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1、仓库安全对于企业而言是一个关键且不可回避的关键问题。但是当不良的 运作可能会让仓库变成非常危险的地点。非常关键的是常规评估和检查, 可以帮助改进仓库环境,增进员工的安全性。保持员工不受伤害和保持高 效运作对于仓库运作非常关键。Warehouses are a key and integral part of your business, but when run poorly, they can be very dangerous places for your workers to inhabit. Its important to regularly assess and appraise

2、 how you can improve your warehouse environment to keep your workers safe. Both in terms of keeping everyone unharmed and in boosting productivity levels, a well run warehouse is vital for your business.这里有七个规则可以在工作中运用。每个原则都可以使员工安全,同时保 持业务运作平顺。Here are seven rules to implement in your workplace. Eac

3、h of these rules will help keep your workers safe, while also keeping business running smoothly.1 .识别风险 IdentifyallhaZardS非常关键的是花时间去评估仓库里的潜在问题。小心地滑,路径危险,比 如散乱在地面的线缆或一些减税障碍物等。即使一些看起来没有危险的物 品,比如铅笔也能导致滑落,当行人快跑过去的时候。Its important to take the time and evaluate what potential issues and hazards there may

4、be in the warehouse. Look out for simple slip and trip hazards such as cables left dangling or an obstacle sticking out at an awkward angle. Even something as harmless looking as a pencil can form a slip hazard if someone is rushing past and steps on it.检查仓库里是否裂缝或者洞口等?除了路径危险,他们可能导致机械故 障,比如叉车损坏或者员工受伤

5、。花一些时间来评估潜在的风险。Are there any cracks or holes in the floor of the warehouse? Besides being a trip hazard, they can also cause issues for machinery such as forklifts, causing them to become damaged or harm one of your workers. Take the time to evaluate what could be an issue.2 .及时培训 Up-to-date trainin

6、g实时培训是仓库运行的关键。除了保持员工的效率,同时还要保持员工的 安全实践培训。如果为了迁就效率,就会形成路径依赖。实时培训可以让 员工保持安全实践,避免风险操作。那些良好训练的员工是企业的关键资 产。Up-to-date training is a crucial part of any well run warehouse. Besides ensuring that your staff work at their most efficiently, it also means that safe practices can be obeyed more regularly. Its

7、all too easy to cut corners for the sake of speeding up work or because ,its always been done this way. Through regular training programs, you can keep your staff up to date with how they can avoid unsafe working practices, as well as ensure they know what to do in case of an accident or spill. A be

8、tter informed workforce is always better for business.3 .存储 Storage仓库里堆满了货物其他物品。非常重要的是货物存放安全。不恰当的存储 可能导致员工危险。不恰当地堆垛高位货架,可能会造成货物坠落,潜在 地伤害到人员。保持规整堆放货物,可以减少风险。Your warehouse is sure to be full of stock and other items. Its important that such products are stored safely. Improper storage can damage the

9、stock but it can also harm your employees. Improperly stacked objects on high shelves can fall easily, potentially seriously injuring someone. Keep such loads stacked neatly and that risk is vastly reduced. Similarly, by loading items in smaller stacks, its easier and therefore safer for your staff

10、to retrieve items.Also, be sure to teach workers on correct lifting techniques to avoid any potential injuries when picking up an item.4 .整洁 Cleanliness一个整洁且管理管理规范的仓库就是一个更安全的仓库。一个干净和整洁 的仓库能够减少滑落和路径危险。物体摆放在指定的位置,员工了解到物 体的具体位置,这些都得益于有效的培训流程。鼓励员工工作后打扫卫 生,清洁泄漏,这些卫生清洁必须优先于任何其他事务。A clean and well maintain

11、ed warehouse is a safer warehouse. By keeping your workspace clean and tidy, theres less risk of slip or trip hazards. Everything should have its place and your employees should keep an eye on what needs to go where, thanks to the training procedures youve implemented. Encourage your workers to clea

12、n up after themselves. If a liquid spills on the floor, its clean up should be prioritised before anything else.有些仓库环境里存在潜在的危险有害物质。为了预防万一,必须建议合适 的规则来确保物质存放安全,必须清晰地标识风险。Some warehouse environments deal with potentially hazardous material. In this case, maintain appropriate protocol and ensure that su

13、ch materials are stored safely and clearly marked so that theres little risk of spillage.5 . 设备 Equipment使用合适的设备也是很关键的因素。安全帽和安全眼镜是非常重要的安全 设备,另外安全背心也是非常有用的。Its vital that you use appropriate safety equipment as and when needed. Hardhats and safety goggles are an important part of any safe warehouse e

14、nvironment, but extra equipment such as high visibility jackets are also useful.其他建筑设施也很关键比如喷淋管路,报警器等。确保员工了解紧急出 口、标识牌和其他紧急工具等。知识可以在危险来临时降低风险。It,s also important that any built in equipment such as sprinkler systems and alarm sirens work at all times and aren,t blocked in any way. Make sure your staf

15、f are aware of emergency exits, signage, and how to use all emergency tools. Knowledge can do a lot when it comes to reducing the risk of injury.6 .定期检查 Regular Inspection人类天性就是很容易松懈。这就是为什么常规检查仓库变得非常重要。这 可以让你了解那些地方需要改正。比如不良懒惰的导致不整洁,或者设备 老化等。It,s human nature that we all become complacent over time a

16、bout certain things. That,s why it,s important that you regularly inspect your warehouse for any potential issues. Regular inspections give you the time and space to look around and see what might need correcting. It,s easy to slip into lazy habits of not tidying up as well as before. It,s also poss

17、ible for certain safety equipment to degrade over time, so this is the ideal opportunity to check it over and replace it, if required.点检也是好时机去发现仓库是否已经过时。仓库运作是否需要变革。安全 作业流程是否需要修改等。适应性和演进性是商业成功的关键。Inspections are also the perfect time to see if your warehouse is evolving over time. Are your business n

18、eeds changing? Then your safety procedures may also need to be updated to cater for how your business is run. Adaptation and evolution is key for a thriving business.7 .沟通 Communication培训是仓库的安全,有效的沟通也一样重要。讨论存储的移动,重新安排 仓库位置。非常关键的是让大家都知道这些变化,所以需要大量的沟通。Training is an important part of running a safe wa

19、rehouse environment but so is effective communication between you and your staff. This can cover a multitude of situations. Discussing movement of stock or rearranging an area of the warehouse should involve plenty of communication. However, it can also be as simple as ensuring that everyone knows exactly what,s going on at any given time. From giving a heads up that heavy stock is being moved right this moment, to planning ahead for the day.Communication is also key for making everyone feel valued, and know what their role is within the workplace.


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