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1、昆虫形态学 Insect morphology,Head of Insectcompound eyes one to 3 simple eyes(ocellus,plural ocelli)antennae head regionsmouthparts,review,Review,2.5 Mouthparts of insect,Review,LP,Review,Review,昆虫形态学 Insect morphology,Chapter 2 Head of Insects第二章 昆虫的头部 2.6 Cervix(Neck)昆虫的颈,2.6 Cervix(Neck)昆虫的颈,Contains

2、both labial and prothoracic components 部分来源于下唇节,部分来源于前胸Cervical sclerites 颈片 颈部骨片的统称supporting the head and articulating it with the prothorax,Muscle of Cervix,Controls head movement Arise on the postoccipital ridge 次后头内脊 and are attached to the antecosta 前内脊 of the mesothorax 中胸,Chapter 3 Thorax of

3、 Insects第三章 昆虫的胸部,Insect morphology昆 虫 形 态 学,Why Study the Insect Thorax?,Structure determines how an insect moves through its habitat.Wings determine flight capability.Legs determine how it moves and digs on land.,Leristes leechi(=Tibicen leechi),3.1 Structure of Thorax 胸部的基本构造,Thorax is composed o

4、f three segmentsthe first or prothroax 前胸,the second or mesothorax 中胸,and the third or metathorax 后胸,Thorax is the center of locomotionHighly sclerotized;fore legs-mid legs-hind legsIn most winged insects mesothorax and metathoraxenlarged relative to prothoraxformed a pterothorax 翅胸(forewings+hind w

5、ings),I.Prothorax 前胸 without wingsstructure usually simple1)pronotum 前胸背板 may be simple in structure and small in comparison with other notasome insects with secondary sulcus on pronotum without antecosta 前内脊(前脊沟内陷),-But in some insects the pronotum are highly modified.Locusts,mole crickets of Ortho

6、ptera 直翅目Treehoppers of Hemiptera 半翅目Rhinoceros beetles of Coleoptera 鞘翅目,Treehoppers,Leafhopper,生气呢?眼dou红了,Treehoppers,我很丑 吗,浆头叶蝉,2)propleuron 前胸侧板 In primal insect or insect with undeveloped prothorax the propleuron is also undeveloped usually divided into episternum 前侧片 and epimeron 后侧片 by pleura

7、l sulcus 侧沟pleural articulation 侧基突the process at the bottom of the pleural sulcus 侧沟下端与胸足相抵的关节突articulates with the basal segment of foreleg,Propleuron 前胸侧板In primal insect or insect with undeveloped prothorax the propleuron is also undeveloped,e.g.,that of a locust,Eps,episternumT,protergumCx,coxa

8、 of prothoracic legTn,trochantinTr,trochanter,3)prosternum 前胸腹板Usually undeveloped,and sometimes with some special structures e.g.,jumping organ of click beetles 叩头虫的关键,II.Pterothorax 翅胸 Two phases associated with the development of the thorax as the locomotary center in the evolution of the typical

9、 insectan body plan walking legs became restricted to the three thoracic segmentsarticulated wings were formed on the meso-and metathoracic tergaThen secondary changes happened to strengthen the region for increased muscular power,1)Tergum of pterothorax具翅胸节背板 Three sulciantecostal sulcus 前脊沟-内陷为前内脊

10、(多扩大为悬骨 phragma)prescutal sulcus 前盾沟 scutoscutellar sulcus 盾间沟,Tergum of pterothoraxIs divided intoAcrotergite 端背片后胸端背片常向前扩展与中胸的背板紧接,成为中胸后背片 postnotum Prescutum 前盾片Scutum 盾片Scutellum 小盾片 Notal wing process 背翅突(anterior/posterior notal wing process),Acrotergite 端背片(=后背片 postnotum)Prescutum 前盾片Scutum,

11、Sct 盾片Scutellum,Scl 小盾片 Notal wing process,NP 背翅突,ANP,anterior notal wing process;Scl,scutellum;Sct,principal part of scutum;Sct,posterior,lateral subdivisions of scutum;Spt,spinose tubercle of lateral presuctal area of mesotergum,An Example!,Hemiptera 半翅目、Coleoptera 鞘翅目昆虫中胸和后胸背板常被翅覆盖,仅三角形的中胸小盾片在翅基部

12、露出半翅目的龟蝽、盾蝽中胸小盾片后延,可将翅和整个腹部盖住,盾 蝽,2)pleuron of pterothora 具翅胸节侧板 Episternum,Eps 前侧片Epimeron,Epm 后侧片 Pleural articulation,PA 侧基突Pleural wing process,WP 侧翅突Trochantin,Tn 基前转片,Ba,basalar sclertie;Sa,subalare;Sp,spiracle;WP,pleural wing process;Epm,epimeron;Eps,episternum;Pls,pleural suture;,Prealare 翅前

13、桥(前侧片+前盾片)Postalare 翅后桥(后侧片+后背片)Precoxale 基前桥(足基节臼前的侧板+腹板)Postcoxale 基后桥(足基节臼后的侧板+腹板)Epipleurites 上侧片:侧翅突前后的膜质区中的骨片,包括前上侧片basalare和后上侧片subalare,Generalized Metathorax,lateral view,3)Sternum 具翅胸节腹板A couple of sulci presternal sulcus 前腹沟sternacostal sulcus 腹脊沟Is divided into Presternum 前腹片 Eusternum 主

