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1、word南开区2011-2012学年度第一学期学习水平测试六年级英语Unit Four. Look, listen and choose 选出与你所听到的容相符的图片( )BC ( )2.A BC ( )3.A BC( )4.A BC( ) BC . Listen and choose 选出你所听到的算术式( )1.A. 1 + 5 = 6 B. 1 + 4 =5 C. 5 - 4 = 1( )2.A. 6 + 6 = 12 B. ? + 4 =6 C. 6 + 6 = ?( )3.A. 13 - 5 = 8 B. 13 - 3 =10C. 10 + 3 = 13( )4.A. 11 + 9

2、= ? B. 11 - 9 = ?C. 11 - 9 = 2( )5.A. 5 + 8 = 13 B. 2 + 5 + 8 = ?C. 2 + 5 + 8 = 15. Fill in the blanks词汇填空A. Fill with the proper forms用括号给出的单词的适当形式填空1.Whats the title of Unit _(fourth)? 2.Write your _(friend) name on the invitation card.3.She _(want) to invite Peter to her party.4.We _(can) see wil

3、d animals in the fruit shop. 5.They have many kinds of _(candy) at the party.B. Fill with the proper words根据句意, 每空填上一个适当的英文单词1.In English Monday is the _ day of the week.2.The _ of the balloons is long.3.What _ of CDs do you like best?4._ to my birthday party.5.Thank you _ your nice presents. Choose

4、 the best answer 单项选择填空( )1.The birthday of our country is _ October 1st, _.A. on, 1921 B. in, 1927C. on, 1949 D. in, 1968 ( )2.My uncle and aunt often _ shopping _ me.A. to, and B. to, with C. go, and D. go, with( )3.Here is a card _ Kate. Please give _.A. from, her to it B. for, it to herC. to, he

5、r it D. with, it her( )4.-Will you e to my birthday party? -_A. Sure! Id love to. B. Youre wele.C. Happy birthday to you. D. Its my pleasure.( )5.-Is the watermelon round or square? -_A. Yes, its square. B. Its round. C. No, Its round. D. Sorry, I have no idea.( )6.I have _ of cake and _ of milk for

6、 my breakfast.A. a piece, a glass B. two piece, a cupC. a piece, two glass D. two pieces, two cup ( )7.Im going to Lisas birthday party. _A. Sure, Id love to. B. What about you, Mary?C. How are you? D. You are wele.( )8.What do you do when you are at your birthday party?A. Buy some nice presents for

7、 me. B. Buy some birthday cards for each of my friends.C. Make a birthday card and sign my name.D. Make a wish and then cut the cake. ( )9.When you celebrate ones birthday, you usually _. A. sing the birthday song B. make invitation cards B. blow out the candles D. cut the cake( )10.What dont you do

8、 when you celebrate ones birthday? A. Light the candles. B. Give the presents.C. Dont eat the cake. D. Eat fruit and candies. .Cloze test完形填空Many children like1 TV. Its very interesting. They can see and 2many things about other people. Of course, they can learn over the radio, but they cant 3 anyth

9、ing over the radio. They can learn more easily with TV and TV helps to4 childrens eyes and their minds, 5 .Many children are very6 . Theywatch TV only7 Saturday and Sunday evening. But a few of them watch TV every8 . They go to bed9 . Be careful! Watching TV too much is 10 for your eyes.( )1.A. watc

10、hing B. seeing C. lookingD. reading( )2.A. give B. know C. talk D.buy( )3.A. look B. listen C. hearD. watch ( )4.A. close B. open C. washD. keep( )5.A. also B. then C. tooD. and( )6.A. hungryB. full C. free D. busy( )7.A. in B. on C. from D. at( )8.A. morning B. afternoonC. night D. week( )9.A. earl

11、y B. late C. cold D. hot ( )10.A. badB. nice C. goodD. interesting.Reading阅读理解(A)Today is Mothers birthday. Ann wants to give Mother something, but she doesnt have any money. “I know what Ill do, says Ann. “Ill make something for Mother.Ann works a long time. Before dinner, she gives Mother a big pi

12、ece of paper as her present. Mother looks at it and says, “What a nice present!Ann makes Mother some colourful leaf paintings on the paper! Choose the right answers 根据短文容选择正确答案( )1. It is _ today.A. An English partyB. Mothers Day C. mothers birthday D. Anns mothers birthday( )2. Ann has _ to buy thi

13、ngs for her mother.A. much money B. no money C. a lot of money D. lots of money( )3. Ann wants to make some _ to her mother.A. money B. books C. presents D. apple juice( )4. Ann makes the leaf paintings _.A. with her mother B. with her classmates C. in a short time D. in a long time( )5. Which of th

