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1、wordGrade7 Unit7 Topic2 Section A教学目标: 1.掌握有用的词和短语 2. 掌握 “can and “cant 的用法 3.掌握选择问句重 点:掌握 “can and “cant 的用法难 点:掌握选择问句教 法:三疑三探学 法:自学、合作、探究教具学具:多媒体运用教学教学过程:一、设疑自探10分钟一创设情境,导入新课二根据课题,提出问题自读1a你想知道什么?请提出来。预设: 同学们提的问题都很好真好,大多都是我们本节应该学习的知识,教师将大家提出的问题归纳、整理、补充为下面的自探提示,希望能为大家本节的学习提供帮助。请看:三出示自探提示,组织学生自探。 分钟自

2、探提示:1. Can Jane sing Chinese songs?2. Find out the important phrases and sentences in 1a.3. Sum up the usage of “can.二、解疑合探15分钟一小组合探。1.小组讨论解决自探中未解决的问题;2.教师出示展示与评价分工。问题123展示G1G2G3评价G4G6G7二.全班合探。1.学生展示与评价;2.教师点拨或精讲。1.Oh, do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?这是or 引导的选择疑问句.1选择疑问句:提供两种或两种以上

3、情况供对方选择的疑问句。2选择疑问句的供选择局部用or来连接,读时or前的局部读升调,or后的局部读降调。3选择疑问句不能用Yes/No来回答,而是就供选择的一项进展回答。Are you a teacher or worker? Im a worker.2.play the guitar/piano定冠词the 的用法小结。 1听1a完成1b (2)齐读1a,分角色朗读1a 3仿照1a编对话4.小组合作完成1c,2,35.听听力并跟读完成4a,4b三、质疑再探3分钟1.现在,我们已经解决了自探问题。下面我们再回看一下,开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决?2.本节的知识已经学完,对于本节的学习,

4、谁还有什么问题或不明白的地方?请提出来,大家一起来解决.1.What else can you do? else “别的,其他的。用于疑问代词和疑问副词或不定代词nothing, nobody, something, anything等之后,如:What else does he say?m sure well have a good time at the party.1be sure +that宾语从句 确信/肯定 Im sure thatI can do it well.2have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快四、运用拓展17分钟(一) 根据本节学习容,学生自编习题,交流解

5、答。请你来当小教师,编一道题,考考大家同桌!(二) 根据学生自编习题的练习情况,教师有选择的出示下面习题供学生练习。为了巩固本节知识,加强知识的运用拓展,教师也给大家设计了一些习题,检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况。请看: 1.Hellen sings a Chinese song my birthday party. 2.Rose can play guitar but she cart play soccer. A.the;the B./;the C./;/ D.the;/ 3.Rose, what can you do?I can draw pictures.A.other;too

6、 B.else;also C.else; too D.other; also 4.Can you dance to disco, Li Ming? I think its difficult for me.A.No, a little. B.Yes, Id love toC.Yes, I can do it very well D.No, I cant do it at all 5.Teny, can you sing songs dance to disco?I can dance to disco.五、全课总结1.学生谈学习收获。通过这节课的学习,你都有哪些收获?谈一谈.2.学科班长评价本

7、节课活动情况。六、作业设计根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我想在雷的生日聚会上唱中文歌曲。I want to at Li leis birthday party.2.我们每天都过得很愉快。We every day.3.你会弹钢琴还是弹吉他?Can you ? 4.我根本就不会说日语。I speak Japanese . 5.你会跳迪斯科吗? 是的,我还会表演芭蕾。Can you ? Yes, I can perform ballet.板书设计Unit 7 Topic 2 Section AQ1:Can Jane sing Chinese songs?No, she cant.Q2:Find out

8、the important phrases and sentences in 1a.(1) sing some/Chinese/ English songs(2) play the guitar/piano(3) dance to disco(4) perform balletQ3:Sam up the use of “can?Can,情态动词,表有能力做某事,没有人称和数的变化。否认形式为cant.I can speak English.She cant perform ballet.教后记:Unit7 Topic2 SectionB教学目标1. 掌握有用单词和短语2. 继续学习“can和“

9、cant的用法3. 继续学习选择问句4. 重 点:继续学习 “can和“cant的用法5. 难 点:继续学习选择问句教 法:三疑三探学 法:自学、合作、探究教具学具:多媒体运用教学教学过程一、设疑自探10分钟一创设情境,导入新课二根据课题,提出问题自读1a你想知道什么?请提出来。预设: 同学们提的问题都很好真好,大多都是我们本节应该学习的知识,教师将大家提出的问题归纳、整理、补充为下面的自探提示,希望能为大家本节的学习提供帮助。请看:三出示自探提示,组织学生自探。 分钟自探提示:1. Can Polly sing an English song?2. The important sentenc

