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1、 . . 版英语 七年级 下册课文Unit 1 People around usMy grandma My grandma was a short woman with grey hair. She was always cheerful. She was a very good cook. Her dishes were probably the best in the world! I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well. Grandma took care of my family. She was really kind

2、 and patient. She died two years ago and I miss her very much. BenAlice Alice is my best friend. She is a tall girl with glasses. She often tells me jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others. Alice is a smart girl. She is good at Maths. We often study and play table tennis together.I

3、 hope we will always remain friends. JoyceMr Li Mr Li is my Maths teacher. He is tall and thin. His classes are always full of fun. He uses lots of games in his teaching. Mr Li is strict about our studies, but he always encourages us and gives us support. He often says, “Never give up and youll be s

4、uccessful.” Amy 我的奶奶我的奶奶是一个有着灰色头发的矮个子女人。她总是很快乐的。她是一个很好的厨师,她的菜可能是全世界最好的。我将从不会忘记那个味道,还有那个气味。奶奶照顾我的家庭。她真的是和蔼和耐心的。她两年前死了并且我非常想念她。爱丽丝爱丽丝是我最好的朋友,她是一个戴着眼镜的高个女孩。她经常给我讲笑话让我笑,但是她从不嘲笑别人。爱丽丝是一个聪明的女孩,她擅长数学。我们经常一起学习和打乒乓球。我希望我们将总是朋友。老师老师是我的数学老师,他是又高又瘦。他的课总是充满乐趣,他在教学中使用许多游戏。老师对我们的学习是严格的,但是他总是鼓励我们并且给我们支持。他总是说, “从不放弃

5、,你就会成功。”Unit 2 France is calling France is in Western Europe. It is a country with many beautiful places.Paris is the capital of France. Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower. You can go to the Louvre Museum if you like art. The most famous street in Paris is the

6、 Champs-Elysees. This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores.France is very famous for its wine. There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine. The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its w

7、onderful beaches. A French tower by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday, but if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.France has something for everyone, so why not visit France this year?法国在召唤法国在西欧。它是一个拥有许多美丽地方的国家。巴黎是法国的首都。在这你将找到许多

8、著名 的名胜古迹像埃菲尔铁塔。如果你喜欢艺术,你能去卢浮宫博物馆。 在巴黎最著名的大街是香榭丽舍大街。如果你想去参观商店和百货商场的话,这就是可去的地方。法国以它的果酒非常著名。在法国中心有许多葡萄园,农民种植葡 萄,为了制作好的法国果酒。法国南部位于海岸线上,它以它精彩的海滩著名。在海边的一个法国的塔是度暑假的完美的地方,但是如果你更喜欢在冬天参观法国的话,你可以试试在法国的阿尔卑斯山脉上滑雪。法国有为每个人的东西,因此为什么不今年就参观法国呢?Unit 3 A blind man and his “eyes” in a fireOne day, John Dancer and Charli

9、e arrived at a hotel.“Good evening, sir,” said the receptionist. Youre welcome to stay, but Im sorry that we dont allow pets here.”“Charlie isnt a pet,” said John. “Hes my eyes. Im blind and I cant go anywhere by myself .”The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room.John was ve

10、ry tired. He soon fell asleep. Some time later, Charlie started barking. John woke up and smelt smoke. A fire! Smoke started to come in from under the door. With Charlies help, John put some wet towels along the bottom of the door. Then he got down on the floor next to Charlie and waited.Soon he hea

11、rd the sound of a fire engine. A fireman arrived and got him out of the building, but the fireman did not want to take Charlie.John would not go without his “eyes”. Finally, the fireman got Charlie out of the building too and they were both safe. 盲人和他“火”中的眼睛一天,约翰丹瑟到达一家旅馆。“晚上好,先生,”接待员说。“欢迎入住,但是我很抱歉我们

12、不允许宠物在这。”“查理不是一个宠物,”约翰说。“他是我的眼睛。我是盲人,我不能独自到任何地方。”接待员道歉了,带着约翰和查理去他们的房间。约翰是非常累的。他不久就睡着了。过了一些时间,查理开始叫。约翰醒来,闻到了烟。一场火!烟开始从门下进来。在查理的帮助下,约翰沿着门的底部放了一些毛巾。然后他紧挨着查理趴在地上,等着。不久他听见了消防车的声音。一名消防员到了,把他弄出了大楼,但是消防员不想带走查理。约翰没有他的“眼睛”不会走的。最后,这个消防员也把查理弄出了大楼,他们都是安全了。Unit 4 Trees in our daily lives Rebecca wants to know mor

