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1、Starter B 总复习Unit1 Thats my father!祖父grandfather祖母grandmother父亲father母亲mother叔叔uncle阿姨aunt堂/表兄弟姐妹cousin男人man女人woman别蠢了!Dont be silly!老师teacher护士nurse男警察policeman女警察policewoman医生doctor舞者dancer国王king王后queen瘦的thin胖的fat高的tall小的little那个男人是谁?Whos that man?T恤T-shirt鸭舌帽cap在Tom后面的女人是谁?Whos that woman behind

2、Tom?保持安静!Be quiet!歌手singer穿绿毛衣的是她的妈妈.Thats her mother in the green sweater.那个拿着汉堡的是她的父亲.Thats her father with the hamburger.Unit1 Thats my father! 祖父祖母父亲母亲叔叔阿姨堂/表兄弟姐妹男人女人别蠢了!老师护士男警察女警察医生舞者国王王后瘦的胖的高的小的那个男人是谁?T恤鸭舌帽在Tom后面的女人是谁?保持安静!歌手穿绿毛衣的是她的妈妈.那个拿着汉堡的是她的父亲.练习巩固一、 将下列句子改为缩写形式1. That is my sister. She i

3、s tall and thin._2. Who is that man? That is her uncle._3. That is the king. He is good._Unit2 This is our house.卧室bedroom房子house厨房kitchen起居室sitting room卫生间bathroom餐厅dining room在A和B之间between A and B在旁边next to欢迎wele幸运的狗lucky dog这很有趣!Its fun!我们的our你们的your他们的their真漂亮very nice卫生间在哪里?Wheres the bathroom?

4、他在洗澡Hes in the bath.我认为I think看它的大嘴和牙齿!Look at its big mouth and teeth!那个在房子前面的人是谁?Whos that in front of the house?小房间是什么颜色的?What color is the little bedroom?Unit2 This is our house. 卧室房子厨房起居室卫生间餐厅在A和B之间在旁边欢迎幸运的狗这很有趣!我们的你们的他们的真漂亮卫生间在哪里?他在洗澡我认为看它的大嘴和牙齿!那个在房子前面的人是谁?小房间是什么颜色的?练习巩固一、 用所学的方位介词in/between/

5、behind/in front of/ next to填空1. My dad is _ our house.2. My sister is _ my mum and dad.3. A dog is _ my grandmother. 4. The tree is _ our house. 5. My uncle is _ the sitting room.6. Our cat is _ my aunt. Unit 3 Get off the bed!床bed椅子chair电脑puter书桌desk台灯lamp海报poster架子shelf门door墙wall从床上下来!Get off the

6、bed!在床旁边有一个台灯.Theres a lamp next to the bed.熊猫panda架子上没有一个玩具娃娃There isnt a doll on the shelf.房子里有窗户吗?- 有/没有.Is there a window in this house?-Yes, there is/ No, there isnt.青蛙frog我的球在墙上Theres my ball on the wall. phone让我们打 给我们的朋友.Lets call our friend.我最喜欢的商店在这个购物中心里.My favourite shop is in the mall.Un

7、it 3 Get off the bed! 床椅子电脑书桌台灯海报架子门墙从床上下来!在床旁边有一个台灯.熊猫架子上没有一个玩具娃娃房子里有窗户吗?- 有/没有.青蛙我的球在墙上 让我们打 给我们的朋友.我最喜欢的商店在这个购物中心里.练习巩固一、 将下面的短语重新组合成正确的句子.1. in the room? / a bed/ is there_2. between the chair/ is there/ and the desk?/ a bed_3. on/ is there/ a poster/ the wall_4. a lamp/ on the desk?/ is there_5

8、. next to the door?/ is there/ a window_6. a book/ the school bag?/ in/ is there_Unit 4 Its time for lunch!早上morning 下午afternoon晚上evening深夜night早餐breakfast午餐lunch晚餐supper11eleven12twelve早上好!Good morning!下午好!Good afternoon!晚上好!Good evening!晚安!Good night!现在是早晨.Its morning.是吃早餐/中餐/晚餐的时间了.Its time for b

9、reakfast/lunch/supper.现在是睡觉的时间了.Its time for bed.现在几点?What time is it?现在是11点钟.Its eleven oclock.真棒的一天!A great day!你盘子里有什么?Whats on your plate?香肠sausage你真幸运!Lucky you!沙拉salad三明治sandwich中饭吃什么?Whats for lunch?给你!Here you are!我在厨房里.Im in the kitchen.拍手clapUnit 4 Its time for lunch!早上下午晚上深夜早餐午餐晚餐1112早上好!

