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1、1 Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can the skin.()reverse irritate ( )waftliberate2、Chronic bronchitis,a more serious condition,is a constant orinflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes,often due to smokig.()protrusioninvasionirritation (正确选项)filtration3、Your risk of develo

2、ping bronchitis is greater if you work around certain lung 1such as grains or textiles,or are exposed to chemical fumes.()tumorirritants ( ) pollutioninflammation4 phones are inherently insecure,as any one can listen to and recordconversatios.()Cellular (正确答案)tonsillaralveolarmolecular5、South Africa

3、 was going through a period of change.()irreversible (正确答案)fatallethalirritable6、is an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes,which carryair to and from your lngs.()Bronchitis ( ) tracheitislaryngitis pharyngitis7、The passage is the natural conduct for directing air into the lungs during

4、breathing at rest and is largely responsible for filtering,warming and humidifying the inspired air.()nasal (正确答案)urinarybronchiolepulmonary8、The nasal cavity is divided into two sides by the nasal septum,the divider that creates the left and right.()tonsilnostril (正确答案)palate adenoid9、When a person

5、 breathes through his or her ose,the air is warmed and humidified on its way from the nostrils to the throat particles are filtered out bythe mucosal surface,and thereby prevented from reaching the lgs.()Airborne (正确选项)BloodborneInterspersedEmbedded10 Your is the tube in your body that carries air i

6、nto your lungs whenyou breathe It is a nontechnical name for trachea.()food pipewindpipe (正确答案)esophagusepiglottis11、A sore throat is one of the most common names for an inflamed,andthis is usually relatively minor.()trachea pharynx (正确选项)bronchiole alveolus12 The pharyngeal tonsil is a mass of lymp

7、hoid tissue commonly known asthe.()adenoid (正确答案)cartilageesophagusepiglottis13The is a flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the lungs whenswallowing.()adenoidcartilageesophagusepiglottis (正确答案)14 When the become infected numerous times,they are sometimes removed to prevent future inciden

8、ces and chances for spread.()tonsils (正确答案)nostrilspalatesadenoids15 The trachea is composed of 16 to 20 C-shaped rings of connectedby Iigaments1With a C-Iined mucous membrane.()adenoidcartilage (正确答案)esophagusepiglottis16 Which of the following glands is not a salivary gland?()parotidglandsublingua

9、l glandsubmandibular gland thyroid gland ( ) 17 Which of the following statements about the respiratory system is NOT true?()The respiratory system consists of organs that deliver oxygen to the circulatory system.The respiratory system aids in getting rid of carbon dioxide.The respiratory system det

10、ermines the production of speech. ( )The respiratory system helps regulate the balance of acid and base in tissues.18 The following statements are the functions of the pharynx EXCEPT that it.()removes impurities from the air.contains the tonsils preventing the organisms from moving further into the

11、body.serves as an air passage.prevents food and fluid from entering the air passage.(正确答案)19 Which of the following statements about the larynx is NOT correct?()The larynx can transport air to the trachea.The Iarynxplays important roles in speaking.The larynx can be affected to initiate a cough refl

12、ex.The larynx cannot help filter air. ( ) 20、When will a person meet with a life-threatening situatio7()When the cough reflex in his larynx does not work.(正确选项)When his respiratory system isiterrpted.When there is a protrusion in the cartilage visible on his neck.When he swallows airborne particles.

13、21 Functionally cardiac muscle and smooth muscle are similartso cardiac muscle is.Anatomically though,cardiac muscle more closely resembles skeletal mscle()involuntary (正确答案)voluntaryperistalticstriated22 Between the atria and ventricles are atrioventricular valves,the right one is called.() bicuspi

14、d valvemitral valve aortic valvetricuspid valve ( )23 Between the right atrium and right ventricle is,overlapping layers oftissue that allow blood to flow only in one direction()bicuspid valveaortic valvetricuspid VahZe (正确选项)pulmonary valve24、Present in cardiac muscle are intercalated discs,which a

15、re connectionsbetween two cardiac cells.()adjacent (正确选项)proximaldistal inferior 25、veins are swollen and painful veins in a person s legs,that sometimes require a medical operation.()SpiralVaricose ( )OccludedOverlapped26、In bypass surgery,doctors use a healthy blood vessel,often one takenfrom the

16、upper thigh,to reroute blood flow around a clogged heart artery.()radial arterycoronary artery (正确答案)pulmonary arteryaortic artery27 The walls of heart chambers are made of a special musclecalled,which contracts continuously and rhythmically to pump blood.()pericardium endocardiumepicardium myocardi