13、e about trees and how they help us. She is interviewing Dr Jones about trees. Rebecca: How do trees help us, Dr Jones? Dr Jones: They help us in many ways. They keep the air cool and clean. They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe. Theyre major fighters against ai

14、r pollution.Rebecca: I know trees also make our lives more convenient. Many of the things in our daily lives come from trees. For example, paper and pencils. Dr Jones: Youre right, Rebecca. In fact, we get a lot more from trees. We get fruit and oil from them. Tea also comes from the leaves of trees

15、. Look around this room. A lot of the furniture is made of wood. Trees are really important in our daily lives.Rebecca:I cant imagine a world without trees.Dr Jones:But we cut down millions of trees every year. We should stop doing this if we dont want a world without trees.在我们日常生活中的树木丽贝卡想要知道关于树木更多的

16、和他们怎么帮助我们的。她正在采访琼斯博士关于树木。丽贝卡:树木怎么帮助我们的,琼斯博士?琼斯博士:他们在许多方面帮助我们,他们使空气凉爽和干净。他们吸入来自空气的有害气体,产生为我们呼 吸的氧气。它们是对抗空气污染的主要战士。丽贝卡:我知道树木也使我们的生活更方便。在我们日常生活中许多东西来自于树木。例如,纸和铅笔。琼斯博士:你是对的,丽贝卡。确切地说,我们从树木得到的更多。我们从它们中得到水果和油。茶叶也是来 自树木的叶子。环顾这个房间。许多与家具由木头制成。树木在我们日常生活中真的是重要的。丽贝卡:我很难想象没有树木的世界。琼斯博士:但是我们每年砍伐数以百万计的树木。我们应该停止做这个,如

17、果我们不想要一个没有树木的世界 的话。Unit 5 Water talks Dora was in the bathroom. The tap was on. “Turn that tap off,” said an angry voice. “ Youre wasting water.”Dora looked around, but there was no one there.“Who are you?”“Im a drop of water. Do you know where I come from?”“From the tap?” asked Dora. “A few days ag

18、o, I was in a cloud,” said the drop of water. “Then I dropped into a river and ran into a reservoir. Then it was time for people to clean me.”“Clean you?” Dora asked. “Yes. I was dirty. They cleaned me and added some chemicals to me. Then I travelled through the pipes under the streets and now Im he

19、re.”Dora asked, “So is this the end of your journey?”“No. People will make me clean again. Ill go into a river and then into the sea again.”“Again?”“Yes. My journey starts there. Remember not to waste or pollute me. Im valuable.”Dora turned the tap off and came out of the bathroom.水讲话朵拉在浴室里。水龙头打开着。“

20、关掉水龙头,”一个生气的声音说。“你在浪费水。”朵拉环顾四周,但是没有一个人在那里。“你是谁”“我是一滴水。你知道我来自哪里吗?”“来自水龙头?“朵拉问。“几天前,我在一朵云彩里,”这滴水说。“然后我掉进河里,流进一个水库。然后到了人们清洁我的时候了。”“清洁你?”朵拉问。“是的。我是脏的。他们清洁我,并且给我添加一些化学物质。然后我通过街道下面的管子旅行,现在我在这里。朵拉问,“因此这是你旅行的终点了?”“不。人们将再次使我干净。我将流进一条河里,然后再次进入大海。”“再次? ”“是的。我的旅行在那里开始。记得不要浪费或污染我。我是宝贵的。”朵拉关掉水龙头,出了浴室。Unit 6 Elect

21、ricity all around One evening, Daisy said, “ Im going to buy a packet of sweets. Does anyone want anything?”Benny, Daisys brother replied, “Can you get me a packet of electricity?”“Yes, I can,” said Daisy. Then she went out.Benny laughed, “She cant buy electricity in packets like sweets! Shell look

22、foolish.”Mum said, “You mustnt say that, Benny!”“What do you know about electricity, Benny?” Dad asked.“Electricity gives us power. It flows through wires. Its like water, in a way,” said Benny. “Youre right! Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires. These are connected to cables under the

23、 street,” Dad added.“What are the cables connected to?” asked Benny.“Theyre connected to a power station,” answered Dad. A moment later, Daisy came back. “May I have my packet of electricity?” Benny asked. “Here you are!” said Daisy. “But.these are batteries!” said Benny. “Daisys right,” said Dad. “

