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1、Supply Chain Management:From Vision to Implementation,Chapter 7:Supply Chain Mapping第七章:供应链的绘制,2,Chapter 7:学习目标,讨论供应链设计观念和其重要性Discuss the concept of SC design and its importance.解释流程的绘制过程并描述绘制流程图在供应链设计中的作用Explain process mapping and describe mappings role in SC design.描述几种通行的供应链设计方法Describe several

2、popular approaches for SC design.绘制供应链图并描述供应链管理人员可从供应链图得到哪些关键观念Map out a supply chain.Describe key insights a manager can gain from a SC map.,3,供应链管理,SCM 是对跨越组织边界的增值流程进行无缝设计和管理,以满足最终顾客的实际需求。SCM is the design of seamless value added processes across organization boundaries to meet the real needs of t

3、he end customer.SC 设计和改进方法:绘制流程图(Process Mapping)-creates visibility of current and improved processes.绘制价值流图(Value Stream Mapping)-depicts flow of information and materials绘制供应链图(SC Mapping)-displays the dynamics that govern how a supply chain works,4,供应链设计的重要性,未能预先主动积极设计好供应链通常导致:Failure to proacti

4、vely design a SC results in:协调能力差 Poor coordination of effort信息系统不兼容 Incompatible information systems周期延长Long cycle times沟通问题Communication problems顾客服务问题Customer service issues过多浪费和环境退化Excessive waste and environmental degradation为达到特定的顾客服务水平而保持相对高的库存Relatively high inventories for the level of cust

5、omer service achieved未能获取最优的利润Lower the optimal profit,5,流程的绘制Process Mapping,流程是指一项把输入转变或改变为一项新的输出的活动A process is defined as an activity that transforms or changes input into new output.流程图就是系统的图形展示过程,包括为生产某些期望结果而进行的一系列步骤A process map is a graphic representation of the system and contains a sequenc

6、e of steps that are performed to produce some desired output.流程绘制的主要目的是为了使复杂的系统可视化The primary goal behind process mapping is to make complex systems visible.,6,流程绘制Process Mapping,7,开发流程图Developing a Process Map,确定绘制流程图的目的Determine the purpose of the process map 设定图形内容精细水平 Establish level of detail

7、设定系统的边界 Establish system boundaries确定哪些人拥有所需的信息和经验Determine who has the required information or experience.通过观察和访谈来分析流程,并记录每个步骤Analyze the process through observation and interviews,document each step.绘制图形Draw the map让绘制和执行流程的相关人员审核图形,以使流程图更为清楚和完整Have the people who are involved in the mapping proce

8、ss as well as others(including those who actually perform the process)review the map for clarity and completeness,8,烤蛋糕流程图Process Map Bake a Cake,9,流程分析Process Analysis,流程分析主要用于识别无价值的或重复的活动Process analysis is used to identify non-value added or redundant activities.首先检查时间、成本、资源和每一步骤所需的人员Begin proces

9、s analysis by examining the time,cost,resources,and people involved in each step.识别消费最多时间或资源的步骤Identify the steps that consume the most time or resources.识别太费时间或者所需时间变化很大的流程Identify processes that take too long or vary greatly in time.识别延迟点Identify points of delay.估计每一步所增加的价值(判断价值时,要考虑成本成因素)Estimate

10、 the value added by each step and judge the value against the cost.思考问题产生的原因,并考虑如何改善特定的活动或流程。Consider the reasons for problems and how to improve specific activities or processes.,10,流程分析Process Analysis,重新检查每一个决策符号Re-examine each decision symbol明确这个决策是否是必需的并且能增加价值?Determine if the decision is neces

11、sary and adds value?考虑合并决策或者把这些决策迁移到流程中的其它位置以创造更多的价值Consider combining decisions or moving them to another point in the process to create more value.检查每个重复工作的循环,每个循环包含了反复的流程,考虑如何减少,消除,或者重复工作合并到另一步骤中Check each rework loop.A rework loop involves iterative processes,like repeatedly checking a cake unti

12、l it is done baking.Here,consider how rework can be reduced,eliminated,or combined with another step.最后,再次审视每个流程步骤。有时一个流程仅仅是由于习惯而做的,而不管其有无价值Finally,look at each process step again.Sometimes a process is done out of habit without verifying its value确认每个流程带来的价值要比成本多Verify that the step adds more value

