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1、Text A / prehensionKey: 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. DB. plete the following sentences orally with your partner.1. How does a spaceman see the earth?He sees the earths round shape and the outline of land and oceans .2. What is the shape of the earth and what is it covered with?The shape of the earth is ro

2、und and it is covered with water, rock and soil .3. Where do animals and plants live?They live almost everywhere on the surface of the earth .4. How long are a day and a year?One day is the time it takes the earth to spin around once , and one year is the time it takes the earth to travel once aroun

3、d the sun .5. When was Earth Day named?It was named in 1970 .C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.S: Hi, everybody. Im Susan Young. Tomorrow is Earth Day. We wonder how many people know about the day and how much they know about the planet we live on. Now I

4、 will interview some people in the street. (to Jerry) Hi, there. Im Susan Young from Man and Nature. Can you give me a moment?J: All right.S: I have some questions to ask you.J: Go ahead.S: First, can you tell us who you are?J: I am a student from XXXXXX .S: Good. Have you ever heard of Earth Day?J:

5、 Yes, of course.S: Then do you know when the day is celebrated every year?J: Oh, on the day spring begins. Am I correct?S: Quite right. It is on April 22. So tomorrow is Earth Day.J: Oh, I almost forgot!S: The next question may be a little difficult. Do you know when it was first named? And who prop

6、osed the idea?J: Perhaps in 1970 ? Im not sure. Ive read it somewhere. But I cant remember it clearly now. Sorry, I cant answer the other question.S: You are right about the year when it was named. As for the other question, OK, let me tell you: Gaylord Nelson, an American, proposed the naming of su

7、ch a day and his suggestion was later accepted by the United Nations. My next question is: why can animals and plants live on the earth?J: They can live on it first because it is just the right distance from the sun . Living things need the suns warmth and light for life. They also must have enough

8、water to live. The earth has plenty of water that covers most of its surface .S: The last question: what lies at the center of the earth?J: A ball of hard metal lies at the center of the earth.S: Very good. I think you know a lot about our mother earth. Thank you for your time.J: You are wele. Im gl

9、ad to have taken part in your program. And I like your program very much .S: Thank you again! Goodbye!J: Bye!Vocabulary Building / ExercisesA. Match each word with its proper Chinese meaning.B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.form include at the center of call

10、(ones) attention toprotect as far as surface measure1. Ill help you as far as I can.2. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.3. These greenbelts protected / protect / have protected 500,000 acres of farmland against moving sands.4. The TV program is shown to call peoples atte

11、ntion to water pollution in China.5. A soft wind caused ripples on the surface of the lake.6. The children formed / have formed a circle around her.7. My mother measured / has measured / is measuring me for a new dress.8. The park lies at the center of the city.Grammar Tips / ExercisesA. Fill in eac

12、h blank with a proper preposition.1. He asked me whether the movie was based on a real story.2. The Beckhams traveled around China in 2011.3. You can look up the word in the dictionary.4. Where are good potatoes grown? Good potatoes are grown in North China.5. Whats this bottle made of ? Its made of

13、 china.6. We are busy preparing for the exam.7. A new bridge is built over the river.8. He came into the classroom with a book in his hand.9. There is a lamp between the bed and the desk.10. Autumn is the best season of the year in Beijing.B. plete each sentence with one of the prepositions given in

14、 brackets.1. The two countries are at war. (at / about / with)2. The rain was beating against the windows. (in / against / at)3. The train is ten minutes behind time. (behind / after / before)4. There are many other people besides Tom at the party. (but / beside /besides)5. Who is he after ? (after

15、/ before / in)6. The policeman caught the thief by the arm. (at / by / with)7. The ball fell to the ground. (to / in / over)8. I am here only on business and Ill leave soon. (under / on / with)9. There is a map of China on the wall. (for / like / of)10. Ten years passed and his son has grown into a

16、young man. (like / into / to)C. Fill in each blank according to the Chinese given in brackets.1. She left the managers office with tears (哭着).2. The boat sails on / down / along the river (河上).3. The manger will e back in a week (一周内).4. Christmas is celebrated in all (of) the Western countries (所有西

17、方国家).5. We held an interesting party in the open air (在户外).Text B / prehensionA. Answer the questions according to the text.1. What is Earth Day about?Key: It is about learning about and protecting the biodiversity on earth.2. Who is the founder of Earth Day?Key: The founder is Gaylord Nelson of the

18、 United States.3. How do people traditionally celebrate Earth Day?Key: They traditionally celebrate the day with the ringing of bells, often bells of peace.4. What did Australians do on Earth Day to draw attention to air pollution?Key: They organized a large “carless day.5. What have been the themes

