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1、Unit 4,The No-child Family:Going Against100,000 Years of BiologyRita Kramer,What can you infer from the title?What kind title is it?,We can learn from the title that there is a change in human behavior.No-child family is preferred nowadays,which goes against 100,000 years traditional human life that

2、 a family usually has a child or children.This is a self-explanatory title,that is to say,we can know the theme from the title.Another example is“Family Business:the Next Generation”,Text Structure,1.Paragraph 1-22.Paragraph 3-63.Paragraph 7-144.Paragraph 15-17,Paragraph 1 2 general understanding,Wh

3、at role do these two paragraphs play?Taking Cathy and Wayne N.as an example,the author gives readers a brief introduction to the change of human behavior that many young married couples are deciding not to have children.So the two paragraphs can be called introductory paragraphs.,Paragraph 1 2 Detai

4、l discussion,What does“start a family”mean?It means“be going to have a child”or“bear a child”.In the first paragraph,the word“family”is used twice,“start a family”and“Were a family”.Do they have the same meaning?No.The first one means family with children.But the second means no-child family.,Paragr

5、aph 1-2,What did the recent survey show?The number of young married couples who are deciding not to have children is growing rapidly.,Paraphrase,What lies behind this decision which seems to fly in the face of biology and society?What is the real reason for such a decision which seems to go against

6、biology and society?,Language Points,lie behind:be the cause of是什么原因导致这个老人决定学习英语?What lies behind the old mans determination to learn English?父母正在设法找出这孩子一次又一次撒谎的原因。The parents are trying to find out what lies behind their childs telling lies again and again.,Language Points,fly in the face of:go aga

7、inst;be opposite to what most people would expect这样做意味着你与当地的权威唱反调。Doing this means that youre flying in the face of the local authority.你不能一边反对好的经营规定,一边希望成功。You cant fly in the face of good business rules and expect to be successful.,Paragraph 3 6 Main idea of this part,Why not to have childrenDetai

8、l discussion:1.What is the aim of the National Organization for Non-parents?Its aim is not against parenthood,but against the social pressures that push people into parenthood whether it is what they really want and need or not.(whether they are willing or unwilling).And make life without children a

9、cceptable and respectable.,Paragraph 3-6,2.The outspoken(frank)couple William Peck and Ellen Peck bring forward their reasons for deciding to remain childless.The reasons are:A.They attach more importance to freedom,spontaneity,privacy and leisure.(para.4)B.They want to give their efforts to the com

10、munity.(para.4),Paragraph 3-6,C.They fear that the younger generation will suffer from overpopulation as they do now.(para.4)D.They are afraid of divorce and child-abuse.(para.5)E.they are not sure whether they can become good parents.(para.6),Paraphrase,Perhaps the most publicly outspoken childless

11、 couple are Ellen Peck and her husband William(lines 1-2,para.3)Perhaps Ellen Peck and her husband William,a childless couple,express their opinions more openly and honestly in public than other childless couple.Its a life-style choice.(line 1,para.4)No-child family is not a social problem,but a lif

12、e-style choice,and a question of where you want to give your efforts.,Paraphrase,but cant make the association between the children and the traffic jam(lines 8-9,para.4)but cant see the relationship between the children and the traffic jam(traffic jam is often caused by overpopulation)culture coerci

13、on(lines 12-13,para.4):Social pressure.Here it refers to socially accepted idea,beliefs,and customs that married people should have children,Paraphrase,And results show up in the statistics on divorce and child-abuse.(lines 13-14,para.4)And the results of having children because of societal expectat

14、ions rather than personal desire are that many people divorced and/or abuse their children.,Paraphrase,Every friend,relatives and business associate is pressuring you to have kids and find out what youre missing.(lines 1-2,para.5)All your friends,relatives and colleagues are trying diligently to per

15、suade you to have children so that you can realize what you have failed to have.what they were missing(line 3,para.5)what they failed to do,Paraphrase,From the first doll to soap operas to cocktail parties,the pressure is always there to be parents.(lines 1-2,para.6)From the time girls play with dol

16、ls,until they watch dramas on television and chat at parties,there is a lot of pressure on them to have children.,Conclusion of paragraphs 3-6,Whether to have children or not is a life-style choice.Some people are good at it and they should have children;others arent,and they should feel they have o

17、ther alternatives.,Language Points,insist:(line 4,para.3)demand(sth.)forcefully,require,refusing to accept an alternative;state or declare sth.forcefully1.She kept insisting that she _(be)innocent.2.I insist that you _(take)immediate action to put this right.3.Greg still insisted he _(do)nothing wro

