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1、语法词汇部分,1.Hurry up,children!The school bus _ for us.A.waits B.is waiting C.waited D.was waiting2.The parenting style _ a strong influence on the character of the children.A.have B.having C.to have D.has,B,D,3.Mr.Morrison told the truth that the moon _around the earth once a month.A.moves B.move C.has

2、 moved D.had moved 4.Your mother and I are looking forward _ you at the graduation ceremony.A.of seeing B.for seeing C.to seeing D.to see,A,C,5.-Would you like to come and see a movie with me tonight?-Id love to,_I have to babysit my little sister.A.but B.so C.as D.and6.These plastic flowers look so

3、 _ that many people may think they are real.A.beautiful B.natural C.artificial D.similar,B,B,7.They had to _ a lot of noise while the buildings were under construction.A.go in for B.hold on to C.put up with D.keep pace with8.The manager,together with his wife and two sons,_ to arrive on the morning

4、flight.A.are B.will C.is D.are going,C,C,9.Its known that walking _ of great help to older people.A.is B.are C.be D.was10.It _ me about three hours to get to your new company.A.cost B.used C.spent D.took,A,D,11.As we have no class this afternoon,lets go and play table tennis,_?A.shall we B.will we C

5、.dont we D.arent12.We were all overjoyed at the news _ the experiment turned out to be a success.A.which B.that C.if D.what,A,B,13._ the football match started than it began to rain cats and dogs.A.Hardly B.No sooner C.Hardly had D.No sooner had14.It is no use _to George as he is a very stubborn per

6、son.A.talk B.talking C.to talk D.to be talking,D,B,15.The sports meeting has been _ until next week because of the bad weather.A.put off B.carried off C.pulled off D.taken off16.This is the second time that Mr.Smith _ the Great Wall,the first time being ten years ago.A.visited B.would have visited C

7、.has visited D.is visiting,A,C,17.The Taylors _ their idea of buying a piano because they moved to a smaller house.A.gave in B.gave up C.gave away D.gave off18.The composition is very good _ a few spelling mistakes.A.beside B.besides C.except D.except for,B,D,19.People usually _ the lights before th

8、ey leave the room in that company.A.turn over B.turn out C.turn off D.turn on20.When we finally arrived,the secretary of the presidents office gave us a _ introduction about the university.A.chief B.brief C.main D.abstract,C,B,21.The harder you work,_ progress you will make.A.much B.many C.the more

9、D.the most22.We cant _ people to change the habits of their lifetime over a short time.A.agree B.wait C.expect D.imagine,C,C,23.After dinner the minister made a short _ at the press conference.A.delivery B.pronunciation C.conversation D.speech24.The only thing _ bothered Chris was that his boss neve

10、r replied to his email.A.which B.that C.what D.as,D,B,25.Those who smoke _ should remind themselves of their health,the bad smell and the harm done to others.A.hardly B.heavily C.strongly D.seriously26.They are considering _ as the prices may go up.A.of buying a house B.with buying a house C.buying

11、a house D.to buy a house,B,C,27.Cecilia walks to the library not because she cant _ to take a taxi but because she wants to exercise.A.afford B.affect C.offer D.offend28._ we have finished the project,why dont you take a week off?A.But for B.Ever since C.Now that D.But that,A,C,29.When Elaine lived

12、alone in Britain,she _ bacon and eggs for breakfast.A.was used to have B.is used to having C.used to have had D.used to have,D,30.Ann is very easy-going.She never loses her temper,_ have words with others.A.nor does she ever B.nor she ever does C.neither she ever does D.or does she ever,A,31.Althoug

13、h I have read the book assigned by the professor several times,I still cant make any _ of the last chapter.A.meaning B.importance C.significance D.sense32.The teacher used a microphone _ his voice could reach the back of the room.A.so as B.in order C.so that D.as that,D,C,33.Keith doesnt like the ki

14、ng-size bed his wife bought the other day because it takes _ too much space.A.up B.in C.on D.away34._ from the top of the building,the whole city looks very beautiful.A.See B.Saw C.Seeing D.Seen,A,D,35._ how to solve the mathematics problem,Stephanie asked her teacher for help.A.Not known B.Not know

15、ing C.Not to know D.Not know36.English is _ as a language of international communication throughout the world.A.spoken B.speaking C.be spoken D.to speak,B,A,37.The house needs _ immediately,but it has to wait until next summer.A.paint B.to paint C.painting D.be painted38.The two brothers are so much

16、 _ and it is difficult to tell one from the other.A.cute B.equal C.like D.alike,C,D,39.The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself _.A.hear B.to hear C.hearing D.heard40.We regret _ you that your application has not been accepted.A.to have informed B.to inform C.having informed D.inf

17、orming,D,B,41.Work harder,_ we will not be able to finish the task as required.A.but B.while C.or D.therefore42._,he is one of those who have made the most important contributions to the organization.A.As he is young B.Young as is he C.As young he is D.Young as he is,C,D,43.Not that I dont want to t

18、ell you the truth,_ I dont know about it.A.but that B.for that C.and that D.in that44.I didnt attend the lecture because I was sick,but I wish I _ there.A.had been B.be C.were D.would be,A,A,45.By the time the course ends,_ a lot about the American way of life.A.we have learned B.we will learn C.we

19、are learning D.well have learned46.It was _ that they went for a picnic in the park last weekend.A.so nice a weather B.such nice weather C.nice weather so D.too nice weather,D,B,47.She was about to lock the door when it _ to her that she had left the burner on in the kitchen.A.appealed B.happened C.

20、occurred D.struck48.They will finish the task before the deadline _ they are given enough time.A.in that B.as far as C.as long as D.in case,C,C,49.It is believed that too much _ to the sun is harmful to the skin.A.exposure B.expansion C.exhibition D.extension50.We appreciate _with Carl;he has a good

21、 sense of humor.A.to work B.working C.to have worked D.have worked,A,B,51.If you need any help during your study here,please do not _ to ask.A.hesitate B.force C.urge D.regret52.The professor needs an assistant he can _ to take care of problems in his absence.A.count in B.count up C.count on D.count

22、 out,A,C,53.Reading _ the lines,I dare say that the government are more worried than they will admit.A.behind B.between C.along D.among54.This time the day after tomorrow,they _ on the beach,having a lot of fun.A.am sitting B.sit C.would sit D.will be sitting,B,D,55.The snowstorm could not stop the

23、kids _ playing in that yard.A.from B.on C.upon D.with56.I caught a _ of the car before it disappeared around the curve.A.glare B.glimpse C.start D.stare,A,B,57.The chief engineer insisted that the new model _ immediately before exhibited.A.to test B.tests C.be tested D.will test58.In terms of price

24、and convenience,online shopping is _ to store shopping.A.contrary B.relevant C.essential D.superior,C,D,59.It is during his spare time _ David has been working on building his motor bike.A.when B.that C.which D.what60.Time _,we will arrange for the tourists to visit two or three more places of interest.A.permits B.permitting C.permitted D.to be permitted,B,B,


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