17、um (正确选项)28 The is the normal electrical connection between the atria and theventricles where electrical impulses are delayed for a fraction of a second to allow the lower chambers to fill completely with blood.()atrioventricular node (正确答案)sinoatrial nodeheart apexseptum29、The is the natural pacema

18、ker of the heart;the node isSpecializedcellsin the top right atrium which produces the electrical impulses that travel down to eventually reach the ventricular muscle allowing the heart to contract.()atrioventricular nodesinoatrial node ( )heart apex septum30 A is an instrument used in auscultation

19、to convey sounds in the chestor other parts of the body to the ear of the examiner.()microscopeendoscopestethoscope ( )telescope医学英语选择题整理总艘章节数查看数115题1个1次已答:。题。题 ft:隰0%I题库简介作者未署名更新时间2023-02-09 00:55暂无I章节列表第一章R115题U (医学英语选择题题库)已答:0题错题:0题收厩:隰0%没有更多了分享SSQlll二i隹码31、The SA node is located in the wall of t

20、he right atrium,near the ofthe atrium and the superior vena cava.()junction (正确选项)contractionconstrictiontransaction32、A refers to excessive bleeding or to minor bleeding in an importantbody part.()hemostasishomeostasishemopoiesishemorrhage (正确选项)33 Blood can be grouped into four types according to

21、the presence or absenceof certain producing antibodies that cause aggltinatio.()protein lipidantigen (正确选项)amino acid34 In a hypertonic plasma the red blood cells shrink as a result of water leavingthe cell body.This shrinkage is called.()sedimentationcreatio (正确选项)suspensioncoagulation35、The white

22、cells pass through the capillary walls and infiltrate the infectedtissue by a process called.()phagocytosisepiphysisdiaphysisdiapedesis ( )36 All blood cells begin as,also Calledstem cells() hemocytoblasts (正确答案) erthyroblasts osteoclastsosteoblasts37 A is used to count the number of erythyrocytes i

23、n a cubic millimeter ofblood.()hematocritcentrifugehemacytometer ( )hemostat38 Which of the following roots refers to the blood vessel?()vaso (正确选项)gagliosympathparasympath39、The major function of erythrocytes is to carry oxygen to cells This oxygen is bound to an iron-containing pigment within the

24、cells called.()hemoglobin (正确选项)albuminclotting factorsantibodies40 The blood helps to maintain by regulating PH,tissue water content,bodytemperature and by protecting the body through phagocytosis,coagulation,and production of antibodies.()hemostasisCoprostasismetastasishomeostasis ( )41、The job of

25、 the digestive system is to break down the foods adliqidswe into very tiny parts so that the cells in the body can use themfor energy.()digestingest ( ) inhaleexhale42、When a person eats food,the body has to convert that food into molecule chains that can be converted to energy and raw.()nutrients (

26、 )amino acidsproteinshydrochloric acids43 The human digestive system controls the distribution of nutrients and energy in the body by subjecting the food to chemical reactions as it travels throughthe()respiratory tractintestinal tractdigestive tract ( )anal tract44 The process of digestion starts i

27、n the mouth,with moistening andbreaking down food into manageable chunks() saliva (正确答案)enzymes mucousgastric juice45、The stomach is the first part of the structure of the digestive System1Consisting of a hollow sac located just below the diaphragm andribcage.()vascularmuscular (正确选项)resilientbrittl

28、e46、The stomach is separated from the esophagus and the small intestine by the esophageal sphincter and the sphincter respectively)pyloric ( )gastricpancreatic salivary47A film of mucus covers the lining of the stomach to protect the walls of the stomach against acid that breaks the food down.()gast

29、richydrochloric (正确选项)aminoorganic48、The small intestine does most of the work of chemical digestion via enzymes secreted by the.()livergall bladderpancreas (正确答案)salivary glands49 Proteins break down into amino acids,fats break down into glycerol,and carbohydrates break down into and other sgars.()

30、maltose glucose (正确答案)lactose adipose50、The interior wall of the small intestine contains finger-like folds of tissue called,which catch food molecules and pass them into exterior CaP川aries and then to larger blood vessels.()bronchifungiciliavilli ( )51、Which of the following is not a part of small

31、intestines?()DuodenumJejunumIleumcecum ( )52 Through the action of ptyalin,the saliva begins process of chemically breaking dowthe food into simpler compounds.()pepsinogen salivary amylase ( )hydrochloric acidPancreaticjuice53 The largest salivary gland which is located in front of the ear isthe gla