13、 than its cost判段是否有冗余的流程步骤Judge if the step is redundant.考虑如何重新合并这些步骤以取得更高的效率Consider how steps could be recombined for greater efficiency,11,最初的流程图Initial Process Map,12,改进后的流程图Improved Process Map,福特汽车公司应付账款部门的工作就是接收采购部门送来的采购订单副本、仓库的收货单和供应商的发票,然后将三类票据在一起进行核对,查看其中的14项数据是否相符,绝大部分时间被耗费在这14项数据由于种种原因造成

14、的不相符上。原有的业务流程如图示。,原有业务流程图,重组后的业务流程图,16,价值流的绘制图Value Stream Mapping,价值流图是流程图的特别运用,是建立在精益生产的原则上的Specific application of process mapping based on lean Manufacturing principles系统的边界一般在宏观的层次上定义的System boundaries typically defined at the macro level.通常要比一般的流程图包含更多的信息:Generally contains more information th

15、en typical process maps:流程时间Process time流程绩效的特征Process performance characteristics信息流Information flows实物流Physical flows,17,供应链的设计太重要了,因而不能随意而为。就如基因工程已开始缩短物种进化一样,主动的供应链设计可以加快并且可永远抛弃那种缓慢的不断臃肿的工业进化流程。Supply chain design is just too important to leave to chance.Just as genetic engineering has begun to s

16、hortcut the process of species evolution,proactive chain design will shortcut and forever make obsolete the slow,incremental processes of industrial evolution.-Charles Fine,Professor at MIT,供应链设计Supply Chain Design,18,供应链设计Supply Chain Design,识别供应链的最终顾客Identify the chains end customer确定供应链的价值观Determ

17、ine the Supply Chains value proposition识别每个层次的关键参与者和他们增添的价值Identify the key players at each level and the value they add确定你们公司的位置和所能增添的价值Determine where your company is and value it adds 分析谁在供应链中拥有控制权力:制造商,分销商,零售商,或其它Analyze who possesses the power in the supply chain:manufacturer,distributor,retail

18、er,or other party确定谁与最终顾客的联系最紧密Determine who has the best linkages with the end customer采用驱动供应链成功的关键技术Establish the key technologies that drive SC success评估驱动供应链的核心能力Assess the core competencies that drive SC success,19,供应链设计Supply Chain Design,把支持供应链价值主张的主要流程分离出来Isolate the major processes required

19、 to support the supply chains value proposition确定哪个环节有充裕的时间和可变性Determine where there is a significant amount of time and variability确定理想的供应链应该看起来是什么样的Establish what the ideal supply chain would look like把握好不同供应链成员在价值增值中的现时角色Ascertain the as-is value-added roles of the various supply chain members分析我

20、们打算或需要对供应链的活动进行多大程度的控制Analyze how much control over supply chain activity we want or need弄清不同供应链成员应该成为的角色Clarify the should-be value-added roles of the various supply chain members,20,传统管理和供应链在流程上比较Traditional and SC Process Focus,21,传统管理和供应链在流程上比较,供应链管理的主要业务流程,分行业的供应链管理系统,随着对供应链管理认识的深入,人们对不同的行业构造了不

21、同的供应链系统,以便有针对性地进行管理。,汽车行业供应链,食品水产行业供应链,日用杂货行业供应链,家电行业供应链,建筑行业供应链,医药行业供应链,30,供应链设计的方法Approaches to Supply Chain Design,共同因素:Common Elements识别顾客和客户的价值主张Identification of Customer and Value Proposition识别成员关系Identification of Membership识别成员关系的结构Structure of Member Relationships控制核心Locus of Control设计工具De

22、sign Tools供应链运作参考模型SCOR Model双螺旋Supply Chain Double Helix产品或服务的性质Nature of Product or Service产品的生命周期Product Life-Cycle,31,SCOR Model,供应链是基于一系列链接的流程(计划-生产-采购-配送-回收)Supply chains are based on a series of linked,planned-source-make-deliver-and-return processes.,32,SCOR Model,SCOR model的步骤:Steps in the

23、SCOR model分析竞争的基础Analyze the basis for competition:what do you need to do well in order to succeed?How can you measure and monitor your progress in these key areas?设置供应链Configure the supply chain as it is and as you would like it to be.Include geographic locations and flows.在信息和工作流中使绩效水平,实践和系统相匹配Ali

