足remedy:vt.改正;纠正;改进 remedy the mistake,return,29,Claim for Defective Goods,Dear Sirs,We would like to draw your attention to the defective goods shippe

26、d by the M/S“Tung Ming”on October 26.Upon unpacking the cases,we found that the quality is much inferior to the sample on which we approved the order.Moreover,the length of each piece is short by approximately five meters.As evidence,we are enclosing a copy of Lloyds Survey Report for your attention

27、.,30,We are now in a very awkward situation,because our customers,who have been very strict about the quality,are very impatient to take delivery of the goods.We hope that you will immediately take this matter into your careful consideration and favor us with a prompt solution by cable.,31,Language

28、Points,defective goods 不合格品,次品=faulty goodsdefective 有缺陷的;不完美的,有瑕疵的is(much)inferior to 比次的,较差的 inferior quality 质量低劣,return,32,suggestions for sellers to deal with claims,Suppose you are the seller,the following rules are to be noted when dealing with a claim.The first thing that has to be decided i

29、s whether the claim is justified.If so,then you have to admit it readily;express your regret and promise to put matters right.2.If the claim is not justified,point this out politely and in an agreeable manner.It would be a wrong policy to refuse the claim offhand(未经核实地).,33,3.If you cannot deal with

30、 a claim promptly,acknowledge it at once.Explain that you are looking into it and that you will send a full reply later.4.All claims should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated.,suggestions for sellers to deal with claims,34,Claim Settled(同意理赔),Dear Sirs,We are very sorry to lea

31、rn from your letter of October 19 that our shipment covering your order No.137 was found defective.Upon investigation we have discovered that defective goods sometimes filter in despite rigorous inspection prior to shipment.We protested very severely to the manufacturer with whom your order was plac

32、ed.,35,They deeply apologize for the matter and assure that they shall never allow such carelessness to happen in future shipments.As a settlement we have arranged to reship the whole goods by the first available ship with a special discount of 4%off the invoice amount.We add our apology for your tr

33、ouble and promise to execute your orders in the future with maximum care and efficiency.,36,Language Points,filter:v.1.透过,过滤 2.(光或声)渗入;透过 despite:prep.不管,尽管,任凭=in spite of rigorous:1.严密的;缜密的 2.严格的,add:1.vt.增加,添加 2.vt.还说,接着说,return,return,37,Claim Declined(婉拒理赔),Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of

34、 October 26 concerning the 100 cases of Toys covering your order No.137.After a careful investigation,we could not find any error on our part because we took every effort to fulfill your order as shown in the enclosed certificate of packing inspection.Moreover the lots were on board the ship in perf

35、ect condition which was clearly stated in the clean B/L.,38,We suggest,therefore,that you lodge a claim with the insurance company.We will assist you wherever possible to process the claim.Though it was quite beyond our control,we are very sorry for the inconvenience you have suffered.We assure you

36、that we will make every attempt to prevent such a recurrence in the future.,Claim Declined(婉拒理赔),39,Language Points,assist:vt.&vi.1.帮助,协助,援助;促进assist sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事 make every attempt to do Sth:尽一切努力/想方设法/千方百计想去做某事,40,Skill Drilling:lis

37、tening,41,Skill Drilling:Translating,Regarding the inferior quality of your goods,we claim a compensation of$10,000.,We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order on time.,1.关于你方产品的品质低劣的问题,我方要求你方赔偿一万美元。,2.由于你方未能按时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失的索赔。,Any c

38、omplaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival.,3.任何有关该产品质量问题的申诉应在货物到达后十五天内提出。,42,4.We regret that your claim on shortage cannot be accepted.,5.It would be not fair if the loss be totally imposed on us,as the liability rests with both parties.We are ready to pay 50%of the loss only.,很遗憾我们无法接受你方关于货物短交的索赔。,因为双方均有责任,单方面要求我方对全部损失承担责任是不公平的。我方只准备赔偿50%的损失。,6.The shortage you alleged(断言,指称,声称)might have occurred in the course of transit,and that is a matter out of our control.,你方声称的短缺很可能发生在运输途中,而对此我方无法控制。,


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