32、nd.()adrenalpinealparotid ( )thymus54、There are three salivary glands,the largest is called the because it islocated in front of the ear.()sublingualsubmandibularparotid ( ) bolus55、When the food mass descends into the oropharyngeal canal,the willcover the larynx,which prevent the food from entering

33、 trachea.()hard palateperistalsiscardiac sphincter valveepiglottis (正确选项)56、The digestive system is also called the tract.()alimentary (正确答案)absorptiveaccessoryperistaltic57、Two main functions are performed by digestive system:digestion and.()absorption (正确选项)filtrationsecretion excretion58 The port

34、ion of the stomach that protrudes above the gastroesophageal junction is called the()fundus (正确选项)pylorusalveolusanus59、is a process that converts amino acids or fatty acids to glucose and that is performed mainly by liver cells.()CoagulationGluconeogenesis ( )hyperthyroidismphagocytosis60 When the

35、food arrives at the entrance to the Stomachjt passes through a sphincterlike valve called.()pyloric sphincter valve bicuspidtricuspid cardiac sphincter valve ( )61、It is in the descending portion of the that the secretions from theliver,gallbladder,ad pancreas are mixed with the chyme.()jejunumrectu

36、mduodenum (正确选项)cecum62、The is the organ into which the swallowed food is pushed o It connectsthe throat above with the stomach below.()esophagus (正确选项)larynxpharynxtrachea63 Several enzymes from the pancreatic juice and lining of the intestine carry out the breakdown of huge molecules into small mo

37、lecules called amino acids.()carbohydrates vitaminsproteins ( )lipids64、Starch is digested in two steps First,an enzyme in the saliva and juice breaks the starch into molecules called maltose.Then an enzyme in the lining of the small intestine splits the maltose into glucose molecules that can be ab

38、sorbed into the blood.()gastricpancreatic (正确选项)splenichepatic65、The bile acids produced by the liver act as natural to dissolve fat inwater and allow the enzymes to break the large fat molecules into smaller molecules,some of which are fatty acids and cholesterol.()lubricant detergent (正确答案)hormone

39、 feces66、 Peristalsis is()a type of indigestionmuscular actions of the digestive tract (正彳涌选项)a small organ which secretes enzymesfound in the esophageal sphincter67 The liver contributes to digestion by.()removing excess water and returning it to the bloodstreamsecreting water,hydrochloric acid and

40、 pepsin through the bile ductsecreting bile into the small intestines through the bile duct、(正确答案)processing food nutrients68 The appendix is attached to.()colon cecum ( )rectum ileum69、The colon that travels down the left of the abdomen is called()ascending colontransverse colondescending colon (正确

41、答案)jejunum70、Which of the following root means intestine?()aoenter/o (正确答案)abdomin/othorac/o71、The formation of urinetlike the creation of fecal matter1involves the removal of waste materials from the body.The main thing that is removedis which is produced by the liver during the breakdown of amino

42、acids()ammonia (正确选项)urine ureaelectrolyte72 Since ammonia cannot be removed from the body directly,it is converted intoa substance called()ammoniaurineurea ( )electrolyte73、Urea is formed in the body to eliminate the very toxic ammonia products thatare formed in the from amino acids.()heartIiVer (正

43、确选项)intestines stomach74、The primary function of the kidney is to excrete nitrogenous waste productsof metabolism while conserving nutrients and maintaining salt and water()homeostasis (正确选项)convolutionosmosisdiffusion75、Once toxins are removed from the blood,they move farther intothe tract where th

44、ey are combined with water to continue the formation ofurie.()uretheraurinary ( )respiratorydigestive76 The root -crete as in excrete and secrete means()solute dissolverelease or discharge (正确选项)filtrate77 The kidneys are the organs that filter the blood,remove thewastes,a nd the wastes in the urie.

45、()secreteexcrete (正确选项)absorbdilute78 All human beings depend on the process of for the removal ofcertain waste products in the body.()urination ( )secretionfiltrationreabsorption79、The kidneys have three basic mechanisms for Separatingthe variouscomponents of the blood,reabsorption and secretio.()i

46、nfiltration filtration (正确答案)perforationpenetration80、 Urine formation begins with the process of filtration,which goes oncontinually in the.()renal corpuscles (正确选项)proximal convoluted tubulesdistal convoluted tubulescollecting duct81、is a disease which causes the amount of sugar in the blood to rise farabove the normal.()HypertensionPneumoniaDiabetes mellitus (正确答案)gastritis82 Tubular secretion of H+is important in maintain control of the pH of the blood When PH of the blood starts to


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