10、es and structures in section B.3. The usage of “a little in “she can do it a little.二、解疑合探15分钟一.小组合探。1.小组讨论解决自探中未解决的问题;2.教师出示展示与评价分工。问题123展示G2G3G6评价G1G4G5二.全班合探。1.学生展示与评价;2.教师点拨或精讲。1. Id like to take these flowers to the party.take sb./sth. to sw. 带某人/某物去某地eg:My mother often takes me to the park.2.s

11、he can do it very well.well, 副词,修饰动词.当well 表身体健康状况时是形容词.How are you today? Im very well. 1听1a完成1b (2)齐读1a,分角色朗读1a 3仿照1a编对话4.小组合作完成1c,2,3a三、质疑再探:3分钟1.现在,我们已经解决了自探问题。下面我们再回看一下,开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决?2.本节的知识已经学完,对于本节的学习,谁还有什么问题或不明白的地方?请提出来,大家一起来解决.I cant count so many flowers. so many “如此多,后面接可数名词复数形式;so mu

12、ch “这么多,那么多后面接不可数名词。There is so much rain this year.四、 运用拓展17分钟(一)根据本节学习容,学生自编习题,交流解答。请你来当小教师,编一道题,考考大家同桌!二根据学生自编习题的练习情况,教师有选择的出示下面习题供学生练习。为了巩固本节知识,加强知识的运用拓展,教师也给大家设计了一些习题,检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况。请看:根据句意与汉语提示,完成如下句子.1.The monkey is so (聪明). It can dance to music.2.What is Tom doing? Hes playing the (吉他)

13、.3.Kangkang, happy (生日)to you. Thank you.4.How many birds are there in the tree? I dont know. Let me (数数)5.What (别的)is in the room? There is also a desk.五、全课总结1.学生谈学习收获。通过这节课的学习,你都有哪些收获?谈一谈.2.学科班长评价本节课活动情况。六、作业设计根据汉语提示翻译如下句子.1.这个小男孩能从1数到100.This boy 1 100.2.Jim 会打篮球,他会一点.Jim can play basketball. He

14、can do it .3.我一点也不会开汽车.I drive a car .4.教师会说英语还是日语? Mr.Zhang speak EnglishJapanese?5.你别的还会做什么? 我还会做饭. can you do? cook.板书设计Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BQ1:Can Polly sing an English song?Yes, he can.Q2:The important sentences and structures in SectionB.(1) You are so smart.(2) Id like to take these flower

15、s to the pary.(3) I cant count so many flowers.(4) Can Ann dance ordraw ? she can dance.(5) A:Can he/she ?B:Yes, but not. very much./Yes, he/she can do it a little./very much.A:Can he/shevery well?B:No, he/she cant do it at all.Q3:The usage of “a little in “she can do it a little.A little “一点儿,表程度“很

16、小;A lot “许多,非常,表程度“很大,都修饰动词.He can speak a littleEnglish .She likes to dancea lot.教后记:Unit 7 Topic 2 Section C教学目标1.掌握有用的词和短语2.掌握“couldand“couldnt的用法重 点:掌握“couldand “couldnt 的用法难 点:掌握“couldand “couldnt 的用法教 法:三疑三探学 法:自学、合作、探究教具学具:多媒体运用教学教学过程一、设疑自探10分钟一创设情境,导入新课二根据课题,提出问题自读1a,你想知道什么?请提出来。预设: 同学们提的问题都

17、很好真好,大多都是我们本节应该学习的知识,教师将大家提出的问题归纳、整理、补充为下面的自探提示,希望能为大家本节的学习提供帮助。请看:三出示自探提示,组织学生自探。 分钟自探提示:1.Can Maria perform ballet very well now?2.The important phrases and sentences in la.3.Sum upthe usage of “could.二、解疑合探15分钟一小组合探。1.小组讨论解决自探中未解决的问题;2.教师出示展示与评价分工。问题123展示G3G4G6评价G1G2G7二.全班合探。1.学生展示与评价;2.教师点拨或精讲。(

18、1)When she was five,she could dance just a little.When, 当时候,此处为连接副词,引导时间状语从句,放在主句前,用逗号与主句分开,放在主句后时,不用逗号与主号隔开。He could swim when he was young.3. 学习1a 1听1a完成1b (2)齐读1a,分角色朗读1a 3仿照1a编对话4.小组合作完成1c,2,3a5.听录音完成4a,4b三、质疑再探:3分钟1.现在,我们已经解决了自探问题。下面我们再回看一下,开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决?2.本节的知识已经学完,对于本节的学习,谁还有什么问题或不明白的地方?请

19、提出来,大家一起来解决.1、They both like playing ball games. both 的用法:1both“两者都,作they的同位语,它放在be动词后,实义动词前eg:We are both students.They both like table tennis.(2)两者都用“both,三者都用“all.My parents are both Chinese.My friends all go to the Zoo.(3)Both A and B A和B都. eg: Both A and B can speak Chinese very well. 四、运用拓展17分

