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1、21.Our English professor is a man of French.A.birthB.originC.sourceD.breedbirth:n.出生;出身His birth brought happiness to his parents.他的出生为他的父母带来欢喜。origin:n.侧重指事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身Tom has not forgotten his humble origins.汤姆没有忘记自己卑微的出身。source:n.本意指某地系河流或瀑布的源头,引申指某事的来源出处,但更多指抽象事物的根源或来源。The source of this infor

2、mation.这个消息的来源。,二、代词,代词是为了避免重复,而用来代替名词的词。,人称代词,人称代词:表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”等的词。,人称代词,人称代词,主格:在陈述句中位于动词前面,在疑问句中位于be,can,助动词和实义动词之间。在句中做主语。,She broke her leg while skiing.她滑雪时摔断了腿。We live in China and she is a great country.我们住在中国,她是一个伟大的国家。(表示国家、城市、大地、月亮等名词时,可用she来指代,表示一种亲密的感情。,人称代词,人称代词

3、并列做主语时,顺序为:单数你他我,复数一二三,道歉我为先。,1.You,she and I all enjoy music.你、我、她都喜欢音乐。2.We,you and they are from China.你们、我们、他们都来自中国。3.I and he made mistakes.我和他犯了错误。4.The difference between you and I.我和你之间的差异。,人称代词,宾格:位于动词、介词之后,做宾语。表示行为动作的对象。,We often go to see her on Sundays.我们常在星期天去看望她。Both his parents and te

4、achers are proud of him.他的父母和老师都为他感到骄傲。,人称代词,it的特殊用法。1.it 可指不知性别的婴儿或不确指性别的。-Who is the person over there?那边的那个人是谁?-It is the headmaster.是校长。2.it 也可用来表示天气、时间、距离等。天气:It was raining this morning.时间:Its about eight oclock.距离:Its 200km from here.,Practise,Miss Li invited to have dinner with her.me and yo

5、uB.you and I C.you and me2.Who taught English last term?themB.theirC.they3.-Who is knocking at the door?-I dont know.I was lying in bed and just asking who was.A.he B.sheC.it4.I cant find my hat.I dont know where I put.A.one B.itC.that5.I had a letter from _.A.sheB.herC.it,B,A,C,C,B,物主代词,物主代词指物的主人,表

6、示所属关系。,物主代词,形容词性物主代词:起形容词的作用,位于名词之前。,His views are different from those of others.他的观点与其他人的不同。My childhood is unforgettable.我的童年是令人难忘的。,物主代词,I have finished my task.Have you finished yours?我已经王城了我的任务,你的完成了吗?Miss Wang is an old friend of mine.王小姐是我的一个老朋友。This baby of hers is so lovely!她的这个孩子真可爱。,名词性物

7、主代词:起名词的作用,位于句首做主语,动词或介词之后做宾语,be动词之后。=形容词性物主代词+名词,物主代词,有“名”则“形”,无“名”则“名”意思是:后面是名词的话,前面就要用形容词性物主代词。后面没有名词的话,就用名词性物主代词。同义句转换:This is my breakfast.=This breakfast is mine.2.That is your book.=That book is yours.,Practise,She is a friend of.A.myB.mineC.I2.This isnt my pen,it is.herB.hisC.him3.Frank cant

8、 find dictionary.Can you lend to?A.her,mine,her B./,yours,heC.his,yours,him4.school is much bigger than.A.Our,theirB.Ours,theirsC.Our,theirs5.The dog is so poor because _ leg is badly hurt.A.itB.itsC.its,C,B,C,B,B,反身代词,反身代词又称自身代词,表示动作行为反射到行为执行者本身。它还可以在句中起强调的作用,用以加强语气。反身代词的构成:反身代词单数词尾都有-self,复数词尾都有-s

9、elves。第一、二人称反身代词由“形容词性物主代词+self或selves”构成。第三人称都由“人称代词宾格+self或selves”构成。每个反身代词都表示“自己”,如myself我自己,themselves他们自己,等等。,反身代词,2.用作名词、代词的同位语,以加强名词、代词的语气,一般表示“亲自,本人”的意思。反身代词不能单独作主语。I myself did the task.这项任务是我自己做的。You had better ask the patient himself about his trouble.关于病人的病情,你最好问他自己。,Practise,The man is

10、rich,he can buy a lot of things.A.heB.hisC.himself2.-What a lovely card!Where did you buy it?-I made it by.meB.myselfC.itself3.”Help to some chicken,”my mother said to the guests.A.yourselfB.yourselvesC.your4.My classmate,Li Ming,made a card for just now.5.We can finish our homework by _.6.I agree w

11、ith you.7.You cant leave your daughter by.,himself,B,B,C,ourselves,myself,herself,指示代词,指示代词:是用来确认或指定名词的代词,起指示作用,或者用来代替前面已经提过的名词。,指示代词,1.this和these常指后面要讲到的事物,有启下的作用,而that和those常指前面提到过的事物,有承上的作用。What I want to tell you is this:the meeting is put off till Friday.我要告诉你的是(这么一件事):会以推迟到星期五举行。He had a bad c

12、old.That is why he didnt attend the meeting.他患了重感冒,那就是他没参加会议的原因。,指示代词,2.为了避免与前面的名词重复,可以用that或those来代替。This painting is not so good as that I saw in the gallery yesterday.这幅油画不及我昨天在美术馆里看到的那幅好。The population in Shanghai is larger than that in Guangzhou.上海的人口比广州的多。Computers made in Nanjing are just as

