伊拉克四人吊厢旅游索道 规章制度.docx

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1、Rules and Regulations forOperation of Iraq Ropeway with 4-Seat Suspended Cages伊拉克四人吊厢旅游索道规章制度Rules for Civilized Service1. Standard for Service AttitudeLSet up tenet of tourists as king, safety first, courtesy, thoughtful and civilized service.2. Positively serve tourists, and try best to satisfy th

2、eir reasonable and normal requirements.3. Kindly talk to tourists, do not treat them rudely or differentially.4. Strictly observe standard service procedure, making tourists enjoy the same quality service all the time.5. Surely be responsible for tourists, provide quality service for tourists and pu

3、t enterprise goodwill at the upmost place.II. Standard for Working Discipline1. Take duty and post punctually, do not leave, do not be late, do not leave early without excuse, and do not be absent from work.2. Do not chat with each other, or do private things, or eat snacks, or do other things than

4、work during service time.3. Do not yell or sing; do not behave badly in customers service during service time.4. Cherish equipment and facilities in the scenic spot; do not operate or move or damage them at will.5. Hand over articles and money you pick up promptly to office, but do not pocket them p

5、rivately.6. Do not receive your private guests or telephone calls; do not come to work with your kids.7. Do not bring your private friends to the scenic spot without leaders approval.8. All the staff shall not drive any motor cars in the scenic area during working time.Fundamental Work for Ropeway S

6、tation Safety ManagementI. One Policy: Insist on ttSafety First, Prevention PrimaryIn case there is any conflict between operation and safety, safety shall take precedence.II. Two Basic Points: Leaders shall not direct and staff shall not operate by breaking rules and regulations.III. Three Links: E

7、lectro-mechanical repairmen shall insist Three Checks,(i.e., early check before operation, tour check during operation and late check after operation), and uThree No-Releases,(i.e., unclear accident causes are not released, indefinite accident responsibilities are not released, unprepared measures a

8、gainst accident recurrence are not released). By three levels of maintenance (i.e., routine maintenance, Level I maintenance and Level II maintenance), implement ttThree Good COnditiOns” (Equipment are managed, operated and repaired properly).IV. Four Skills: Operators shall try best to study profes

9、sional knowledge, and must reach tTour SkiHs,5 (i.e., operation, servicing, check and troubleshooting).V. 44Five Simultaneous Items”: Attach great importance to safety management, and practice safety work simultaneously in five aspects (i.e., plan, arrangement, check, summary and evaluation).VI. Six

10、 Insistences,1. Insist that starting and stopping of operation shall be signed by stationmaster.2. Insist that after electro-mechanical equipment are checked, serviced and maintained and while equipment are operating, corresponding persons shall “log in“ corresponding forms.3. During ropeway operati

11、on, staff shall be “on duty“ on all posts.4. After ropeway stops operation, maintenance persons shall check ropeway thoroughly and perform spot “maintenance”.5. Insist regular “check” and irregular check as per Procedure for Daily Check, Monthly Check and Annual Check.6. Insist flaw detection of wir

12、e rope, cage and rope clip once a year.Stationmaster Post Responsibility1. Carefully carry through national polices, laws, statutes and corporation-issued regulations.2. Under corporation leader5ship, be responsible for overall operation in his own station, organize and implement corporation resolut

13、ions, report work and provide advice to corporation management, fully operate overall work in his own department.3. Organize and decide operation and human resource management in his own unit generally.4. Preside to formulate development planning and operation policy, to prepare annual plan and annu

14、al summary.5. Convene operation meeting and technical safety meeting, listen to discussion, decide related major issues and master operation status and various changes in his own unit.6. Listen to comments and advice from staff, maintain legitimate rights and interests for staff, care and improve st

15、aff material and cultural lives, and improve staff quality.7. Approve and sign internal and external reports and documents.8. Be dutiful to corporation, and complete work and tasks arranged by corporation.Driver Post Responsibility1. Love work post, obey dispatch and observe work discipline.2. Stric

16、tly execute ropeway safety technical operation procedure, job procedure; closely cooperate with electrical and mechanical repairmen.3. Before electrical and mechanical equipment repair starts, start and slop communication signa must be sent to the other party. Ropeway shall not be started or stopped