24、gn performance levels,practices and systems across information and work flows.供应链流程和系统的实施Implement SC processes and systems,including people,processes,technology and organization,33,供应链双螺旋Supply Chain Double Helix,供应链随着竞争环境的变化而持续地发展变化Supply chains are constantly evolving and changing as the environm

25、ent which they compete changes.主动设计和再设计供应链的能力可以创建竞争优势The ability to design and redesign supply chains proactively that creates competitive advantage.当一家公司设计和在设计其供应链时,必须利用初因设计方法(DFX)的优点As a company designs and redesigns its supply chains must take advantage of designed for initiatives.,34,供应链双螺旋Suppl

26、y Chain Double Helix,利基竞争者,多维度复杂性,完整产品/垂直行业,组件产品/水平行业,技术进步,供应商市场权力,独占系统的盈利性,整合的压力,组织僵化,分拆的压力,35,初因设计方法(DFX)Design for Initiatives,为制造设计Design for manufacturability为配送设计Design for distribution为分拆设计Design for disassembly,为环境设计Design for environment为供应设计Design for supply为客户设计Design for the customer,初因设

27、计方法试图创立这样的一个氛围,即设计者和内部或者外部的关键成员一起工作以确保关键的问题都被考虑到并且被整合到产品和流程的设计中去Design for initiatives attempt to create an atmosphere where designers work with other key players internally or externally to insure critical issues are considered and integrated into design of products and processes.,36,产品和服务的性质Nature

28、 of the Product or Service,供应链应该按照产品或服务的实质,即创新性或者功能性,来构建Supply chain should be structured based on whether the product or service they deliver is innovative or functional in nature.创新性产品生命周期短Innovative products have short life cycles功能性产品满足基本需求Functional products fulfill basic needsInsight generated

29、 from this design strategy can complement the SCOR,Double Helix,or product life-cycle models.,37,创新性产品的供应链Innovative Product Supply Chains,创新性产品:Innovative products have relatively相对高利润率high profit margins需求不可预测且短期unpredictable short-lived demand过时风险高high risk of obsolescence.Supply chain should:寻求使

30、库存水平最低Seek to minimize inventory专注速度和柔性Focus on speed and flexibility理想的供应链:快速反应型 Responsive,38,功能性产品供应链Functional Products Supply Chains,功能性产品:需求可预测Predictable demand生命周期长Long life cycles大量的替代品Large number of substitutesSupply chain should:寻求成本最小化Seek to minimize cost提供可靠的高水平服务Provide reliable and

31、high service levels理想的供应链:效率型Efficient,39,产品生命周期,40,供应链的绘制Supply Chain Mapping,一般最好先画一张详细的供应链图,明确主要的结点和瓶颈区域Supply chain mapping generally begins with a high level map to identify major linkages and bottleneck areas.主要考虑顾客和关键供应商的结点Supply chain maps should consider linkages with customers and key supp

32、liers.利用管道图来识别不需要的冗余的地方,从而改善现有供应链的竞争状态Tools like the pipeline map may identify unnecessary complexity,thereby leading to improvements to the current competitive state of the supply chain.,41,管道图Pipeline Map-Example,42,管道图步骤Pipeline Mapping Steps,确定你想画的项目Identify the item that you wish to map。确定关于该产品

33、的在管道图上的发生的所有流程,包括供应商的流程Identify all of the processes that occur on the physical pipeline for that product,including supplier processes.确定谁执行链中每个过程Determine who performs each process in the chain.和执行流程的实体交谈,以确定每一个流程花多长时间;当前有多少库存,在途库存和物料运输时Talk to each of the entities that performs a process,determine

34、 how long the process takes;how much inventory is present;how much inventory is in transit and transit times for materials.。库存应包括原料/部件/产出产品Inventory would include raw materials,components,and output,43,Pipeline Mapping Steps,画出从原料到最终顾客的供应链管道图(用连续的水平和垂直线标识)Draw the SC pipeline map from raw material t

35、o end user as a series of horizontal and vertical lines.开始先画一条水平线,从商品市场到最终顾客Begin by drawing a horizontal line from the commodity market to the end user.水平线的长度代表总流程和相关运输时间The length of the horizontal line represents the total process and relevant transportation time.从最早流程开始,按顺序标上流程名称,并在名称后写上流程耗费时间St

