1、word管井降水施工方案The construction scheme of tube well dewatering -柬埔寨安达都会广场项目 -VCLP PROJECT CAMBODIA编 制:piled:_审 批:Verified:_批 准:Approved:_日期:Date:_安达广场基坑降水施工方案Construction Scheme for Foundation Pit Drawdown of VATTANAC Park一、降水设计方案I. Drawdown design scheme、设计参数1.1. Design data本工程降水井采用直径300mm波纹管滤管,管井共20根
2、井深22米,井口外露500mm。300mm corrugated filter pipe is adopted as the drawdown well and there are total 20 wells of 22m deep each. The wellhead exposes by 500mm.、降水井平面布置1.2. Layout of drawdown well降水井布置详见降水管井平面布置图。The arrangement of drawdown well is shown on the layout of drawdown well.二、施工准备II. Constructi
3、on preparation、测量放线2.1. Surveying and setting out测量放线依据现场测量控制点,标高采用水准仪,并根据井点布置图采用全站仪放线定位。放线经复核后报管理公司确认方可进展施工。The surveying and setting out shall be based on the field survey control points and optical level shall be used for measuring the elevation. In addition, the total station instrument shall be
4、 used for the setting out and positioning according to the layout of well points. Setting out shall be performed after re-recheck and being reported to the management pany for confirmation.、施工用电、用水配置2.2 Electricity and water for construction1、施工用电直接从配电房接入,50kVA能完全满足降水用电负荷。1. The electricity for cons
5、truction shall be directly connected from the switchgear room, and 50kVA can fully meet the drawdown load requirements.2、依据用水设备和施工经验,需用水量10m3/h直径50mm管,就能满足施工用水。2. Depending on the water equipment and based on the construction experience, the pipe of diameter 50mm with a water flow rate of 10m3/h can
6、 meet the construction requirements.、打井机械与井点设备2.3. Well drilling rig and well point equipment打井机械可根据工期要求变更。井点设备是由井点管、连接收、排水主管与抽水设备等组成。具体如下:The well drilling rig may very according to the schedule requirement. The well point equipment consists of well point pipe, connecting pipe, drain header and pum
7、ping equipment. The details are as follows:机械设备表List of mechanical equipment序号S/N设备名称Equipment Name规格Size单位Unit数量Qty1钻机Drilling rigXY型XY Model台Set12潜水泵Submerged pump台Set20备520 (5 standby)3配电箱Power distribution box个Piece124泥浆泵Mud pumpDN15台Set15挖机Excavator200 Model台Set1、抽水设备的型号2.4. Model of pumping eq
8、uipment本工程抽水设备采用潜水泵,功率为、流量为58m3/h。口径为25mm。Submersible pump is used as pumping equipment, for which the power is 1.11.5kw, the flow rate is 58m3/h, and the diameter is 25mm.主要材料用量表List of main material consumption序号S/N材料名称Material name规格Size单位Unit数量Qty1波纹管Corrugated pipe300m4402滤料Filter material35mmt
9、803水管Water pipem15004电缆Cablem1500、人员的组织2.5. Organization of personnel1、降水组织机构1. Drawdown organization 项目经理X庆科 :088 432 1871现场经理田书峰 :097 876 1875技术负责王春阳 :097 476 8583降水班组钻井班组水电团队现场安全测量班组Project managerLiu Qing Ketel:088 432 1871Site managerTian Shu Fengtel:097 876 1875Technical representativeWang Chu
10、n Yangtel:097 476 8583Water&electricity teamDrawdown teamDrilling teamSite safetySurvey team三、施工工艺III. Construction technology降水井施工工艺流程The work flow of drawdown well construction放线定井位钻机就位钻井换浆吊放井管填滤料粘土封井洗井安装水泵、架设电缆铺设排水总管与沉砂池抽降水位观测封井Setting out positioning of well drilling rig well drilling mud fluid
11、displacement lifting of well pipe filter material filling shut-in well with clay well flushing installing water pump and cable lay drain header and sedimentation tank drawdown by pumping optical level observation well shut-in1、测量定位1. Survey and positioning按施工图放出井的中心点。井位应设立显著标志,必要时用钢纤打入地面以下300mm,并灌石灰
12、粉作标记。Mark out the center point of the well according to the construction drawing. A clear district sign shall be erected at the well position and a steel rod shall be driven by 300mm under the ground if necessary. In addition, lime powder shall be poured as marker. 2、钻孔定位2. Location of drill hole以定好