19、 of Chinas Earth Day?Key: Protection of geographic relics and scientific development and sustainable use of naturalresources in China and all over the world.B. Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.1. When Earth Day was f

20、ounded, it was only celebrated in the US.2. In 1972 Earth Day was made an international celebration by the UN.3. Earth Day reminds people of their responsibility for the mon planet they share.4. The ringing of peace bells on Earth Day is practiced only in the West.5. In Kenya children plant trees on

21、 every Earth Day.Key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. Fprehensive ExercisesA. Choose the best answer.(C)1. _ the help of the guide dog, the old man _ his son a visit.A. Under; spent B. With; tookC. With; paid D. Under; showed(A)2. Because _ bad weather we had to have our physical education class in the class

22、room.A. of B. it wasC. of the D. the(C)3. I often dream _ my old friends.A. to see B. seeingC. of seeing D. at seeing(C)4. _ the end they succeeded in finishing the task _ the end of June.A. At; at B. In; inC. In; at D. At; in(C)5. Can you translate the passage _ English?A. with B. fromC. into D. by

23、(D)6. We couldnt help _ when we heard the heros story.A. moving B. to moveC. to be moved D. being moved(A)7. Please pay twenty dollars for these, the dictionary _.A. included B. were includedC. include D. including(A)8. When he became a famous poet he was _ his early thirties.A. in B. atC. after D.

24、from(D)9. You _ not smoke here. This is a public place.A. could better B. would betterC. should better D. had better(D)10. The teacher shared the tasks _ all the children in her class.A. to B. withC. by D. amongB. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.right March long people spring thanWhat

25、and When Is Earth Day?When I proposed to name Earth Day, a global occasion to celebrate the wonder of life on our planet, I thought long and hard about what day to choose. It must be meaningful and must be accepted by people . When I came across the Vernal Equinox (春分), I immediately knew it was rig

26、ht . What could be better than the first day of spring when hearts and minds can join together with thoughts of peace and the awakening of the earth. So the first Earth Day was celebrated in San Francisco, on March 21, 1970. The United Nations later accepted the day as a yearly event for people all

27、over the world. Each year the United Nations Peace Bell rings at the moment spring begins.C. Translate the following sentences into English, using the given words or phrases.1. 就我们所知,地球是人类可以居住的唯一星球。(as far as) As far as we know, the earth is the only planet where people can live.2. 田野被一层薄薄的雪覆盖着。(be

28、covered with) The field was covered with a thin layer of snow.3. 大城市汽车很多,严重污染了空气。(pollute) There are a lot of cars in big cities. They seriously pollute the air.4. 我们应当勇敢地承当起对地球的责任。(responsibility) We should bravely take our responsibility for the earth.5. 地球日让人们更关注环境问题。(draw attention to) Earth Day

29、 draws more attention to environmental problems.D. Translate the following passage from Text A into Chinese.The earth means many things to the people who live on it. To a farmer, the earth is rich soil. To a road builder, the earth means mountains of hard rock. For a sailor, the earth is water as fa

30、r as the eye can see. A pilots view of the earth may include part of an ocean, a mountain, and patches of farmland. An astronaut speeding through space sees the earths round shape and the outline of lands and oceans. Each of these different views helps describe the earth but none really tells what t

31、he earth is.地球对于地球上的居民来说,意味着许多事物。对于农民来说,地球是肥沃的土壤;对于修路工人来说,地球是由坚硬石块构成的山峰;对于水手来说,地球是一望无际的水域;在飞行员眼中,地球可能会包括局部海洋、山峰和成片农田;在太空高速行进的宇航员看到的地球是圆形的球体,还有海洋和陆地的轮廓。他们关于地球的不同看法都有助于对地球进展描述,但都没有真正揭示地球终究是什么。Practical Reading and WritingA. Translate the following slogans into Chinese.1. Engineered to move the human s

32、pirit. (Mercedes-Benz)人类精神的动力。2. To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. (Hennessy VSOP)对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来却是绚烂缤纷。3. You cant beat the feeling. (Coca-Cola)挡不住的感觉。4. Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (Radar)蚊子杀杀杀。5. M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. (M&Ms)M&Ms只溶于口,不溶于手。6. Connect

33、ing People. (Nokia)科技以人为本。7. A diamond lasts forever. (De Beers)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。8. Start Ahead. (Rejoice)一切从头开始。B. Write two slogans for environment protection.Reference answers:1. Save water, it will save you later!2. Less pollution is the best solution.3. Modern technology owes ecology an apology.4. Lets go green to get our globe clean.5. Its the only earth we got.


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