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1、S401 Rear Frame DFMCAD version number:95_23335_A01,Product information,产品尺寸 Product size:311.06*935.6*62.4,Cavity and core Impression,Cavity,Core,Tool information,Need your input and correction to below information:,Shrinkage,Notes:above shrinkage is estimated according to our understanding,pls corr

2、ect it if there is any risk of getting right dimension,Y,X,?,?,?,Gate layout,三点位置针阀式热嘴转搭底进胶 3 point valve gates turn to edge gate,Part Layout,Tool top,Notes:this is very rough layout,but it is a Useful guidance for our tool designer.,Need to show part layout to avoid customer misunderstood our propo

3、sal,出模方向 Demolding direction,Benchmark Location,客户确认所有安装孔都是一个方向,Parting line,P/LINE,Notes:please advice any concern on propose parting line.,蓝色为PL线 Blue line is PL line.,P/LINE,Notes:please advice any concern on propose parting line.,Parting line,蓝色为PL线 Blue line is PL line.,目前没有插穿角度,为简化分型面,此处做5以上插穿

4、(左右两侧)This position do not have shut off angle.For To simplify the parting line,we suggest make 5 degree shut off shutoff angle.(Both side are the same),确认是否能更改(客户不能理解此处具体意思);客户回复分型线有问题,都是放在最下面的,不会出现插穿面,乐新下来根据客户意见重新分析,参考S301,Parting line,P/LINE,Notes:please advice any concern on propose parting line

5、.,此处建议做3度左右减胶拔模,模具上需插穿 We suggest reduce plastic to increase the draft angle to 3 degree.,Parting line,P/LINE,Notes:please advice any concern on propose parting line.,蓝色为PL线 PL line,Insert lines of Cavity side,Notes:please advice any concern on propose parting line.,前模镶件结构如示 Cavity side main inserts

6、 layout,软硬模前模镶件分型一样 Soft tool and Hard tool are the same,Insert 1,Insert 2,Insert 3,此区域要做成整块,要装配帘布,不能有分型线,Insert lines of Core side,后模镶件结构如示 Cavity side main inserts layout,软硬模后模分3件Soft tool and Hard tool are the same,Insert 1,Insert 2,Insert 3,Core Lifter&Slider,Notes:please advice any concern on w

7、itness line form by lifter.,后模行位1和2(左右两侧),Core side slider 1,2 and slider insert line(both side are the same),倒扣问题,PPT说明不清楚,乐新重新更新,Core Lifter&Slider,Notes:please advice any concern on witness line form by lifter.,后模行位3 Core side slider 3 position and slider insert lines,乐新重新更新PPT,需要客户确认的东西都要提出来是否需要

8、客户确认,确认何种问题,Thickness Analysis(shrinkage/strength/sink mark),产品整体胶厚均匀Overall the part thickness even,Draft angle information Cavity,Core side,Cavity side,前模此处位置倒扣,需修改 These position have undercut need to modify,产品周圈无出模斜度,建议减胶拔模出后模 This position around the Parts do not have demolding draft angle,need

9、 to modify,Part Issue one,客户下来检查数据,Draft Analysis information-Core side,Cavity side,Core side,后模所有未拔模面建议减胶拔模1以上At the Core side,all these surface need reduce plastic make draft angle more then one degree.,Part Issue two,客户确认更改,Cavity Lifter&Slider,Notes:please advice any concern on witness line form

10、 by lifter.,此处位置倒扣,为简化模具结构和生产稳定,建议修改。Undercut position need to modify,建议修改成这种枕位可以成型的特征(左右两侧)Suggest modify like this(both are the same),Part Issue three,PPT乐新更新得更详细,,0.65,此处模具上做枕位封胶太薄,而且此处C角和R角会产生薄钢,建议取消,加宽枕位封胶位置2MM以上This position is plastic too thin,that will lead to mold sharp steel.We suggest inc

11、rease the distance more then 2mm.,Part Issue four,帘布导向装置,查看K4的数据,并反馈客户,产品此处所有类似特征建议移动到0.5MM左右。避免后续生产披锋Suggest for the chain hold move to 0.5mm.To avoid flash in the mass production.,Part Issue Five,客户同意模具上调整,,产品此处位置倒扣,需像下侧特征开通 These position have undercut,need modify as this pictures.,Part Issue Six

12、,数据问题,Engraving Position layout,晒字位置,需以最终模具图位置为准,根据2D图纸,We need cosmetic specification to make this Detailed surface finishing.Please highlight it.,Cavity cooling line layout,We need cosmetic specification to make this Detailed surface finishing.Please highlight it.,Core side cooling line layout,We need cosmetic specification to make this Detailed surface finishing.Please highlight it.,蓝色为顶针,具体位置以最终模具图为准Need according to the final mold 3D,Ejector pin position layout,螺丝孔周围不能有顶针,THANKS,


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