13、的井位点为中心,500mm为直径作圆,向下开作为井口。深度以见原状土为准,确认无地下管线与地下构筑物后放护筒,护筒外侧填粘土封隔好表层杂填土,以防钻井冲洗液漏失。Taking the well location as the center, make a circle of diameter 500mm and cut a 0.4m opening downward. The depth shall be such that reaching the undisturbed soil. The retaining cylinder shall be laid after confirming
14、there is no underground pipeline and structure. The outside of retaining cylinder shall be filled with clay to isolate the miscellaneous fill at the surface layer, so as to prevent the leakage of drilling fluid.3、桩机就位3. Pile driver positioning桩机就位时需用水准仪找平,做到稳固、周正、水平,以保证钻进过程中的钻机稳定。起落钻塔必须平稳、准确。钻机就位偏差应
15、小于10mm,钻塔垂直度偏差应小于1%。For positioning of pile driver, optical level shall be used for leveling. It shall be stable,regular and horizontal, so as to ensure the stability of the drilling rig in the drilling process. The lifting and lowering of drilling tower must be stable and accurate. The deviation of
16、 drilling rig positioning should be less than 10mm and the verticality deviation of the drilling tower shall be less than 1%.4、造浆:4. Mud making:根据地层情况采用正循环钻方法成孔,一般采用地层自造浆护壁。当遇到砂层时,采用膨润土保持泥浆比重为1.1-1.15 g/cm3造浆护壁成孔。地层土质松散时,孔内泥浆应高于地面。According to the stratum layer, normal circulation drilling method sh
17、all be used for bore forming. Normally, the native mud is used for wall retaining. When sand layer is encountered, bentonite shall be used for mud (keeping the .) making and bore forming. When the soil is loose, the mud inside the bore shall be higher than the ground. 5、钻井5. Drilling钻进过程中要随时观察泥浆的流损变
18、化,水的补充要泥浆的流损情况与时调整,一般应保持泥浆液面不低于井口下1米,当钻遇砂层,泥浆大量流失时,应加大补水量,并投入适量的膨润土形成一定粘度的泥浆以控制冲洗液漏失,防止塌孔事故。在以粘土为主的地层中钻井时,由于钻井自造浆较稠,钻进效率低,此时可排走一局部泥浆,补充清水,调整泥浆密度到适宜状态。钻进中发现塌孔、斜孔时应与时处理。缩孔时应经常提动钻具修扩孔壁,每次冲击时间不宜过长,防止卡钻。In the process of drilling, attention shall be always paid to the flowing loss of mud. The water makeu
19、p and mud flowing loss shall be timely adjusted. In general, the mud shall be kept at a level not lower than the wellhead by 1m. When sand layer is encountered and great amount of mud flows off, great amount of water shall be made up and proper amount of bentonite shall be put in to establish the mu
20、d of a certain viscosity, control the leakage of flushing fluid and prevent the bore collapse accident. When drilling in the stratum that is mainly formed by clay, because native slurry of the well is thick and the efficiency of drilling is low, in this case some mud can be discharged and clean wate
21、r shall replenished to adjust the mud density to a proper state. Bore collapse and inclination during drilling shall be timely treated. In case of shrinkage cavity, the drilling tool shall be frequently lifted up for repairing and expanding the bore wall. The time of each percussion shall not be too
22、 long, so as to prevent jamming.6、换浆6. Mud fluid displacement钻孔至设计深度后一般应大于设计深度的,将钻头提高左右并加清水稀释,直到泥浆密度接近,粘度为1820s。现场观察一般以换浆后泥浆不染手为准。替浆过程中,应按排泥浆的清运或排放工作。After drilling to the design depth (normally deeper than the design depth by 0.5m 1.0m), the drilling bit shall be uplifted by about 0.5m and clean wa
23、ter shall be added for dilution till the density of mud reaches 1.05g/cm3 and the viscosity is 18 20s. For field observation, the criteria is that the mud does not adhere to hands after displacement. During displacement, mud removal or discharge shall be arranged. 7、下管7. Pipe placement、检查井管有无残缺、断裂与弯

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