14、e following is right according to the passage?A. Mother likes Anns present very much.B. Mother asks Ann to make the leaf paintings for her.C. Mother doesnt like any leaf paintings.D. Ann makes the leaf paintings in the evening.(B)It is Jims birthday. He is five years old. He gets many nice birthday

15、presents from his family, and one of them is a big drum. “Who gives him the drum? his father asks. “His grandpa does, answers Jims mother.Jim likes the drum very much. He makes a noise with it every morning. His mother doesnt say anything about it. His father isnt at home, so he doesnt hear the nois

16、e.But one of his neighbours doesnt like the noise at all. So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jims room. She says to him, “Hello, Jim. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and lets find it.Mark T or F 根据短文容判断下面的句子意思正误( )1.Jims grandfather m

17、akes the drum.( )2.Jims mother doesnt stop the noise. ( )3.Jims father doesnt hear the noise because theres something wrong with his ears.( )4.There is a nice present in the drum.( )5.The neighbour only wants him to open the drum with the knife.南开区2011-2012学年度第一学期学习水平测试六年级英语Unit Five. Listen and cho

18、ose 选出与你所听到的句子意思相符的答案( )1.A. Mum is in her office. B. Mum is at home.C. Mum is at the supermarket.( )2.A. Rose is having the meal, but Mary isnt.B. Mary is having her meal, but Rose isnt. C. Mary and Rose are having their meals.( )3.A. He likes meat and eggs.B. He likes carrots, tomatoes and apples.

19、C. He likes milk and bread.( )4.A. Were having a party. B. Were going camping.C. Were working on the farm.( )5.A. Today is Thanksgiving.B. Today is Christmas.C. Today is Labour Day. . Listen and answer 正确回答你所听到的问题(填上适当的词)1.Its _. 2.Its _.3.Its _. 4.Its _.5.On _. 6.Its _.7.Its _. 8.Its in _.9.We cele

20、brate it on _.10.We usually have them in _ or _. Fill in the blanks 词汇填空A. Fill with the proper forms用括号给出的单词的适当形式填空1.Children often get _(colour) eggs during Easter in the West.2.September is the _(nine) month of the year.3.We go out to plant trees on Tree _(plant) Day.4.The _(leaf) of the trees tu

21、rn green in spring.5.The first day of June is _(child) Day in China.B. Fill with the proper words根据句意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词1.Our National Day is in the _ month of the year.2.There are _ months in a year.3.Therere twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in _.4.December is the _ month of the year.5.Fathers Day is in

22、 the _ month of the year. Choose the best answer 单项选择填空( )1.People often get _ on January 1st.A. colourful eggs B. birthday cardsC. New Year gifts D. birthday cakes( )2.March _ is the last day of the month.A. 1st B. 28th C. 30thD.31st ( )3.In China, Teachers Day is in _.A. August B. September C. Oct

23、oberD. November ( )4.Our summer holidays usually e in _.A. June and July B. July and AugustC. August and September D. September and October ( )5.Thanksgiving Day is in _ in America.A. November B. DecemberC. JanuaryD. February ( )6.The first day of January is _.A. Womens Day B. Christmas DayC. Labor

24、DayD. New Years Day( )7.We usually have the final exam in _ in our school.A. July and November B. February and SeptemberC. June and January D. May and October( )8._ are Chinese festivals. A. Spring Festival and Thanksgiving B. Spring Festival and Teachers Day C. New Years Day and Christmas D. Easter

25、 and Womens Day( )9.What birthday presents dont children often get? A. A horse and a house.B. Some flowers and cards. C. A cake and some books. D. Some cards and candies. ( )10.How do people usually celebrate Labour Day?A. Having dinner party. B. Singing and dancing.C. Both A and B. D. No answer. .C

26、loze test 完形填空In Japan there are many great days. The 1 birthday of a boy is a great day in the family. The boy puts2 a shirt like the one his father wears. It means that he must be a manly(有男子气概的) little boy like his 3 now.When a girl bees seven years old, she usually wears a sash(腰带) like the one

27、her mother wears. It is a big day for the family.The day a 4 bees seven years old is a big day in the 5 . She may now wear a sash(腰带) like the one her mother wears. Her friends and her mothers friends e 6 drink tea and eat cakes. It means that she must be a womanly(有女子气质的) little girl and help to do

28、 the 7 .There are also other great holidays in the 8 .9 of the them is the Emperors(皇帝) birthday. People 10 go to work on the day. They have piics, games, sports and speeches to celebrate the day.( )1.A. five B. fifth C. fifteen D. fifty ( )2.A. withB. inC. on D. down( )3.A. father B. grandfather C.