10、下午好!晚上好!晚安!现在是早晨.是吃早餐/中餐/晚餐的时间了.现在是睡觉的时间了.现在几点?现在是11点钟.真棒的一天!你盘子里有什么?香肠你真幸运!沙拉三明治中饭吃什么?给你!我在厨房里.拍手Unit 5 Thats Teds puppet小船boat游戏game木偶puppet拼图puzzle滑板Skateboard跳神Skipping rope飞船spaceship足球football飞盘Frisbee真乱啊!What a mess!那是Ted的木偶.Thats Teds puppet.那是Ted的木偶吗?-是的./ 不是.Is that Teds puppet?-Yes, it is

11、./ No, it isnt这是谁的飞盘?Whose Frisbee is it?谢谢你的飞盘.Thank you for this Frisbee.我最喜欢的玩具是飞船.My favourite toy is a spaceship.她最喜欢什么玩具?Whats her favourite toy?我哥哥的名字是Tommy.My brothers name is Tommy.在起居室有一个大的玩具.Theres a big toy in our sitting room.这个木偶叫什么名字?Whats the puppets name?让我们在滑板上滑行.Lets skate on a sk

12、ateboard.让我们用跳神来跳.Lets skip with a skipping rope.让我们用雪橇来滑雪.Lets ski on skis.让我们乘飞船在天空中飞行.Lets fly in the sky in a spaceship.让我们用勺子来吃饭.Lets eat with a spoon.Unit 5 Thats Teds puppet小船游戏木偶拼图滑板跳神飞船足球飞盘真乱啊!那是Ted的木偶.那是Ted的木偶吗?-是的./ 不是.这是谁的飞盘?谢谢你的飞盘.我最喜欢的玩具是飞船.她最喜欢什么玩具?我哥哥的名字是Tommy.在起居室有一个大的玩具.这个木偶叫什么名字?让

13、我们在滑板上滑行.让我们用跳神来跳.让我们用雪橇来滑雪.让我们乘飞船在天空中飞行.让我们用勺子来吃饭.巩固练习请用whose或whos 填空1. _ in the kitchen? - Its my uncle.2. _ boat is it? - Its Daves.3. _ that girl? - Thats Meg.4. _ book is this? - Its Marys.5. _ that man? - Hes my teacher.6. _ football is it? - Thats Peters.Unit 6 This is my uncles farm鸟bird小鸡ch

14、icken驴子donkey鸭子duck农场farm山羊goat马horse绵阳sheep羊羔lamb公牛bull奶牛cow这些是我们的绵羊.These are our sheep.这些不是我们的绵羊.These arent our sheep.这些是我们的绵羊吗?Are these our sheep?那些是鸭子Those are ducks.那些是鸭子吗?-是的/ 不是Are those ducks?- Yes, they are./ No, they arent.看那!Look over there!看这!Look here!他们的鸡蛋当早饭很好.Their eggs are good f

15、or breakfast.在农场上On the farmUnit 6 This is my uncles farm鸟小鸡驴子鸭子农场山羊马绵阳羊羔公牛奶牛这些是我们的绵羊.这些不是我们的绵羊.这些是我们的绵羊吗?那些是鸭子那些是鸭子吗?-是的/ 不是看那!看这!他们的鸡蛋当早饭很好.在农场上巩固练习组词成句1. are/ ducks/ those _.2. bulls/ big/ are/ those _?3. next to/ the goats/ those/ are/ cows _?4. are/ these/ little/ lambs _.5. good/ breakfast/ th