14、腹片(furcasternum具叉腹片)Basisternum 基腹片 Sternellum 小腹片 Intersternite 间腹片(spinasternite 具刺腹片)With spina 内刺突 inside,前,后,An Example,Bs,basisternum;fs,furcal suture;pss,pleurosternal suture;sa,roots of sternal apophyses;Sl,sternellum;spn,depression marking the site of the internal spina,presternal sulcus 前腹

15、沟sternacostal sulcus 腹脊沟Presternum 前腹片 Eusternum 主腹片(furcasternum,具叉腹片)Basisternum,Bs 基腹片,Sternellum,Sl 小腹片 Intersternite 间腹片(spinasternite,spn 具刺腹片),Ventral view of thorax of an unidentified grasshopper,中胸基腹片,中胸小腹片,后胸基腹片,后胸小腹片,棉蝗腹板,Tergum 背板phragma(pl.phragmata)悬骨前内脊内陷扩展形成的1对板状脊Pleuron 侧板pleural ap

16、ophysis 侧内突侧内脊内陷扩展形成的臂状内脊Sternum 腹板ventral apophysis 腹内突spina 内刺突 腹脊沟内陷形成,Approx.positions of furcal pits,Dorso-Ventral flight muscles,III.Endoskeleton of Thorax 胸部的内骨骼,3.2 Legs of adult insects昆 虫 的 足,3.2.1 Structure of Legs 胸足的构造,Each leg contains five structural components(segments)Coxa 基节Trochan

17、ter 转节Femur 股节、腿节Tibia 胫节Tarsus 跗节,Generalized Leg,Coxa TrochanterFemur Tibia Tarsus,thoracic body wall,Pretarsus 前跗节ungues(claws)跗节爪 pulvillus 爪垫unguitractor plate 掣爪片-陷入末跗节的小骨片,为爪的缩肌着生处arolium 中垫-爪基部的瓣状突起empodium 爪间突-掣爪片端部中央的突起,3.2.2 Leg Adaptations and Modifications足的特化和适应,Typically the legs are

18、concerned with walking and running,but they may be specialized for a variety of functionsJumpingSwimmingGraspingDiggingSound productionCleaning,Walking(Cursorial)leg步行足Ground beetles,Tiger beetles and Cockroaches adapted for running consist of five partscoxa:基部与侧基突相接处形成关节窝 articular sockettrochanter

19、:较小,仅蜻蜓的转节分成两节 femur:最粗最长 tibia:细长,常具刺 tarsus:常分2-5个亚节(跗分节tarsomere),具有典型步行足的甲虫,Jumping(Saltatorial)leg跳跃足 Grasshoppers,flea beetlesAdapted for jumping Hind femur well developedHind tibia long and narrow,宋玉九辩:独申旦(通宵达旦)而不寐兮,哀蟋蟀之宵征诗经召南草虫:喓喓草虫(蝈蝈),趯趯阜螽(蚱蜢、螽斯)。未见君子,忧心忡忡。亦既见止,亦既觏止,我心则降,Grasping(Raptorial

20、)leg 捕捉足Praying mantids 螳螂,Mantispid 螳蛉Adapted for catching and holding prey Coxa elongated,tibia and femur of foreleg are equipped with spines 腿节腹面有槽,胫节可以嵌于其中,Mantispid螳?,Digging(Fossorial)leg 开掘足Mole crickets 蝼蛄,cicadas 蝉,various beetles 某些甲虫(?)adapted for digging in soil forelegs are large,heavil

21、y sclerotized,and posses stout clawstibia are flattened,with teethtarsomeres are reduced in number or may disappear entirely,Swimming(Natatorial)leg 游泳足Diving bugs 负子蝽,Water beetles 水龟甲 and Predaceous diving beetles 龙虱adapted for swimming tibia and tarsus of hindlegs(occasionally also the middle leg

22、s)are flattened,bear rigid hairs around the periphery,Clasping leg 抱握足 Fore legs of predaceous diving beetlesadapted for graspingused for hanging onto the female during mating(龙虱雄性前足跗节特别膨大、宽扁,有吸盘构造),Pollen-carrying leg¬ch(antenna cleaner)携粉足及净角器 HoneybeeNotch 净角器:lined with hairs occurs on the me

23、tatarsus of foreleghindlegs of the bee are modified for pollen collection.,Comb 花粉刷 Rows of hairs on the inner side of first tarsomere,can scrape pollen off the abdomen 后足基跗节扁宽,有毛pollen basket:胫节扁平,两侧长毛环抱形成“花粉篮”,Clinging(Scansorial)legs 攀悬足louse leg is short and thicktip with a single,large tarsal claw which folds back against the tibial process 足各节较短,胫节端部有1指状突起;前跗节爪单一,呈钩状。,Bizarre insects with strange legs,Bizarre insects withstrange legs,Anointing behaviour,Bizarre insects with strange legs,Leafhopper beauty cream,Whose legs are these?,?,


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