13、good as those made in Shanghai.南京生产的电脑和上海生产的一样好。,疑问代词,疑问代词是用来表达疑问或构成疑问句的代词。一般放在句首。,疑问代词,who 和 whom 的用法 who只能指人,常作主语和表语,只有名词性质。whom也指人,常作宾语,也只有名词性质。在非正式英语和口语中,who可以替代whom,但介词后面要用whom。例:Who told you?谁告诉你的?To whom did she send the book?她把书送到谁那里去了?Who do you like best?(口语)你最喜欢谁?Whom do you like best?(较正

14、式),疑问代词,2.whose的用法 whose表示“谁的”,一般放在句首。They all can speak English.Whose pronunciation is the best?他们都会说英语。谁的发音最好呢?Whose is better,yours or hers?谁的更好,你的还是她的?,疑问代词,疑问代词的用法比较(1)who与what的区别:who多用来问姓名、关系等,what多用来问职业、地位等。如:What is he?-He is a director.(2)which 和who,what的区别:who,what用来泛指,而 which是特指,表示“在一定范围内

15、的哪个或哪些人,事物”。如:Who is Tom?(泛指)Which is Tom?(特指)What sport do you like best?(不限制范围),不定代词,不定代词指没有特定对象的代词,如all,both,each,every,either,neither,no,none,等等,不定代词,1.either,neithereither指“两者中的任何一个”,neither指“两者都不”。常构成固定搭配,either/neither of+名(代)词的复数+谓语动词,当either.or和neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词应遵循就近原则。如:Theres coffe

16、e and tea you can have either.咖啡和茶都有,你可以任选一种。Neither of us agrees on the plan.我们双方都不同意这个计划。If either John or Mary is here,they will get the message.如果约翰和玛丽在这里,他们便会得到这个消息。Neither the boys nor the girls are to blame.男孩们和女孩 们都不应受到责备。,不定代词,2.each,everyeach和every都表示每一个。each强调个体,意为“各个,每个”,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式

17、。every强调整体情况,相当于汉语的“每个都,人人都”,修饰名词时谓语动词也要用单数形式。另外,each可以用来指两个或两个以上的人和事物,而every只可以指三个或三个以上的人或事物。如:I asked all the children and each told me a different story.我问过所有的孩子,每个人的说法都不一样。Every man must do his best.人人都尽最大的努力。,不定代词,3.few,a few,little,a little,不定代词,3.few,a few,little,a little如:Few have such a cha

18、nce.几乎没人有这种机会。I know a few of these people.这些人当中我认识几个。He knows very little about electronics.他对电子学几乎一窍不通。I know a little about electronics.我懂一点电子学。,不定代词,4.many,muchmany修饰可数名词复数,还可以与表示程度的副词so,too,as,how 连用。much修饰不可数名词,也可以与表示程度的副词so,too,as,how连用。如:Many students often go camping in the summer holiday.许

19、多学生经常在暑假去露营。There are so many books to read this term.这学期有很多书要读。Much water had been wasted before the tap was repaired.水龙头修好之前已经浪费了大量的水。I have too much pressure.我压力太大了。,不定代词,5.none,no onenone 既可指人也可指物;(1)(与of连用)毫无/决不,毫不;(2)没有一个,无一;(3)常用来回答how many或how much引导的问句。(4)none 后面不能直接跟名词,它可以单独使用。no one仅指人,常用

20、来回答who引导的问句。如:None of them came to his birthday party.他们中没有人去参加他的生日聚会。How many questions have you answered?你回答了几个问题?None.一个也没回答。There was no one in sight.什么人也看不见。,不定代词,6.one,other,anotherone 可以指人、指物。泛指同类事物中的一个,其复数形式是ones;one前面可用the,this,that,which等词修饰,表示特指。如:One must know oneself.人要有自知之明。We have thr

21、ee old phones and two new ones.我们有三部旧手机和两部新手机。,不定代词,6.one,other,anotherother指两者中的另一个,常与one搭配,构成”onethe other”结构。指两者以上的其他时,有两种表示方法:一是others,相当于other people/things,意为“其他的人或物”;二是the others,意为“其余所有的人或物”。如:We have two cars.One is BMW,and the other is Audi.我们有两辆汽车。一辆是宝马,另一辆是奥迪。I dont care what others thin

22、k of me.我不在乎别人怎么看待我。Some students come from China,the others from Japan.一些学生来自中国,其余的学生来自日本。,不定代词,some other+单数名词:某一东西I want to go to some other country besides China.我想去除了中国的另一个国家。some other+复数名词:另一些,其他I want to go to some other countries besides China.我想去除了中国的其他一些国家。every other+单数名词:所有其他的人或物;隔I wan

23、t to go to every other country besides China.我想去除了中国的其他所有国家。I visit my parents every other week.我每隔一周去看一次我的父母。,不定代词,6.one,other,anotheranother既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个火更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的另一个;也可用于“another+数词+可数名词复数”形式,意为“另外及(天、周等)”。如:Well remain in London for another four or five days.我们还要在伦敦待四五天。To do it is o

24、ne thing;to do it well is another.做事一回事,做好是另一回事。,不定代词,7.some,anysome 和 any均表示“一些,几个”,既可修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。some一般用于肯定句中;any多用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,也可用在肯定句中表示“任何”。如:Some like music,and others like sports.一些人喜欢音乐,一些人喜欢运动。I have some fresh cakes here.我这儿有些蛋糕。I dont think any of the wine is left.我认为没有剩余的葡萄酒了。Im s

25、orry but I dont have any change.不好意思,我没有零钱。,相互代词,相互代词是一种表示相互关系的代词。相互代词包括each other和one another。,相互代词,例子:1.Were not exactly on intimate terms,but we see each other quite often.我们虽算不上关系密切,但经常见面。2.You should listen to one another a bit more.你们应该多倾听一点彼此的意见。3.The scientists have already experimented at each others test sites.科学家们意见在彼此的试验场所进行了实验。,


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