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1、中国银行英语笔试真题一、单项选择题1.The manager was_for the damage caused by his staffs lack of care.2.The head of marketing was concerned_the major change in the business environmet.3.His doctor suggested to him that he_medication everyday.4.We provide the prompt,efficient and high quality service consumers expect

2、from_.A.ourselves B.ours C.we 5._you have already registered for the 2007 Forum,attend this free pre-forum class.6.We keep our clients informed of every_matter influencing their rights.7.Attractive pensation_with qualifications and experience will be offered to all successful candidates.8.One thing

3、you can count on is that the stock market almost never does_you expect it to do.9.The consulting firm_China as the seventh largest retail market in the world,behind the UnitedStates,Japan,the United Kingdom,Germany,France and Italy.10.Mr.Yun will supply you with the_information required to register

4、your product at the appliances exposition.11.The second shipment of ink cartridges was_due to some defects in the quality.12.The directors that participated in the meeting were required to contribute_suggestions to theircolleagues.13.I bet he is well_for the position of takinig care of his staff.14.

5、Presently,_appears that the problem of absenteeism has yet to be adequately addressed.15._the pany is not as successful as other big panies,its proven ti can expand internationally.A.Even though B.If C.Yet D.As though16.It was my deepest regret that i failed to submit my report by the_deadline.17.Ou

6、r respect for customers and the environment is at the heart of_everything we do.18.Their first propsal wasnt as plete as_even though theirs was considered better and more thorough.A.we C.ours D.ourselves.19.Many sales representaitves prefer to use laptop puters because they are_for people who t

7、ravel a lot.20.DHXprovides_to global marketplace information linking supply chains,transportations,and relatedinformation services.参考答案与解析:1.D。 be 动词的后面使用“形容词+介词形式,往往考查的是固定搭配。be responsible for.对某事负责。2.D。 将其当作“be+形容词“关心某事,记挂某事3.。 C suggest 一词是关键的解题提示。suggeset 有“主X、要求、命令、提议、忠告等意思。that引导的从句中,动词的前面省略了表

8、示你“应该这样做的should,因此这里应该使用动词原形。由于后面有宾语,所以A 选项是错误的。4.D。 介词的后面的人称代词应当用宾语形式。因此D 选项是正确答案。实际上ourselves 和ours 也有可能用作宾格,但为什么用在这里不对呢?ourselves 和动词expect的主体consumers 不一致。ours 的意思是“我们的东西,而这里没有讲到“我们的东西是什么。5.D。 只要出现两个“S+V,就要考虑填入连词,B 选项是介词,应排除。剩下的都是引导状语从句的连词,答案就要通过释义来判断。6.A。 此题考查形容词的用法,因此要考虑和它修饰的名词matter的关系。要记住sig

9、nificant 在这里是“重要的的意思。7.C。 形容词放在名词后面修饰名词,省略了which/who is。因此这里仍然是“be+形容词+介词的形式。be mensurate with 意为“与某物成比例。8.A。 空格内应填入引导名词从句的连词,从句做does与物动词的宾语。另外,空格后的句子里没有do 的宾语,是不完整的。因此填入what 是正确的。9.A。 遇到考查动词用法的题目,就要注意空格后面的局部。rank A as B,意为“把A 评为B 级。所有选项中的动词都很重要,请一定通过查字典、看例句来掌握它们的用法。10.A。 空格内应填入起形容词作用的单词,因而就要通过分辨A.B

10、.C 这3 个选项意义上的差异来解题。一个秘诀是,当很难从语感上判断时,就选择原始的形容词。specific information 意为“具体信息。11.B。 后面的defect 是解题的提示。货品有缺陷,怎么做才好呢?当然是拒收了。当你对词汇题没有信心时,就在题目里寻找下解题提示吧。12.B。 此题空格在名词的前面,4 个选项中只有所有格可以填入。所有格的作用相当于形容词,可以用在名词前面,但不能用在代词前面,否如此就重复了。13.C。 be(well) qualified for 意为“很具有做某事的资格14.D。 应在能做主语的he 和it 之中选择答案。后面有that,所以应选形式主

11、语it。it appears that.意为“好似.。15.A。 空格内应填入引导状语从句的连词。yet 是连词,不用在句首and,but,or 亦为如此。剩下的选项都是引导状语从句的连词,通过释义能选出最符合的答案。16.B。 此题考查修饰“最后期限deadline一词的形容词。original deadline 意为“原始的最后期限,是经常使用的短语。也请记住extended deadline 这一短语,意为“推迟的最后期限。17.B。 everything 是名词,因此很容易想到形容词去修饰;但实际上,它是形容词every 和名词thing结合而成的,应当以副词来修饰。所有选项都是副词,