29、 mother D. brother( )4.A. boy B. girl C. man D. friend( )5.A. school B. country C. house D. family( )6.A. butB. andC. orD. so( )7.A. homework B. fishingC. farming D. housework ( )8.A. cityB. townC. capitalD. country( )9.A. One B. Two C. Some D. Any( )10.A. must B. shouldC. dontD. cant. Reading阅读理解(A

30、)The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It is a holiday in the U.S.A. Usually, family members and friends get together for a dinner. People sometimes drive their cars a long way for a family reunion(团聚).Many people also take Friday off and make it a long weekend holiday, because most A

31、mericans do not work on Saturdays and Sundays.Thanksgiving Day began in 1621. When the first Englishsettlers(定居者) reached the New World, they didnt have enough food. But the American Indians helped and taught them how to farm. In the autumn they had a good harvest. They were so pleased. They decided

32、 to invite(邀请) their Indian friends a dinner in order to thank them for their help.Now Thanksgiving Day is even moreimportant than Christmas or New Years Eve to most Americans.Choose the right answers 选择正确的答案( )1.If November 1st is Monday, Thanksgiving Day is on _.A. November 4th B. November 11thC.

33、November 18th D. November 25th( )2.American people usually dont _ on Thanksgiving Day.A. take Friday offB. work in their officesC. have a family reunionD. get together for a dinner( )3.The American Indians were very _.A. kind B. foolishC. funny D. interesting( )4.When the first English settlersreach

34、ed America, they _. A. lived happily B. had a difficult timeC. knew how to farm well D. had enough food( )5.This passage tells us thatnow _ is more important than other holidays to American people.A. Easter B. New Years EveC. ThanksgivingD. Spring festival(B)Mr King and his son, Bill, rent(租用) a boa

35、t from Mr White. They find a very good place and catch a lot of fish. Now it is late and they are going back home.“We should e here again tomorrow, Bill says,“Yes, I think so, says his father. “But how can we get back and find the right place again?“I think thats easy, Bill says. “Look! I can make a

36、 mark(记号) on the side of the boat.Father laughs and says, “No, thats foolish(愚蠢的)! Mr White doesnt give us the same boat every time.Mark “T or “F根据短文容判断下面的句子意思正误( )1.Mr King and his son find a good place for boating.( )2.Mr King and his son want to stay at home tomorrow.( )3.Ita good way to make a m

37、ark on the side of the boat.( )4.Mr White gives Mr King a different boat each time.( )5.Mr King and his son are both foolish.南开区2011-2012学年度第一学期学习水平测试六年级英语Unit Six. Look, listen and choose选出与你所听到的对话容相符的图片ABCDE. Listen and answer 根据你所听到的短文,选择问题的正确答案( )1.Do English people talk too much in a train?A. Y

38、es, they do. B. No, they dont. C. Yes. They like doing that. ( )2.What do English people like doing when they go on a bus?A. Read and write. B. Look for something.C. No answers. ( )3.Do the English like talking about their ages?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.C. They like talking about the papers.

39、 ( )4.Do they usually like talking about the weather?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.C. Sorry, I dont think so. ( )5.What should we talk with the English when you meet them first?A. Say nothing. B. Talk about their hobbies.C. Talk about the weather. . Fill in the blanks词汇填空A. Fill with the proper

40、forms用括号给出的单词的适当形式填空1.We often go _(camp) with our teacher.2.The children are _(fly) kites over there.3.The days get _(long) in spring.4.Tom likes _(feed) the little dog very much.5._(cut) the grass is a piece of hard and interesting work.B. Fill with the proper words根据句意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词6.Summer begin

41、s around _ in China.7.The weather gets cooler in _.8.In winter it often snows, so we call it _ season.9.The gold _ in Qingdao is very nice.10.Now we are in Summer in China, but its in _ inNew Zealand. Choose the best answer 单项选择填空( )1.There are _ flowers on the cherry trees.Which of the following an

42、swer isnt right?A. much B. lots of C. manyD. a lot of( )2.The _ are busy harvesting in _ time.A. farmers, spring B. farmers, autumnC. workers, summer D. workers, winter ( )3.There are _ seasons and winter is the _ season in a year.A. fourth, four B. twelve, beautifulC. four, fourth D. twelve, last (

43、 )4.The leaves are getting yellow and brown _.A. in early spring B. at the end of OctoberC. in the middle of July D. at the end of the year( )5.Spring is ing. Its getting _.A. hotter and hotter B. cooler and coolerC. colder and colder D. warmer and warmer( )6.The children are _ on the beach.Which of the following answer is wrong?A. making


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