17、 until feedback signal is received.4. Carefully observe electrical equipment in control room and closely check if indications on instruments are normal, and report abnormality instantly if any.5. Closely observe safely of tourists on get-down platform.6. Carefully fill-in check records, go through s

18、igning procedure. Do never start operation without stationmaster (vice stationmaster) signature.7. Maintain environmental sanitation and keep control room clean.8. Study hard professional technology, test three continuities (phone call, WaIky-Ullky and broadcast), three normalizations (manual, princ

19、ipal machine and auxiliary machine); report in time failure if any.Booking Clerk Responsibility1. Firmly set up idea of tourists first, hold kind attitude to passengers, provide warm service, answer patiently questions from passengers, and correctly use civilized words.2. Observe rules and regulatio

20、ns and strictly observe work and rest schedule.3. Stick to work post, do not leave off work post, and do not do anything unrelated to work.4. Be familiar with service, strictly manage ticket money, prohibit to trust others to sell tickets and manage ticket money , do no( provide invoice or mark up t

21、icket unlawfully at his/her own discretion or defalcate.5. No persons other than staff are allowed to enter booking office. Ticket shall not be sold to ones who do not meet conditions stipulated in Instructions to Tourists to avoid unexpected events.Electrician Responsibility1. Love work post and ob

22、serve work discipline.2. Strictly execute technical safety operation procedure, eradicate occurrence of all accidents.3. Carefully check electrical equipment, keep them in good condition and guarantee safe ropeway operation.4. Persons on-duty shall be loyal to posts, do not leave off, monitor electr

23、ical equipment operation conditions. In case safety is jeopardized, he/she shall have power to stop operation and then report.5. Be familiar with technical performances, structure, driving principle and failure causes of electrical equipment, and master treating methods.6. Carefully write check reco

24、rds and go through signing procedure.Station Clerk Responsibility1. Love work post, obey dispatch and observe work discipline.2. Wear neatly, wear service badge, treat tourists kindly, use civilized wording and stand up during service time.3. Do not turn over cage fence rudely to guarantee tourist s

25、afely.4. Clean seats and backrests in cages during trial run before daily official operation.5. Be strictly sure not to omit any checks, not to leak any tickets and to be loyal to post.6. Carefully write shift record clearly, with detail contents.7. It shall be strictly inhibited to play, eat snacks

26、 or smoke cigarette in station.8. Before entering station, cages shall be aligned, not largely swinging right and left9. Keep environmental sanitation on station platform and keep surrounding environment clean all the time.Mechanic Post Responsibility1. Love work post and observe work discipline.2.

27、Strictly execute technical safety operation procedure, eradicate occurrence of all accidents.3. Carefully check mechanical equipment, keep them in good condition and guarantee safe ropeway operation.4. Persons on-duty shall be loyal to posts, do not leave off, monitor mechanical equipment operation

28、conditions. In case safety is jeopardized, he shall have power to stop operation and then report.5. Be familiar with technical performances, structure, driving principle and failure causes of mechanical equipment, and master treating methods.6. Carefully write check records and go through signing fo

29、rmalities.7. Keep environmental sanitation in equipment and machine rooms.8. Study hard and dive professional technology.Rescue Team Responsibility1. Firmly set up policy tlSafety Firsf, Love work post, observe work discipline and obey dispatch.2. Strictly perform technical safety operation procedur

30、e of ropeway. For accidental human injury during operation, take decisive measures, and closely cooperate with electrician and mechanic in rescue work.3. In case human injury accident happens during ropeway operation, rescue workers shall come to accident spot in no time, and move tourists to safe p

31、lace at the fastest speed, shortest lime and highest efficiency.4. Rescue workers must heal the wounded and rescue the dying, perform humanism, correct rescue attitude, and serve tourists with whole heart.5. Insist concept prevention first, prevention and rescue combined, exercise rescue regularly a

32、nd improve rescue quality.6. For major human injury accidents, must insist 44Three Musts“ principle, i.e., accident cause must be found out, person liable must be educated, and accident must be dealt with. Maintain accident site properly and report instantly.Safe Operation Committee Responsibility1.