24、The chemicals inside batteries produce electricity.”Mum said, “Who looks foolish now, Benny?”周围的所有电一天晚上,黛西说,“我打算去买一袋糖。有人想要任何东西吗?”本尼,黛西的哥哥回答,“你能给我买一袋电吗?”“是的,我能,“黛西说。然后她出去了。本尼笑了,“她不能像糖果一样用袋的形式买电!她会看起来愚 蠢的。”妈妈说,“你不要说哪个,本尼 !”“关于电你知道什么,本尼?爸爸问。”“电给我们能量。它通过电线流动。它像水,在某种程度上,”本尼说。“你是对的!电通过细电线来到我们公寓。”这些与街道下面的电

25、缆相连接,“爸爸补充道。电缆与什么相连接呢?“本尼问。“它们与一个发 电站相连接,”爸爸回答。一会后,黛西回来了。“我可以拿我那袋电 吗?”本尼问。“给你!”黛西说。“但是这些是电池!”本尼说。“黛西是对的,”爸爸说。“电池里的化学物质生产电。”妈妈说,“谁现在看起来愚蠢的,本尼?”Unit 7 Poems1. Dad 1.爸爸He comes home, has a shower, 他回家,洗个淋浴And eats dinner, every day. 和每天吃晚餐Now, hes sitting in his favourite chair 现在,他正坐在他最爱的椅子上 Too tired

26、 to laugh or play. 太累了,不能笑和玩。 He reads his book or newspaper 他读书和看报To learn whats new today. 为了知道今天有什么新鲜事 Soon hell go to bed. 不久他将去睡觉Hes a boring man, my dad. 他是一个无聊的人,我的爸爸。Then I see him working, 然后我看见他工作 On the building site. 在大楼建筑工地上。 Hes high up in the clouds 他高高的在云朵里 Higher than a kite. 比一个风筝还

27、高。Hes walking on a narrow piece of wood 他正走在一根狭窄的木头上 Not worried about the height, 不担心高度,Not afraid, not afraid like me. 不害怕,不像我一样害怕。 Hes a superman, my dad. 他是一个超人,我的爸爸。2. The old newspaper seller 2.老卖报者 Hes sitting at the newspaper stand 他正坐在报纸摊Near the bus stop, 在公交站附近,And hes smiling. 并且他在微笑。 It

28、s very hot. 天气是很热的。But hes smiling. 但是他在微笑。A bus stops, and the people rush out. 一辆公交车停了,和人们快速出来 Theyre hurrying to work. 他们在急着去上班。They dont have much time to smile. 他们没有许多时间微笑。 They take their papers quickly, 他们快速地拿他们的报纸, And put down some money. 和放下一些钱。But hes a patient man, 但是他是一个耐心的人,And hes sti

29、ll smiling. 和他仍然在微笑。 A crowd of people, 一群人,All very busy, with tired faces, 都很忙,有着疲倦的脸, And just one smile. 和刚刚一个微笑。Is there just one smile in this city? 在这个城市里刚刚只有一个微笑吗?Or will you make it two? 或者你会使它成为两个吗?Lets make a million smiles! 让我们制作一百万个微笑吧!Unit 8 My lifetime hobbystudying stars By Patrick M

30、oore When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of lifetime hobby. I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky.

31、How beautiful they were!Studying the stars was great fun for me. Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career. I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way. I am proud of my TV prog

32、ramme-it has lasted for more than 50 years!Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do!我一生的爱好研究星星 -帕特克.摩尔当我8岁的时候,我得到一本关于星星的书,那是我一生爱好的开始。我曾经在晴朗的夜晚和妈妈外出,看上面有着一百 万颗钻石的天鹅绒。在不同的季节,我们看了不同组别的星星,有时我们看见星星明亮地射过天空,他们是多漂亮呀!研究星星对我来说

33、太好玩了。曾经我学会了关于它们的一点,我不就想要找到越来越多的。现在它是我的职业。我主持了一个叫夜晚星空的电视节目,我使用我的知识用一种活泼的方法去告诉人们关于星星。我以我的电视节目自豪它已经持续50多年了。事实上,你也可以把你的爱好转化成你的事业。任何人都可以实现他们的梦想,但你必须喜欢你所做的事!More PracticeUnit 1 Mothers Day 母亲节Mums do a lot of hard work. They cook and clean for us. They also encourage us and give us support. Mothers Day is

34、 the time for us to say “Thank you” to our mums. 母亲们做着许多辛苦的工作,她们为我们做饭和搞卫生,她们还鼓励给我们支持。母亲节正是我们向妈妈说声“您”的时机。In most countries, people celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday in May every year. On this day, people like to buy flowers and make special Mothers Day cards for their mums. 在大多数国家,人们在每年五月份的第

