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1、一、介绍信 Letters of Introduction Dear Mr./Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones,our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully,Jack,西华师范大学数学与信息 学生专业实习介

2、绍信 某某单位:我院各专业已进入社会实习阶段,专业实习对于提高学生业务能力和综合素质具有重要作用。兹介绍我院_专业学生_前来贵单位实习,请予以大力支持,并给予指导和严格管理。感谢贵单位支持我校的学生专业实习工作。此致 敬礼!西华师范大学数学与信息学院 年 月 日,分析:共同点是:语言简洁,礼貌得体。,不同点是:1,在英语中语言更加简洁。如“We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate”.2,英语中用词更加确切,表达更加直接,而中文用词则更加谦虚委婉。3,中文更

3、加注重用词,谦辞、敬辞的使用使信函更有礼貌和尊卑地位之别,如“贵单位”。,二、告示AnnouncementsDear Mr./Ms,We have opened at the above address a sales office for our products here in New York.We employ a staff of consultants and a well-trained service department which makes routine checks on all equipment purchased from us.We would be plea

4、sed if you would take full advantage of our services and favorable shopping conditions.We fully guarantee the quality of our products.Yours faithfully,,关于通知提价函 某某总公司:敬启者,由于本公司所生产的物品之原料价格上涨,不得不宣布自今年6月1日起,原有的价目表予以作废,并代之以另定新价目表。现随函附上,5月31日前收到之定货单仍按旧价计算。6月1日以后则以新价目表为准。因本公公司产品需求量日增,而原料市场一直上涨,故预料在短期内货价势将再

5、涨,阁下如需购买,务请尽早,以免误失时机。某某公司 某年某月某日,分析:1,英语语言表达感情更加直接,根据两国文化差异,二者的表达顺序有先后之分,如“We would be pleased if”,而汉语则一般把感情表达“我们会很高兴”放在后面。2,中文注重敬辞的使用,如“阁下”等。,三、咨询ConsultationDear Mr./Ms,We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably.At first we thought this might be due to a slack

6、market,but on looking into the matter more closely,we find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware.If so,we would like to know what we can do to help.We,therefore,look forward to receiving from you

7、a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.Yours faithfully,,I did not find the Chinese version.,四、道歉与解释Apology&Explanation Dear Mr./Ms,We are sorry we cannot send you immediately the catalogue and price list for which you as

8、ked in your letter of March 10.Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks and as soon as we receive them,we will send you a copy.Yours faithfully,Jerry,尊敬的某先生:您好!您方本月22日订货单收悉。非常抱歉!羽绒背心目前无法交货。我们最快的交货期要到7月初。当然,您方是急需这批货的。可是,需要量远远超过我们以往的经验,特向您方道歉!你的忠实的。,分析:1,英语是开门见山地表达歉意,用“We are sorry we”并直接用

9、同一句话解释出道歉的原因;而汉语则是先说出道歉原因,然后用独立的句子“非常抱歉”来表达歉意,我觉得这样显得更加诚恳,而且更加简洁有力。2,汉语里最后又附一句“特向您方道歉!”,而英语里则没有。,五、感谢信 Thank-You Letter Dear Mr./Ms,Thank you for your letter of June 4,enclosing an account of the organization and work of your Chamber of Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a detailed

10、account of your activities.This information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.Yours faithfully,Lee,致谢函 尊敬的某某部经理先生:敬启者,祝公司大展鸿图,这次请您了解了某某商品市场情况,承蒙您在百忙之中做深入的调查了解,实在不盛感激。关于某某商品价格,待我公司调整修正以后再函告您。希今后加强往来,并请给予大力支持,特此书面表达感谢之意。此致 敬礼 某某敬上 某年某月某日,分析:1,英语首先表达感谢之意,表达更直接;而中文则倾向于先祝贺,在表达谢意。2,称呼不同,英

11、语更直接亲切,“dear”,而中文则使用敬辞“尊敬的”更能表达出对对方的尊称。3,中文倾向于礼貌用语,“此致”“敬礼”;而英语则使用“yours faithfully”,更亲切,没有身份地位尊卑高低之分。,六、祝贺信 Congratulation LetterDear Mr.Minister,Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade.I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should

12、 have been recognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.Sincerely,,亲爱的房英:我刚刚得知你从工程学院毕业并计划进入多伦多大学继续攻读硕士学位的消息。经过多年的努力你的梦想终于即将成真。没有人比你更值得拥有这一切。我还记得那时你在宿舍里挑灯夜战从事研究工作在图书馆你全神贯注地埋头于众多的著作

13、中。你的勤奋和才华预示着你光明的前程。祝愿你的未来和你的过去一样辉煌。爱你的 王平,分析:1,英语是首先表达祝贺“Allow me to convey my congratulations on”,而汉语是首先对对方取得的成绩所付出的努力做出描述再加以赞扬。2,都有对对方以后的生活的良好祝愿。,七、邀请InvitationDear Mr./Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at t

14、he above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon,and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully,,尊敬的领导:您好!一直以来承蒙您的照顾,敝公司最近搬进了新家,并且将在2011某月某日举行剪彩仪式,由此希望我们有这个荣幸来邀请您来进行此项盛事,更殷切的希望您能为我们的员工介绍您的奋斗经验,以之作为他们努力的目标。真诚期待您的到来!某公司 2011年某月某日,分析:1,称呼上,英语均使用“Dear”,而中文使用“尊敬的。”然后再问候“您好”,另外,汉语里对第二人称的称呼又有不同的表达,如,“你”、“您”。2,汉语有敬辞与谦辞的表达,如,“承蒙”、“敝”等,而英语则不能有这层意思。3,汉语里“殷切的希望”,而英语里“looking forward to”,虽然都是表达希望,但是汉语更能表达出愿望的强烈性。最后,汉语里有用了“真诚的希望”来表达,更加体现邀请者的诚恳态度。,


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