36、arting with the earliest process,write the name of the processes in order above.After the name of the process,indicate the time the process takes.在流程开始和结束点上画上垂直线,标明每个成员手上的平均库存,流程开始点表示投入原材料的数量,结束点表示产出数量.如果产品在流程中没有被加工,那么只显示库存水平.竖线上所有数字的和代表”无增值”的数量或缓冲库存的天数.Draw vertical lines at the beginning and end o

37、f each process to indicate the average amount of inventory that each party has on hand in terms of both input and output.These represent the average inventory that any party in the supply chain is holding.If the product is not physically transformed by the process,only one inventory level is shown.A

38、dding total inventory in the pipeline identifies the amount of“non-value added”days or buffer inventory.另外也可用流程模型来确认每个流程的时间和成本,专注改善价值最高和延迟最长的流程.Alternatively,use flow modeling to,identify both the time and cost associated with a process.Focus process improvement on the processes with the highest val

39、ue and the longest delays.,44,Pipeline Mapping Steps,分析供应链以发现改善机会Analyze the supply chain for opportunities.如何减少长度Consider means to reduce the pipeline length.相关流程:哪些不必要?Map relevant SC processes.Look for unnecessary processes and delays.Identify potential improvement opportunities.缓冲库存可以降低?Consider

40、 means to reduce the level of buffer inventory.This represents assets that SC members have tied up increasing cost and risk while lowering the agility of the chain.Analyze where inventories are too high by focusing on areas with the highest levels and longest delays.将第6步中的对策按优先度排序Prioritize your ide

41、as from step 6.Work with the team,suppliers,customers and other affected parties to implement,manage,and monitor changes.Dont limit yourself to the first tier suppliers or customers,as the suppliers suppliers and customers customers may also provide excellent ideas or opportunities for SC improvemen

42、t.分析新的供应链,重复前面6步步骤,直到对改进的结果满意或不能获取更多的成本收益为止Analyze the new supply chain,revisiting step 6 until satisfied with the improvement results or they are no longer cost-beneficial.将以上步骤运用到其它供应链上Repeat the procedure with other supply chains.,45,A Return to the Opening Story,Based on what you have now read a

43、nd discussed:Does“drawing a picture”of Olympus core process seem like a good way to seem like a good way to identify improvement opportunities?Why or why not?Does extending the idea of process mapping to the supply chain make sense?In what ways would you expect SC mapping to differ from process mapp

44、ing?Where would you begin in drawing the SC map?Who should be involved?SC mapping answers the questions,“How do we fit?”and“How should we fit?”Why begin with a map of your current process before drawing a map of how you would like things to be?,Supply Chain Management:From Vision to Implementation,S

45、upplement G:Project Management,47,Project Management,Project and process management are closely related practices.Project management requires a good understanding of interdependencies among activities,time and resources necessary to complete these activities.Three best-known project management tools

46、:critical path method(CPM),Gantt charts,and the program evaluation review technique(PERT),48,Critical Path Method(CPM),Developed by DuPont and Remington Rand during the 1950sProjects are broken into various activitiesPrecedence between activities determine sequence for completionActivities with no s

47、lack,amount of time an activity can slip without impacting overall completion time,are said to be along the“critical path”,49,CPM Steps,50,CPM Example Data,51,Project Precedence Diagram,52,Organization of CPM Information,53,CPM with Task Times,54,CPM-Calculations,55,CPM Forward Pass,56,CPM Backward

48、Pass,57,Identification of Critical Path,58,Project Crashing,In some instances a company may wish to reduce the amount of time for project completion-“Crashing the Project”Accomplished by scheduling overtime,hiring more employees,or adding an extra shift.Decisions on crashing are made by comparing th

49、e marginal cost of crashing activities along the critical path.,59,Project Crashing,60,Gantt Charts,A Gantt chart is a graphical trail of a projects activities over time.Disadvantage of Gantt charts is that they do not show precedence relationships between various project activities.Gantt charts sho

50、uld be used with CPM to help overcome this disadvantage.,61,CPM Example Gantt Chart,62,PERT,PERT was developed by the U.S.Navy and Booz Allen Hamilton for use of the Polaris missile project.Major difference between CPM and PERT is the use of multiple time estimates to allow for variation in task com


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