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1、道歉信,不能参加晚会,假设你是李华,你校的外教Green先生打算本周五在他的公寓举办一个晚会,并邀请你参加。但是你有其他事情,无法参加。请给Green 先生写一封信表示歉意。内容包括:1.对无法参加晚会表示歉意;2.解释不能参加晚会的原因。1.对无法参加晚会表示歉意;(第一段)2.解释不能参加晚会的原因。(第二段)希望原谅(第三段),开头由于我不能写信向你道歉I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to doI am writing this letter to make an apology to you for

2、 my being unable to do对不起,我不能I am(terribly)sorry that I cant do/am unable to很遗憾,我不能It is a pity that I cant doTo my regret,I cant do.,对此我表示很抱歉I am terribly sorry about that对于我所做的事情表示抱歉I am terribly sorry for what I did.我写信表达我深深的遗憾I am writing to express my deepest regret我想向你深深地道歉I would like to expr

3、ess my deepest apology to you,正文:原因是.The reason is that.这主要是由于This is mainly because.是出乎我的意料的.is(quite)out of my expectation这个与冲突This conflicts with 我并非故意 I had no intention to do,结尾我真地希望你能理解我的处境,接受我诚挚的道歉I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my sincere apology/apologies.诚挚地希望.I s

4、incerely hope that.原谅某人做某事Excuse/forgive me for doing对不起给你带来的麻烦I am sorry for the inconvenience caused,希望你们玩得开心Hopefully,you will have a good timeI sincerely hope that you will have a good time下周我们找个时间一起吃饭如何?can we have dinner together some time next week?请允许我再一次说声道歉Please allow me to say sorry agai

5、n.请允许我带来的不变再一次说声抱歉。Please allow me to say sorry for any inconvenience caused again.,我们向你保证此类事件不会再发生We assure you that such a matter will never happen again.你是否介意我改一下见面时间?Would you mind if I change the appointment time?这个你方便吗?will it be convenient for you?,Dear Mr.Green,Thank you for inviting me to a

6、ttend the party to be held this Friday evening at your apartment.But I am terribly sorry that I cant attend it.I am writing this letter to express my deepest regret and want you to know what happened.My absence is mainly because my aunt will come a long way to visit us on Friday evening by plane,whi

7、ch is quite out of our expectation,so I will have to pick her up at the airport.It is really a pity that I have to miss the party that I have been longing for.I really hope you can understand my situation and excuse me for my absence.please allow me to say sorry again and hopefully,you will have a good time.Yours,Li Hua,


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