18、ng.C.f.insist on+sth./doing sth.,Language Points,spontaneity:spontaneousnessspontaneous adj.,Paragraph 7Paragraph 8Paragraph 9Paragraph 10-11Paragraph 12Paragraph 13Paragraph 14Summary of 7-14,Paragraph 7,In this paragraph,professional observers use facts to support their argument.The argument is:Ma

19、ny people have children for the wrong reason,sometime for no reason at all.The facts are:1.Men often drift into fatherhood subconsciously(without knowing if they really want to become fathers).,Paragraph 7,2.Many women have pregnancies just to a.to escape from unresolved conflicts;b.to achieve insta

20、nt identity;c.to improve self image;or d.to gain attention and affection.They do not really want children.,Specialists in the field of human behavior,Why,according to a family therapist,do people decide not to have children?People decide not to have children as a reaction to the danger of overpopula

21、tion,crowding,pollution and nuclear war,which the author describes as“a basic instinctual response”.,Paragraph 8,Paragraph 9 Some psychiatrists opinions,Discuss the understanding of some sentences:(paraphrase)1.those who want to remain childless are narcissistic(lines 1-2)Those who do not want to ha

22、ve children only care about themselves.In Greek mythology,a handsome youth scorned all women,consequently he was made to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool by the godness of love,Aphrodite(爱与美女神阿佛洛狄特).Later he turned down Echos proposal and thus suffered punishment.When he died he turned

23、 into the narcissus flower(水仙花).So if people have excessive concern only for themselves,they are sometimes called narcissistic or narcissists.,Paragraph 9,2.make a virtue out of necessity:do sth with a good grace because one has to do it anyway心甘情愿地做非做不可的事,不得已而甘愿为之。e.g.Being short of money,I made a

24、virtue of necessary and gave up smoking.我因缺钱,倒也乐得把烟戒了。I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought Id make a virtue out of necessity by acquiring a few new skills.在没有找到工作前有一段空闲时间,我想乐得利用来学些新的手艺。,Paragraph 9,vs.:a written abbreviation of the preposition versus used when comparing the ad

25、vantages of two different things,ideas,etc.e.g.The Finance Minister must weigh the benefits of a tax cut VS.those of increased public spending.*making a virtue out of necessary by rationalizing their inner conflicts about giving care vs.being taken care of.(lines2-4)making sth admirable out of their

26、 unwillingness to move from being taken care of to giving care to another.(他们利用“无孩子家庭”的讨论)使内心不愿意从被人照顾转到照顾他人的矛盾心态合理化。,Paragraph 9,3.care for:(lines 4)look after;have a taste fore.g.So many incidents point to the fact that he cares for classic music.Who will care for the children if their mother dies?

27、4.Who have no margin of love to spare them(line 5):who have no extra love to give children/who are too self-loving to love childrene.g.I have no margin of time for watching TV.,Paragraph 9,Questions for discussion:1.Some psychiatrists say that those who want to remain childless are narcissistic.Why

28、are these people called narcissistic?Because they love themselves so much that they are unwilling to take care of children,much less love them.2.Please explain the last two sentences of this paragraph?,Paragraphs 10 11 A Psychologists statement,Discussion the understanding of some of the sentences:1

29、.while some people have always opted not to have children,the increased frequency we are seeing is in those children of the nineteen-forties and fifties(lines 1-3)though there have always been some people who have chosen not to have children,we are seeing more and more people born in the 1940s and 1

30、950s making the decision not to have children.2.inner-directed a.directed in thought and action by ones own values 有自己主张(或行为准则)的;不随俗的 other-directed a.directed in thought and action primarily by ones external norms rather than by ones own values 没有自己主张(或行为准则)的;随俗的,Paragraphs 10-11,3.One was to give

31、them a greater feeling of“narcissistic entitlement”what one expects from life.(lines 7-8,para.10)One effect was to let them feel more certainly that they have the right to focus on themselves,and get what they want from life.4.They are more open to self-doubt,he says,more preoccupied with their bodi

32、es(lines 9-10,para.10)He says that they are more likely to doubt themselves and be more concerned about their bodies or the way they look be preoccupied with:be absorbed in;be concerned about这个贫穷的中年男人一心想着如何养活这一大家子人。That poor middle-aged man is preoccupied with how to support his large family.,Paragr

33、aphs 10-11,5.maintain stable attachments to others(line 11,para.10)maintain firm relationships(esp.,marital relationships)with others6.It cant be modified,cant be undone.(line 13,para.10)(Because)the condition cant be changed and it cant be restored to how it was originally.7.Many of these young adu