33、 Organize and establish rules and regulations for safe operation, technical and safe operation procedure, supervise and urge implementation.2. Organize 3-level safety education of new workers, safety technology training of special trade workers, and education of workers who will take new posts and w

34、ho were wounded and will return to work.3. Widely promote safety propaganda activity by using broadcast, wall paper, slogan, exhibition and bulletin, etc.4. Organize scheduled, specialized, seasonal and operational safety inspections, and urge correction of incipient faults.5. Organize annual plan f

35、or technical safety and measures, and urge implementation.6. Set up and approve labor protection appliance management and release standard.7. Prepare heatstroke prevention money release method, and do summer ttFour Preventions well.8. Organize safety operation competition, experience exchange and ci

36、te model workers.9. Be responsible for statistics, report and filing of incidents.10. Organize analysis, treatment and report of major injury events.Driver Operation Procedure1. Keep indoor clean, and check if electrical cabinet and console lock are normal.2. Preparation before operation: after powe

37、r is supplied from sending end,1) open power distribution cabinet, set double-throw switch to designated power supply position, then close master air switch, check if “Power“ indicator on panel lights up, simultaneously check 44Vdltage Change-OVer“ switch, and check if voltages among three phases ar

38、e balanced by using a volt-meter.2) Press ttPovver up“ button to feed power to master control cabinet and console.3) Close air switch in console to supply power to controls in console to protect power supply.a) Check if ropeway derail protection is normal, i.e., if the light comes on.b) Check if ind

39、ication Ofhydraulic pipeline is normal.c) Check if indication for large carriage is normal; if not, by pressing ttTension StationActivation ,pushbutton, motor in hydraulic tension station drives hydraulic oil pressure to rise up, which drive cylinder to run small carriage. When pressure reaches pres

40、et position, motor stops, indicator for large carriage position becomes normal.d) Check if tong brake limit is normal; it is normal if indicator illuminates by turning 44Solenoid valve knob, then return ttsolenoid ValVe“ Io original position and indicator extinguishes.e) After all are normal, turn s

41、witch to “Master machine,(to 44Auxiliary Machine“ if auxiliary machine is to be used).4) Close master air switch and all protective switches in master control cabinet.3. Operation1) Press “Master Machine Start“ pushbutton, release the tong brake, which shall make Brake Release indicator come on.2) B

42、y pressing “Electric Bel, pushbutton, electric bell in station shall ring up, which reminds tourists and staff in station of safety and ropeway start.3) By pressing t4Master machine Corotation“ pushbutton, ropeway accelerates smoothly at preset speed till running at a stable speed.4. StopBy pressing

43、 “Master Machine Stop“ pushbutton, control system automatically comes to reverse engagement state, speed reduces gradually. When speed approaches nearly to zero, motor power is off, and hydraulic push rod brake stops ropeway. In emergency, by pressing “Master Machine Emergency Stop“ pushbutton, all

44、indicators for master machine status come off! Motor disconnects power, tong brake and hydraulic pushrod brake simultaneously apply, and ropeway stops urgently.Braking condition of auxiliary machine is same as above.Electro-Mechanical Maintenance Team ResponsibilityChapter I Coverage of Responsibili

45、ties1. Mechanical Maintenance is responsible for check, servicing and repair of the following items: a) Steel structure elements such as drive frame, bypass wheel column, supports. Pay close attention to displacement, deformation, weld crack, destructive vibration, fastener looseness, structural fou

46、ndations. Be sure that distance between ropeways is identical everywhere and two ropeways are straight.b) Drive parts, such as reducer, joint, coupler, drive wheel, bypass wheel, cable support and press wheels. Pay close attention to temperature rise, noise, sound, wear so as to guarantee smooth ope

47、ration.c) Running safety equipment, such as hydraulic tension, hydraulic pushrod brake and tong brake. Pay close attention to small carriage position, braking distance, and guarantee action is flexible and reliable.d) Wire rope, cable clip, and tourist cage facility. Pay close attention to rupture;

48、weld break and fastener looseness to guarantee running safety.2. Electrical repair team shall be responsible for check, servicing and repair of the following items: a) Telephone, communication and broadcast circuits to guarantee their continuity during ropeway operation.b) Safety Protection Circuits

49、 (including U-shaped needle, up and down station emergency stop pushbuttons).c) Anemorumbometer.d) Hydraulic tension limit switch, primary and secondary motors, reducer, oil pump motor, electrical devices in hydraulic station and pushrod motor.Chapter II Inspections1. One hour before daily operation, thoroughly


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