20、钟(一)根据本节学习容,学生自编习题,交流解答。请你来当小教师,编一道题,考考大家同桌!二根据学生自编习题的练习情况,教师有选择的出示下面习题供学生练习。为了巩固本节知识,加强知识的运用拓展,教师也给大家设计了一些习题,检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况。请看:单项选择 1、Its time sports now.Ok. Lets go. A、to B、for C、of D、 2、Dora can fly a kite now, but she do it two years ago.A、cant;a little B、cant;at all C、couldnt;at all D、coul

21、dnt;a little 3、Look! Michael is playing basketball. But he couldnt do it at all . A、before B、ago C、first D、last 4、Li Fei ride a bike now, but he do it when he was six.A、can;cant B、could;couldntC、could;cant D、can;couldnt 5、Linda couldnt ride a bike when she ten.Yes,but she can now. A、was B、were C、are

22、 D、is五、全课总结1.学生谈学习收获。通过这节课的学习,你都有哪些收获?谈一谈.2.学科班长评价本节课活动情况。六、作业设计根据汉语提示翻译如下句子。1、到课外活动时间了。 out door altivities.2、两年前,我不会骑自行车。 I ride a bike .3、她五岁时,有点会唱英语歌曲。 She could sing English songs a little .4、孩子们在动物园里正玩得开心。 The children are in the zoo now.5、去年我一点也不会打乒乓球。 I play ping pong last year.板书设计Unit 7 To

23、pic 2 Section CQ1:Can Maria perform ballet very well now ? Yes, she can.Q2:The important phrases and sentences in la.s time for outdoor activities.2.Jane is flying a kite.3.But two years ago,she couldnt do it at all.4.But when she was five,she could dance just a little.5.They couldnt do it before.Q3

24、:Could 是can 的过去式,其否认式为couldnt. She couldnt do it all.教后反思:Unit 7 Topic 2 Section D教学目标1、掌握有用的词和短语 2、复习“can/cantand “could/couldnt的用法3、复习选择疑问句重 点:“can/cantand “could/couldnt的用法难 点:选择疑问句.教 法:三疑三探学 法:自学、合作、探究教具学具:多媒体运用教学教学过程一、设疑自探10分钟一创设情境,导入新课二根据课题,提出问题完成Grammer局部的表格,你想知道什么?请提出来。预设: 同学们提的问题都很好真好,大多都是我

25、们本节应该学习的知识,教师将大家提出的问题归纳、整理、补充为下面的自探提示,希望能为大家本节的学习提供帮助。请看:三出示自探提示,组织学生自探。 分钟自探提示:1.Review and sum up the usage of “canand “cant for ability and inability.2.Review and sum up the usage of “could and “couldnt for ability and inability.3.Review and sum up the alternative questions.4.Sum up the important

26、 expresstons in this topic.二、解疑合探15分钟一.小组合探。1、小组讨论解决自探中未解决的问题;2.教师出示展示与评价分工。问题1234展示G1G3G5G6评价G2G4G7G8二.全班合探。1.学生展示与评价;2.教师点拨或精讲。3. 学习1a 1听1a完成1b (2)齐读1a,分角色朗读1a 3仿照1a编对话三、质疑再探:3分钟1.现在,我们已经解决了自探问题。下面我们再回看一下,开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决?2.本节的知识已经学完,对于本节的学习,谁还有什么问题或不明白的地方?请提出来,大家一起来解决.四、 运用拓展17分钟一根据本节学习容,学生自编习题,

27、交流解答。请你来当小教师,编一道题,考考大家同桌!二根据学生自编习题的练习情况,教师有选择的出示下面习题供学生练习。为了巩固本节知识,加强知识的运用拓展,教师也给大家设计了一些习题,检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况。请看:单项选择 1、I perform ballet now, but I do it before.A、can;cant B、could;could C、can;couldnt D、can;could( )2、 his fathers help, Dick could ride a bike when he was seven. A、For B、With C、Under D

28、、To( )3、Why do you e to school on foot?There something wrong my bike.A、are ; of B、is ; withC、are ; with D、is ; of( )4、Do you want to sing a song play the piano at the party?Play the piano. A、or B、and C、but D、also( )5、 you swim,Peter?Of course. I swim at the age of ten.A、could ; can B、could ; could C

29、、can ; could D、can ; can五、全课总结1.学生谈学习收获。通过这节课的学习,你都有哪些收获?谈一谈.2.学科班长评价本节课活动情况。六、作业设计按要求完成如下句子。1、I can dance to disco. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) dance to disco?,.2、The little boy can count so many books.(改为否认句) The little boy so many books.3、They can play soccer now.(用two years ago 替换now) They play soccer .4、C

30、an Li Tao play the guitar?(用sing English songs 改为选择疑问句) Can Li Tao play the guitar ?5、At the age of eight, Jim could swim.改为同义句 Jim could swim .板书设计Unit 7 Topic 2 Section D1、2、3、4、(1)at the age of five. (2)When she was six, there was something wrong with her eyes. (3)Jenny could not see anything any more.教后记:


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