12、词义也很相近。此时必须记住almost everything 这个常用词组。也请记住almost everyone。18.C。 从整体上考虑,应当填入具有“我们的提案之意的代词。这样,句子意思才能完整。因此,把our proposal 简化,填入ours。在这样的句式中,只有分析好词义才能顺利解题。因为在同位语从句中,相对的单词会被省略。比如此题中,as our proposal(was plete)替换成as ours。19.D。 be/bee/remain 这类动词经常跟形容词,做表语。这里的选项中只有D 选项是形容词。如果以名词做表语,必须和主语保持一致。20.A 。 pro

13、vide 是与物动词,因此空格内应填入宾语。正确答案是名词A 选项。provide access to 意为“使接近二、阅读理解Questions 1-4refer to the following excerpt from a brochure.Wele to the Fairchild Tropical HotelBuilt by a botanist James Koster, the first use of the building was as a dormitoryon the Florida International University campus. Considerin

14、g that James Kosterdonated more than 5 million for educational activities in his lifetime, that factis not a surprise.Converted to the Fairchild Tropical Hotel in 1936, the building now stands at thecenter of the Fairchild Tropical Garden. Guests still marvel at the waterfall andthe marble fountains

15、 in the lobby of Tropical Hotel. Galleries, museums, and theFlorida International University Academy of Botany are only a short walk away.1.What is the purpose of this brochure?A.To describe a buildingB.To ask for peoples donationsC.To discover the history of FloridaD.To inform the renovation and ex

16、pansion of the existing hotel2.How was the Fairchild Tropical Hotel originally used?A.As a warehouseB.As a university residenceC.As a museumD.As an Academy of Science3.How did James Koster contribute to the munity?A.By publishing a science journalB.By building great hotelsC.By giving money for educa

17、tionD.By writing about the towns history4.What does the Fairchild Tropical Hotel feature?A.Seminar rooms for up to 30 peopleB.A good view of the skylines of FloridaC.A waterfall in the lobbyD.An art galleryQuestions 5-9 refer to the following invoice and letter.Today, only 4 million people live and

18、work on farms in the United States, but they produce more thanenough food for 200 million Americans. They are able to do this because modern agriculture depends moreon up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does on old-fashioned knowledge and human labor.These days, one man or woman spe

19、nding an afternoon in an air-conditioned, stereo-equipped tractor can dothe work that years ago would have required hundreds of hours of back-breaking drudgery.As a result of the modernization of agriculture, the farm of today looks a lot like a factory. Whenthe farmers hens lay their eggs, conveyor

20、 belts carry the eggs off to be sorted and packed. If the farmerkeeps pigs, those pigs will not be wallowing in the mud, but lying around in sanitary pens. And the farmeris likely to be found studying a puter print-out of long-range weather conditions. Why isn t the farmer milking cows in the barn?

21、The answer is easy: A machine is doing it.This reliance on modern technology has its problems for farmers. The tractors that plow their fields,the bines that reap and thresh the grain, and the silos that store the grain for winter feeding are allvery expensive. For example, a single tractor can cost

22、 as much as $ 50,000. Without this equipment farmerscould not run their farms profitably, but, to pay for it, farmers must take out large bank loans. A singlebad season could put them deeply in debt. And, when the machinery wears out or bees obsolete, the farmersmust replace it with newer, more expe

23、nsive models. Still, most farmers are willing to put up with thesedifficulties because their machines have freed them from the heavy labor and hard life that farmers hadto endure in the past.5.In the United States there are fewer farmers, because .A. modern agriculture provides enough foodB. many fa

24、rmers have moved to citiesC. there are more well-equipped tractorsD. many farms are turned into factories6.The first paragraph suggests that .B. agriculture has greatly developedC. farmers work is less heavier than in the pastD. tractors are great helpers for the farmers7.It can be inferreded from t

25、he third paragraph that .A. modern technology has brought about a lot of troubleB. modern technology has cost farmers a lot of moneyC. farmers were put deeply in debtD. modern technology has released farmers from heavy labor8.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.