34、lts are ambivalent about relinquishing the role of the one who is cared for and taking on that of the one who does the caring(lines 1-3,para.11)Many of these young married people are not sure whether they want to give up being the one who is taken care of and shoulder the responsibility of looking a

35、fter others,Paragraphs 10-11,In these two paragraphs,the characteristics of the young adults born in 1940s and 1950s are mentioned.These include:A.They are more open to self-doubt.B.They are more preoccupied with their bodies and life-style.C.They are less able to have stable relationships with othe

36、rs.D.They are ambivalent about making the transition from being cared for to caring for others.,Paragraph 10-11,Point out the parallel structures:1.(line1-7,para.10)believes that whileand that these2.(line9-11,para.10)They are more open to more preoccupied withless able to maintain.3.(line1-2,para 1

37、1)are ambivalent about relinquishing the role of the one whois cared for and taking on that of the one who does the caring,Paragraph 12 A professor of child psychiatry Dr.E.James Anthony,Discussion the understanding of the following sentences1.In the past there was always a feeling implicit in the c

38、ulture(line 6,para.12)In the past people accepted and shared the opinion 2.Now it seems to be going by the board.(line 8,para.12)Nowadays people seem to give up the idea.*go by the board(of plan,hopes,etc,):be given up or abandonede.g.1.His proposal that every employee should receive further trainin

39、g goes by the board.2.It is definite that such a hope cant go by the board.,Paragraph 12 Dr,E.James Anthony,3.doesnt really ring a bell with many young people(lines 12-13,para.12)doesnt arouse a response in many young peopleRing a bell with:(Something)reminds(somebody)of something else,but somebody

40、cannot remember exactly what it is.e.g.1)The name rang a vague bell somewhere in the back of his mind.2)The old song rings a bell with his parents.3)The description of one of the lads(男孩)is definitely familiar.It rings a bell.,Paragraph 12 Dr.E.James Anthony,Conclusion:According to a professor of ch

41、ild psychiatry,there are three reasons why many young people are not so interested in family life as their parents.The reasons are:A.Parenthood life requires them to give up many things.B.there are many other opportunities for women to find meaning in their lives.C.they are concerned about their fut

42、ure and the future of their children.,Paragraph 13 Dr.E.James Anthony,What statement does Dr.Anthony mention in this paragraph?Parents ambivalence about having had children is being fluenced and passed on unconsciously to their children,which makes their children think why we should want to have chi

43、ldren.,Paragraph 13 Dr.E.James Anthony,Please give some examples of childrens trouble which lead to the parents ambivalence:1.Children are a great deal of trouble 2.Children can be a pain in the neck.3.Childrens precocious development(早熟),adolescent acting-out(青春期发泄),drug-taking,all appear as proble

44、ms.The young people reject“parenthood pressure”in an indirect way in order to _.(To rationalize their feeling that having children means having trouble),Paragraph 14 Dr.E.James Anthony,According to Dr.Anthony,what life will the young people lead,if they decide not to have children?Are they happy?Are

45、 they richer?According to Dr.Anthony,the young people will feel strangely empty(unexpectedly unhappy and unfulfilled).Although they live in a world full of exciting things,but they lack a sense of inner satisfaction which may related to these basic biologic things(getting married,and bearing and rea

46、ring children).,Paragreaph 7-14 Summary,Whats the main idea of this part?The main idea is“opinions of experts on human behavior”.,Paragraph 15,Though the specialists Rita Kramer interviewed give different answers to the question of why many married couples choose to stay childless,they seem to agree

47、 upon one point.What is it?What is really important in peoples life is that they are comfortable about what they do.,Paragraph 15 The authors opinion,How to be comfortable about what you do?The point seems to lie in three aspects:1.To be to know yourself;2.To accept your deeper feeling;3.Not to make

48、 such an important life decision because its the thing to do or to satisfy unrealistic fantasies,because its the thing to give your parents what they want or escape from other responsibilities.,Paragraph 16 The authors opinion,What opinion does the author hold in this paragraph?Deeply held feelings

49、are not easily changed and it is very important to recognize what your own deep feelings are.If you do not recognize them,you will not make the choices that are right for you.,Paragraph 17 The authors opinion,Does Rita Kramer criticize in the last part of the essay the“no child”decision that many yo

50、ung couples have made?If yes,what criticism is it?If no,what point has she made?No,she doesnt criticize the“no child”decision.Instead,she makes a point that people should make choices of which will be best for their individual lives if they know themselves,recognize and accept their deeply held feel


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