35、二个星期日庆祝母亲节。在这一天,人们喜欢为他们的母亲买鲜花、制作特别的母亲节贺卡。Mothers Day is not only about gifts. We can help our mums do the housework. We can take them to the park or the cinema. Sometimes a simple hug or saying “I love you, Mum” is the perfect gift for our mums. 母亲节不仅仅跟礼物有关。我们可以帮助我们的妈妈做家务,我们可以带她们去公园或去电影院。有的时候,一个简单的拥

36、抱或说句“我爱你,妈妈”就是送给我们母亲的最完美的礼物。Mothers Day is about love. If you love your mum, why not plan a special Mothers Day for her? 母亲节是关于爱的节日。如果你爱你的妈妈,为什么不为她计划一个特别的母亲节呢?Unit 2 The Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔The Tower of Pisa is one of the most beautiful bell towers in Italy. It is not only beautiful, but also

37、strange-it leans to one side. Today it is known as “The Leaning Tower of Pisa”.比萨塔是意大利最美丽的钟楼之一。它不仅美丽,而且奇怪-它向一边倾斜。今天,它作为“比萨斜塔”而被世人所知。The building of the tower began in 1173. It took nearly 200 years to complete. In 1178, when the building got to third floor, it started to lean. The builders tried to

38、make the tower straight again when they built the upper floors, but failed.该塔的建筑始于1173年,花费近200年的时间完工。在1178年,当建到第三层时,它开始倾斜。当建筑工人往上层建筑时,他们试图使塔变直,但是失败了。Over the years, the tower has continued to lean further. Experts have done a lot of studies and tried to “rescue” the tower. In 1990, it was closed to

39、the public for safety reasons. After a lot of effort, it reopened in 2001. Hopefully it will be safe for at least the next 300 years.多年来,比萨塔继续进一步倾斜。专家们进行了大量研究,并试图“拯救”该塔。在1990年,为安全起见他向公众关闭。经过一番努力后,它于2001年重新开放。希望至少在未来300年它是安全的。Unit 3 A friendly dolphin 一只友好的海豚Last month, I went to swim in the sea. I s

40、wam really far, past the rocks and out to sea.上个月,我去海里游泳。我游得真的很远,游过许多岩石并游向大海的远处。Then I saw something moving towards me. It was huge and grey, with a large fin. It was a shark! I began to swim back, but the beach was too far away. The shark started to swim around me.然后我看到什么东西向我游来。它长得巨大,身体灰色,有个大鳍。它是一条

41、鲨鱼!我开始往回游,但是海滩离得太远,鲨鱼开始在我的周围游来游去。I was really scared. Suddenly another creature appeared next to me in the water. It was a dolphin! It pushed me away from the shark. I sat on its back as it swam towards the beach.我真的很恐惧。突然另一个生物出现在我身旁的水中,它是一只海豚!它把我推离鲨鱼。我坐在它的背上,他带我游向海边。Soon we were near the beach. The

42、 shark did not follow us. As soon as I stepped onto the beach, the dolphin swam away. I will always remember how this friendly animal saved my life. 很快我们接近了海滩,鲨鱼没有跟着我们。当我一踏滩,海豚就游走了。我会永远记住这个友好的动物是怎样救我一命的。Unit 4 The Amazon rainforest 亚马逊雨林The Amazon rainforest in South America is the largest rainfores

43、t in the world. It covers five and a half million square kilometers of the Amazon Basin and spreads across nine countries. 亚马逊雨林位于南美洲,是世界上最大的热带雨林。它覆盖伍佰伍拾万平方公里的亚马逊盆地,横穿九个国家。 The Amazon rainforest is very important because it is home to thousands of animals, birds and insects. However, people are dest

44、roying the area by cutting down many of the trees. This is calleddeforestation. Many living things lose their homes because of deforestation. As a result, the number of kinds of animals, birds, insects and trees in the world is decreasing. 亚马逊雨林非常重要因为它是成千上万的动物、鸟类和昆虫的家园。然而,人们大量砍伐树木的行为正在毁坏这个地区,这就是所谓的“毁林”。因为毁林,许多生物失去了它们的家园。结果,世界上动物、鸟、昆虫和树木的种类都在减少。We must do our best to protect the Amazon rainforest. 我们必须尽全力保护亚马逊雨林。Unit 5 Facts about water 关于水的资料Here are some interesting facts about water: 这儿是一些关于水的有趣的资料:About 70% of the human body is water. 人体大约30%是水


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