26、A modern farm and a factory are similar in some aspects.B. Farm machines are expensive.C. Farmers are unwilling to replace their worn-out machinery.D. Farmers have to borrow a lot of money for the equipment they need.9.The title that best expresses the idea of this passage is .A. Modern Farming in t

27、he USAB. Problems with Modern AgricultureC. Farming of TodayD. Modernization of AgricultureQuestions 10-14 refer to the following invoice and letter.Man lives in munities. His social existence restricts his flexibility in certain directions andextends it in others. Society imposes on him some limita

28、tions. People do not all engage in the same activities.They can be differentiated from each other by the functions they perform. This process of differentiation is called specialization. Specialization prevents many members of an industrial society from developing intelligence and initiative. Howeve

29、r, some careers in these societies demand a high degree of intelligenceand initiative. And there are some aspects of human society itself which encourage the development of such powers, indeed extend them beyond a point which cant be attained by animals or animal munities lacking the features which

30、human society uniquely possesses.Western-type democracies often claim that they provide equality of opportunity for all their citizens.At first sight it might seem that this implies the same chance for everyone of succeeding in his preferredoccupation provided he is conscious of his goal and is will

31、ing to work hard; in other words, a situationin which rewards depend only on desire and effort. What the phrase actually implies is, of course, somethingrather differentnamely a petitive situation in which the number of petitors exceeds the number ofrewards, though all petitors have the same chance,

32、 because they all start the race from the same baseline. However, it is only in theory that they all start equal. Even if the state offers them free educationand protects them from hunger or extreme poverty, many citizens are disadvantaged in practice by theirbackground, their up-bringing, and proba

33、bly other factors such as their sex or color. A process of invisibleor hidden selection goes on which has very little to do with equality of opportunity in any sense. It isnot the individual who selects his job; it is the system of society with its specialized requirements whichselects the individua

34、ls who fit its requirements.10.According to the passage, specialization is necessary because _ .A. few people can develop all-round skillsB. different social members take part in different activitiesC. man is not as capable as machines in doing some thingsD. more and more machines are taking the pla

35、ce of men11.Acoording to the viewpoint of western people, democracy enables people to _ .A. be aware of their goalsB. pete with each otherC. develop themselves from the same baseD. succeed in their careers with equal chances12.The word provided ( Line 3, Para. 2) is closest in meaning to .A. on cond

36、ition that B. in view ofC. according to D. by chance of13.Accordint to the author, which of the following is true?A. People will be equally successful if they get free-education.B. There is no such thing as absolute equality in society.C. People can have equal opportunity only if they are hardworkin

37、g.D. Western-type democracy is a suitable social system for westerners.14.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. The individual can select any kind of job he prefersB. Everyone in the society can get a good jobC. The individuals must he able to meet the needs of societyD. Everyon

38、e can be successful in his preferred occupation参考答案与解析:1.A。 第一段介绍了这座建筑最早的用途the first use of the building,第二段如此介绍此建筑被改造为宾馆Converted to the Fairchild Tropical Hotel,因此前景资料的目地是选项A:To describe a building为了介绍一座建筑。这是幼儿园水平的问题,做错了的人应该脸红。2.B。 问题的核心词汇是originally本来,原来,和文章中使用的first最开始,最早是同样的意思。通过文章可以获知最先的用途是“大学

39、宿舍the first use of the building was as a dormitory。3.C 。 文章中提与,Fairchild Tropical Hotel 最早用途是大学宿舍,并且James Koster 在教育方面捐赠了500 多万美元,因此可以得出结论,James Koster 服务社区的方法是向教育事业捐赠。4.C。 文章中说,“客人会对我们宾馆的瀑布和某某石喷泉叹为观止Guests still marvel at the waterfall and the marble fountains。因此Fairchild Tropical Hotel 的特色是“瀑布和某某石

40、喷泉。正确答案是C。5A。 答案见第一段。美国农民人数减少的根本原因是,现代化的农业为其提供了充足的食品。C 项仅仅是其中一个原因,不够全面。6B。 从第一段内容来看,主要是想说明美国的农业已经有了长足的开展。A 项推理没有依据。C、D项第一段已有明确说明。7D。 第三段暗示现代化的农业减轻了美国农民的体力劳动。A、B 项文中已明讲,C 项缺乏依据。8C。 答案见第三段。原文讲,虽然农民们为现代化的农业机械花费了不少资金,但还是乐意这样做,因为这减轻了他们的劳动强度。9.A。 本文主要是讲美国现代化农场的一些情况。B 项只是其中的一个方面,C、D 项如此又太笼统。10.B。 设题区在第一段的前半局部。社会分工的原因不是因为人不可能成为全才,而是因为社会对人材有不同的需求,社会限制了人的全面开展。11.D。 答案见第2 段第1、2 句。12.A。 Provided (that) 引导条件状语从句,意为“假设.,只要.。13.B。 设题区在第2 段中部。由However 一词引起的句子明确作者不认为西方社会有所谓的“机会均等。14.C。 从作者写本文的意图来看,是想说明这样一个道理:是社会选择符合条件的个人,而不是个人选择自己的工作。由此可以推论,个人必须要能够满足社会的需求。


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