16、ese/ are/ eggs/ for _.Unit 7 What super food!盒子/Box/ boxes樱桃/Cherry/ cherries碟子/Dish/ dishes食物food叉子/Fork/ forks杯子/Glass/ glasses小刀/Knife/ knives三明治/Sandwich/ sandwiches草莓/Strawberry/ strawberries竹子bamboo桃子/Peach/ peaches土豆/Potato/ potatoes这些/那些是什么?What are these/those?它们是盘子.They are dishes.多棒的食物啊!W

17、hat great food!香肠在哪里?Where are the sausages?多奇怪的食物啊!What strange food!谁在桌子后面?Whos that behind the table?今天是他生日.Its his birthday.桌子上的食物是给Jed的.The food on the table is for Jed.在蓝色盘子里面的那些是什么?What are those in the blue dish?香肠是Jed最喜欢的食物.Sausages are Jeds favourite food.在Jed前面是什么?Whats that in front of J

18、ed?生日蛋糕Birthday cake生日快乐Happy birthday.Unit 7 What super food!盒子/樱桃/碟子/食物叉子/杯子/小刀/三明治/草莓/竹子桃子/土豆/这些/那些是什么?它们是盘子.多棒的食物啊!香肠在哪里?多奇怪的食物啊!谁在桌子后面?今天是他生日.桌子上的食物是给Jed的.在蓝色盘子里面的那些是什么?香肠是Jed最喜欢的食物.在Jed前面是什么?生日蛋糕生日快乐巩固练习将下列的食物名词复数进行归类peach knife potato dish sandwich strawberry box glass cherry tomato-es-ies-ve

19、sUnit 8 Theyre Dads shoes!长裙dress夹克外套jacket牛仔裤jeans鞋子shoe短裙skirt短袜sock牛仔裤jeans大衣coat围巾/复数Scarf/ scarves好多的袜子啊!What a lot of socks!真有趣!What fun!它们是谁的大衣?Whose coats are they?不要触摸.Dont touch.在树上In a tree你是火车上的一名司机.Youre a driver in a train.货车truck在你的梦中In your dream.Unit 8 Theyre Dads shoes!长裙夹克外套牛仔裤鞋子短

20、裙短袜牛仔裤大衣围巾/复数好多的袜子啊!真有趣!它们是谁的大衣?不要触摸.在树上你是火车上的一名司机.货车在你的梦中巩固练习组词成句1. theyre/ sisters/ my/ sweaters _.2. blue/ whose/ are/ the trousers _?3. color/ what/ are/ jeans/ your brothers _?4. socks/ green/ are/ my/ mums _.Unit 9 They are happy dogs!干净的clean脏的dirty干燥的dry潮湿的wet高兴的happy不高兴的unhappy饿的hungry渴的thi

21、rsty冷cold热hot新的new旧的old回来!e back!我们we你们you他们they太阳sun我们很热.We are hot.你们热吗?-是的/不是.Are you hot?- Yes, we are./ No, we arent.Unit 9 They are happy dogs!干净的脏的干燥的潮湿的高兴的不高兴的饿的渴的冷热新的旧的回来!我们你们他们太阳我们很热.你们热吗?-是的/不是.巩固练习按要求改写句子1. were unhappy boys.We arent unhappy. We are happy.2. Theyre dry jeans._3. Theyre c

22、lean shoes._4. Youre hungry boys._Unit 10 What pretty flowers!乡村countryside田野field花flower小山hill河流river城市town树tree公交车bus道路road商店shop在乡下有一些房屋.There are shops in the countryside.在河边有一些高大的树.There are tall trees next to the river.多漂亮的花呀!What pretty flowers!山上有些山羊.There are sheep on the hills.农田里有一些奶牛.The

23、re are cows in the fields河里没有兔子.There arent rabbits in the river.城市里有商店吗?-有/ 没有.Are there shops in the town?- Yes, there are./ No, there arent.这是一个带有黄色门和蓝色窗户的小房子.Its a little house with a yellow door and blue windows.有路从乡村通往城市.There are roads from the countryside to the town.Unit 10 What pretty flow

