
上传人:夺命阿水 文档编号:27135 上传时间:2022-07-20 格式:DOC 页数:7 大小:106.92KB
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1、-日常简单的英语口语对话【日常简单英语口语对话】Jane: Good gameJane:比赛还好吗Bob: Not bad. Bit too hot for me today.Bob:还不错。我觉得今天太热了。Jane: Yes, I know. Kind of hard to concentrate, isnt itJane:是啊,我知道。有点难以定下心来,对吧Bob: Absolutely. Who were you playing withBob:没错。你跟谁一起打球Jane: Oh, just on my own. I just joined, so I dont really hav

2、e any partners.Jane:噢,我自己打。因为我才刚参加,所以我连个球伴都没有。Bob: Really Oh, well in that case we should play together some time. Whats your handicapBob:真的吗噢,要是这样的话,我们应该找个时间一起打。你的差点是多少Jane: 16. YoursJane:16。你呢Bob: No kidding! Im 16, too. We should definitely play together some time. My names Bob.Bob:不骗你!我也是16。我们一定

3、要找个时间一起打球。我是Bob.Jane: Jane. Nice to meet you.Jane:我是Jane,很快乐理解你。Bob: Me too. So, do you like the courseBob:我也是。对了,你喜欢这个球场吗Jane: Yes, its fine. However, I personally think the fairways between the greens are a bit too long, especially for such a hot climate. Dont they have cartsJane:喜欢,还不错。不过,我个人觉得果岭

4、间的球道太长了,点,尤其天气又这么热。他们没有球车吗Bob: Well, they used to, but they got rid of them because of environmental concerns.Bob:哦,以前有,不过后来基于环保的理由就不用了。Jane: Oh, thats good. I guess the caddies were pleased.Jane:嗅,那很好。我猜球童会很开心。Bob: Actually, in my opinion, the carts were better because you dont have to tip them.Bob

5、:其实我觉得有球车比拟好,因为你不必给小费。Jane: Yes, but look at it this way: getting rid of the carts probably gives more work to local people, which is a good thing, rightJane:是啊,不过换个角度来看,不用球车或许能够增加本地人的就业时机,这也是好事一桩,对吧Bob: Possibly, but I still miss them! What bothers me is that the heat makes the caddies life quite h

6、ard. One members caddy fainted last week!Bob:也许吧,不过我还别食坏念球车!我担忧酷暑会使球童的日子变得很难过。上星期就有一位球员的球童昏倒了!Jane: How awful, poor guy.Jane:太惨了,真可怜。Bob: Right. Luckily it was on the eighteen hole, quite near the clubhouse, so he didnt have far to carry him.Bob:确实。所幸那是在18洞,距离会馆很近,所以他不用背很远。Jane: Oh, my God, youre ki

7、dding me! He carried him backJane:噢,天啊,你是在开玩笑吧!他背球童回去Bob: Yup.Bob:是啊。【日常实用的英语对话】A: Hello, Anna speaking!A:你好,我是安娜。B: Hey, Anna, this is Jason.B:嘿,安娜,我是詹森。A: Jason, where have you been hiding lately You know its been a long time since your last call. Have you been goodA:詹森!你最近躲到哪里去了你知道,从上次打到现在已经好久了,最

8、近好不好B: Yes. How are you, AnnaB:很好,你怎么样,安娜A: I am fine. What have you been doingA:我很好,最近你忙什么呢B: Working. Ive been really busy these days. I got a promotion.B:工作。这些天我特忙,我升职了。A: Thats great, congratulations!A:太好了,恭喜恭喜!B: Thanks. I am feeling pretty good about myself too. You know, bigger office, a rais

9、e and even an assistant.B:,我自我感觉也挺良好的。你知道,办公室大了,加了薪水,甚至还有个助理。A: Thats good. So I guess Ill have to make an appointment to see you.A:不错,我猜我要见你的话得预约了。B: You are kidding.B:开玩笑。A: How long have you been working thereA:你在那家公司干多久了B: A bit over two years. This is a fast-moving pany, and seniority isnt the

10、only factor in deciding promotions.B:两年多一点,这是一家开展很快的公司,资历在这儿不是决定升职的惟一标准。A: How do you like your new bossA:你的新老板怎么样B: She is very nice and open-minded.B:她人很好,思想也很开明。A: Much better than the last one, huhA:比上一个好多了,是吧B: Yeah. He was a real slave driver. He probably would have loved it if we were robots.

11、B:是的,上一个真是个奴隶主,他简直把我们当机器人了。A: Forget about him. e over to my house tonight. Lets get drunk.A:忘了他吧,今晚到我家来,咱们一醉方休。B: Good. Tonight 8 oclock.B:好的,今晚八点。A: 8 it is. See you then.A:说定了,回见。B: Bye.B:再见。【关于日常英语对话材料】Tom: Everyone is here.大伙都在啊。Bob: You are so late.你可真迟。Tom: It is a rare chance for us to get t

12、ogether.难得我们有时机聚在一起。Bob: Yeah, everyone is so busy.是啊,每个人都则忙。Tom: Today, we must drink until we are thoroughly drunk!今天就让我们不醉不归!Bob: OK, I keep you pany to the end.好,我奉陪到底。Tom: (After two hours, Toms phone is ringing,and he picks up)Sorry, buddies, I have to go.(两小时后,汤姆的手机响了,他接起来)对不起哥们,我得走了。Bob: Dont be such a party pooper, cant you stay a little longer别这么扫兴嘛,再呆会儿吧!Tom: I am very sorry, my wife wants me to go back at once.很抱歉,我老婆让我马上回去。Bob: (LOL)He is a real hen-pecked husband.(大笑)他可真是一个妻管严啊。. z.


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