24、ers!乡村田野花小山河流城市树公交车道路商店在乡下有一些房屋.在河边有一些高大的树.多漂亮的花呀!山上有些山羊.农田里有一些奶牛.河里没有兔子.城市里有商店吗?-有/ 没有.这是一个带有黄色门和蓝色窗户的小房子.有路从乡村通往城市.巩固练习改写句子There are flowers in front of my house.改否定句:_改一般疑问句:_做肯定和否定回答:_Unit 11 Nineteen bones in the house13thirteen14fourteen15fifteen16sixteen17seventeen18eighteen19nineteen20twenty

25、21Twenty-one有多少根骨头?How many bones are there?你是一只坏狗!You are a bad dog!幸运的狗Lucky dog10加10是20Ten and ten is twenty.你是错的.Youre wrong.你是对的.Youre right.现在九点钟.Its nine oclock.Jack在学校很开心.Jack is happy at school.在椅子旁边的书包是谁的?Whose school bag is next to the chair?我不知道.I dont know.Unit 11 Nineteen bones in the

26、house131415161718192021有多少根骨头?你是一只坏狗!幸运的狗10加10是20你是错的.你是对的.现在九点钟.Jack在学校很开心.在椅子旁边的书包是谁的?我不知道.巩固练习一、 将数字公式写成英文1. 8+13=21 _2. 9+8=17 _二、对划线部分提问There are eighteen apples on the table._?三、用what,where,how many,who,或whose填写句子.1. _ colour are cherries? Red.2. _ are Dans bones? Under the bed.3. _ is that wo

27、man? My teacher.4. _ pencils are there? Six.5. _ apples are they? Jacks.5. _ time is it? Eight oclock.Unit 12 Hide behind the bush!饼干biscuit灌木丛bush抓住catch喝drink吃eat躲藏hide跳jump跑run起立stand up坐下sit down水water大叫shout唱歌sing歌曲song扔throw吃你的饼干!Eat your biscuit!喝你的水!Drink your water!躲在灌木丛后面!Hide behind the b

28、ush!饼干是给好狗的.Biscuits are for good dogs.请不要大声喧哗!Please dont shout!保持安静!Be quiet!这是一个美好的早晨!Its a great morning!不要唱那个歌!Dont sing that song!是起床的时间了.Its time to get up!跳在空中!Jump in the air!接住一个足球!Catch a football!站在你的椅子旁边!Stand next to your chair!坐在你的椅子上!Sit on your chair!不要在课堂上吃东西!Dont eat in class!拼写sp

29、ell不要在课桌上写字!Dont write on your desk!不要扔你的书!Dont throw your book!现在是吃中饭的时间了!Its time for lunch!Unit 12 Hide behind the bush! 饼干灌木丛抓住喝吃躲藏跳跑起立坐下水大叫唱歌歌曲扔吃你的饼干!喝你的水!躲在灌木丛后面!饼干是给好狗的.请不要大声喧哗!保持安静!这是一个美好的早晨!不要唱那个歌!是起床的时间了.跳在空中!接住一个足球!站在你的椅子旁边!坐在你的椅子上!不要在课堂上吃东西!拼写不要在课桌上写字!不要扔你的书!现在是吃中饭的时间了!Unit 13 I can danc

30、e!画画draw跳舞dance听listen踢足球play football弹钢琴play the piano打网球play tennis拉小提琴play the violin读书read写字write手hand脚趾toe触摸touch你可以碰到你的脚趾.You can touch your toes.你可以碰到你的脚趾吗?可以./不可以.Can you touch your toes?-yes, I can./ no, I cant.倒立stand on your hands起立.stand up跳神skip这个游戏太有趣了.The game is fun.我在5班.Im in class 5.我会读写英语.I can read and write English.又高又瘦tall and slim一个好的舞者a good dancer我会唱很多歌.I can sing a lot of songs.Unit 13 I can dance!画画跳舞听踢足球弹钢琴打网球拉小提琴读书写字手脚趾触摸你可以碰到你的脚趾.你可以碰到你的脚趾吗?可以./不可以.倒立起立.跳神这个游戏太有趣了.我在5班.我会读写英语.又高又瘦一个好的舞者我会唱很多歌.


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